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2019年四年级英语下册Module6Unit1练习题外研版一、用书写体形式正确抄写下列单词和词组。(10分)friendly how manypolicewoman each otherhousewife taxi driverhappy your handgrandma there are二、按要求完成下列各题。(10分)例如:he is 的缩写形式 hes1.I am的缩写形式_ 2.yes的反义词_3.she is的缩写形式_4.mother的同义词_5.What is的缩写形式_6.boy 的对应词_7.that is的缩写形式_8.book 的复数形式_9.they are的缩写形式_10.people的复数形式_三、根据英语,选择正确的中文意思。(20分)( )1.his dad A.他的爸爸 B.她的爸爸( )2.your uncle A.你的叔叔 B.我的叔叔( )3.on the beach A.在树上 B.在海滩上( )4.an engineer A.一位警察 B.一位工程师( )5.a barber A.一位理发师 B.一位护士( )6.in the cinema A.在电影院 B.在操场上( )7.my name A.我的名字 B.我的书桌( )8.a taxi driver A.一位公交车司机 B.一位出租车司机( )9.ten people A.三口人 B.十口人( )10.happy family A.友好的家庭 B.幸福的家庭四、连词成句。(注意字母大小写及标点符号的使用10分)1.is she cook a2.them I love3.is name my Alice 4.are they who5.is my this aunt五、问答句连线。(10分)1.What is your father? A.Good morning!2.How do you do? B.Im a pupil.3.Good morning! C.Nice to meet you too.4.What are you? D.He is a doctor.5.Nice to meet you! E.How do you do?六、选择填空。(20分)( )1.Cousin的含义是_A.堂兄弟B.堂姐妹 C.堂兄弟.堂姐妹( )2.I e to school _foot.A.on B.in C.by( )3.Look _the photo of my family!A.in B.at C.on( )4.e to see my_ family.A.uncleB.aunt C.uncles( )5.How many people_ in your family?A.is there B.are there C.there are( )6.He is _ girl.A.an B.a C.不填( )7.This is my aunt. _ name is Ann.A.MyB.HisC.Her( )8.There _three people in Toms family.A.are B.is C.am( )9.I _a doctor.A.are B.amC.is( )10.This is a picture _my family.A.at B.on C.of七、根据中.英文,选择正确的翻译。(20分)( )1.他很友好。A.He is lovely. B.He is friendly.( )2.How many teachers are there in your school?A.你们学校有多少学生?B.你们学校有多少老师了? ( )3.你手里是什么?A.Whats in your hand? B.Whats in your head?( )4.How old is she?A.她几岁了? B.她好吗? ( )5.这是谁?A.Whos that? B.Whos this?( )6.We love each other.A.我们相互很讨厌。 B.我们相互很关爱。( )7.我爷爷很和蔼。A.My grandpa is kind. B.My grandma is kind.( )8.她是一位护士。A.She is a nurse. B.He is a nurse.( )9.那是你姐姐吗?A.Is the girl your brother? B.Is the girl your sister?( )10.我非常喜欢英语。A.I like Chinese very much. B.I like English very much【试题答案】一、用书写体形式正确抄写下列单词和词组。(10分)friendly how manypolicewoman each otherhousewife taxi driverhappy your handgrandma there are答案:略。二、按要求完成下列各题。(10分)例如:he is 的缩写形式 hes1.I am的缩写形式Im2.yes的反义词no3.she is的缩写形式shes4.mother的同义词mum5.What is的缩写形式whats6.boy 的对应词girl7.that is的缩写形式thats8.book 的复数形式books9.they are的缩写形式theyre10.people的复数形式people三、根据英语,选择正确的中文意思。(20分)( A )1.his dad A.他的爸爸 B.她的爸爸( A )2.your uncle A.你的叔叔 B.我的叔叔( B )3.on the beach A.在树上 B.在海滩上( B )4.an engineer A.一位警察 B.一位工程师( A )5.a barber A.一位理发师 B.一位护士( A )6.in the cinema A.在电影院 B.在操场上( A )7.my name A.我的名字 B.我的书桌( B )8.a taxi driver A.一位公交车司机 B.一位出租车司机( B )9.ten people A.三口人 B.十口人( B )10.happy family A.友好的家庭 B.幸福的家庭四、连词成句。(注意字母大小写及标点符号的使用10分)1.is she cook a She is a cook.2.them I love I love them.3.is name my Alice My name is Alice.4.are they who Who are they?5.is my this aunt This is my aunt.五、问答句连线。(10分)六、选择填空。(20分)( C )1.Cousin的含义是_A.堂兄弟B.堂姐妹 C.堂兄弟.堂姐妹( A )2.I e to school _foot.A.on B.in C.by( B )3.Look _the photo of my family!A.in B.at C.on( C )4.e to see my_ family.A.uncleB.aunt C.uncles( B )5.How many people_ in your family?A.is there B.are there C.there are( B )6.He is _ girl.A.an B.a C.不填( C )7.This is my aunt. _ name is Ann.A.MyB.HisC.Her( A )8.There _three people in Toms family.A.are B.is C.am( B )9.I _a doctor.A.are B.amC.is( C )10.This is a picture _my family.A.at B.on C.of七、根据中.英文,选择正确的翻译。(20分)( B )1.他很友好。A.He is lovely. B.He is friendly.( B )2.How many teachers are there in your school?A.你们学校有多少学生? B.你们学校有多少老师了? ( A )3.你手里是什么?A.Whats in your hand? B.Whats in your head?( A )4.How old is she?A.她几岁了? B.她好吗? ( B )5.这是谁?A.Whos that? B.Whos this?( B )6.We love each other.A.我们相互很讨厌。 B.我们相互很关爱。( A )7.我爷爷很和蔼。A.My grandpa is kind. B.My grandma is kind.( A )8.她是一位护士。A.She is a nurse. B.He is a nurse.( B )9.那是你姐姐吗?A.Is the girl your brother? B.Is the girl your sister?( B )10.我非常喜欢英语。A.I like Chinese very much. B.I like English very much附送:2019年四年级英语下册Module7Unit1IhelpedMum教案1外研版教学目标1、增进学生之间的交流培养学生在课堂上的默契,形成团结互助,共同进步,共同提高的课2、培养学生积极乐观的心态,以及对生活充满热情和期待的生活态度。教学重难点教学重点:学会并能运用句型:Did you yesterday? Yes ,I did./ No, I didnt.教学难点;1、熟练掌握下列动词的过去式:watch - watched listen -listened rain -rainedplay - played cook - cooked walk -walkedtalk - talked do -did2、 学会并能运用句型:Did you yesterday? Yes,I did./ No, I didnt3、 教学准备1、与教材内容相关的课件、声音、图片等多媒体素材。2999教学过程 Step1 Warming up Game :I do, you guess.(教师做动作,让学生猜) watch TV, listen to music, play on the puter, walk in the park,play football.Step2 Presentation 1. T: Its a fine day today.(教师边说边加上适当的手势以帮助学生理解句子的意思)。出示day的单词卡片,教学单词day。 2、出示幻灯片:T: Look, Today is Tuesday, June 18, xx and yesterday was Friday, June 17, xx.教学单词yesterday。3. 出示幻灯片:T: Look, Today I watch TV, but yesterday I watched TV. Today I cook fish, but yesterday I cooked fish .There are some differents in the sentences,Can you tell me?S1:动词后面加了edS1:当时间是yesterday时,动词后面加ed.T: As usual, when the time is yesterday, we add “-ed” to the verb.4. 出示幻灯片:say the chant:学习本课主要的动词及过去式。进行分组练习。5. 垒词游戏:出示幻灯片引导学生依次读出下列内容:cook- cooked- cooked noodles-I cooked noodles -Yesterday I cooked noodles.6. T: Yesterday I cooked noodles .Did you cook noodles yesterday? 教学Did you cook noodles /listen to music yesterday?Yes, I did./ No, I didnt7. T: Yesterday I cooked noodles. And Amy phoned grandma, Look!出示图片,教学单词phoned.8. T: They talked about something. Look, grandma cooked fish, And grandma and grandpa walked in the park.出示图片:看图说图片。Step3. Activities出示图片进行练习。全班,小组,同桌练习。Step4 TeachingT: Sam played on the puter, Tom helped Mum, Did Amy helped Mum?1、 Listen to the tape and answer the question: Did Amy helped Mum?2、 Read the text and choose true or fault. :(1) Grandma cooked fish.( )(2) Dad helped Mum. ( )3、Listen and mine.4、 Read the text again and try to act out the text in groups.Step5 Game智力大比拼:看谁能在规定的时间内说出更多的句子。Yesterday I played football, I listened to music,I.Step6 Education出示短片小猫爱妈妈对学生进行情感教育:The little cat helps her mother and she loves her mother very much, Do you love your mother? Yes ,we should love our mother. Lets say the sentence loudly: “Mum, I love you!Step7 Homework:1、熟读课文。2、用英语和你的朋友交流你昨天做了些什么。板书设计 I helped Mum.watch - watched Did you yesterday? listen -listenedYes,I did./ No, I didnt rain -rained play - playedcook - cookedwalk -walked talk - talked do -did


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