七年级英语上册 Unit 2 School Life(词汇篇)试题 (新版)北师大版.doc

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Unit 2(词汇篇) _ 学生可以熟练掌握词汇、短语和句型。 一、重点单词1.use使用 2.ask问 3.borrow借来 4.carry带 5.check检查 6.find找到 7.lend借出 8.wait等待 9.start开始 10.notebook笔记本 11.practice练习 12.chess象棋 13.quarter 一刻 14.Monday星期一 15.Tuesday星期二16.Wednesday星期三 17.Thursday星期四 18.Friday星期五 19.Saturday星期六 20.Sunday星期天 21.July七月 22.English 英语 23.history历史 24.art艺术 25.maths数学 26.science科学 27.Chinese中文 28.Geography 地理 29.PE体育 30.music音乐二、重点短语1.at school 在学校 2.use a pen to write用钢笔写 3.be ready for school准备上学 4.have classes上课 5.take out 拿出 6.have English class上英语课 7.in the end最后 8.go upstairs 上楼 9.after school 放学后 10.ask for help 寻求帮助 11.offer help 提供帮助 12.look up a word查找单词 13.help sb(to) do sth帮助某人做某事 14.lend sb sth=lend sth to sb借给某人某物 15.give sb sth=give sth to sb 给某人某物 16.borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物 17. ask sb to do sth叫某人做某事 18.help sb with sth帮助某人做某事 三、重点句型1.Are you ready for school? 你准备好上学了吗? 2.What classes do you have today? 你今天上哪些课? Yes, we do. No, we dont.3.Do they have a dictionary? 你有字典吗? Yes,they do. No, they dont.4.Does Jia Ming have his Chinese book? 佳明有语文书吗? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.5.Can I borrow your dictionary? 我可以借你的字典吗? Sure, I can lend it to you.6.When do you have music class? 你什么时候有音乐课? On Friday.7.What time do they have history class? 他们什么时候上历史课? At half past ten. 1.-_do they have music class? -At 10:00am. A.When B.What C.Why D.How2.-Excuse me, my ruler isnt here. Can I_your ruler? -Sure.here you are. A.lend B.buy C.borrow D.find3.The little girl_music class in the morning. A. dont have B.doesnt have C.isnt have D.doesnt has4.Sam asks Tom _ basketball together after school . A. play B.plays C.playing D.to play5.My English teacher often helps me _my English. A. in B.about C.with D.at解析:1.根据答语可知是问时间,用What time,它等同于when故选A。2.我可以借你的尺子吗?应该用borrow,故选C。3.上音乐课用have,所以have 是动词,借助动词do或者does, the little girl是第三人称单数,所以借does, 借了助动词之后,动词要还原, 胡答案为B。4.ask sb to do sth, 根据这个固定搭配,答案为D。5.help sb with sh, 根据这个固定搭配,可得正确答案C。答案:1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C基础演练一、翻译下列短语。1.拿出 2.在学校 3.上楼 4.搬箱子 5.为.准备好 6.问你一个问题 7.借你的词典 8.一本英语词典 9.在.方面帮助 10.回答我的问题 二、根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词,注意使用正确形式。1. Jack is drawing a horse on the b in our classroom.2. I want to get a (电脑)for my birthday.3. There is a big on the wall. We can see a playground through it.4. This is the m of the city. It can help us find the way.5. I always look up the new word in the (字典).6. We have (科学) lesson at 1:30 pm. 7. Do you have a (笔记本) in your schoolbag.8. We often use a p to draw a map.巩固提高三、从方框中选择单词并用其正确形式填空。 help borrow find lend check sure carry1.The box ix heavy and I cant_it.2.May I_your scissors? Mine arent here.3.Sorry, where is my art book? I cant_it.4.Hes_that she is good at dancing.5.-Can I ask you a question about our homework? -Lets_our excise books.6.My mother asks me to_my bike to my sister.7.She is a kind girl and she always_others.四、翻译句子。1.我在数学课上用铅笔。 _in maths class.2.你做好上学的准备了吗? _school?3.你今天上什么课? What_today?4.我今天不上英语课。 I_today.5.我有一本科学书。 I_book.6.他有一张CD。 He_CD.7.-小明有笔记本吗? -是的,他有。-_Xiaoming_? -Yes,_.8.-小明有手表吗? -不,他没有。-_Xiaoming_? -_.9.你的书包太重了。 _.10.我可以把英语字典拿出来。 _.答案:一、1.take out 2.at school 3.go upstairs 4.carry the box 5.be ready for 6.ask you a question 7.borrow your dictionary 8.an English dictionary 9.help with 10.answer my question二、1.blackboard 2puter 3.window 4.map 5.dictionary 6.science 7.notebook 8.pencil三、1.carry 2.borrow 3.find 4.sure 5.check 6.lend 7.helps 四、1.I use pencils 2.Are you ready for; to go to 3.classes do you have 4.dont have English class 5.have a science 6.has a 7.Does; have a notebook; he does 8.Does; have a watch; No,he doesnt 9.Your bag is too heavy 10.I can take out my English dictionary一、单选1.Where are_pens? Are_in the case? A. My;they B./; they C.your; you D.his; them2. We are ready the game. A.at B.in C.with D.for3.Lets puter games. A. play B.plays C.playing D.to play4.She goes to the music class Tuesday evening. A.at B.in C.with D.on5.I dont a dictionary. But Jim_one. A. Have;have B.have; has C. has; has D.has; have6.Does Tom often play football after_school. A. /; / B./; the C.the; / D.a; /7.Where is my bag? I cant it. A.check B.find C.look D.carry8.My brother this kind of storybook. A.have B.dont have C.doesnt has D.doesnt have9.-Do you have a pop concert? -Yes, . A.we have B. We do C. We are D.I am10.Do you often go to football games_your friends? A.see; and B.look at; with C.watch; and D.watch; with二、完型John is a student in a Middle School. But he is not a _1_student. He is often late for_2_ and doesnt doing his homework. Sometimes, he sleeps in class while the teacher is teaching. He doesnt understand much, _3_ he always thinks he understands_4_. One day the teacher_5_the students a question, “When Jack is ten years old, _6_ brother Bob is twenty. Jack is fifteen now and _7_ is his brother Bob?” John says, “That is easy. Bob is twice as old as Jack, so he is now thirty.”Another time, the teacher in a science class asks, “When it thunders, _8_ do we always see the light before we_9_ the sound?”“But,Miss,” says John quickly, “dont you_10_ that our eyes are in front of our ears?”1. A.good B.tall C.rich D.fat2. A. sleep B.lunch C.class D.play3. A.so B.and C.or D.but4.everything B. anything C.nothing D.something5. A.sends B.asks C.tells D.find6. A.your B. my C. his D.her7. A. How many B.How old C. What D.Who8. A.What B.When C. Where D.Why9. A. break B.make C.hear D. smell10.A. read B.hope C. study D.know答案: 一:1-5:ADADB 6-10:ABDBD 二:1-5:ACDAB 6-10:CBDCD _一、单选(北师大版学生课堂活动手册七年级英语上册期中考试试题)1.Lets_ the map on the wall. A. Look at B.see C.watch D. look2.I have_supper at home every day. A.a B.the C.an D./3. -Do you like sports? -Yes,I do. I like_ very much. A.playing tennis B.playing the piano C.playing puter game D.play football4. What club _Bob want to join? A. does B.is C.do D. can5. -_do you usually watch TV? -On weekend. A. Where B.How many times C.How D. When color二、连词成句。1.Tom, a, does , pencil, case, have ?2. Have, class, note, they, do, maths .3.class, ready, you, for are ?4.day, too, use, every, books, I .5.he, what, have, does ?三、根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词,注意使用其正确形式。1.Who can a_this question?2.Let me c_this books for you.3.Can you help me w_my homework?4.Do you have an English d_in your bag?5.Can you ask a question a_our maths homework?6.Does the boy in P_1 have a map?四、根据中文提示完成下列各句。1.我能问你一个有关数学作业的问题吗? Can_our maths homework?2.让我核对一下我的笔记本。 _notebook.3.我找不到汽车钥匙了。 _my car key.4.美术室紧挨着电脑室。 The art room_the puter room.5.你能借个我你的裙子吗? Can you_skirt?6.我可以借你的字典吗? _dictionary?7.打扰一下,映月教室在哪里? Excuse me, _room?8.让我帮忙做作业吧! _homework!9.谁能回答我的问题? _question?10.我不确信这个答案。 _the answer.五、阅读理解。 AThis is Henrys school timetable.No 1 Middle SchoolMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8:10EnglishEnglishMathsChineseBiology9:00MathsBiologyChineseMathsHistory9:50BiologyArtEnglishPEMaths10:40HistoryLunchLunchBiologyEnglish12:20LunchHistoryPELunchLunch1:10PEChineseArtHistoryPE2:00ChineseMathsBiologyEnglishChinese1.On Monday, Henry has biology at_. A.9:00am B.9:50am C.10:40am D.1:10pm2.How many subjects does he have? A.5 B.6 C.7 D.83.How many history classes does he have in a week? A.4 B.5 C.6 D.74.On Friday morning, he doesnt have_. A.Maths B.Chinese C.Biology D.EnglishB Samira is nine years old. She lives on a farm near Pairs. There is a big tree growing in the garden behind he home. One day, Samira and her father are in the garden. She points to the tree and says, “father, can you make a little house for me in that tree? I want a tree-house. Then my friends and I can play there.” Now,Samiras father is making a house for her in the tree. First, he makes a ladder to climb the tree. Then he makes the floor of the house between the branches. He makes four walls and a roof. There is a door in one of the walls. The house has one room. It has two small chairs and a small table. Samirs likes the house very much. She likes to play in it all day with her friends.1.How old is Samira? _ 2.Where does Samira live? _3.Is the tree-house under the tree or in the big tree? _4.What in the tree house? _5.Does Samira like the tree-house? _ C I study in No 5 Middle School. 1_There are about two thousand students in my school. In the school,there are a lot of trees and beautiful flowers. There are six grades in my school. We have about 130 teachers. Our teachers are very kind 2_I am in Class Two, Grade One. There are 24 boys and 26 girls in my class. My classroom is on the third floor. Our classroom id big and bright. There are four windows. All the desks and chairs are new. We go to school at seven in the morning. Classes begin at eight. We have six lessons a day. We often do sports after school. 3_I like English very much. My English teacher is Mr Wang. In my class, some of the students are god at English. We go home at five ten in the afternoon. 4_.A. We all like our school and we all work hard on our lessons.B. This is a big and nice school.C. There are about 30 classrooms in our school.D. We study Chinese,English,Maths and other lessons.E. They all like their work and they all work very hard.答案:一、1-5 ADAAD二、1.Does Tom have a pencil case 2.They dont have maths class3.Are you ready for class? 4.I use books everyday,too5.What does he have三、1.answer 2.carry 3. With 4.dictionary 5.about 6.Picture四、I ask you about question about 2. Let me check my 3.I cant find 4.is next to 5.lend me your 6.May I borrow your 7.Where is the music 8.Let me help with 9.Who can answer my 10.I am not sure about 五、阅读理解 A 篇:1-4:BDAB B篇:1.She is nine years old 2.She lives on a farm near Pairs 3.It is in the tree 4. Two small chairs and a small table 5.Yes, she does C篇:BEDA


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