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人教版2019-2020学年四年级上学期英语期中考试试卷D卷小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 选择题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)There _ computer rooms in my school ten years ago.A . was noB . was notC . were no2. (2分)Do you see book on table? A . the; aB . a; anC . an; theD . a; the3. (2分) short A . 长的B . 短的C . 厚的4. (2分)Sam is my friend. _ is my friend. A . HeB . SheC . I5. (2分)当你要给对方介绍你的姐姐的时候, 你会说: A . This is my sister.B . I like my sister.C . This is my friend.6. (2分)I ate delicious food yesterday.A . lots ofB . lot ofC . lot7. (2分)Alice and Peter English lesson A . both likeB . like bothC . both likes8. (2分)How old are you ? A . Hes four .B . Im nine .C . Shes five .9. (2分)My _ Lily. A . namesB . nameC . names10. (2分) Ten yuan.A . How much is it?B . Where?C . How?二、 填空题 (共1题;共1分)11. (1分)My pen is red. The green one is_(her/hers). 三、 判断题 (共1题;共6分)12. (6分)判断下列划线部分发音是否相同,用T或F 表示(_)1. pig pen(_)2. shop horse(_)3. when where(_)4. same Sam(_)5. March glass(_)6. sing thin四、 阅读理解 (共2题;共15分)13. (10分)阅读理解Helen Keller lived in the USA. When she was a baby, she got very sick. After she was better, she couldnt and hear well. A few years later, things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didnt understand anything.One day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was such a bright girl that she could spell her first word soon. When she was older, she went to college.Helen became very famous later. She traveled around the world and helped many blind and deaf people. The world remembers her today as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear.(1)Helen Keller got very sick when _. A . she was a babyB . she went to collegeC . she was taught by a teacherD . she was very old(2)_ taught Helen Keller her first word. A . Helen herselfB . Helens a teacherC . Helens doctorD . Helens parents(3)Helen Keller was famous because _. A . She traveled around the worldB . She was an AmericanC . Her teacher taught her many thingsD . She helped many disabled people in the world(4)People admires Helen Keller because _. A . she was very talentedB . she was blind and deafC . she was brave and wonderfulD . she went to college(5)Helen Keller was blind and deaf, but _. A . she found a way to understand the worldB . she found a way to travel around the worldC . she met a good teacherD . she was proud of her parents14. (5分)阅读并选择合适的单词填空。Hello, boys and girls! My names Liu Juan. Im a girl. Im ten. Look! I have two small eyes, a small nose and a big red mouth. My hair is brown and long.I like animals. They are very lovely. My favourite animal is dog. I like red best. And red apples are my favourite fruit. I have many friends. I like playing games with them. This is me! Do you like me? Can I be your friend?dog lovely with small friend(1)I have two _ eyes. (2)I like playing games _ my friends. (3)My favourite animal is _. (4)I like animals. They are very _. (5)Can I be your _? 五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)根据图片选词(组)填空。go shopping water flowers cook watch TV help his father(1)My sister likes to _. (2)We all like to _.(3)Lily likes to _.(4)Tom likes to _.(5)Women like to _.六、 句型转换 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)I am going to the hospital at 3 oclock. (对画线部分提问)七、 情景交际 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)补全对话。A:Look! I have a new doll and some toy pandas.B:Oh, they are very lovely. _A:I have sixteen.B:Do you have any toy pandas, C?C: _B:What do you have?C:I have some toy lions. What about you, B?B:I have many stickers, theyre in my bag.A:Great! I like stickers. _B:Sure. _A:Thanks.B: _A. Youre welcome.B. How many pandas do you have?C. Can I have one?D. No, I dont like pandas.E. Here you are.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)完成Jill给Amy的回信From: JillTo: AmySubject: Chinese New YearHi Amy,Im fine.Today is January the nineteenth. Its Chinese New Year.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 选择题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 填空题 (共1题;共1分)11-1、三、 判断题 (共1题;共6分)12-1、四、 阅读理解 (共2题;共15分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、六、 句型转换 (共1题;共5分)16-1、七、 情景交际 (共1题;共5分)17-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18-1、


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