2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 3(1)教案 人教PEP.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 3(1)教案 人教PEPPEP三(下) Unit 3 Part A Lets talk学习目标 语言知识 语言技能 情感态度1. 听懂、会说:How many Can you see? I can see eleven/twelve.2. 听懂、会说:It s beautiful.Lets fly it. The black one is a bird.在实际情景中能自然运用所学句型询问别人能看见多少东西及赞美别人的东西。培养学生运用英语进行交际的兴趣和积极的生活情趣。重点1. How many can you see? I can see . 2. Its beautiful!难点1. beautiful的读音。2. How many 后跟可数名词复数的理解。教具环节 师生活动设计意图Preparation准备活动1. 利用学生自带的家庭照片进行对话。复习上单元的单词和句型。如:This is my family. This is my dad/mom.Whos this man/woman? Hes/Shes my father/mother. 等等。 2. 放三年级上册Unit6 A Lets chant 的录音。让学生边听边做动作。让学生边唱边做动作,调动了学生参与的积极性,营造出浓厚的英语课堂 氛围。P r新e s知e n呈t a现tion新知呈现1. 在上步说唱完毕后。教师也伸出10个手指。问学生:How many fingers? 生回答:Ten. 师进一步引出:How many fingers can you see? 板书这个句子。在学生理解了含义后,帮学生回答:I can see ten. 板书。领读黑板上的句子。2. 出示一把尺子。说:Look! I have some rulers. How many rulers can you see? Lets count.与学生一起数一下。One, two. 借机教学单词:eleven, twelve. (这两个单词要求学生听懂会说即可) 数玩后,让学生回答: I can see twelve.再用其它的文具进行几组练习。让学生对上述句型有个较为熟悉的了解。3. 教师出示一个风筝实物。问:Whats this? 生答:Its a kite.师再问:Is it beautiful? 生会回答:Yes. 师补充说: Oh. Yes. Its beautiful.板书该句。领读。然后教师出示一张画有若干风筝的图片。问学生:How many kites can you see? (将黑板上的fingers擦掉,换上kites.) 与学生数完后回答:I can see. 注意强调kites的形式。4. 师举起风筝说: Look at the kite. Do you like it? Lets fly it. OK?板书Lets fly it.领读几遍,边说边做放风筝的动作,帮助学生理解并回答:OK. Lets fly it.情境导入循序渐进由浅入深掌握新知符合学生认知特点Pr巩ac固ti练ce习1. 教师说:Wu Yifan has a new kite. He and Amy will go to fly it. Lets go and have a look. 放录音或课件展示Lets talk中的内容。2. 带着问题再听一遍对话:1. How many kites can Amy see? . How many kites can Wu Yifan see? 听完后,让学生回答问题。解释The black one is a bird. 的含义。3. 放录音或课件让学生跟读对话师领读对话分组读对话,教师巡视指导小组竞赛,分角色读对话。4. 出示Lets practice 中的图片。就里面的动物数量进行提问。教师出示一把钢笔问学生:How many pens can you see? 让学生数数后回答。在课文的处理上教师可灵活采取不同的方法。pr输od出uc运ti用0n1. 让学生在一张白纸上迅速画出若干不同数量的几种物品。然后就所画的物品数量在小组内互相询问和做答。以操练本课重点句型。 2. 给出下面的图片,让学生戴上头饰根据图片提示表演对话。 在激发兴趣的基础上提高学生运用语言的能力培养其敢于开口乐于开口的精神附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 3 Lesson 3教案 人教PEPPart A Lets say; Part C Story timeTeaching Aims :1. Be able to listen, say, recognize the words: jeep, jump, key, kangaroo.2. Be able to listen, say, read and write these two letters: Jj, Kk.3. Be able to know the general idea of the story, improve the ability of using the language and know study is just like picking up apples, the key is accumulation.Focus Points & Difficult Points :The writing of small letter j and k.Teaching Preparation:1. Letter cards ,some word pictures.2. A little blackboard with four-line format.Designing for the blackboard:Teaching Steps:Step1. Warming up 1.Sing a song 2. Review the dialogue and act it. 3. Free talk. T: Hello, S1. How many pencils can you see? S1: I can seeStep2.Presentation. 1. 1)T shows a picture with many letters: How many letters can you see? S: I can see T: Now lets read together. A, B, C T points to J: This one is S: J. T shows A: A, A, J. Recognize and read as : Big letter J, small letter j. Pay attention to the writing of small letter j.2). T: Jump like a rabbit. Ss act like rabbits. T shows the word: Jump.T teaches the pronunciation of “jump”.T: J for jump,/ /,/ /,/ /. S: J for jump,/ /,/ /,/ /. T shows the picture of jeep: Whats this? S: Its a jeep. T teaches the pronunciation of jeep. T: Who can say “ J for jeep” S: J for jeep, / /,/ /,/ /.2. Teach K k like above. K for key, /k/,/k/,/k/. K for kangaroo, /k/,/k/,/k/. T: C for what? S: C for coke, /k/,/k/,/k/. T: Yes. When the word begins with c, it always pronounce /k/. Step 3. Practise. 1. Writing.1) T: Now, lets write them down. Look at the blackboard. T: First, lets write down big letter J. One. It looks like a hook. Now, Lets try together. Show me your finger. S: My finger. T& Ss: One. T teaches the writing of small letter j. (看上去像侧面坐着的一个人。) 2) T: Guess! Where does J live? S: The second and third floor. (No.2 and No. 3). homeLets write down it. Show me your finger. S: My finger. T & Ss: One. T teaches the writing of small letter j in the four-line format. (Small letter j lives on the all the floors, the same as small letter f.) Write them on your exercise book. Teach the writing of Kk.( Pay attention to k.小k,小k, 叉腰踢腿。) 2. Story time. 1) T: Today Zoom and Zip bring us a new story. They are picking up apples. ( T does the actions.) Whats the meaning of “pick up the apples”? S: 摘苹果。 T: Yes. Who win? Zoom or Zip. Lets watch. S: Zip. T: Zip为什么赢了? S:因为她注意把摘下来的苹果,放在篮子里。Zoom就没有这样做。所以Zip赢了。 T:对了,我们学习也要像Zip摘苹果那样,善于复习、积累,这样就会丰收累累硕果了。 T: Lets watch it again. S: Ok. T: You can say “good idea!” 好主意。 T teaches the pronunciation of “good idea”. T puts Zips headgear on a students head: Zip! How many apples do you have? S: I have 16 apples. T teaches “How many do you have?” 2) Read after the tape. 3) Act it. Step4. Assessment.1)plete the writing of letters and exercise on the activity book.


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