2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit2 第四课时教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit2 第四课时教案 人教PEPUnit 2 My Family 第四课时一、教学目标1能够听、说、认读单词:brother ,sister .2.能听懂会说句子What a big fish!3.会说歌谣:lets chant .二、教学重点、难点重点:能够听、说、认读单词:brother, sister .难点: 理解句子What a big fish !三、教学准备全家福照片、录音机、磁带、挂图、单词卡片。四、教学过程教 学 步 骤个 案 分 析1.情景引入:(1)Greeting and free talk .(2)Warm up:Lets sing “Father and Mother” .(3)出示歌谣,复习单词:Man和 woman是一家,Father mother 是爸妈,Grandfather 年纪大,Grandmother眼睛花,Family family幸福家 .2. 新知呈现:(1)教师出示视频或照片:T: Whos that man ?S: Hes LiuXings father.T: Whos that woman ?S: Shes LiuXings mother.T: Whos this boy ?S: Hes Xiao Yu.T: XiaoYu is LiuXings brother.(出示单词卡,教学brother,并板书) LiuXing is XiaoYus brother.(引导学生理解brother含义)用歌谣 “brother brother兄弟俩”巩固单词 。(2)同样的方法教学sister.用歌谣 “sister sister姐妹花”巩固单词 。(3)齐说歌谣:Man和 woman是一家,Father mother 是爸妈,Grandfather 年纪大,Grandmother眼睛花,Brother brother兄弟俩,Sister sister姐妹花,Family family幸福的家.(4) T: LiuXings family always play together. Mikes family always play together too. Now lets go and have a look.(5)Listen to the tape carefully.T: Do you have any questions?预设问题: What a big fish!的含义?(6)Listen to the tape and follow it.(7)专项训练:a.出示chant,听音两遍.b.自读,画出自己不懂的单词或句子.c.小组内交流研讨.d.在班内质疑答疑:预设问题: help each other ; play together的认读和理解 。e.师生共说歌谣 。f.学生边听边做边说歌谣 。(8)拓展性活动: 利用21页Culture了解中西方文化差异 。3.综合训练:(1)连线:Whos that man? She is my mother.Whos that woman? He is my brother.Whos that boy? She is my sister.Whos that girl? He is my father.(2)找出相对应的词:grandfather mother brother mom grandmother sister grandpa dad grandma father girl man boy womanModel: grandfather ( grandmother)mother( ) brother( )mom( ) grandpa( )girl( ) man( )4.课堂小结: 用歌谣总结本课所学知识 。5.作业:自制完整家庭树,并搜集有关家庭成员的其他称呼 。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit2(1)教案 苏教牛津版Teaching Contents : 单词:a watch, a radio ,a camera, a puter.句型:What a nice ?May I e in? e in ,please .Is this ?Yes ,it is / No, it isnt .Its Teaching Aims : 能听懂、会说表示日常生活用品的单词 (见上)。能听懂、会说日常交际用语What a nice ! May I e in? e in, please. Is this? Yes, it is / No, it isnt. Its Teaching Steps : Step1. Free talk and motivation .1. Lets sing a song: A B C song.2. 师生问候: Good morning /afternoon .How are you?3. 指着室内物品用 Whats this /that (in the pencil-box /on the desk)? Its Whats this /that in English ? Its 与学生互相问答。(复习Unit 1 中的单词)4拿出人物图片以Who is he /she ? He is /She is 介绍Nancy .Gao Shan. Wang Bing, Yang Ling.Step2. Presentation and practice .1. 介绍生词: a watch ,a radio ,a camera ,a puter .a. 教师出示一个包,把要学单词的实物与文具放在包里让学生摸一摸,猜一猜 ,指名上台摸,教师问Whats in my bag ? Its 或问Whats this in English ? 这样逐一学习上面四个单词,教师读,开火车,拼读。如:radio r-a-d-i-o radio watch w-a-t-c-h watch camera c-a-m-e-r-a camera b. Sing : radio, watch ,camera ,radio, watch ,camera .(配上Hello! How are you?的曲子) , ,puter, , ,puter 同上。2介绍句型:May I e in? e in, please.指名去办公室拿一东西,学生回来“报告”,教师告诉他说“May I e in ?”教师和全体学生示意叫他进教室,同时说:e in, please.教师或学生故意走出教室再回来,来操练这个句型。3介绍句型:Is this?Yes, it is. /No ,it isnt .Its a.教师拿着一本书问:Is this a book? 重复两次,示意学生用Yes ,it is .再拿其他东西反复练几次。b. 教师拿着一本抄写本问:Is this a book? 引导学生用No ,it isnt .Its a copybook .再利用才学的单词练习。c.编歌谣。(打上节拍)如:Is this /a telephone? Yes, it is. Is this /a book? No , it isnt ,Its a /copybook .等。4。介绍What a nice .!出示一学生文具盒,教师赞美:How nice ! 学生还会用 Its nice /pretty /smart .教师引导学生用What a nice pencil box ! 表示赞美惊讶之情。学生出示所带的物品watch ,radio ,camera .教师或学生用What a nice ! 赞美。5Play a game .摸 猜。Sa 摸:Is this ? Sb: Yes, it is /No, it isnt.Step3. Learn to say .听录音,跟读。同位练习对话,指名戴人物头饰对话。分组对话。Step4. Homework .听录音对话内容,教会父母个单词。Step5. END .板书设计: Unit 2 Yes or no Is this ?Yes ,it is . watch .No ,it isnt .Its aradio camera puter


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