2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Lesson 9(1)教案 陕旅版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Lesson 9(1)教案 陕旅版一、教学目标及重难点分析:1.能够听、说、读、写单词:cat, umbrella, box, rabbit, bed, on, under, in, the. 2.能听懂会说单词: where, dont, know, but.3.能熟练掌握句型:-Whats this?-Its a box.-Is that a rabbit?-Yes, it is.-What do you have?-I have an umbrella.-Where is my cat?-Its under the bed.-Whose umbrella is under the desk?-Sorry, I dont know.4.能掌握理解介词on, under, in的用法,以及方位的问答。5.能用本课句型自如对话。二、课前准备:教师准备Listen, look and repeat(1)(2)中出现的单词卡片。教师准备一个box,再准备一个玩具小兔子或小猫。小夹子两个,眼罩一副。三、教学过程:(一)热身(Warming up)教师可以仿照Lesson 8中Lets guess部分,和学生一起一边猜测一边问答进行上节课内容的简单复习和本节课的热身活动。(二)新课展示(New Presentation)a.教师通过同学们喜闻乐见又非常熟悉的两个卡通人物Jerry和Tom的对话引出本课重点句型和词汇学习。(课间,Tom和Jerry两个人在玩游戏) Tom: Jerry, lets play a game. Jerry: Great! Tom: Look, this is a box, and this is my toy cat, this is your umbrella. Close your eyes, please.(分别展示这些东西) Jerry:(闭上眼睛) (Tom将toy cat放进box里,将umbrella放在box下面。 Tom: Guess! Where is the toy cat? Jerry: Its on the box. Tom: No, it isnt. Jerry: Is it in the box? Tom: Yes, it is. Where is the umbrella? Jerry: Is it under the box? Tom: Yes, it is. b.教师结合一些教学实物或者教学图片进行讲解本课重点词汇:cat, umbrella, box, rabbit, bed, on, under, in, the以及句型Where is my cat?-Its under the bed./Whose umbrella is under the desk?-Sorry, I dont know.的学习:教师先拿着课前准备好的一个box问道:“Whats this?” 由于box对学生来说是生词,所以教师要引导学生回答说: “Its a box.”多重复新单词box,在教学生读会后,再打开box,问学生Whats in the box? 引导学生说Its a rabbit. 反复给学生指box的内部,并且不断重复in the box这个短语,帮助学生理解意思,然后在询问学生Where is the rabbit?当学生回答In the box.的时候,教师要进行表扬,并鼓励学生说出完整的句子Its in the box. 然后再分别将rabbit放在box的上面和下面,引出单词on和under.其他单词的教法可以仿照上面。这里希望教师给学生讲明白:在英语里我们经常会用到一些介词,一些表示方位的介词:如on在上,in在里面,under在下面。一般情况下,在名词前往往用一个the, my或your,其中the表示:那个,这个,这些,那些。如: on the bed(在床上), in the box(在盒子里),under my feet(在我脚底下)。c.接下来教师可以通过各种各样的游戏环节对所学内容进行加强和巩固,详细内容见3.巩固活动。d.最后,教师可以通过Lets play部分的找数字、加法题和学生一起进行训练、巩固和复习:Where is my dog?Where is my dog? Where is my dog?Its on the chair. Its on the chair.Where is my little dog?Where is my little dog?Its on the chair. Its on the chair.(三)巩固活动:(小组游戏)1) Flash cards教师拿出课前准备好的英语单词卡片,在学生面前或快速或慢速的闪动,让学生一起说出该单词。这里教师可以先以较慢的速度依次展示,然后随机快速闪动,充分调动学生的积极性,有利于学生注意力的有效集中,但该活动不宜占用太多时间。对反应较快的学生教师要提出表扬和鼓励。2) Help me find it!这个游戏需要教师和孩子们共同完成。首先由教师选一名同学到讲台前面来带上眼罩,然后教师将众多卡片中的一个藏在教室里在座学生的桌兜里,等所有的准备工作都已经做好了之后,教师令其摘掉眼罩,然后问Where is my ? 在这个学生找卡片的时候,在座的同学不能打小报告,但要通过声音的大小来提示该同学,如该同学离卡片越近,在座同学重复那个单词的声音就越大,离得越远声音就越小,教师可以规定一定的时间,这样气氛会更活跃激动人心一些。3)背背夹教师现将学生分成两组,每次每组派一名同学到讲台前,面对黑板站好,教师将随意拿出本课单词中的两张,给底下在座的同学看过之后,分别夹在这两个同学的背后,两个同学在老师的指令下转身面对面站好,手背后,通过移动脚步,尽自己最大的努力去看对方背后的卡片,但是不可以动手,先看到的并且说的正确的将为该组赢得一分。注意要有时间限制。如果在规定时间内双方都没有看到对方的卡片,可以给双方每人一次猜测的机会。4)Who is the NO.1?这个游戏主要练习介词的使用,教师拿出一只铅笔和一个文具盒,分别将铅笔放在文具盒的上面、里面、下面,并且询问学生Where is the pencil?学生可以采用抢答的方式,看看谁的反应最快,等教师点到名字然后由学生说出句子Its the pencil box.在此建议教师先带领全班同学一起做几遍练习,然后再进行抢答游戏,让学生有个过渡过程。5) Group works让学生4人或者2人一小组,用自己的东西进行问答训练,充分对本课句型进行熟练和应用。接下来,教师可根据学生的程度安排学生进行小对话的编排,教师对表演好的小组要进行鼓励和表扬。(四)听录音学习课文,并跟读:(1)Listen, look and repeat,(播放该部分的录音)(2)Listen, look and say()(播放对话部分录音)A: Where is my cat? Is it under the bed?B: Look! Its on the chair.(3) Listen, look and say()(播放对话部分录音)A: Whose umbrella is under the desk?B: Sorry, I dont know. But where is my umbrella?A: Look! Its on the desk. B: Thank you.通过本部分的学习学会Where is ? Its 的问答,能在句型的使用中熟练运用所学单词,能对所学的方位介词加以巩固和应用,并能在日常生活中自如运用。(五)课后作业(Homework):练一练。做Lets practice部分S1: Where is the rabbit?S2: Its in the box.学生两两一组,或者放学后和懂英语的家长通过看图进行问答,或就日常生活中的事物进行自如问答,使学生能更加自如的运用所学单词和句型。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 lesson5 where教案 (新版)冀教版教学目标:1、 知识技能:学生可以说出并且听懂常用句型Can you find my ?Yes,here it is。/No,I can“t。2、 过程与方法:Do and say.3、 情感态度与价值观:They can express the position”s saying.教学重点:We can express how to ask the question教学难点:Make new dialogues教具学具:卡片录音机磁带教学过程:1、 导入:Greetings。2、 新授:(1) Review feelingsmastered in level 1(happy,sad,hot,cold,tired)。Write thewords on the blackboard. Then stand in front of each word and act it out. Askfor volunteers to act out each word.(2) Demonstrate“Can you find my _?” by giving a student sth of yours andasking him on her to hide it .Close your eyes. Pretend you to have lost theobject and lead a dialogue such as:T: Oh, no! My _-_ is lost! I Cant find my_!Where is it? Can you find my_?S:Yes.No.T:Yes,here it is.(Pretend to find it.)(3) Practice it again.(4) Write “Can you find my ?Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。“on theblackboard and let the standents say them a few times.(5) Use the student book to read the text ,think about thequestions:What happened they think?What is Danny wearing? Why?(6) Practice and play”Can you find it?“(7) Give them enough time to practice the dialogue and work inpairs.(8) Questions: My _-_ is lost!I Cant find my_!Where is it?Can you find my _?Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。(9) Let them act the dialogue and then check out.3、 小结:Let the students say what they have learned from the text.4、 作业:Write down the sentences on the pieces of the paper.板书设计: Can you find my _?Yes,here it is。/No,I can“t课后反思:


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