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2019-2020年PEP英语六年级下册Unit2Thereisaparknearmyhome第二课时导学案【学习目标】 1、深入掌握there be 句型,加以练习。 2、地点景物名称和方位介词的连接使用 3、利用图片,指出某地有某物。【学习重难点】1、掌握单词和短语restaurant, between, hairdresser, next to, supermarket, across.2、掌握句型:Theres a park near my home. There are many trees in front of the building.3、There be 句型的应用【学习过程】Part1:自学指导与检测l 自学指导:A. 复习已学过的动词短语.饭店_ 银行_ 紧挨着_ 在左边_ 在右边_ 服装店_B. 学习生词 ,做到会读知意.l 自学检测: 翻译短语 1. in front of 2.on the right 3. on the left 4. next to Part2:课堂互动探究1.认真阅读本课两页内容,画出重点短语和句型。2.我是得星小能手:看谁能用P23图片中的短语造句。 There is a clothes shop on the left of the hairdresser.3. 组内小检测:看谁能得100分。 附近 在前方 右面 左面 建筑物 4. 我会指路:利用P16图片,小组之间相互提问。Part3:当堂检测:(一)选择填空.( )1.There _ bread in the fridge . A. is a little B. are a little C. is a few D. are a few( )2. There _sheep over there. A. is a little B. are a little C. is a few D. are a few( )3.there _ a lot of children over there. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( )4. There _ a football match tomorrow . A. is B. are C. have D. will have E. will be ( )5. The main street is usually _at weekends . A.crowded B. crowd C. Crowds( )There is a bank _ the park. A.in front B.beside C.front D. on right( )_ front of the hospital _ a lot of trees. A.In, there be B.In, there is C.In, there are D. In, there was (二)所给词的适当形式填空1. Lucys seat is behind _ (I) seat.2. There _(be) two pencils and some books on the desk.3. How many _ (cake) shops are there?4. There are many trees in front of the _ (build).5. Go _ (cross) the bridge(桥), and youll find it on your right.【学后反思】 附送:2019-2020年PEP英语六年级下册Unit2Thereisaparknearmyhome第五课时导学案【学习目标】1.加深对问路用语的应用。2.能够表达自己想去哪里的意愿。3.学会用英语表达乘换交通工具。【学习重难点】1、学习并运用如何问路和指出较复杂的路线。2、运用询问如何到达某地的句型【学习过程】Part1:自学指导与检测l 自学指导:A. 学习生词 ,做到会读知意.B. 仔细阅读,找出下列短语.打扰一下_ 我怎样去_ 穿过马路_ 在下车_ 在你的右侧_ l 自学检测: 情景选择 1. 当你想比人问路时,首先要说: A. Excuse me. B. Sorry. 2.你不知道博物馆在哪里,你应该这样问: A. How is the museum? B. Where is the museum?3. 你想去动物园,可是不知道怎么去,你应该这样问: A. How can I get to the zoo? B. Is there a zoo?4. “在第三站下车”可以这样说: A. Get on at the three stop. B. Get off at the third stop.Part2:课堂互动探究1.看看谁是小老师:A. 个人默读一分钟。 B. 组内对子互读。 C. 相互纠错,看谁错的少谁就是小老师,请签名:2.我来表演你来看!l 小组内分配角色:旁白、Man、Gao Wei、Yang Ming。l 三分钟练习时间l 评选出优胜组,加分鼓励。(加分规则:语言流畅,失误少,具备肢体语言)Part3:当堂检测:(一)就换线部分提问。1. He went to work by bike yesterday. he to work yesterday?2. The post office is on the main street. is the post office?3. There is one building near the park. are there near the park?(二)选词填空.( )1. Look! The hospital is just over there, the road.A. across B. at C. in( )2. I met my uncle the way home.A. on, to B. at, to C. on, /( )3. There a little paper on the desk.A. are B. is C. arent( )4. -Where is the bank? -Its the left of the school.A. from B. at C. on【学后反思】


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