2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 3 What Subject Do You Like Best?教案 新路径(一起).doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 3 What Subject Do You Like Best?教案 新路径(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 3 What Subject Do You Like Best?教案 新路径(一起)objectives:1. 能听、会说本课词汇,做到发音准确,语调自然。对easy magic interesting useful important useless hard boring的要求能书写。2. 能向别人询问最喜欢的人和事物,并能就此问题作出回答。3. 通过歌曲教学,帮助学生运用不同的语言形式巩固所学内容。4. 掌握What Subject do you like best?= Whats your favourite subject?5. 能借助图画理解故事,巩固本课所学内容。6. 能用自然拼读含有e-e;th字母组合的单词,做到举一反三。Focal Points:7.形容词easy magic interesting useful important useless hard boring的意思,并能初步应用。Difficult Points:8. 掌握What Subject do you like best?= Whats your favourite subject?Teaching aids:9. 字母卡片若干;本课单词卡片;录音机。Contents:The first period:1)Listen and practice; 2) Work in pairs;3)Listen and singThe second period:1)Lets talk;2) listen and circle;3)Guess,write and say.The third period:1)Look,listen and say 2)Read and write;3)Read and make up a similar story.The first periodStep 1Greeting .Such as: How are you ? Whats this? Whose book is it? Whats your favourite subject? Show some peoples phptos and ask :“Who do you like best?”Step 2Listen and practise: easy magic interesting useful important useless hard boring用直观的方式教学和操练.Use the pictures to teach these words.Such as:I like PE. Its easy. I dont like maths.Its hard.More examples to teach easy magic interesting useful important useless hard boring.教师再带读单词,确保学生发音准确Practice A: I like PE. I dont like maths B:Why do you like PE? A:Because its easy. B B:Why dont you like maths? A: Because Its hard.Step 3Work in pairs. A:What subject do you like best? B: I like PE best. A:Why do you like PE? B:Because its easy.Ss ask and answer in pairsThen ask some Ss to talk their favourites in front of the classroom.Maybe favourite animal, colour,day.掌握What Subject do you like best?= Whats your favourite subject?Step 4Listen and sing . Listen to the recorder 3 timesThe teacher teach them to sing the song.All class sing the songSing the song in groups.通过歌曲教学,帮助学生运用不同的语言形式巩固所学内容。Step 5总结本课所学内容,布置作业。与学生道别。Copy the words: easy magic interesting useful important useless hard boring.课后反思:The second periodStep 1师生问候。T: Good morningclass!Ps: Good morningMiss Wu!T: How are you?Ps: Fine thank you and you?T: not bad Thank you.Revise : A:What subject do you like best? B: I like PE best. A:Why do you like PE? B:Because its easy.Step 2Lets talk1.Ask Question 1: How many persons are there in the dialogue?Question 2: Whats her favourite subject?Question 3: Why does the girl like English?Question 4: Whats the girls suggestion.(建议)?2.Play the recorder ,the first time ,Ss only listen ,the second time,Ss listen and repeat. Then answer the question.3.听第三遍录音,学生跟读课文,注意语音、语调在情感表达中的作用。4. 分组练习对话并表演。5.Ask several Ss to recite it.Step 3 listen and circle1. 学生独立将图片所表示的单词大声朗读一遍。2. 分小组互相检测。3. 教师检测朗读情况。4. 听音,选择答案。学生能根据答案反推问题。让学生提4个问题。5. 教师检测练习的完成情况,并作必要的解释Step 4Guess,write and say.Show the pictures, Let Ss guess the subjects.Look at P12 :A:What class does he/she like best? B: he/she likes best. A:Why does he/she like best? B:Because its.Let them talk all of the pictures. Step 5Practice :let Ss talk about their own favourites and reasonsMake new dialogues.Such as: A:What subject do you like best? B: I like PE best. A:Why do you like PE? B:Because its easy.The similar dialogues about:day;colour;animals. Step 61. 小结本课。2. 布置作业:复习本课所学单词和歌曲。3. 与学生道别。课后反思:The third period:Step 11. 师生常规问候。2. 复习前二节课所学内容。3.sing the song: My favourite DayStep 2Play a game :What animal do I like best?StudentA does an action,and say: What animal do I like best?StudentB guess:You like best.More agtions, more guessings.Then more pictures.more subjectsStep 3Look,listen and say1. 教师读单词these he me ;mother brother; three teeth或播放录音,让学生感知e-e; th的发音。2. 学生跟读。T: Boys and girls read the words after me.3. 学生自己读,教师可以给出类似的单词让学生尝试拼读,如Chinese Japanese te she father either throw thanks等,甚至可以给出一些无意义的词。4. 鼓励并引导学生自己归纳出这些单词的发音规律。T: 同学们,你们能发现这些单词有什么共同的地方吗?Ps:Yesthere are “e”and “e”.T:You are so clever.大家有没有注意到它们发音上的特点呢?Ps:”e”发成“/i:/” “ th”发”/ /5. 认识发音规律后,让学生自己拼读单词。6.学生一起大声朗读所有单词。Step 4Read and writeRead the 4 words, give them some time to fill the blanks.Then ask 4 Ss to read the sentence and give the answers.Check the answers.Read the sentences together. Step 5Read and make up a similar story.1.首先让学生自己读故事,了解形容词的用法,读懂故事文意,并初步体会其中的幽默意味。2.提出问题,检测学生的理解程度。Whats the dogs favourite class?Who is the artist?3.表演故事。1)方案一:让两个学生进行表演。方案二:教师扮演其中一个角色,再和一个学生配合呈现故事。3) 让学生自由组合,发挥其想象力,编一个新故事,再进行表演,教师应在学生的表演中发现问题,给予纠正。4.用所学的其他单词仿遍故事。Step 61. 小结本课。2. 布置作业:Finish the workbook.3. 与学生道别。课后反思:附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 4 Whats the Missing Word?教案 新路径(一起)Content:1. Numbers. 2.V-ing phrases:swimming singing watching TV doing my homework sleeping eating listening to music reading3.Sentence pattern: 1)-What are you doing? -Im doing something. 2)-How many _have you got ? - Numbers.Teaching aims:Ss can say these v-ing phrases.2.Ss can use the following sentence pattern: 1)-What are you doing? -Im doing something.2)-How many _have you got ? - Numbers.3.Ss can use “hundred and thousand “correctly.Important points:Numbers.V-ing phrases.Sentence pattern: -What are you doing? -Im doing something.-How many _have you got ? - Numbers.Difficulty points :1.V-ing phrases.2. Sentence pattern: -What are you doing? -Im doing something.-How many _have you got ? - Numbers.Teaching aids : Recorder cards 飞镖Teaching method: TPRTeaching Steps:Step 1: Warming up.Numbers .From 1 to 100.Solving the following maths :62-9=? 100+200=? 95-7=? 48+26=? 900-400=? Step 2: Lead in : 1. T:Yesterday ,I went to the supermarket and bought a toy .Can you guess :” Whats it? 2 Show 飞镖to students and play with them .Step 3 :New lesson :Introduce the toy and teach the words :“scores”Teacher play it and ask students “How many scores have you got?Teach the new sentence“How many scores have you got?Divide the sentence into 4 Parts . How many /scores /have you /got?2)High voice and low voice .4.Practice :1)play the game of the page 23.2)Guess the numbers .Page24.3)Guess the price .4)English song .P24Five Hundred Miles.Pay attention to : “ hundred/ miles”Step 4 :Homework :Write down sentences :How many?课后反思:


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