九年级英语全册 Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth综合能力演练 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth综合能力演练 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth综合能力演练 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth!综合能力演练I. 单项选择。1 How much do I need to pay _ the dictionary? About fifty yuan Aon Bfor Cwith Dof2Wemustdosomethingusefulto_pollution.A.cutoffB.cutupC.cutdownD.cutin3Smokingcan_lungcancer.Youdbettergiveitup. A.workonB.leadtoC.takeawayD.putout4There are only a few old city walls left YeahMost of them _ in the 1960s Apulled down Bhave pulled down Chad pulled down D. were pulled down5Whatarethe_ofbikeriding? Itcanhelpcutdownairpollution. A.advantagesB.reasonsC.resultsD.ideas6 Areyougoingto_anyoftheevents? Yes.Maybelongjumpandhighjump.A.takepartinB.joinC.attendD.joinin7Many overseas Chinese look forward to _ more about their roots in the summer camp Alearn Bbe learning Clearning Dbe learned8 Most paper is made _ wood YeahBut most books are made _ paper Aof;of Bfrom;from Cof;from Dfrom;of9 Are you free now? NoI have so many chores _ today Ado Bto do Cdoing Ddone10 _ free education,the poor children in my hometown can go back to school So can the children in my hometown AThanks to BInstead of CAs for DTowards11Grandma _ us stories when we were very young Aused to tell Bwas used to tell Cis used to tell Dwas used to telling12Icantafford_himanexpensivebirthdaypresent. A.tobuyB.buyingC.forbuyingD.buy13 Look!_boysareplayingontheplayground. Yes. _them is about 200. A. The number of; A number of B. The number of; The number of C. A number of; the number of D. A number of; A number of 14 Where is David? I think he _ Australia Ahas gone to Bhas been Chas gone Dhas been to15 I think recycling books and paper is useful _ AI quite agreeBI have no idea CWe shouldnt use such thingsDThats a great idea【真题链接】1. Meimei thinks maths is _ than Chinese. A. easy B. easier C. the easiest D. very easy2. David asked_ in China Of course not. Chinese usually shake hands with a lady as a greetingA. why he can greet a lady by kissing herB. why he could greet a lady by kissing herC. whether he can greet a lady by kissing herD. whether he could greet a lady by kissing her 3. Whose T-shirt is this? It _ be Tonys. I am not sure A. may B. must C. will D. canII. 完形填空。 Recently,a reader asked me about the dangers that pets can face around the houseSo,I visited my local animal 1 last weekend and got some advice to share about how we can make our homes 2 for our pets When I arrived,several pets and their 3 were in the waiting roomOne man with a cat chatted with me“My cat will be 4 for an unfortable stomach in a minute,”he said“My children gave 5 a bowl of milkHowever,if she is given milk,she will get a stomach ache.” Just then,the vet(兽医) walked over to us“Yes,MrSmith is 6Not many people know this,but milk mustnt be fed to cats 7 some cats cannot take it in easily,”the vet said.“Other human foods are bad for pets 8For example,if a dog eats chocolate,it will bee 9.” I asked the vet what other hidden 10 there are for pets around the house“Well,”she replied,“we should not 11 small things,such as batteries or coins,lying around as they can be eaten by petsLast Christmas,a baby cat was brought 12 because it had eaten the ribbon(丝带) from a Christmas present!” Before I left,the vet 13 me some more important advice to share with you: You should keep all medicines and cleaning products away from petsAlso,pets,such as cats and dogs,sometimes will 14 their hair if they are unwellIf your pet looks unwell or is acting unusual,you should 15 your vet immediatelyFollow the advice and you can keep your pets safe1Aschool Bhospital Cmarket Dmuseum2Awarm Bsafe Cclean Dbeautiful3Aowners Bvisitors Cteachers Dancestors4Apaid Bchosen Ctreated Dreturned5Ait Bme Chim Dher6Afriendly Bhealthy Cgood Dright7Auntil Bthough Cwhile Dbecause8Aas well Bso far Cas usual Djust now9Abrown Bsick Csmart Dfortable10Asecrets Bchanges Cdangers Dmistakes11Abuy Buse Cleave Dcollect12Ain Bout Cup Ddown13Aoffered Bposted Cwasted Daccepted14Acut Bkeep Close Dgrow15Apoint to Bring up Chear from Dlook afterIII. 阅读理解。AThere are many things we need to know, but we do not learn them at school. For example, if we want to use our money wisely, we need to shop carefully. We need to know how to pare the prices of the same things in different shops. We also need to know how to make the best decision when we shop. It is a life skill, and we need to practice it in our daily life.Supermarket WBusiness hours: 6:00 am-10:30 pmEggs (1 kilo): 6.50Apples(1 kilo): 3.80Pork(1 kilo): 18.20Tomatoes(1 kilo): 1.58Environment: Very goodService: ExcellentSupermarket MBusiness hours: 5:30 am-10:30 pmEggs (1 kilo): 6.60Apples(1 kilo): 3.96Pork(1 kilo): 18.20Tomatoes(1 kilo): 1.50Environment: Very goodService: GoodSupermarket YBusiness hours: 6:00 am-10:00 pmEggs (1 kilo): 6.20Apples(1 kilo): 3.30Pork(1 kilo): 17.20Tomatoes(1 kilo): 1.30Environment: Need improvingService: Ordinary Supermarket ZBusiness hours: 6:00 am-9:30 pmEggs (1 kilo): 6.90Apples(1 kilo): 3.90Pork(1 kilo): 18.60Tomatoes(1 kilo): 1.60Environment: OrdinaryService: Bad根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确为“T” 错误为 “F”。1. Supermarket M has the longest business hours.2.The price of the pork in Supermarket Y is higher than that in Supermarket Z.3.If you want to pay the least money for eggs, you will go to Supermarket Y.4.The environment in Supermarket Z is very good.5. The service maybe the reason if a shopper usually shops in Supermarket W.BWhat does it mean to be green?“Green”is more than just a color. It also means taking special steps to protect the environmentthe water, the land, and the air we breathe. Why green? Plants are green, and without them the earth wouldnt be such a lovely home for us human beings.Sometimes people can call ours a “throwaway society”. That means we are always throwing away old things and buying new ones. Many times, if you no longer need something, someone else just might need it. For example, if your brother is old enough not to play with his plastic bike, why not give it to another family who has a little kid so that they dont need to buy one? And one less large plastic toy doesnt need to be produced.Recycling (回收利用) has never been easier. Many organizations will pick it up right in front of your house and some towns even require (要求) it. Tell your mom or dad you want to bee “Chief of Recycling” for your family. Now that you know what things you can recycle, find a place to keep them. Make sure you encourage everyone in your house to think whether things can be reuses or recycled before theyre thrown away.Almost everyone likes traveling. But next time before you travel around the world, took a look at your own backyard. Is there a place where you could plant a tree or put in a little fruit or vegetable garden? If so, get there and get your hands dirty. Then you can watch with pride as your tree takes root, and your garden plants grow into big plants full of ripe, red tomatoes or tiny, juicy blueberries. Who knew being green would taste so good?6. In the first paragraph, the writer introduces the topic of the passage by _.A. telling an interesting storyB. explaining the word “green”C. giving some special examples7. In a “throwaway” society, _.A. people shouldnt produce any plastic thingsB. people can get anything they want from othersC. people always throw away the used things and buy new ones8. To be “Chief of Recycling”, you should _.A. recycle things all by yourselfB. ask your family to use the old things all the timeC. find a place to keep the things that can be recycled9. You are advised to run a fruit or vegetable garden in order to _.A. create a green environmentB. make a lot of moneyC. get your hands dirty10. The purpose of the passage is to tell us that _ .A. we must enjoy the natureB. we had better eat more green foodC. we should protect our environmentIV. 书面表达。保护人类共同的家园地球是每个人的责任和义务。我们在生活中的点滴小事上也能做出自己的贡献。根据表格内容,谈一谈曾经为保护环境做过哪些努力,将来还打算如何去做。要求:1.词数不少于50词;2.开头已给出,不计入总词数;3.意思连贯,条理清晰,适当发挥。 turnoffthelightswhenyouleavearoomturnofftheshowerwhilewashinghairstopusingpapernapkinstakeyourownbagswhenshoppingstopridingincarsrideabike recyclebooksandpaper参考答案:I. 单项选择。1B。和pay搭配的介词是for。2C。 cut down意为“减少”;句意:我们必须做一切有用的事情来减少污染。3B。leadto意为“导致;引起”;句意:吸烟能引起肺癌。4D。them指代old city walls,是动作的承受者,所以用被动语态;根据时间状语in the 1960s可知用过去时。5A。advantage意为“优点”;句意:骑自行车的好处是什么?它能帮助减少空气污染。6A。表示参加某种活动或运动项目,用take part in。7C。look forward to短语中,to是介词,其后应该用v.-ing形式,因此答案为C。8D。be made from由制成,从制成品上看不出原材料;be made of由制成,从制成品上可以看出原材料。9B。不定式形式作后置定语。10A。句意:多亏了免费教育,我家乡的贫穷孩子们可以重新去上学了。我故乡的孩子们也是。“多亏了”应该表示为“thanks to”。11A。本题题意为“我们很小的时候,奶奶常常给我们讲故事”。“过去常常做某事”应该表示为“used to do sth.”,因此答案为A。12A。affordtodosth.意为“负担得起某事”。13C。thenumberof意为“的数量”;anumberof意为“许多”;句意:看!许多男孩子在操场上玩。是的。他们的数量大约是200。14A。由问句可知David不在说话地点,而是去了某地,应该用has gone to。15A。根据“我认为回收书和纸很有用”可知下句应该是“我也这么认为”,因此答案为A。【真题链接】1. B。题中出现明显标志词than,所以应该选比较级。故答案为B。2. D。句意为:David问在中国他是否可以通过亲吻女士来欢迎她。当然不行了。中国人通常和女士握手以示欢迎。由答语“Of course not.”可知,不是询问原因,排除A、B两项。根据主句“asked”可知,从句应用相应的过去时态。故选D。3. A。A项意为“可能”;B项意为“肯定、必须”;C项意为“愿意”;D意为“能够”。句意为:这是谁的T恤? 可能是Tony的。我不确定。由“I am not sure”可知,应用may。故选A。II. 完形填空。1B。结合下文中的an unfortable stomach以及the vet可知,我去了当地的动物医院。故答案为B。2B。我得到了一些建议来使我们的家对动物来说更“安全”。3A。当我到动物医院的时候,一些宠物和它们的“主人”正在等候室。故owners符合题意。4C。此处所缺的词是treated,treat表示“治疗”。5D。结合下文中的she可知,give后所缺的代词是her。6D。结合下文的描述可知,MrSmith是对的。故答案为D。7D。结合上下文之间的因果关系可知,because符合题意。8A。其他的一些人类食物也对宠物没有好处,表示“也”,而且位于句尾的短语是as well。9B。结合上文的描述可知,如果狗吃了巧克力,会“生病”。故sick符合题意。10C。我问兽医家中还有哪些东西对宠物来说是潜在的“危险”,故dangers符合题意。11C。我们不应该把一些比如电池或硬币一样的小东西弄得到处都是,故leave“让处于(某种状态)”符合题意。12A。去年圣诞节,有个小猫被带过来,因为它吃了圣诞礼物上的丝带,和brought搭配的介词是in。13A。在我离开之前,兽医给我提供了一些可与你们分享的更重要的建议。故答案为A。14C。如果它们身体状况不好,会掉毛,由此可知和their hair搭配的动词是lose。15B。如果你的宠物看起来很不健康,举止反常,那就应该马上给兽医打电话了。故ring up符合题意。III. 阅读理解。A1. T。根据各个超市的营业时间可知,M超市的营业时间为17小时,是最长的。2. F。The price of the pork in Supermarket Y is 17.20,the price of the pork in Supermarket Z is 18.60,所以价格便宜。3. T。总观四个超市的鸡蛋价格,可知Supermarket Y的鸡蛋最便宜。4. F。根据超市Z的环境评定可知,Environment: Ordinary,所以不是最好的。5. T。因为W超市的服务Service: Excellent可知,服务是影响消费的一个重要环节。B6. B。由文章第一段“Green”is more than just a color. It also means taking special steps to protect the environmentthe water, the land, and the air we breathe.可知,作者解释了green的真正含义。7. C。由第二段第二句“That means we are always throwing away old things and buying new ones” 这意味着我们总是扔掉旧买新的。可知答案为C。8.C。由第三段第四句Now that you know what things you can recycle, find a place to keep them。现在你知道什么东西你可以回收,找个地方保留它们。可知答案为C项。9. A。由最后一段内容可知,作者呼吁人们要尽可能多种植水果和蔬菜,让我们周围的环境更“绿”。所以本题答案为A。10.C。通读全文可知作者在呼吁大家保护环境。所以答案选C,我们应该保护环境。IV. 书面表达。Its our duty to protect the earth. I always turn off the lights when I leave a room. While I am washing my hair, I usually turn off the shower. Besides, if I want to shop, I always take my own bags instead of using plastic bags. I have decided to do more things to protect our earth, such as recycling books and paper and stopping riding in cars.


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