2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit5 第1课时教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit5 第1课时教案 人教PEPUnit 5 How much is it? 第一课时一. 教学目标1能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:colourful,pretty,cheap,expensive。2能用句型: Its.(colourful,pretty,cheap,expensive)来评价衣服。 3能够跟录音机说唱Lets chant. 二. 教学重点、难点本课时的主要单词:colourful,pretty,cheap,expensive。2.句型: Its.(colourful,pretty,cheap,expensive)3.本课时的难点是How much?与How many?的区别。4. expensive的发音。三. 教学准备1教师准备衣服实物。2教师准备4张单词卡。3教师准备录音机及录音带。四、教学过程教 学 步 骤个案分析Step one:Class Opening 情景引入1、课前活动热身(Warm-up)Sing a song 本册三单元P36:My clothes.2.Greeting3.Free talk:Talk about the weather.T:How is the weather ? What can you wear ? 引出单词:colourful.New concepts1.新知呈现:T:教师指着自己的衣服I have a colourful T-shirt too.(让学生尝试着去理解其含义)Colourful(板书并操练)pretty 同上Cheap (拿着有标签、标明价格的衣服)问:How much is it?S:_ yuan.T: Its cheap. (板书并操练)expensive 同上,强调发音。2.交流研讨区别How much?与How many?操练:a.听录音 b.生读单词c.检测读3.专项训练Look ,Its_.(colourful,pretty,cheap,expensive)a.师先用图片示范并板书。b.生操练c.检测句型运用Lets chant.ListenRead after the teacher.Act together.四、当堂检测:填空:c_lour_ur pr_ tty ch_ _ p ex_ _ _sive用How much与How many填空_books do you have? Five._is this bag? Its ten yuan.小结:谈一谈你的收获。Step three:Class closing Homework:(1)做本单元A Lets learn部分的活动手册配套练习。(2)试一试给同伴、朋友或家长说唱Lets chant.板书设计How much is it?Its. colourful . pretty.cheap.expensive.How much ? 问价钱How many ? 问数量附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit5 第2课时教案 人教PEPUnit 5 How much is it? 第二课时教学目标1能够听懂会说 句型并能在实际情景中运用:Can I help you? How much is it?2能够听懂会说句型: Its.(colourful,pretty,cheap,expensive)并用来描述商品,表达自己的喜好。 3欣赏歌曲The coat in the window. 教学重点、难点1.本课重点:听说句型Can I help you? How much is this dress/shirt?2. 难点是:在实际情景中灵活运用有关句型进行购物并能用 Its.(colourful,pretty,cheap,expensive)对商品进行评价。教学准备1教师准备衣服实物。2教师准备衣服价格标签和售货员标志挂签。3教师准备录音机及录音带。教学过程教 学 步 骤个案分析一:Class Opening情景引入课前活动热身(Warm-up and Review)1.Greeting2.Lets chant together.( show the colourful dress,pretty skirt ,yellow shirt.) Lead-in :Oh so many clothes .I have some beautiful clothes,too.Do you want to have a look?二:New concepts 1.新知呈现:T:(教师拿出dress)Look ,whats this?Yes,its a dress. Is it nice ? Yes,its very nice . Its very expensive .Guess.How much is this dress?(板书)(找两个同学猜,然后出示真正的价格)Its ninety yuan.(板书)Drill(领读-男生-女生-对话)操练时间长一些,多进行几组。Lead-in:T:Oh, your coat is very pretty.How much is it?S:Its _yuan.Lead-in:Now, lets know about the price of your classmates clothes .Ask and answer like this in pairs.Check for the practise.(2 groups)2.新知呈现:Oh, your clothes are so nice.I want to buy some new clothes, too. Do you? OK,lets go shopping together.Look ,here is a clothes shop. Its wonderful.Oh,wheres the assistant?S1: Im here. Can I help you?T: Yes,I want to buy a shirt . How much is it?S1:Its 50 yuan .T: Oh,its 50 yuan .Too expensive! 30 yuan,OK?S1:OK.T:Ill take it .T: “Can I help you?”What meaning? Who can tell me ?(板书)Drill(领读-小组读-男女生读)操练时间要充分。Lead-in:If you want to buy a new clothes or something,you can ask and answer like this. Check for practise .(2 groups) Act (1 group)3.专项训练(Text)Lead-in:Amy wants to buy a dress. Lets see.How much is Amys dress ? Is it expensive?(出示这两个问题)Now,listen carefully and answer the questions.4.自学:T:Read your books and circle the words or sentences your dont understand .小组交流5.质疑答疑:Are there any questions ?(discuss:too、very;an assistant)6.(1)Read and follow .(2)Read by themselves.(3)Check for the reading.三语言实践T:Class,Amys clothes are very expensive. What about yours ? Lets make a survey like this.示范:Hello,how much is your coat? Its _yuan. Oh, Its expensive.(课件)请同学们像下面一样调查你朋友衣服的价格,看一看是贵还是便宜.NameClothesPriceExpensiveCheapAmydress99(提示)A: How much is this ? B: Its .yuan .A: Oh,its expensive cheap(展示两组)四当堂检测T:Zoom wants to buy some new clothes,too. But he cantt speak English very well.Lets help him.(课件)Zoom 去商店买衣服,可是他不知道先说哪句后说哪句你能帮帮他吗?How much is this skirt ?Can I help you ? Yes ,I want to buy a skirt. Its fifty yuan . Its cheap .Ill take it.(1)排序(2)齐读(3)可尝试背诵表演五归纳小结1.Class ,what have you learned in this lesson?2. Oh,I think we are tired .Lets sing a song“The coat in the window.”(a.listen. b.listen and follow)Step three:Class closing Homework:(课件).请同学们课下用英语调查一种或者几种商品在不同超市的价格,找出同一商品在哪个超市的价格最低。板书设计Unit 2 How much is it?A: Can I help you?B: Yes. A: How much is this ?B: Its .yuan . A: Oh,its expensive cheap.


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