2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is my new friend教案2 人教版(精通).doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is my new friend教案2 人教版(精通).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is my new friend教案2 人教版(精通).doc_第2页
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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is my new friend教案2 人教版(精通).doc_第3页
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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is my new friend教案2 人教版(精通)一Teaching aims (教学目的)1Train students ability of understanding simple dialogues in English.2Let students know how to introduce oneself to others and also introduce their friends or others to the third person.3Learn and master the new words and sentences.二Teaching key points (教学重点) To master the following sentences Where are you from? (你从哪里来的?) I am from America (我来自美国) This is my new friend (这是我新朋友)三Teaching difficult points (教学难点) Let students know how to use these introductory sentences in their real life. 四Class preparation (课前准备) 1. pictures (照片) 2. tape recorder and tape (录音机和录音磁带) 3.a song(where are you from) (歌曲)五Teaching process (教学过程) 1. Warming up (热身) Play a song; ask some questions from students .Thus can increase students interest about this lesson, and also let students have some point in their mind about this lesson. (放歌曲,从歌曲里提问题,提高学生学这节课的兴趣.) 2.presentation (新课导入)1)Play a game. (Show some pictures and let them to guess what is it in that picture).做游戏,通过做游戏学习这节课的新单词.2) Play a tape, let students follows it. Then I will explain the text to the students. Pick up new words and let students make sentences by using these new words. (让学生听录音,学生跟读。然后老师讲解,讲解过程中找出新单词,引导学生造句) New words: America, England, China, friend Sentences: He is my new friend; he is from America/China/England. Give them two minutes for making new sentences. 3.practice (趣味操练) Role play: divide students into small groups and let the students introduce one of the group members as a new friend to the other group.(这个游戏主要练习有关本课的听过学过的知识。) (角色扮演) S1: hi, Gao wei (你好,高伟) S2: hi, peter (你好,皮特) S1: nice to see you again. this is my new friend, Jim; (这是新朋友,吉米) S2: nice to meet you, Jim. Where are you from?(你从哪里来的?) S3: nice to meet you, I am from America (我来自美国). 4. home work (作业) Write new words eight times Practice the dialogue with your friend Do exercise book 5. blackboard design (板书设计) Where are you from?I am from AmericaThis is my new friend课后反思本课的任务基本上完成了。上课过程中我觉得,全部用英语来讲课对学生来说有点难,我还意识到有些学生对英语兴趣不够好,一部分学生的积极性很高,出现的问题可以解决,通过启发方式来提高学生的兴趣。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lesson 10Department Store教案 冀教版教学内容:Lesson 10: Department Store课时1教学目标:1. 知识与技能:本课要求学生掌握单词department,句子:May I help you?会用课文中句子对话。2. 情感态度价值观:通过创设情境激发、培养学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重点、难点:本课重点单词、句子,并会进行对话。教具准备:磁带、单词卡片 板书设计:May I help you?Lesson10: Department StoreDEPARTMENT STOREClothesBicyclesToys教学过程:一、 Class Opening and Review1. Greeting.2. DRILLReview the names of shops.T: I want to buy . (a dress, some tea, a bicycle tire).Class: Lets go to the shop.二、 New Concepts1. STUDENT BOOK: L10N1Explain the concept of “department store.” Say department storea few times with the class. Point to the picture to review the different items.T: What are these?C: Books.T: Yes! This is the book department.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.2. DEMONSTRATEWrite department store on the blackboard. List different 教学侧记departments under it, and create a chart.DEPARTMENT STOREClothesBicyclesToysAsk the students to list as many words as they can.3. STUDENT BOOK: L10N2Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.Write May I help you? on the blackboard. Introduce it to the students. Say it a few times with the class.Discuss the dialogue.a. Where are Danny and Jenny?b. What does Jenny want to buy?c. What does Danny want to buy?d. How do you think Danny feels?4. MAKE UP A DIALOGUE.Divide the class into groups. Tell them to make up a dialogue about shopping in a department store.5. PRESENT 三、 Class Closing.教学反思:


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