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2019-2020年牛津英语五年级下册5B5BUnit8Attheweekends优质课说课稿各位评委、老师:大家好!今天我说课的内容是牛津小学英语5B Unit 8 At the weekends的第二课时,下面我将从教材分析、教学目标、教学重点难点、教法学法、教学过程等六个方面来说说我对本课的理解和设计。诚请各位评委予以批评指正。一、 说教材在课改的背景下,牛津小学英语这套教材与以往的教材相比,避免了传统课程的缺点,强调了学生的兴趣、经验等,能结合实际,教学内容贴近生活。教学内容注重“早渗透,重积累” 。插图生动活泼,富有情趣。本单元教学内容涉及了5A Unit 7和5B Unit 3、Unit 4中的许多动词词组,甚至连C、D部分的句型也和5B Unit 4 D部分的句型意思相近,只是表达的方式不同。但在以后的教材中,却不再复现。所以,本单元的教学内容一定要让学生牢固掌握。本单元B部分是六个昆虫类单词,与C、D部分的功能句型没有太多的联系点,而与教材的E部分却密切相关。针对这一情况,我打破常规编排,把B、E、F作为第一课时;C、D作为第二课时,A部分在第三课时进行教学。今天我说课的内容是本单元的第二课时。这是一节句型课,围绕交流“周末活动”展开,是这个单元的教学重点,要求学生能听懂、会说、会读、会写。为了防止操练时枯燥乏味,句型必须放在情景中操练。还要注意训练的广度和密度,要让学生有尽可能多的操练运用的机会。二、 说教学目标基于对课程标准和教材内容的分析,并结合学生的认知规律,我确定了如下教学目标:1、 认知目标A、 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词weekend、often、spendB、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型How do you spend your weekends?及其回答I often . How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?及其回答He/ She often . Sometimes he/ she .2、 技能目标在认知目标的基础上,学生能熟练运用所学的句型和动词词组进行相互交流、相互了解各自的周末活动内容,最终提高他们综合运用语言的能力。3、 情感目标A、 通过看、听、说、练、唱等活动,让学生感受到英语与日常生活的紧密联系,使学生觉得自己能够用英语进行真实的生活对话,从而获得英语学习的成就感、自豪感,从根本上培养和保持学生学习英语的兴趣。心理学认为:成功是人的深层心理需要。B、 在学习过程中,通过同桌练习,小组操练等形式,促进同学间的友谊,培养学生团结合作的优秀品质。三、 说教学重点难点本节课的重点是运用所学的C、D部分句型How do you spend your weekends?及其回答I often . How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?及其回答He/ She often . Sometimes he/ she .进行相互交流,互相了解周末活动的内容,并能在此过程中熟练、灵活运用以往学过的相关动词词组。 本节课的难点是根据第三人称单数,灵活运用动词的第三人称单数形式,对他人周末活动的转述,而人称代词he, she与形容词性物主代词his, her的熟练运用是本堂课能否成功的关键。为突出How does shehe spend herhis weekends? SheHe often.这个教学重点,突破此教学难点,全面落实本课时的教学目标,教学过程要遵循循序渐进的原则。努力启发学生,变“教”为“导”,引导学生发现问题、回答问题。针对训练的重点句型,设计富有操练意义的两人合作的pair work和四人合作的小组活动,多层次、多梯度的操练,引导学生多多开口、 多多表达,加强学生对语言文字感受力的培养。四、 说教法和学法1、说教法 新课程强调课堂教学从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认识水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径达到发展学生对语言的综合运用能力。小学生好奇心强,形象思维占优势。根据五年级学生的心理特点,为了达到教学目标,落实教学重点、化解教学难点,我采用了以下教学方法: (1) 愉快教学法 为了能充分调动学生的积极性,为学生创设一个轻松的语言环境,我以歌曲Wish you happy every day导入课堂,让轻松愉快的音乐放松学生的心情投入运用英语思维的英语课堂。有人说,英语不是学会的,而是读会的,说会的。在处理本课的难点上,我在课上引用了“疯狂英语”的阅读方法,让学生大声地、由慢到快地、疯狂的地朗读本课的难点句型。让学生在愉快的朗读中攻下本课的难点。最后,以一首Hobbies改编的Weekends来结束课堂,将愉快进行到底!达到了“学中有乐,乐中有获”的双重效果。 (2) 情景教学法 直观形象,富有吸引力的材料容易激发学生的学习兴趣,开启思维的大门。周末活动内容丰富,多姿多彩,为了帮助学生尽可能多地回忆并运用学过的动词词组,我借助多媒体突破了时空的局限性,创设贴近真实的语言环境和用语情景,让学生在体验、实践、参与、合作和交流中快乐地学习,轻轻松松完成学习任务。并在情景中树立说英语的信心,从而提高课堂的教学效率。 (3) 任务型教学法 这是一堂学习语言、运用语言来完成某项任务的句型课,所以任务型教学法贯穿课堂始终。学生在听、说能力得到提高的基础上,能完成一份调查报告,并能根据调查结果,运用第三人称介绍其他同学的周末活动情况。最终达到在日常生活中运用所学语言进行交际的能力。2、说学法 古人云:授之以鱼,不如授之以渔。根据本课教学内容的特点和学生的认知特点,我采用了合作法,疯狂阅读法,调查法,预习法等学习方法。在保持学生的学习兴趣的基础上,提高学生的语言表达能力,为学生的发展提供了有利保证。3、 说教学手段和准备语言的实质是交际,交际的环境是生活。为创设真实的情景,发展学生良好的学习习惯,激发学生的学习兴趣,我在课前准备了PPT课件。课前,在黑板上以艺术字的形式用彩笔写出周日到周六的缩写英文单词,并在黑板上用粉笔轻轻画出一些人物动作的简笔画。为了让学生在课上能更好地运用以前所学过的动词词组,我要求学生在课前复习并罗列出以前学过的所有的动词词组,并读一读,为本节课的相互交流做好准备。五、说教学过程和设计理念Step 1、 Warming up1、 Sing a song 多媒体播放歌曲 (Well begun, half done. 英语歌曲是提高学生英语学习兴趣和学习效率的有效方法之一歌曲可以调节学生的紧张情绪,创设一种亲和的教学氛围,让学生的思维迅速进入英语的状态。) Step 2、Revision1、 Play a game:由一名学生拿着课前准备的动词词组卡上台做相关动作,其他同学说出相应的动词词组。(我反思传统课堂,一改复习由老师唱主角的现象。通过游戏,让学生在愉快的氛围中复习了许多的动词词组。在这个环节,学生在很短的时间内,复习了大量的旧知,体现了新课标大容量,快节奏的要求。并为学习新课作好了铺垫。体现了新课程标准中提倡的以旧引新的原则。)2、 Free talk 由我问学生 What do you usually do on Saturday / Sunday?学生回答后,我在根据这位学生的回答,问其他学生What does he/she usually do on Saturday and Sunday?以此来复习第三人称单数的句型,为新课做准备。(Free talk这一环节有效地为学生制造了信息差,培养了学生听的习惯和能力,激发了学生说的兴趣,避免了对话复习的枯燥乏味。) Step 3、 Presentation and practice1、在学生对话的过程中,教师先用often有意识地代替usually复述学生的话,然后让学生尝试运用并在黑板上板书:I often(经常) . 并跟读。(在运用旧知的过程中逐渐用新知来替换,从而达到降低难度,突破难点的目的。这也非常符合语言的习得规律:把新语言建构在原有语言的基础上。)2、由问题which day is the last day of a week?引出单词weekend的教学,并揭示课题at the weekends。并在单词weekend的教学过程中对学生进行西方文化渗透。即西方人认为周日是一个星期的第一天,而周六是一星期的最后一天,所以称其为周末weekend。而不是我们想象中的周末就是指周六和周日。(由5B第一单元的知识自然引出单词weekend的教学,并揭示课题,水到渠成。西方文化的渗透则让学生耳目一新的同时,更加深了对语言的理解,激发了学习的兴趣。)3、 由单词直接引出新句型:How do you spend(度过) your weekends?的教学,在多媒体大屏幕上出示问句和回答的提示How do you spend(度过) your weekends? I oftenSometimes I并在周围配上各种活动的图片。师生问答之后让学生跟读问句,然后让学生运用刚学的语言个别提问,询问我的周末活动。最后让学生同桌操练。(有效的信息沟,避免了学生无意义的句型操练,让学生从对话的情境中自然领悟句子的作用。先听后说,符合听先于说的习得原理。)3、How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?及其回答He/ She often . Sometimes he/ she .在听学生汇报刚才的同桌操练时,作为反馈教师可以问学生How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?并引导学生回答He/ She often . Sometimes he/ she .引出本课的难点句型How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?及其回答He/ She often . Sometimes he/ she .并板书。(这个环节是学生学习的难点,为了化解难点,我创设了真实而有效的用语情境,让学生从对话的情境中自然领悟句子的作用。而且对学生的说做出及时反馈的教学方法,可以培养学生听的习惯和能力。)多媒体出示一chant,让学生由慢到快地大声地朗读。我称之为“疯狂英语”。(疯狂英语朗读练习,帮助学生进行强化训练,在短时间内熟练掌握句型,从而突破难点,为后面的运用打下扎实的基础。chant的强烈节奏感,让重复也变成了一种快乐!)4、Discuss the pictures of the Part D出示课本D部分图片,指导学生看图,谈论图片,学生小组内模仿句型、练说, 然后小组汇报。(D部分的句型模仿,有效地帮助学生练习了本课的难点句型How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?及其回答He/ She often . Sometimes he/ she .采用小组合作学习的方式,使学生团结合作,共同进步。人人都有展示自我的机会,从而达到人人参与的目的。)Step4、Consolidation1、 Do a surveyNameOftenSometimes我发给每个学生一份表格,学生四人一小组,运用How do you spend your weekends? I often . Sometimes I句型进行小组调查。我先示范然后让他们学着调查本组同学,并做好记录,完成调查统计表。完成后小组之间运用句型How does * spend his/ her weekends?及其回答He/ She often . Sometimes he/ she .交流调查结果。(有效的信息差是交流取得成功的保证。结合本节课的所学内容,我设计了此表格,让学生综合运用本课所学的英语与小组成员交流。在交流信息的过程中,学生感受到用英语做事情的成功,体验到用英语做事情的快乐,也充分体现了任务型教学法的理念。)Step5 、Homework1、 在课后继续调查,寻找与自己有着共同爱好、在周末做相同事情的同学,找出两位,并做好记录,继续完成表格。2、 预习A部分课文,听磁带跟读。3、 在书上完成C、D部分。(根据学生的学习水平不同,设计了三项不同层次的作业,旨在让所有学生都能得到发展。同时我以本课为延伸,将课本的学习拓展到课后,紧密联系生活实际,使他们能在生活中真正地运用所学语言来交流,以达到学以致用的目的。另外高年级学生英语听说读写应该并重,这一环节可以弥补课堂上缺少写的不足。最后五年级学生要学会课前预习,课后复习的学习方法。预习为下节课的学习做好充分的准备。)接着课件播放歌曲Hobbies的音乐,并出示歌词。歌词改为:How do you spend your weekends? Take photos. Take photos .I often Take photos .Oh ,me too. Oh ,me too.第二段用第三人称句型填歌词。老师示范后学生学唱,然后边唱边走出多媒体教室。(同过改换歌词,用熟悉的音乐唱出新内容,不仅激发了学生的学习兴趣,而且新鲜感让学生把知识主动地带到了课外。)六、说板书Unit 8 At the weekends(在周末)A: How do you spend(度过) your weekends? B: I often(经常) . Sometimes IA:How does he/ she spend his/ her weekends?B:He/ She often . Sometimes he/ she .本课的板书是随着教学进度依次出示的本课时的重点和难点,对学生一堂课的学习起一个至始至终的指导作用,是多媒体所不能替代的。综上所述,可以看出,我努力以课标为指导,以活动为方式,变课堂为生活,运用多种教学法来设计教学过程,使学生以生活为课堂,逐步提高自己的综合语言运用能力,形成自主学习的能力,并学会交际。附送:2019-2020年牛津英语六年级上册Unit6Holidays8课时英文表格式教案教学目标 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组Childrens Day, New Years Day, also, Christmas, people, had, went。 2、能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组Dragon Boat Festival, Easter, May Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival, relative, didnt=did not, delicious, favorite, dress up, a moon cake, popular, beach, a race, dumpling。3、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Christmas is ing. My favorite holiday is Halloween. Whats your favorite holiday? 4、能听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whens? Its in What do people usually do at? TheyDid youlast? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.5、了解字母组合oo在单词中的读音。6、能有表情地诵读歌谣Its Spring Festival again!教学重点 1、听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组Childrens Day, New Years Day, also, Christmas, people, had, went。 2、能听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whens? Its in What do people usually do at? TheyDid youlast? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.教学难点 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组Childrens Day, New Years Day, also, Christmas, people, had, went。 2、能听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whens? Its in What do people usually do at? TheyDid youlast? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.教时安排8教时(5教时为新授课;1教时为习题课;2教时为测试及评讲)第一课时(Unit 6)教学目标Part B & Part C (1) 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组Childrens Day, New Years Day, people, had, went。 2、能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组Easter, May Day, didnt=did not, dress up, favorite。 3、能听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whens? Its in What do people usually do at? TheyDid youlast? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.4、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Christmas is ing. My favorite holiday is Halloween. Whats your favorite holiday?教学重点 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组Childrens Day, New Years Day, people, had, went。 2、能听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whens? Its in What do people usually do at? TheyDid youlast? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.教学难点 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组Childrens Day, New Years Day, people, had, went。 2、能听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whens? Its in What do people usually do at? TheyDid youlast? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.课前准备图片、录音机、词汇卡。教师教学过程Step1 Free talkPractice with partners.A: Whats the date today? / What was the date yesterday? B: Today is the / Yesterday is theStep2 Presentation and Practice Talk about the Ss favorite holidays and teach them the new names of the holidays. 1.T: Now Ill give you four pictures of holidays and four names of them , please guess then match them .(Teach New Years Day, May Day, Childrens Day, Easter. Revise National Day and Halloween.) 2.T: My favorite holiday is New Years Day. Its on the 1st of January. What is your favorite holiday? Whens it? S: My favorite holiday is Its on the/ in(BW: What is your favorite holiday? My favorite holiday is. Whens it? Its on the/ in on the Bb)3. Read the sentences and the new words, then practice them in four. Step 3 Presentation and Practice Teach the Ss the new dialogues in Part C. And revise the words: had, went. And teach them new words: delicious and dress up.1. T: What is S2s favorite holiday? S1: S2s favorite holiday is T: Thank you. S2, what do you usually do at?(Write it on the Bb) S2: I usuallyat T: Did you do it last?(Write it on the Bb)S2: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.Ask about three students. S: I usually eat a lot of delicious food. / They usually dress up in costumes. Ect. Step 4 ActRead the sentences together, and then ask their partners. Read the dialogues together. Then practice the dialogues with their partners. Then call out three groups to act the dialogues. Dont forget to praise them.Step 5 ConsolidationStudents can choose one holiday, then according to the picture and the form to introduce the holiday. Say it to the partner.Step 6 Homework1.Copy the phrases and the sentences.2.Read the dialogue, write something about four holidays.学生学习过程The Ss ask and answer with the teacher. Then practice with partners.Tell the classmates the names of the holidays, such as Teachers Day, National Day,Halloween, Childrens Day.Then say the sentences:My favorite holiday is . Read after the teacher and answer the teachers questions about the new names of the holidays.Practise the dialogues and make up the dialogues.A: Whens ?B: Its on/ in.A: What do people usually do at/ on .?B: They usually.A: Did you last ?B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.Practise with their partners and then act in front of the class.Choose one of the holidays, and then according to the picture and the form to introduce the holiday.Understand the homework clearly. 备注板书设计Unit 6 HolidaysA: Whats your favourite holiday?B: My favourite holiday is .A: Whens ? B: Its on/ in.Some names of holidays in Part B.A: What do people usually do at/ on .?B: They usually.A: Did you last ?B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.教学反思第二课时(Unit 6)教学目标Part B & Part C (2) 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组Christmas。2、能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival, relative, delicious, dress up, a moon cake。3、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Christmas is ing. My favorite holiday is Halloween. Whats your favorite holiday? 4、能听得懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whens? Its in What do people usually do at? TheyDid youlast? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.教学重点 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组Christmas。2、能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival, relative, delicious, dress up, a moon cake。教学难点 1、能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组Christmas。2、能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival, relative, delicious, dress up, a moon cake。课前准备图片、录音机、词汇卡。教师教学过程Step1 Free talkPractice with partners.A: Whats your favourite holiday?B: My favourite holiday is .A: Whens ? B: Its on/ in.A: What do people usually do at/ on .?B: They usually.A: Did you last ?B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.Step2 Presentation and Practice Show some pictures to teach them the new names of the holidays. 1.T: Now Ill give you some pictures of holidays and some names of them, please guess then match them .(Teach Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Christmas.) 2.T: My favorite holiday is Mid-Autumn Festival. Its in September or October. What is your favorite holiday? Whens it? S: My favorite holiday is Its on the/ in(BW: What is your favorite holiday? My favorite holiday is. Whens it? Its on the/ in on the Bb)3. Read the sentences and the new words, then practice them in four. Step 3 Presentation and Practice Practise the dialogues in Part C. And teach them new words: delicious, relative, moon cakes and dress up.1. T: What is S2s favorite holiday? S1: S2s favorite holiday is T: Thank you. S2, what do you usually do at?(Write it on the Bb) S2: I usuallyat T: Did you do it last?(Write it on the Bb)S2: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.Ask about three students. S: I usually visit my relatives and friends. Ect. Step 4 ActRead the sentences together, and then ask their partners. Read the dialogues together. Then practice the dialogues with their partners. Then call out three groups to act the dialogues. Dont forget to praise them.Step 5 ConsolidationStudents can choose one holiday, then according to the picture and the form to introduce the holiday. Say it to the partner.Step 6 Homework1.Copy the phrases and the sentences.2.Read the dialogue, write something about the holidays.学生学习过程The Ss ask and answer with the teacher. Then practice with partners.Revise the names of the holidays, such as Teachers Day, National Day, Halloween, Childrens Day.Then say the sentences:My favorite holiday is . Read after the teacher and answer the teachers questions about the new names of the holidays.Practise the dialogues and make up the dialogues.A: Whens ?B: Its on/ in.A: What do people usually do at/ on .?B: They usually.A: Did you last ?B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.Practise with their partners and then act in front of the class.Choose one of the holidays, and then according to the picture and the form to introduce the holiday.Understand the homework clearly. 备注板书设计Unit 6 HolidaysA: Whats your favourite holiday?at Spring Festivalat Dragon Boat Festivalat Mid-Autumn Festivalat Christmas B: My favourite holiday is .A: Whens ? B: Its on/ in.A: What do people usually do at/ on .?B: They usually.A: Did you last ?B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.教学反思第三课时(Unit 6)教学目标Part A.1、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Christmas is ing. My favorite holiday is Halloween. Whats your favorite holiday? 2、能正确理解对话内容,能简单复述对话。教学重点1、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Christmas is ing.2、能正确理解对话内容,能简单复述对话。教学难点能正确理解对话内容,能简单复述对话。课前准备多媒体课件教师教学过程Step1 Free talkPractice with partners.A: Whats your favourite holiday?B: My favourite holiday is .A: Whens ? B: Its on/ in.A: What do people usually do at/ on .?B: They usually.A: Did you last ?B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.Step 2 Dictation Have a dictation about the words and expressions in Parts B and C.Step 3. Presentation Listen to the dialogue and answer some questions about it. Play the tape for the first passage. Q: What date is it? Who is the man? What are they talking about? Teach the Ss the phrase: get excitedStep 4 Listen and sayT: Now lets listen to the tape, then tell me what do people usually do at New Years Day and Spring Festival, finish half of the form.T: Did David/ Su Hailast? What did he/ she do last?Use the same way to finish the other half of the form. Step 5 Listen and say Listen to the tape again for the next part. And talk about Mid-Autumn Festival.Step 6 Read1. Listen to the whole dialogue, read after the tape.2. Read it together.Step 7 Practise Make new dialogues about the holidays with partners and act in front the class.Step 8. Write Try to write down their dialogues in their notebooks.Step 9 Homework Make new dialogues with their parents at home. 学生学习过程The Ss ask and answer with the teacher. Then practice with partners.Listen to the teacher carefully and write carefully.Ss listen to the dialogue and answer some questions about it.Its the 18th of December. Hes Mr Green. Theyre talking about Christmas.Ss listen to the dialogue and answer some questions about it. Talk about the holidays.Listen carefully and try to talk about them.Read after the tape carefully.Choose several holidays to make new dialogues and act.Write carefully.Understand it carefully.备注板书设计Unit 6 HolidaysChristmas is ing.They are getting very excited.Some pictures of the holidays教学反思第四课时(Unit 6)教学目标Part D & E能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组popular, beach, a race, dumpling。教学重点能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组popular, beach, a race, dumpling。教学难点能听得懂、会说和会读单词和词组popular, beach, a race, dumpling。课前准备节日图片、课文磁带、录音机。教师教学过程Step 1 RevisionSay something about Christmas.A: Whens Christmas?/What do people usually do at Christmas? / Did youlast ?Then say something about the other holidays.Step 2 Listen and Write1. Show them three pictures about Part D, describe them, then read the words which under the pictures, catch more information about the letter.2. Listen to the letter three times. The first time, ask for them to just listen. The second time, maybe they can write down some key words. They can fill in the blanks while they listen to the third time.3. Play the tape again and ask the Ss to read after it.Step 3 Have a break1. Listen to the rhyme in Part H two times.2. Read the rhyme after the tape.3. Read it together and crab their hands.Step 4 Read and Write Show some pictures about holidays in China and talk about them first. Then read the passages and finish them.1. Read the short passage, then fill in the blanks.2. Check it, and find out the key words. 3. Read the short passage together. Teach the new words: popular, dumpling and beach.Talk about some phrases in them. Such as: spend time, have a long holiday, watch/ have dragon boat festival, meet friends and relatives, ect. Ask the Ss to say some sentences by using them.Step 5 Read Play the tape twice. Ask the Ss to read with it.Step 6 HomeworkWrite down some exercises in their exercise books.学生学习过程Say something about Christmas and other holidays with the teacher and partners.Listen carefully and plete the blanks and check with the teacher.Then read after the tape loudly.Try to say the rhyme.Read the short passage, then fill in the blanks.Read the new words and phrases after the teacher. Try to remember them at once.Make sentences one by one. The Ss read with the tape carefully.备注板书设计Unit 6 HolidaysSome cards of new wordsThe keys of Part DThe keys of Part E教学反思第五课时(Unit )教学目标Part F, G & H.1、了解字母组合oo在单词中的读音。2、能有表情地诵读歌谣Its Spring Festival again!3、巩固复习本单元四会词汇。教学重点1、了解字母组合oo在单词中的读音。2、巩固复习本单元四会词汇。教学难点了解字母组合oo在单词中的读音。课前准备词汇卡片、录音机教师教学过程Step 1 Dictation Have a dictation about the important expressions and sentences in Unit 6. e.g. a popular holiday, watch the moon, Childrens Day, in March or April, on the ninth of .Step 2 RevisionTalk about the holidays in China and in western countries. A: Whats your favourite holiday?B: My favourite holiday is .A: Whens ? B: Its on/ in.A: What do people usually do at/ on .?B: They usually.A: Did you last ?B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.


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