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2019-2020年三年级下册第二单元测试卷一、看拼音,写词语。y ch xin chng tng yun xn s d lo( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )yo bi pn chng bn j cho gu y xi( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、比一比,再组词。蓝( ) 偷( ) 虾( ) 坚( ) 篮( ) 愉( ) 吓( ) 竖( ) 扬( ) 颗( ) 梅( ) 乖( ) 杨( ) 棵( ) 海( ) 乘( ) 三、加偏旁组新字,再组词。 _( ) _( ) _( )尧 _( ) 昔 _( ) 由 _( ) _( ) _( ) _( )四、给带点字选择正确的意思张 分开;展开。看;望。 扩大;夸大。商店开业。 陈设;铺排。姓。张牙舞爪( ) 张灯结彩( ) 虚张声势( )东张西望( ) 开张大吉( ) 张冠李戴( )五、把下列和数字有关的成语补充完整。独( )无( ) ( )紫( )红 ( )颜( )色( )分( )裂 接( )连( ) 横( )竖( )( )之( )( ) ( )孔( )疮 低( )下( )( )嘴( )舌 ( )全( )美 ( )牛( )毛六、按要求写句子。1、太阳露出笑脸。(扩句)_2、戴着红领巾的小姑娘认真地拾起地上的碎纸。(缩句)_3、世博会的规模很大。(改感叹句)_4、平静的湖面,真是美丽极了。(改比喻句)_5、同学们基本上全部到齐了。(改病句)_6、经过努力,他的错别字大大进步了。(改病句)_七、阅读短文,回答问题。 (一)课内阅读 第二天早晨,太阳还没露( )脸,我们四五个孩子就早早起了床,各自偷偷地从家里拿了一只竹篮,悄悄地溜出了村。我们追着,跑着,愉快的笑声洒满村外的小路。渐( )渐地,太阳出来了。我们早已钻进豆棚,钻进菜垄,埋着头去采那一蓬蓬、一丛丛鲜嫩的马齿苋。我们装满篮子,然后,小心翼翼地用泉水把采来的野菜洗净,再一把一把用稻草扎( )紧。我们 忙得满头大汗, 望着篮子里翠生生的马齿苋,心里涌出一股甜甜的滋味。1、给带点字注音。2、在划横线处加上合适的关联词。3、照样子写词语:小心翼翼 、_ 、 、翠生生: 、 、 、4、从“早早”、“偷偷”、“悄悄”你体会到了什么? _5、用波浪线画出我们采马齿苋的句子,找出表示动作的词写在下面的横线上。 _6、为什么我们忙得满头大汗,心里却涌出一股甜甜的滋味? _(二)课外阅读 赶 海“小时候,妈妈对我讲,大海就是我故乡”每当唱起这支歌,我便不由自主地想起赶海的趣事。那是暑假里的一天,我有幸跟爸爸去青岛旅游,爸爸说要带我去赶海,我爽快地答应了。我们赶到海边,刚巧开始退潮,海水哗哗地往回流,只有浪花还不时回过头来,好像不忍离开似的。我兴(奋、愤)极了,飞跑着追赶远去的浪花。这时,沙滩上已经有好多人,他们有的捉螃蟹,有的捞海鱼,还有的捡贝壳我在海水里摸呀摸呀,嘿(hi ),一只小螃蟹被我抓住了!我高兴得跳起来,那边一个小伙伴儿,正埋着头寻找着什么。我走过去想看个究竟,小伙伴只努努嘴儿,不做声,原来是一只小螃蟹不甘束手就擒(qn ),正东逃西(窜、串)哩。突然,小伙伴“哎哟”一声叫起来,原来是螃蟹用大螯(o )夹住了他的手。咦,怎么我的脚也痒(yn)痒的?我(底、低)头一看,哦,原来是一只大虾在逗我呢!它摇摆着两条长须,活像戏台上的一员武将,我轻轻伸过手去,只一捏,这武将就成了我的俘虏(l)。(再、在)也神气不起来了。太阳偏西了,赶海的人们满(载、裁)而归,我也提着“战利品”跟着爸爸往回走。海风吹(拂、佛)着,我感到舒服极了。我一边走,一边哼(hn)起了最爱唱的歌:“小时候妈妈对我讲,大海就是我故乡”1、用“”画去括号中不恰当的字。2、联系上下文解释词语 不由自主:_ 爽快:_3、短文中的“武将”指_;“战利品”指_。4、这篇短文主要写了一件什么事?_八、续写童话。要求:把故事续编完整,要使故事生动具体。路边,有一棵大树,它站在那儿很多年了,树皮在渐渐脱落,它的身边,最近新栽了一棵小树。附送:2019-2020年三年级下册第二单元测试卷及答案 班别 姓名 学号 分数 Part 1 听力部分(30分)一.听选单词、词组和句子 (10分)( )1. A. socks B. pants C. skirt ( ) 2. A .in B. on C. under ( ) 3. A .cup B .forks C .plates ( ) 4. A. a spoon B. a glass C. a bowl ( ) 5. A. fourteen B .sixteen C. eighteen ( ) 6. A .ten oclock B. three oclock C. eleven oclock ( ) 7. A .Good morning, Tony! B. Good morning, class. C. Good morning, Jenny! ( ) 8. A. Its on the bed. B. Its in the box. C. Its under the pillow. ( ) 9. A. Do you have forks? B. Do you have chopsticks? C. Does she have plates? ( ) 10. A. Is it eleven oclock? B. Is it ten oclock? C. Its twelve oclock.二听问句,选答语。(5分)( ) 1. A. Its on the bed. B. Theyre under the pillow. C. Its in the box. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, he does. ( ) 3.A. Yes, it is. B. Its ten oclock. C. No, it isnt. ( ) 4. A. Its on the desk. B. Theyre under the chair. C. They are in the box. ( ) 5. A. Yes, it is. B. Its three oclock. C. Oh, on. ( ) 6. A. There are twenty. B. There is one. C. There is a book.三听音判断。对的写T, 错的写F。(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四给句子排序。(5分)( ) How many cups are there? ( ) Hi, Jenny. What time is it? ( ) Do you have cups? Yes,we do. ( ) There are four. ( ) Its ten oclock. Part2 笔试部分 (70分)五用正确的形式抄写下列句子。(4分) 1. Wheres my skirt? Its on the bed. 2. How many cherries are there? There are twenty.六 单项选择题。(10分)( ) 1. Where my skirt? It on the bed. A. are, are B. is, are C. is, is( ) 2. Where my socks? They under the pillow. A. are, are B. is, are C. is, is( )3. you have forks? A. Does B. Do C. Are( )4. How many cherries there? A. are B. is C. does( )5. She glasses. A. have B. has C. Has( )6. What is it? Its ten oclock. A. is B. are C. time ( )7. Is it twelve oclock? Yes, . A. it is B. it isnt C. there are( )8. There an apple. A. are B. is C. do( )9.There fifteen apples. A. are B. is C. do( )10.There is sandwich. A. four B. sixteen C. one七情景选择。(10分)( )1.你想知道树上有多少颗橙子,你会怎么问?A. How many orange is there? B. How many oranges is there?C. How many oranges are there?( )2.你想跟别人借杯子,你会怎么问?A. We dont have cups. B. Excuse me. Do you have cups? C. Excuse me. Do you has cups?( )3. 妈妈想知道你的袜子在哪里?妈妈怎么说:A. Where is your socks? B. Where are your sock?C. Where are your socks?( )4. 你告诉妈妈你的袜子在椅子下面说:A. Theyre under the chair. B. Theyre in the box.C. Its on the desk.( )5.Tony 问Gogo时间,他怎么问的:A. Its eleven oclock? B. What time is it?C. What time are there?( )6.Gogo告诉Tony现在10点了:A. Its eleven oclock? B. There are ten oclock.C. Its ten oclock.( )7. Gogo想知道Jenny有没有盘子,他怎么问Tony: A. Do you have plates? B. Does he have plates? C. Does she have plates. ( )8. Tony告诉Gogo,Jenny 没有盘子: A. She has plates. B. She dont have plates. C. She doesnt have plates. ( )9. Gogo问你 Is it three oclock? 你答: AYes, it isnt. B. No, it is. C. No, it isnt. ( )10.你想告诉爸爸树上有20个桃子,你会说:A. There are twenty peaches. B. There is twenty peaches.C. There are two peaches.八把I栏与II匹配起来。(7分) I II( ) 1. What time is it? A. Yes, it is.( ) 2. Wheres my pen? B. Yes, we do.( ) 3. How many cups are there? C. Its ten oclock.( ) 4. Is it one oclock? D. No, she doesnt.( ) 5. Where are my pens? E. Its in the box.( ) 6. Do you have forks? F. Theyre on the desk.( ) 7. Does she have forks? G. Theyre sixteen cups.九模仿例句写句子。(16分) Model1:Wheres my skirt? Its on the bed. (socks,under the pillow)Modle2: Do you have forks? Yes, we do. (she, plates, no)Modle3: Is it one oclock? No, it isnt. ( nine, yes)Modle4: How many peaches are there? There are thirteen. (banana, seventeen)十按实际情况回答问题。(6分)1. Where are your books? 2. Is it eight oclock? 3. Do you have bowls? 十一看图完成句子。(18分) 1 2 3 41.How many are there? There three.2.What is ? Its oclock.3. How many are there? There are .4. How many pears there? There are pears.附加题:将下列单词分类 rice salad mantou bowl sandwich Chinese food Western food 小学xx-xx学年度第二学期三年级英语第二单元教学目标检测卷 听力材料一.听选单词、词组和句子 (10分)1. socks 2. on 3. plates 4. a glass 5. fourteen 6. eleven oclock 7. Good morning, Tony. 8. Its under the pillow.9. Do you have chopsticks? 10. Its twelve oclock.二听问句,选答语。(5分)1. Where are my pants? 2. Does he have forks?3. What time is it? 4. Wheres my book?5. Is it three oclock? 6. How many cherries are there?三听音判断。对的写T, 错的写F。(8分)1. What time is it? Its eleven oclock. 2. Theyre socks.3. Do you have forks? Yes, I have five forks.4. Wherere my pants?5. The rabbit on the bed.6. Does she have cups? Yes, she does.7. Is it ten oclock? Yes, it is. 8. Tony has a jacket.四给句子排序。(5分)1. Hi, Jenny, what time is it? 2. Its ten oclock.3. Do you have cups? Yes, we do.4. How many cups are there? 5. There are four.启明小学xx-xx学年度第二学期三年级英语第二单元教学目标检测卷(Book2 Unit5Unit8)答案一1A. 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C二1.B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 6.A三T T F T F T F T四41352五略六1.C 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C七1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.A八C E G A F B D九略十略十一. 1.spoons, are 2. time, it, eight 3.cherries, four 4. are, twenty


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