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中考题型集训(二)阅读理解题组训练1_人物故事图表广告慈善组织A 原创Every day, Vicky travelled by bus between her office and home. She noticed something special about the bus driver. Whenever the passengers(乘客) got on the bus, he would smile at them.However, Vicky also noticed a passenger who never smiled back at the driver. It seemed that he never had any clean clothes. He often made big noises when he coughed. Every time he got on the bus, he made the other passengers give up the seat to him in a loud voice. But the driver still smiled at the passenger. Instead, the “noisy” man seemed to never see the smile.This got Vicky more interested. Once, she asked the driver, “Sir, may I ask a question? Why dont you throw that noisy man out of the bus?”The driver looked at Vicky and said, “Hes my guest.”“Then take back your smile at least. Dont be so nice to him!”“Let me tell you about my dog,” the driver said patiently. “Each time the moon shines, my dog barks(狗叫) at it crazily.”Hearing this, Vicky was confused and said, “Sorry, but Im not sure what youre trying to tell me.”The driver said,“It keeps barking, but the moon still shines.”()1.What probably does Vicky do?AA bus driver. BA traveller.CAn office lady. DA student.()2.Vicky thinks the bus driver is special because the bus driver _Adrives too fast Bwears clean clothesCworks hard every day Dsmiles at every passenger()3.The “noisy” man would _ when the bus driver smiled at him.Agreet the driver loudly Bsmile back at the driverCpay no attention to the smile Dcough and make big noises()4.To deal with the “noisy” man, Vicky advises the bus driver not to _Aoffer him a seat Bbe kind to himCtake back the smile Dthrow him out of the bus()5.The story mainly wants to tell us that we should _Asmile every day Bbe impolite to othersCbe strict with ourselves Dalways show our kindness to othersB 淮安Do you want to have a nice trip in your spare time? May Yunnan is a good choice for you. There you can enjoy different places of interest.TimeActivitiesDay 1Arrive in Shangrila. You will meet your local guide at the airport or the bus station and he or she will take you to the hotel. Visit Napa Lake in your free time in the afternoon.Day 2Drive to Lijiang for 2 hours and visit Tiger Leaping Gorge on the way. After you reach Lijiang, you can visit Black Dragon Pond and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. You can take the cable car(缆车) to Baisha village in Lijiang.Day 3Take a bus to Dali(about 3.5 hours). You can go boating on Erhai Lake. Visit Bai village, Xizhou and Zhoucheng. Do some shopping in the old Dali town.Day 4Fly to Kunming in the morning, which is the capital of Yunnan. Then take a tour to the Stone Forest. In the afternoon, end your trip and leave Kunming by air.Contact Information:Phone: 051783987236Company: Sunshine Travel Agency(旅行社)Address: 209 Hunan Road, Huaian, Jiangsu()1.The information above may be from _Aa story Ba news reportCa play Dan advertisement()2.Who will take you to the hotel when you arrive in Shangrila?AYour local guide. BYour driver.CYour parents. DYour friends.()3.You cant visit _ in Lijiang on the second day.ABlack Dragon Pond BTiger Leaping GorgeCJade Dragon Snow Mountain DBaisha village()4.When can you visit the old Dali town?AOn the first day. BOn the second day.COn the third day. DOn the fourth day.()5.How can you go to Kunming on the fourth day?ABy bus. BBy plane.CBy train. DBy car.C 原创It is difficult to set up a successful charity group. But two American kids have done it.Grace Callwood, 12, is from Edgewood Middle School in Maryland. She set up a charity group called the We Cancerve Movement. It donates(捐赠) clothes, food and other things to homeless children. In four years, it has helped more than 3,700 kids.When Grace Callwood was 7 years old, she got a kind of cancer. She had to leave school and give up her favourite hobbydancing. She also gained weight because of cancer(癌症) treatment. She couldnt fit into her new backtoschool clothes. So she donated the clothes to two girls in need. It made her feel good, so she kept doing it. In xx, she started the We Cancerve Movement.Similarly, Shreya Papneja, from Carson Middle School in Virginia, started a charity group called Childrens Health Awareness Programme in Schools at the age of 13.It helps kids make healthy choices and tries to stop childhood obesity. A doctor once told Shreya Papneja that more than onethird of the kids in America are overweight. She did a lot of research about it. Then she made a website to teach others about exercise and healthy eating.“I know how hard it is to make a change,” she said. But she has changed her own eating habits. She eats more apple slices instead of chips now.()1.What has Grace Callwood done to help other kids?AShe donated money to them.BShe donated food, clothes and other things to them.CShe taught them how to lose weight.DShe called on them to fight against cancer.()2.Grace Callwood gained weight because _Ashe didnt like doing exerciseBshe ate a lot of junk foodCshe received cancer treatmentDshe ate too much for every meal()3.The underlined word “obesity” means “_” in the passage.Aperformance BcompetitionCloneliness Doverweight()4.Which of the following is NOT true about Shreya Papneja?AShe did much research about obesity.BShe made a website to tell people how to lose weight.CShe set up the charity group at the age of 7.DShe used to like eating chips.()5.The purpose of this passage is to _Atell people how to keep healthyBcall on people to help homeless kidsCshare two examples of successful charity groupsDexplain why it is difficult to set up a charity group_题组训练2_诚实的孩子现代发明科学发现A 淮安Once there was a famine(饥荒) in the town. A rich and kind baker(面包师) sent some bread to twenty of the poorest children. He said to them, “In this basket, there is some bread for you. Each of you can have one loaf(一条面包) every day until the hard days end.”The impatient children couldnt wait to gather around the basket. They shouted and fought for the bread because each wished to have the largest loaf. At last they went away without even thanking the good gentleman. But Shirley, a poorlydressed little girl, did not join them. Instead, she remained standing modestly in the distance. When the other children left, she took the smallest loaf left in the basket, kissed the gentlemans hand and went home.The next day the children were as rude as before. Poor shy Shirley still took the smallest loaf. When she got home, her mother cut the bread open. Many new shining pieces of silver fell out of it. Her mother was very surprised and said,“Take the money back to the good gentleman at once, for it must have got into the loaf by accident. Be quick, Shirley! Be quick!”But when the little girl gave the rich man her mothers message, he said,“No, no, my child. It was no mistake. I put silver into the smallest loaf to reward you because you are a kind and honest girl. Go home, and the money is yours now.”()1.From the story, we know the twenty children lived a _ life.Ahappy BpoorCrich Dcomfortable()2.The rich baker gave _ to the children.Asome bananas Bsome booksCsome clothes Dsome bread()3.When the other children shouted and fought for the bread, Shirley _Astood modestly in the distanceBshouted at themCjoined themDlaughed at them()4.Shirleys mother let her _ when she saw the money.Abuy some foodBhide it quicklyCgive it back to the rich manDtell her father the news()5.The story tells us that _Aits not important to say thanks to othersBfighting with others can help us get moreCShirleys mother didnt like herDa kind and honest person will berewardedB xx原创Some Cool InventionsSelfie Stick(自拍杆)How to take a perfect selfie? Luckily, a selfie stick is helpful! When using a selfie stick, you position your phone on one end and your hands hold the other end. Then, you connect the stick with your phone through Bluetooth. Press the button on the stick and say cheese. Your selfie is made!Apple WatchApple Watch is a computer and phone on your wrist. Besides telling the time, the watch can send messages and make phone calls. To make your life easy, the watch can also show you a map on the screen. If you want to find the nearest cafe, you just need to speak to your watch. Then, it will show you the direction. Apple Watch also comes with many health and fitness features. The watch is not just smart. It is also a fashionable piece, with six different styles and colours.3D PrintersIs there a machine that can build almost anything? Thanks to 3D printers, they have been used to make many different things. People have made candies and cars. Doctors have even used a 3D printer for human organs. What else will the 3D printer bring us?Wireless ElectricityWe can turn on lights and televisions because electricity travels through wires. But Witricity, a USAbased company is working on this technologywireless electricity. The technology tries to create a magnetic(有磁性的) field in your room. This way, smart phones will charge in your pocket as you wander around and lights will glow with no wires attached.()1.How can we get a better angle while taking selfies?ABy using a selfie stick.BBy using Bluetooth.CBy saying cheese.DBy using a better phone.()2.What can an Apple Watch do?AIt can tell the time and create a magnetic field.BIt can send messages and cure illnesses.CIt has different styles and colours.DIt can tell the time and show you the way.()3.Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?AApple Watch can show maps on the screen.BA USAbased company is working on wireless electricity.C3D printers can build almost everything.DWireless electricity has already been widely used.()4.How can wireless electricity work?ABy travelling through wires.BBy creating a magnetic field in the room.CBy using smartphones.DBy wandering around in the room.()5.Where can you find the passage?AFrom a storybook.BFrom a magazine on science and technology.CFrom a tour guide.DFrom textbooks.CWe usually see ancient plants or insects in amber(琥珀). But recently, a group of researchers found something unusual in ambera feathered tail!The tail includes bones, soft tissue and even feathers. It is 37 mm long, which is about the length of a matchstick. It looks like a plant at first sight. But researchers later identified(确定) it as part of the tail of a dinosaur that couldnt fly almost 100 million years ago.Xing Lida of Beijings China University of Geosciences discovered the amber in a market in Myanmar in xx.“It is an amazing fossil(化石) and the finest details of feathers can be seen in 3D,” he said.The researchers note in their paper that this finding is particularly special because, although dinosaur feathers have been found in amber before, we dont know which dinosaurs they came from. But this time researchers know more.The tail is likely to belong to a tiny dinosaur called coelurosaur. Famous coelurosaurs include the Trex(霸王龙) and Velociraptor(迅猛龙)the latter of which would finally evolve_into birds.So with the “once in a lifetime” finding, can we hope for the possibility of a real Jurassic Park (侏罗纪公园)? In the movie series, scientists bring dinosaurs back to life by getting their DNA from blood found in amber.But Canadian scientist Ryan Mckellar said that although soft tissue and blood of the tail were found in the amber, no genetic material was kept. “The Jurassic Park answer is still a nothis is in the science fiction,” he said.()1.What did a group of researchers find in amber recently?AAncient plants. BA tail of some ancient birds that couldnt fly.CAncient insects.DA tail with feathers that belongs to a dinosaur.()2.What do you know about the amber?a. It is about 100 million years old.b. It was discovered in Myanmar.c. It was discovered this year.d. It is a valuable fossil.Aab Bbc Cac Dbd()3.What does the underlined phrase “evolve into” in Paragraph 5 mean?Acome into Bbreak intoCgrow into Dget into()4.Why is the finding particularly special?ABecause it is the first time that dinosaur feathers have been found in amber.BBecause researchers know which dinosaur the tail might belong to.CBecause researchers learned that Velociraptors evolved into birds.DBecause researchers learned that there were two types of coelurosaurs.()5.The movie Jurassic Park is mentioned to _Atalk about the use of DNA in this areaBcall on people to watch itCcompare different dinosaursDtalk about science fiction_题组训练3_母亲节故事世界名牌大学科技创新A原创It was the morning of Mothers Day when I was in Grade Seven. When my father phoned his parents and wished his mother a happy Mothers Day, I hugged my mother. My mother smiled and replied to me “thanks”. But both my father and I knew she was a little unhappy because my mothers mother left us about seven years ago.At about 10:30 that day, my father said, “Lets go outside of the city. There is a small hill. We can breathe the fresh air and pick some flowers on the hill.” So we went, driving down the country roads.At a quarter past twelve, we had our lunch in a small restaurant at the foot of the hill. Then we climbed the hill. We saw a lot of flowers there. The flowers were beautiful though we didnt even know their names. My mother ran quickly to enjoy the flowers. Carefully, she picked a few here and a few there. On our way home there was a big smile on her face.When we were passing a nursing home, my mother saw an old granny sitting in a chair. She had no children with her. My father stopped the car and my mother walked to the old woman. She put the flowers in the grannys hands, and smiled at her. The old granny thanked her again and again.With a happy smile, my mother came back to us. I asked her, “Who is that old granny? You havent told me anything about her before.”“I dont know her,” my mother said. “Its Mothers Day. Those flowers mean a lot to her.”()1.My mother was a little unhappy on Mothers Day because _Amy father phoned his parentsBher mother has diedCher mother was in a nursing homeDI didnt wish her a happy Mothers Day()2.The family _ to the small hill outside of the city.Awalked Btook a busCdrove a car Drode bikes()3.My mother picked many beautiful flowers _Ain a restaurant Bon a small hillCin their garden Din a nursing home()4.My mother gave the flowers to the old granny to _Alook after the old womanBmake the old woman happyCsay thanks to the old womanDtell her that she could be her child()5.From this passage, we know that the young mother was very _Ahappy BlonelyChelpful DkindheartedB xx十堰I go to school the youth to learn the future.Robert FrostHarvard UniversityType (类型): privateCreated Time: 1636Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts, USAHarvard Universitys history, influence and wealth have made it one of the most famous universities in the world. University of OxfordType: public (公立的)Created Time: Not quite clearLocation: Oxford, BritainThe University of Oxford is the second oldest university in the world and the oldest in the Englishspeaking world. University of CambridgeType: publicCreated Time: 1209Location: Cambridge, BritainThe University of Cambridge is the second oldest university in the Englishspeaking world and the sixth oldest in Europe.Tsinghua UniversityType: publicCreated Time: 1211Location: Haidian District, Beijing, ChinaTsinghua University was originally (起初) under the name “Tsinghua Xuetang”. The school was renamed “Tsinghua School” in 1912.The university section was founded (建立) in 1925.()1.What is Harvard University famous for?APeople and wealth. BSubjects and country.CProfessors(教授) and students. DHistory, influence and wealth.()2.Which one is private of the four universities?AHarvard University. BUniversity of Oxford.CUniversity of Cambridge. DTsinghua University.()3.Which of the two universities are located in Britain?AHarvard University and University of Oxford.BUniversity of Oxford and University of Cambridge.CUniversity of Cambridge and Tsinghua University.DTsinghua University and Harvard University.()4.When was the university section founded in Tsinghua University?AIn 1211. BIn 1912.CIn 1925. DNot quite clear.()5.Which statement isnt true according to the passage above?AHarvard University was set up in 1636.BThe University of Oxford is the oldest university in the world.CThe University of Cambridge is the sixth oldest university in Europe.DTsinghua University is located in Beijing now.C 德州Mr Guo is a teacher from Xian. He asked his students to hand in their homework through a QR code (二维码). “We spent an hour or two in class learning how to generate(使产生) the codes,and in the end everything gets easier,” said Guo. “When students finish the homework, they keep it on WeChat (微信). Then, each student makes his own QR code and gives it to me. So I can check their work everywhere using my computer or telephone.”The QR codes can be sent to Mr Guo by email, QQ and WeChat. When Guo scans(扫描) his students QR codes,their homework appears on his phone. He finds that their homework becomes more creative(创新的), with many pictures, music and even videos.Guos students like the new way and think it is interesting. “We are living in the information age. Many students like to work with computers, which makes learning more fun,” said Tingting, a student of Guos.“The paper is not easy to keep, but the code is easy to keep and share,” Guo said. “It is worth trying to use new technology in education. Education itself is a kind of creation. I dont want my students to fall behind the times.”However, some parents are worried. They are afraid that their children will spend too much time on computers and less time communicating with teachers. But in fact, its unnecessary. Students still need to look up information in books and write it down when they do their homework. They only use the code when they hand in their work, which doesnt take them too much time. Also for teachers, it allows them to check the students work at any time. And its also an easy way to share homework with other students.()1.According to the passage, students can keep their homework on _AWeChat BQQCemail Dblog(博客)()2.Guos students think the new way is _Astrange BboringCinteresting Dunnecessary()3.What does “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to (指代)?AThe paper is not easy to keep.BKeeping and sharing the code easily.CTrying to use new technology in education.DEducation itself is a kind of creation.()4.Some parents are worried, because they think their children will _Atalk with teachers face to faceBspend too much time on computers or phonesCnot like the new way of handing in homeworkDfind the QR codes too difficult to use()5.Whats the main idea of the passage?ATeachers neednt check homework any more.BStudents neednt hand in homework any more.CUsing QR codes makes checking homework easier.DSome parents are worried about their ch


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