2019-2020年高考英语 单项选择、阅读理解回顾训练(28).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 单项选择、阅读理解回顾训练(28)单项选择-考题类型 回顾1 测试考点8 (典型例题 分 ) I always take some- thing to read when I go to the doctors _ _ I have to wait. A. in case B. so that C. in order D. as if1A点拨:题意:“当我去诊所时,我总是带些读物,以便在不得不等候时消磨时间”,in case“以防。假如”引导的状语从句可以用来表示“动机”而其他三项不合题意。回顾2 测试考点 8 (典型例题ll these gifts must be mailed immediately in time for Christmas. A. in order to have received B. in order to receive C. so as to be received D. so as to be receiving2C点拨:题意:“所有的礼物都必须立即邮寄出,目的是在圣诞节及时被收到”,in order to或so as to引导的不定式表示目的或动机,且gift与receive之间存在动宾关系,故选c。 回顾3 测试考点 1 ( 典型例题 ) My mother always gets a bit if we dont arrive when we say we will. A. anxious B. ashamed C. weak D. patient3A点拨:考查形容词辨析。题意:“当我们说我们会及时回家而又没回去时,我妈妈总是感到担心”,anxious“担心,忧虑”,而ashamed“羞愧的”,patient“耐心的”,weak“弱的”均不符合题意。 回顾4 测试考点 3 (典型例题)Once a decision has been made. all of us should it. A. direct to B. stick to C, lead to D, refer to 4B点拨:考查动词短语辨析。stick to“坚持”,lead to“通向,导致”,refer to“参考”,由题意“一旦作出决定,我们都应该坚持它”可知B为正确选项。 单项选择-强化训练备考1测试考点 2 Im a lot of experience in my job. A. accepting B. acquiring C. catching D. winning1B点拨:考查动词词义辨析。accept“接受”。acquire“获取,学会”,catch“抓住”,win“获胜”,由题意“在工作中我获得了许多经验”可知B为正确答案。 备考2测试考点 6 After a study of six months. Tom has made in his studies than before. A. a greater progress B. greater progresses C. greater progress D. great progress2C点拨:考查名词progress的用法。progress为不可数名词。make great progress“取得巨大进步”,且原文中含有than before,故用make greater progress。 备考3测试考点 3 If you want to succeed, you must to it. A. insist B. keep C. stick D. go on3c点拨:题意:“如果你想要成功的话,你必须坚持下去”,stick to“坚持(立场,观点)”,而insist on“坚持做某事”,go on with“继续做某事”,故选C。备考4测试考点4 Parents should their children how to deal with daily things instead of doing them for chihlren. A. guide B. ask C. follow D. instruct4D 点拨:考查动词辨析。题意:“父母应指导孩子做日常事物而不是为他们包办”,instruct sbto do sth“指导某人做某事”,而其他三项不符合题意。 备考5测试考点 1 My mother will be ahout my safe ty if I e home late. A. anxious B. happy C. certain D eager5A点拨:句意“如果我回家晚了,我妈妈会担心我的安全”。anxious“担心、忧虑”,而eager“渴望的”,故选A。 备考6测试考点5 You did very well. Have you his suggcstion to improve your work? A. offered B. adopted C. provided D. received6B点拨:题意:“你做得很好,你已经接受他的建议来改善你的工作了吗?adopt“采纳”,而offer提供”,provide提供”,不符合题意。 备考7测试考点 7 Shall we go out for a walk? Cant you see homework before me? A. a great number of B. too many C. so many D. piles of7D点拨:homework为不可数名词,a great number of“大量,许多”,too many“许多”,so many“这么多”都用来修饰可数名 词,而piles of既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词,故选D。备考8测试考点 9 It seemed as if he had cried saw him. A. the last time B. for the last time C. the last time when D. at lasl8A 点拨:the last time“上一次”可用作连词引导从句,而C项the last time when中的when多余。21(xx课标全国高考)We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.Yes,_?Ill give them a call right now.Awhy not Bwhat forCwhy Dwhat22(xx课标全国高考)Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes.Well,you married one._.AYou name it BIve got itCI cant agree more DYou should know23(xx全国高考)Did you forget about my birthday?_ Ive booked a table at Michels restaurant for this evening.AWhat then? BIm afraid so.CHow could I? DFor sure.24(xx全国高考)So you gave her your phone?_,she said shed return it to me when she could afford her own.AMy pleasure BNot exactlyCNo doubt DAll right25(xx山东高考)Im sorry I broke the vase.Oh,_.It wasnt very expensive.Ayoud better not BIm afraid notCas you wish Dthats all right26(xx山东高考)Are you going to Toms birthday party?_.I might have to work.AIt depends BThank youCSounds great DDont mention it27(xx江西高考)We need three single rooms for the first week in June._.The hotels not busy then.ANo problem BDont botherCNever mind DIt doesnt matter28(xx江苏高考)Linda didnt invite us to the party._?I dont care.AFor what BSo whatCWhats on DWhats up29(xx江苏高考)You could always put the decision off a little bit longer._ If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.AThats reasonable advice.BIsnt it a good idea?CDo you think so?DI cant agree more.30(xx安徽高考)Oh,you sounded just like a native._.I still have trouble expressing myself.AWell,not quiteBI dont careCYes,youre rightDIm glad you like it31(xx安徽高考)You can have a pet dog,but suppose you get bored with it in a few days?_?We wont,we promise!AThen whatBAll rightCHow eDSo what32(xx安徽高考)We got here Tuesday afternoon._Why didnt you call us earlier?AGood luck!BYou did?CIts no surprise.DYou are wele.33(xx浙江高考)Can I e and have a look at your new house?Yes,_!Awith pleasureBI like itCI quite agreeDby all means34(xx浙江高考)I dont think Ill be able to go mountainclimbing tomorrow._?AAnd howBHow eCHows it goingDHow about it35(xx四川高考)Im sorry I didnt finish it on time._AFine,thanks.BNo,thanks.CThanks a lot.DThanks anyway.36(xx东北三省第一次大联考)Im nervous for Ill take a maths test._.Your hard work will pay off.ALife is not easyBNothing is possibleCIt doesnt matterDBelieve in yourself37(xx浙江名校联盟第一次联考)Do you think you will be able to finish your writing by five oclock today?_.Ill be busy with experiments all day.ANot a chanceBNot a littleCNot to mention itDNot a big deal38(xx安徽皖南八校第二次联考)Thank you for taking the trouble to help me with my application letter._.ADont mention itBWith pleasureCIt doesnt matterDBy all means39(xx山西第二次四校联考)Im sorry Ive split some tea on the tablecloth._ It will wash out.AGot it.BYou are wele.CNever mindDI couldnt agree more.40(xx浙江名校联盟第一次联考)Tom is a very hardworking student._.As far as I know,he often burns the midnight oil.AYou can say that againBI dont think so CI am sorry to hear thatDYou cant be serious41(xx江苏宿迁调研)Mrs.Chris,may I have a look at the house for sale?Of course._.AThank youBSit down,pleaseCThis way,pleaseDEnjoy yourself,please42(xx河南洛阳一练)Can I get something to drink?Sure,_.Alike your homeBmake yourself at homeCyou could of courseDyou are wele43(xx山西高三第二次诊断考试)Im afraid I cannot get along well with my new classmates._,Mike.Everything will be OK.AGo aheadBForget itCTake it easyDDont mention it44(xx江西师大附中月考)Thanks for your help,but can you do me one more favor,please?_,sir.Whats it then?AJust a minuteBAt your serviceCThats rightDIts my pleasure参考答案21Awhy not“为什么不呢,好哇”,用来表示向对方提出建议或对对方的提议给予肯定,符合该句语境。what for和why意为“为什么”;what意为“什么”。22D句意:有时搞艺术的人很难相处。你嫁(娶)了一个这样的人,你应该清楚这一点。A项意为“随你讲什么都行”;B项意为“我懂了,有啦”;C项意为“我完全赞同”;D项意为“你应该知道,你很清楚”。由答语判断应选D项。23C根据“Ive booked a table at Michels restaurant for this evening.”可知并没有忘记对方的生日,故选C项How could I?表示 “我怎么能忘呢?”。what then“那便会怎么样呢?”;Im afraid so.“我恐怕是这样。”;for sure“肯定,确定。”24B句意:所以你把你的手机给她了?不完全是这样,她说她自己能买得起的时候就把它还给我。not exactly“不完全是”(纠正对方刚说过的话)。25Dyoud better not “你最好别这样做”;Im afraid not“恐怕不是这样”;as you wish“正如你所愿”;thats all right“没关系,不用谢”,可以用来回答感谢和道歉。句意:很抱歉,我把花瓶打碎了。噢,没关系。它不是很值钱。故D项正确。26AIt depends “视情况而定”;Thank you“谢谢”;Sounds great“听起来不错”;Dont mention it“别客气,没关系”可用来回答感谢和道歉。句意:你打算去参加汤姆的生日聚会吗?那要看情况。或许我要上班。根据句意A项正确。27A根据题中“The hotels not busy then.”可知,说话人接受对方的要求,所以答案为A项。no problem意思是“没问题”。B项“不用麻烦了”;C项“没关系,不要紧”;D项“没关系,无所谓”。28B根据后面的句子“I dont care.”可判断,此处表示“那又怎么样”,表示满不在乎或无所谓的态度。A项表示“为了什么”,C项表示“正在发生什么事”;D项表示“怎么了,发生什么啦”。29C根据后面的句子“If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.”可判断,第二个人并不赞同第一个人的说法,因此反问“你这样认为吗”。其他三项均表示赞同对方的说法或建议。30A句意:哦,你听上去像是当地人。嗯,不完全是。我在表达自己的想法时仍旧有困难。Well,not quite.“嗯,不完全是”;I dont care.“我不在乎”;Yes,you re right.“是的,你是正确的”;Im glad you like it.“我很高兴你喜欢它”故选A项。31A句意:你可以养只宠物狗。但是,假设几天后你厌烦了,那怎么办?我们保证不会。then what “然后呢”;all right“好,行,可以”;how e“怎么回事,怎么搞的”;so what“那又怎样”由句意可知,A项符合题意。32B句意:我们星期二下午到了这儿。真的吗?那你为什么不早点给我们打电话?good luck“祝您好运”;you did相当于you got here;Its no surprise.“这并不令人感到意外”;You are wele.“不客气”由句意可知,B项符合题意。33D句意:“我能来看一下你的新房子吗?”“当然可以。”with pleasure“乐意地,愿意”;I like it“我喜欢它”;I quite agree“我非常同意”;by all means“当然可以”;故选D项。34B句意:我认为明天我不能去爬山了。为什么?”and how“那如何”;how e“为什么?怎么会?”;Hows it going“怎么样?进展如何?”How about it“某事/物如何?”故选B项。35D只有D项可用于回答道歉。Thanks anyway“不管怎样,还得谢谢你”。36D句意:我要考数学了,非常紧张。信不信由你,你的付出一定有回报。life is not easy“生活不容易”;nothing is possible“没有什么不可以”;It doesnt matter“没有关系”;believe in yourself“信不信由你”。37A句意:你认为你在今天五点钟之前能完成写作吗?不可能。我今天一整天都要忙实验。not a chance“没有机会,不可能”;not a little“非常”;not to mention it“不值得一提”;not a big deal“不是重要的事”。38A句意:谢谢你费了那么多麻烦帮我写申请信。不用客气。Dont mention it是回答道谢的用语。with pleasure“十分愿意”,回答邀请的用语。39C句意:对不起,我把茶溅到桌布上了。没关系,能洗掉。never mind“别介意”。40A句意:汤姆是非常刻苦的学生。你说的非常对。据我说知,他总是熬夜。You can say that again“你说的对极了”;You cant be serious“你别太认真”。41C句意:克里斯夫人,我可以看看待卖的房子吗?当然。这边请。This way,please“这边请”。42B句意:我能喝点饮料吗?当然可以,请不要拘礼。make yourself at home“请不要客气;像在家里一样”。43C句意:我恐怕与同学不能友好相处。不用担心,迈克。一切都会顺利的。go ahead“干吧,用吧”;forget“得了吧”;take it easy“别担心”;dont mention it“没关系”。44B句意:很感谢你的帮助,但请你帮个忙好吗?悉听尊便,先生。什么事?just a minute“稍等会”;at your service“听您吩咐;悉听尊便”;thats right“那是正确的”;its my pleasure“很乐意”。根据句意,只有B项正确。16. The “orphans” home in the old society was _ a living hell, where children suffered from inhuman treatment.A. as far as B. much better than C. no better than D. not better than17. Would you lend me the bike _ you often e to school? A. on which B. by which C. in which D. with which18. There are trees on _ side of the road. A. both B. every C. all D. either19. It is raining now. We have no choice _ at home.A. but stayB. but to stayC. but stayingD. and stay20. I met one of my friends in the street _. We decided to have an outing _.A. some day; one dayB. one day; some dayC. some day; some dayD. a day; some day21. You told me _ to do with the waste, but now I dont know _ to deal with this problem. A. what; whatB. what; howC. how; howD. how; what22. I dont doubt _ he can do a good job of it. A. ifB. whetherC. whichD. that23. Yesterday I bought two _ these eggs in the newly-opened bazaar(集市). A. dozenB. dozen of C. coupleD. scores 24. In our country today the distribution (分配) principle is mainly from _ according to his ability and to _ according to his work. A. every; every B. each; every C. each; each D. every; each25. This new building is more beautiful than _ building in the block. A. any otherB. anyC. allD. the other26. - Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end? - If you keep still, you can sit at _. A. eachB. neitherC. eitherD. any27. - Do you know whose umbrella it is? - It is not mine. Perhaps it is _. A. someone elseB. someone elsesC. someones else D. someones elses28. - Can the engineer speak _? - No. He can only talk with you _. A. the English language; in FrenchB. English language; in French C. the English language; with FrenchD. English language; with French29. As we all know, Russia is _ European country, which extends across Europe and Asia. A. aB. anC. the D. X30. The window was shut, and the man in charge of the equipment _ to open it. A. did even not tryB. did not even tryC. tried not evenD. even did not try参考答案1620CADBB2125BDBCA 2630CBAAD*结束


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