2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit2 Lesson7教案 人教新版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit2 Lesson7教案 人教新版1.To learn the phrases : get up, brush your teeth, wash your face, have your breakfast2.To learn the four skills words: egg, milk, Chinese, English3.To learn the sentences: Its time to/Its time for What do we have? We have .4.To learn the dialogues and faun story.5.To learn the chant.6. Make up the new dialogues.课题 Lesson 7需用时间1 class hour教学目的1. To learn the new words and phrases.2. To learn the new dialogue.3. Lets sing.教学重点The new phrases教学难点The new dialogue教学关键The new words教具准备Tape-recorder, cards教学过程:(导入新课、教学内容、教学方法、课后小结、练习安排等)Step 1 Revisiona) Show a picture of a classroom to the pupils. Ask the class : Whats in the classroom? Get the pupils to answer: There is There areb) Point to the clock on the wall. And then ask: Whats the time?Step 2 The new lesson1. The teacher ask a question: What do you usually do after you get up in the morning? When the pupils answer ,the teacher must say four phrases as soon as . They are: get up, brush your teeth, wash your face, have your breakfast. Get the pupils practice the phrases one by one.2. Look at the picture and talk about it with the sentences and phrase. Then act it out in class.Step 3 Practice1. Invite some pairs to act out the dialogue. Then listen to the tape and repeat after the tape-recorder.2. Listen to the song and learn after the second time.3. Sing together in class.4. Do the exercises.板书设计 Lesson Seven New words New dialogue 课后作业必作:Recite the dialogue and the new phrases.时间:15 minutes课后小记选作:Prepare the next lesson时间:10 minutes附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit2 lesson9(2)教案 冀教版一、教学目标:认知目标:1. 孩子争取复习(包括听、说、读、写、用)单词: sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy. 2. 孩子复习并练习说和写,并能认知月份单词:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.能力目标:孩子能进一步掌握和把所学的单词与日常用语融会贯通并能运用到实际生活中。二、教学重难点:1. 孩子争取复习(包括听、说、读、写、用)单词:sunny,cloud,rainy, snowy, windy.2. 孩子复习并练习说和写,并能认知月份单 词:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.3. 使学生能运用所学过的单词造句,进一步能表达自己的意愿。三、教学过程:.Class Opening.1. Greetings.2. Review: 用卡片与学生一起复习所学过的天气情况。T: Hows the weather?Ss: Its _. 3. Chant: 用动作与学生一起用歌谣的形式进一步复习。.Main Activities for Teaching and Learning.1. Months of the year.1.1 Demonstrate: 课件展示,与学生谈论天气,问学生:Hows the weather? What month is it? 出示一年的十二个月份单词,并教授。1.2 Drills:Whats this? 打乱卡片顺序,老师做口型,让学生快速说出是几月。1.3 More drills:Chinese and English. 与学生互说中月份中英文,然后请自告奋勇的学生上台做小老师。1.4 Play a game: Guessing game. 老师说出该月份的天气情况,让学生根据天气来猜一猜是哪一个月份。1.5 Play a game:Point to game. 分男孩、女孩两组,请自告奋勇学生到黑板前玩这个游戏。1.6 Make a dialogue: 老师示范对话,让学生小组内练习。1.7 Present: 让自告奋勇的学生上台展示。1.8 Students Books: 让学生打开书本,听录音跟读。1.9 Do the excises: 让学生做活动手册练习1。2. Whats the date?2.1 Induction: 课件演示Whats the date?2.2 Demonstrate: 向学生介绍日期表达方式,并说明下一节课将学习相关内容。Whats the date?Its month (月份)+ numbers(序数词).Class Closing.板书设计: Lesson 9: Months of the Year Whats the date?Its _.


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