2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit4(2)教案 湘少版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit4(2)教案 湘少版一、Teaching aims and demands:1.Have the students know how to ask someones pets and how to express their favorite pets. 2.Have the students use the words such as kitten / lovely / pet / basket /cage / expensive / puppy / hold / rabbit / touch /flat3.Have the students to learn these new sentences: Can I have a puppy? / Yes, you can. / No, you cant. / You can do sth but you cant do sth.二、Teaching methods: Reading. /Listening. /Talking. /Singing. Play Games. Making actions.三、Teaching aids:CAITape recorder.四、Teaching steps:Step 1. Warm-up1.The teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.2.Play a game: Chant! Can I have a puppy? Yes, you can.Can I have a kitten? No, you cant.Can I have a cage? Yes, you can.Can I have a basket? No, you cant.3.Do and say.4. Free talk:A: Can I have a puppy? B: Yes, you can.Step 2. Presentation. (CAI)1.Teach the words: kitten / lovely / pet / basket /cage / expensive / puppy / hold / rabbit / touch /flatto teach the students how to write these words and remember these words.2.Play some games to practice the words like this: Bomb High and low Guessing game Pointing gameStep 3. Practices.1.Listen to the tape and read after the tape three times.2.Practice Part C in two groups. Then practice it in pairs.Step 4 Consolidations.1.Play a game: Chant!Can I have a puppy? Yes, you can.Can I have a kitten? No, you cant.Can I have a cage? Yes, you can.Can I have a basket? No, you cant.2.Finish Part D and ticking the best answer.3.Do Part E: listen and write.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit4(2)教案 牛津版一、教学内容:单元Part BCD二、教学目标:1. 掌握单词a chicken, a duck, a horse, a pig2进一步巩固掌握句型Do you like ? Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like I like What do you like? I like 三、教学重难点:1. 新单词的发音。2. 熟练掌握句型:Do you like ? Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like I like What do you like? I like 四、教学过程第一步:复习T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you again. 同学们,大家好。T: Last lesson, we went shopping with Ben and his family. 上一节课,我们和Ben以及他的家人一起去购物。And they bought many things for their Halloween party. 并且,他们买了很多东西来举行万圣节聚会。What did they buy? 他们买了些什么呢?我们一起再来回顾一下课文内容,然后回答老师的问题。(PPT4出示课文短片)T: What did they buy?T: Yes, they bought some chocolate, some flowers, a vase, a pumpkin lantern and some masks. 对,他们买了一些巧克力,一些花,一只花瓶,一个南瓜灯和一些面具。Then, do you know what masks do they like? 那么,你们知道他们喜欢什么样的面具吗?T: Yes, they like horses, tigers and monkeys. 对,他们喜欢的面具有马,老虎还有猴子。第二步:词汇学习T: We know these are all animal masks. 我们大家都知道这些都是动物面具。Now please read this new word after me. 现在请同学们跟着老师读这个单词。T: 请大家在来读一遍,注意老师的口形。 Good, here animals mean “动物”。T: Now please look at this picture. Here there are some different animals. 这里有一些其他的动物,同学们都认识吗?T: look, this is a cow. 这是一头奶牛。T: What are these?T: They are chickens. Please read after me. A chicken chickensT: In this picture, we can see 4 chickens. And please look here, 请看这里,what are these?T: Yes, they are pigs. Now please read after me. 现在请跟我读。A pig pigsT: And in this picture, what else can you see?T: Yes, we can see some ducks. Now please read after me. A duck ducks第三步:句型操练1 T: We know cows, chickens, ducks, pigs they are all animals. Now, boys and girls, lets see. Ben and his classmates are watching more animals in a zoo. And now they are talking about them现在同学们,我们一起来看一看,en和他的同学们正在动物园谈论他们所看到的动物。我们来看看他们正在用什么句子谈论呢?(出示句型): Now please read after me.请同学们跟着老师来读一读T: OK. Now lets see the first picture. Can you read the sentences in it?我们一起来看第一幅图,你能读一读图中的句子吗?T: OK. Now lets see the answer. Are you right? 你读对了吗?T:Now, please read after me. 现在请同学们跟老师来读一读。(同样的方法学习第三幅图)T: 好,现在同学们,能用我们刚才使用的句子和你的同桌来说一说第2和第4幅图吗?开始吧。T: Now lets check out the answer. 现在我们来看一看答案。Please read after me. 请同学们跟我读。T: 同学们,你们说对了吗?2 T: Now, Ben and his classmates are in a supermarket. They talking about the things they like.现在Ben和他的同学们来到了一家超市里。他们正在谈论他们所喜欢的东西。我们来看看他们正在使用什么句子在谈论?: Now please read after me.请同学们跟着老师来读一读T: OK. Lets see the first picture. 好,我们来看一看第一幅图。你能读一读图中的句子吗?T: OK. Now lets see the answer. Are you right? 你读对了吗?T:Now, please read after me. 现在请同学们跟老师来读一读。T: 好,现在同学们,能用我们刚才使用的句子和你的同桌来说一说其余的三幅图吗?开始吧。T: Now lets check out the answer. 现在我们来看一看答案。Please read after me. 请同学们跟我读。第四步:综合练习T: Do you like pears and peaches? I like them very. So now lets go to the supermarket to buy some. 同学们也喜欢梨和桃子吗?我非常喜欢。 好,现在就让我们一起去超市买一点。In the supermarket, there are not only fruits, 在超市里,不仅有各种各样的水果,but also toys, 玩具,food,食物,drinks, 饮料and so on. 等等。So now, please try to talk about them with the sentence we learnt today. 现在就请同学们试着用我们今天学习的句子来讨论一下你所喜爱的东西。T: 首先,请看下面两位同学的示范。T: Now, can you do it? 开始吧。(本步骤设计说明: 将句型操练融入到更为真实的场景中去,并适当进行拓展。)结束语:本节课以教授和操练BCD部分的单词和句子为主,首先教师帮助学生回顾了课文,根据课文旧知引入新单词的学习。在CD部分,教师根据书中已有的图片,设置场景,带领学生练习新句型,进行对话操练。


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