2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit1 第四课时教案 人教PEP(标准版).doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit1 第四课时教案 人教PEP(标准版)教学目标:1 能够在情境中恰当运用句型Lets. 和Let me.提出行动建议并作出正确反应。2 能够在语境中理解新词语teachers desk, clean ,help的意思。3 通过学习本课内容,教育学生要热爱班集体,热爱劳动,互相帮助。教学重点: 学习Lets 和Let me及其作出反应教学难点: 区分和正确使用Lets与Let me教具准备:1 教材相配套的教学课件2 教材相配套的教学录音带3 教师自画的图片(图片可表示出本课所学的词组)教学过程:(一)热身、复习 (Warm-up / Revision)1 复习本单元A部分Lets do的内容,让学生听指令做动作。教师也可把这一练习改为Simon says的游戏。如果听到教师说Simon says: Open the door.学生必须要做出相应的动作,如果教师的指令中没有说Simon says,学生则不必做出相应的动作,而应保持原来的姿势不动。2让学生翻开课本,看一看,说一说P4页和P5页黄颜色部分的标题都是什么。通过这一环节让学生熟悉Lets.这一句型。(二)呈现新课(Presentation)1 用学过的词组clean the window导出新词组。教师先出示卡片,让学生认读clean the window并做出相应的动作或说出中文意思。然后分别出示卡片并贴到黑板上:clean the classroom, clean the desks and chairs, clean the board, 让学生认读词组,并启发学生说出中文。2 教师创设情景,呈现新知。教师出示人物面具,让学生使用This is介绍这些人物:Wu Yifan, Sarah, Amy, Zhang Peng, John, Mike, Chen Jie 和Miss White.教师创设情景:They are classmates. One day they are going to clean the classroom. Every one wants to do something . Now lets look! What do they want to do?3 师生共同观看教学课件2遍4 教师提问,学生回答:Who says: Lets clean the classroom? (Wu Yifan)Who says : Lets clean the desks and chairs? (Zhang Peng)Sarah 和 Amy 同意他们提出的建议吗? 他们是怎么回答的呢?告诉学生在表示同意别人提出的建议时可用Good idea和All right来表示,让学生学说这两个句子。Who want to clean the window. Who want to clean the board? 5 教师提出问题让学生思考:Wu Yifan, Zhang Peng与Mike, Chen Jie所说的句子相同吗?有什么区别?让学生带着问题再看一遍教学课件。6 学生回答问题,教师进一步做讲解。Lets是建议让我们做什么事情,是一个人对其他人说的话,意思是让大家和自己一同做一件什么事。而Let me也是一个人对其他人说的话,但是只是让自己做某事,没有让大家一起做的意思。7 让学生看黑板读出词组和句子。8 看书听录音并跟读。(使用教材相配套的教学录音带,Unit 1 Lets talk/B)9 让学生观看教学课件,给学生分小组,扮演对话中的人物进行实际交流。(此时,学生可以运用教材中的人物头饰。 )10学生展示练习情况,教师要做适当的表扬和鼓励,进一步培养学生敢于开口、勇于运用英语的习惯并形成浓厚的学习兴趣。11让学生以小组为单位运用本课所学知识自编情景对话,教师可找12组进行展示,并及时进行评价。12教师要在教学中对学生进行热爱班集体和热爱劳动的教育。(三)趣味操练(Practice)小组活动。教师把准备好的图片发给每小组一套。图片上画的图分别表示:clean the window, clean the desk, clean the chair, clean the board, clean the classroom, open the door, turn on the light, put up the picture, sweep the floor.游戏规则:一名学生闭上眼晴,另一名学生站在他后面把图片放在他的头上,闭着眼睛的同要猜出图片上所表示的英文是什么,小组内的其他同学要根据他所说出的内容用Yes或No来判断。最后比一比哪个同学猜出的单词最多。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit10 Around my home教案 沪教牛津版(三起)Topic: Look and learn Language aims:Using nouns to identify different places in a neighbourhoode.g. supermarket,post office,restaurantUsing prepositions to identify positionse.g. next to,betweenUsing modelled sentences to describe existencee.g. There are many shops near my home.Ability aims:Students can use modelled sentences to describe existenceKey points:supermarket,post office,restaurant,next to,between There is/There areDifficult points: Using nouns to identify different places in a neigbourhood.Materials: Students Book4AP38, Cassette player, power pointProcedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task Preparations:1.Song:2.Revision 3.RhymeSing together1.Whats in your school?2. Read the chant togetherHave the students listen to the recording for “Listen and enjoy” on P41 1.What places can you hear? 2.Where is your home/the school?3.Where are the trees?4.Read,explain and practise: next to,between欢快的歌曲将学生快速带入英语学习的氛围中。相关内容的复习,有利于学生进入学习状态,更好得把握新授知识。While-task Procedures: restaurantsupermarketpost officeMy home 1.Show Flower Street andintroduce:My home is on Flower Street. There are many places on this street. Guess,what place is it?To elicit: post officerestaurant1. Read and match.Try to say:There is/are_ on Flower Street. I can _ in the_.3.Know the names of different supermarkets. 1.Show the picture and the passage.2.Read the passage by themselves.3.Ask and answer in pairs.4.Read together.以谜语形式引出新授,激发学生的想象力和求知欲。适当补充拓展内容,培养学生的英语能力和拓展他们的视野。将前面所学的语句连成一篇新文本,分散难点,有利于提高学生对知识的整合能力和英语表达能力。Post-task activities:Design your new neighbourhoodGroupwork: Stick and sayDivide the students into groups of four. Give each group some word cards and a large piece of paper,stickand say according to the passage 创设有效情境,提高学生学习效率,仿照再构文本进行语言活动,便于最后的语言输出。Assignment:Copy and recite.Write1.Copy the new words andsentences and recite.2.Write down the passage.分层作业:抄写并背诵所抄内容,要求有能力的学生写下短文,满足班级中不同层次的同学的学习需求。Around my home (Period2)Topic: Look and say Language aims:Using nouns to identify different places in a neighbourhoode.g. supermarket,post office,restaurantUsing modelled sentences to identify positionse.g. Its at No.126,Garden Streen.Using yes/no questions to elicit a positive or negative response.e.g.Is there a park near your home?Yes,there is.Using modelled sentences to describe existencee.g. There are many shops near my home.Ability aims:Students can use modelled sentences to describe existenceKey points:Its at No.126,Garden Street. Is there/Are there?Yes,there is/are. No, there isnt/arent.Difficult points: Using prepositions and modelled sentences to identify positionsMaterials: Students Book4AP37, Cassette player, power pointProcedure:Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task Preparations:1. 1.Song:2.Revision3.Topic: Different places in my neighbourhoodSing the song together.Show the flashcards for places quickly, getting the students to read them aloud and spell out. Ask some students to read the passage they have written in the front of the class. 利用flashcards作复习,检验学生所学知识。让部分有能力的学生朗读他们的新文本,让他们感受自己的成功,也为新课作铺垫。While-task Procedures: 1.roadon _Roadat No._ , _ RoadLook and say1.Show the picture and ask:What place is it?Where is our school?To elicit: Its on Fengliang Road.2.Read and spell: road3.Show the house numberT: Our school is on Feng-liang Road.Its at No.70, Fengliang Road.Read:at No.70, Fengliang Road4.Introduce: My home is atNo.126,Flower Street.Read:one hundred and twenty-six5.More oral practice.6.Look and say:e.g. This is xs home.Its on _ Road/Street.Its at No._ ,_Road/Street.1. Show the map of P37,play the recording for“Look and say”twice.2. Answer some questions:Where is Jills home?Whats near her home?Is there a garden near her home?Where is Miss Fangs home?Are there any shops on Park Street?Whats on Park Street?How is Park Street?To elicit :Its on a busy street in our city.Read and understand the words: busy,city3.Read P374.Ask and answer in pairs: S1: Where is Jills home?S2:Its at No._ ,_Road/Street.S1:Is /Are there_ near your home?S2: Yes,there is/are. No, there isnt/arent.利用自己熟悉的环境引入新授,便于学生理解。用简单句型对新授语言点作及时操练,有利于学生当堂掌握,提高学生的理解运用能力。听课文录音回答问题,检验学生的理解能力,在问答中消化新知,降低理解难度。Post-task activities:1. Talk about your home1.Make a short dialogue with your deskmate,using these questions.Where is your home?Whats near your home? Is there _ ?Are there _ ?2.Choose some pairs to act out their dialogues.给学生问答提纲,使学生尽可能多的使用本课重点句型,巩固所学知识。Assignment:Read and copy.Make a dialogue1.Read and copy.2. Make a dialogue about your neighbourhood,write it down.注意作业的听说与写的结合,把编写对话作为课堂输出的延伸。Around my home (Period3)Topic: Nanjing Road- A busy road in Shanghai Teaching Aims:1. To learn new words: centre busy people shop watch restaurant stay hotel 2. To learn new sentences:If you like _, there is/ are _ on Nanjing road . You can _ there.3. To be able todescribe something about Nanjing Road .4. To br able to use sentences to introduce roads and streets about Shanghai .Main points: To be able to desrcibe something about Nanjing Road .Difficult points:1. To be able to desrcibe something about Nanjing Road .2. To be able to use sentences to introduce roads and streets about Shanghai . ProceduresContentsMethods PurposePre-task preparation1.watch pictures2. Discuss People busy 1 Show some beautiful roads about Shanghai .2. Discuss roads T: What are they ? What can you see on these roads ? Elicit: people How are they ? Elicit: busy P try it like this We can see _ inShanghai .There are many_on/ in _. It is busy.活跃课堂气氛,让学生快速进入学习状态。通过观察街道引出新授单词,借助句式来巩固。While-task procedure1.discribe Nanjing RoadIn the centre of What can we see on Nanjing Road ?ShopWhat can we do on Nanjing Road?shoppingmany other things reataurantlight hotel1. Elicit Nanjing road T: My friend May visits Shanghai and writes a letter to me , lets listen P: Listen T: Where does May visit ?Elicit Nanjing Road.2. Discribe Nanjing Road .(1)T: Listen it again and tell me some questions .Where is Nanjing Road ? How is it ? (2)Elicit: centre in the centre of(3) Pdiscribe it like this:Nanjing Road is _.It is _. 3. (1).Show some pictures and ask pupils: What can we see on Nanjing Road ?Elicit : shopP learn it and read it one by one.(2).Show these pictures and say it like this:There is _ shop on Nanjing Road . It is _ . 4. Show Nanjing Road and ask :We can see many shops on Nanjing Road , what can we do on Nanjing Road ?(1) ShoppingT: If you like shopping , there are many shops.What can you buy in the shop ?P: We can buy _ in _ shop .T: Great, and we can buy many other things there .P read it Show many shops ans say it If you like shopping ,you can buy many things on Nanjing Road. There is _ shop, you can buy _ there ; There is _ shop, you can buy _and many other things there .(2) EatingT: If you like eating, there are many restaurants on Nanjing Road .Elicit restaurant and learn it .Show some pictures and say itIf you like eating . there are many restaurants on Nanjing Road .You can eat _ and _in _ restaurant . They are delicious . (3) Visiting(1)T: Now it is evening, if you like visiting , you can walk on Nanjing Road and watch a lot of lights there .Elicit light and read it .(2)How are the lights ?Say: The lights are bright and beautiful .(3)Show some pictures and say it.If you like visiting , you can visit _ road in the evening . There are a lot of _ there . the lights are _and _ . You can watch and enjoy them .T: Now we are tired , what can we do ?Elicit hotel and learn it .Elicit stay in the hotels.Say it If you are _, there are many _ there . you can stay in _ hotel. It is _ and _.通过笔者的朋友梅的一封信展开故事情节,引出本文的学习重点南京路。带着问题听录音,引出新单词,能更有效地学习。用学生喜欢的图片引出核心词汇,并结合已学习的句型结构来强化核心单词的领会。通过讨论在南京路可以做什么,将话题展开,通过讨论购物、饮食、观赏和休息这四个方面来完成整篇语段。通过设问再商店里买哪些东西从而引出many other things ,进而通过语段训练巩固新知识。通过讨论吃引出新单词餐馆,并通过语段教学巩固新知。Post-task activity1. The whole letter 1. Try to read the letter . 2. reply the letter to May .Describe beautiful roads like May . 出示完整的语段,让学生读和感悟,并且通过图片进行新的语段创作。Assignment1. Read and retell the letter.2. Introduce new and beautiful roads to your friend.Around my home (Period 4)Topic:placesLanguage aims:Using yes/noquestions to elicit a positive or negative responsee.g.Is there a supermarket?Yes,there is./No,there isnt.Using formulaic expressions to respond to thankse.g.Its my pleasure.Ability aims:Using modelled sentences to describe existencee.g.There are many shops near my home.Emotional aims:Different places, different activiesKey points:Using modelled setences to describe existenceDifficult points:Writing several sentences to describe different places around ones home.Materials:Students Book 4A( P39)Cassette 4A and cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI. Pre-task preparationIntroduceDaily talk1. Show a map of your neighbourhood introduce them to the students1. Ask and answer(T-PP)2. Pair work通过地图介绍位置的表达,并引出新知利用对话复习所学,巩固旧知II. While-task procedureNew word:post officeparkbakeryDialogueRead the passageLearn the phrasesPair work1.T:You can send a letter in this place. What is it?Ss(write post office)2.T:There are many trees and flowers in it.People like to go there to have a walk or rest.What is it?Ss:(Write park)3.T:You can buy some bread in it. What is it?Ss:(Write bakery)Have the students make a dialoguee.g.S1:Is there a post office near your home?S2:Yes,there is.S1:Where is it?S2:Its between a supermarket and s restaurant.Reapt after the recording then check their understangdingUse the formulaic expressions Let me see and Its our pleasure.Invite some students to role play their dialogues in pairs.=III. Post-task activitiesMake a dialogueS1:Excuse me,boys.Is there a supermarket here?S2:Yes,there is.Its next to the post office.S1:Is there a toy shop too?I want to buy some toys.S3:Let me see.Yes.There is one between the bookshop and the flower shop.S1:Oh,I see.Thank you very much.S2&S3:Its our pleasure.将本课重点整合在dialogue中,让学生加深对本课内容的认识。IV. Assignment 1.Write the new words and phrases 2.Listen to the tape and read P39 3.Finish the exercise book Around my home (Period5)Topic:places Language aims: Using the key words and sentences to talk and write about ones neighbourhood.Identifying the pronunciation of sl, sn ,swin words such as slide snake swinge.g slide snake swingAbility aims:Students can talk and write about placesEmotional aims:Different places, different activiesKey points: Students can identify the pronunciation of -sl -sn -swin wordsDifficult points: Use the new sentence patters to write down different placespositions.Materials:Students Book 4A( P41)Cassette 4A and cassette playerMultimedia: PPTProceduresContentsMethodsPurposeI. Pre-task preparationRhymeReview the words1. Read the words and phrases2. Have the students recite the rhyme1. Look at the cards and try to say the words.eg next to between in front of behind restaurant用儿歌的方式活跃气氛,对本单元的重点词组进行复习。III. Post-task activitiesDraw a map Learn the soundHave the students look at P38 ,then ask them to draw a map of their neigbourhood,and talk about it.Eg S1: there are many shops near my home .There ia a park behind my home. S2:Is there a post office? S1:Yes,there is.1. Show the flashcards for Learn the sound on page 41 and have the students repeat the wordseg sl-slide sn-snake sw-swing sw-swim2. Encourage the students to think of more words with the soundeg sleep slow snack swan snow3. Listen to the tape and repeat it通过画地图既巩固新知识又激发了学生学习的乐趣。学习发音,不断的提高学生的跟读和模仿能力,鼓励他们勤思考,多动脑。III. Post-task activitiesRead the new rhymn Do some exercisesHave the students read after the tape ang then read by themselves.IV. Assignment 1. Recite the rhymn on page 16 2. Recite the key words and phrases 3. Get ready for the dictation of this unit


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