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2019-2020年三年级上册英语期末试题ABC二、听录音,根据你听到的内容先后,给下面的图片用阿拉伯数字排序(1-5)。(5分)题号一二三四五六七八总分得分ABC二、听录音,根据你听到的内容先后,给下面的图片用阿拉伯数字排序(1-5)。(5分)()()()()()三、听录音,根据听到的内容,勾选或。(5分)1. 2. ABAB3. 4.3+4=7 4+7=11ABA B5. AB四、听录音,补全句子或对话。(5分)1. How many dogs?2. Sam: Wheres the book? Lingling: Its your bag.3. Lingling: How old are you? Sam: Im .4. Ms Smart: Is this your sister? Sam: No. its !5. Ms Smart: Heres your cake, Sam! Sam: !笔试部分(共五题, 计30分)五、选择你认为正确的词填空,完成句子或对话。(5分)1. This is teacher.A. IB. my2. This is my father and a policeman.A. its B. hes3. A: Whats this? B: a desk.A. Its B. This is4. A: How are you?B: Im eleven.A. oldB. many5. A: Whats your name? B: name is Panpan.A. MyB. Your. 六. 勾出每组单词中不同类别的一个。(5分)1. A. yellowB. brownC. colourD. green2.A. birdB. catC. pandaD. kite3.A. grandmaB. famerC. nurseD. teacher 4. A. bookB. ballC. penD. pencil5.A. armB. goodC. footD. leg七. 读句子,选择正确的应答,用线连接起来。(10分)1. Whats your name?A. Thank you.2. How many girls?B. Its a chair.3. Happy birthday! C. Nine. 4. Whats that?D. Amy.5. Wheres the cat?E. Its in the tree.八. 书写。下面是一问一答两句话,请按规范写在四线格上,注意大小写、标点符号。(10分)the wheres ball its the desk in 附送:2019-2020年三年级上册英语期末试题及答案听力部分一、 听音,选出听到的单词(10分)( )1、A ER B OL C HB( )2、A ag B mk C aj( )3、A DS B IU C CY( )4、A duck B tiger C monkey( )5、A bread B water C fish ( )6、A four B five C fine( )7、A milk B cake C foot( )8、A white B orange C body( )9、A brother B plate C mouth( )10、A nine B eight C nice 二、 听录音,按你听音的顺序标序号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 判断下列图片与录音内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、 听音,涂色(5分) 五、听音,排列顺序。(5分) ( )1、A bear?( )2、Cool! I like it.( )3、Whos that?( )4、No,Its a panda.( )5、Look! A funny dog!笔试部分一、 读下列单词,选出与其它三个不属于同类的单词。(10分)( )1、A pen B pencil C bag D brown( )2、A nine B cat C eight D four( )3、A bread B car C cake D milk( )4、A six B book C bag D crayon( )5、A hand B head C mouth D body( )6、A five B nose C eye D ear( )7、A monkey B bear C three D dog K b1.C om ( )8、A pencil box B rice C egg D juice( )9、A cat B elephant C zoo D bird( )10、A who B what C how D sever二、 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(10分)L l G g N n R r W w 三、 按从小到大给下列数字排序,只写序号。(5分)1 two 2 four 3 ten 4 one 5 eight 6 three 7 nine 8 six 9 seven 10 five_四、 根据句子选择相应的图片。(8分) Show me 5.a. Make the bread.b. I am nine. c. I have a bear.d. show me black. e. three + four f. 我岁了 nine sever g. five + one h. 五、 选择(10分)( ) 1 I have an _. A ruler B eraser C book( )2 Whats your name? _ names John. A His B My C Her( )3 Nice _ meet you. A to B too C two ( )4 Good morning . - _ A Good morning B Good afternoon C goodbye( )5 Its _ elephant . A a B an C the( )6 Look _ me. A in B on C at ( )7 Lets _ school. A go B to C go to ( )8 Act _ a bird. A like B likes C liking( )9 _ some milk. A Have B Eat C Drink( )10 How many _ ? A plate B cake C books六、问答连线,填序号。( )1、Good afternoon . A Im fine.( )2、Can I have some milk? B Youre wele.( )3、Whats this? C Thank you.( )4、Thanks. D Good afternoon.( )5、How old are you? E OK( )6、Happy birthday. F Its a dog.( )7、How are you? G Have some milk and bread.( )8、Mum,Im hungry H Im nine years old .( )9、Lets go to school. I Nice to meet you ,too .( )10、Nice to meet you. J Here you are.七、看图,将相应单词的字母标号填在方框内。(7分)A head B eye C face D nose E mouth F arm G foot 英语答案听力部分一、 听音选出听到的单词(10分)1、OL 2、aj 3、DS 4、tiger 5、bread6、five 7、foot 8、white 9、brother 10、nice1、B 2、C 3、A 4、B 5、A 6、B 7、C 8、A 9、A 10、C二、听录音,按你听音的顺序标序号。(10分)1、fish 2、ruler 3、pencil box 4、cake 5、juice 6、panda 7、pig 8、monkey 9、pen 10、elephant正确顺序是:3、8、7、5、1、9、6、2、4、10三、判断下列图片与录音内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)1、Cut the cake. 2、Eat the fish. 3、Act like a monkey. 4、Wave your arms. 5、Touch you eye. 6、Open you book. 7、Shake you legs. 8、Black ,black,stand up. 9、Carty your bag. 10、Eat the bread.正确答案是:T F F T F F F T T T 四、听音,涂色(5分)1、Colour the bag blue. 2、Colour the cat orange. 3、Colour the bird yellow. 4、Colour the egg green. 5、Colour the nine brown.正确答案是:blue orange yellow green brown五、听音,排列顺序。(5分) 正确答案是:3、1、4、5、2笔试部分一、 读下列单词,选出与其它三个不属于同类的单词。(10分)1、D 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、D 6、A 7、C 8、A 9、C 10、D二、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。(10分)1、Kk Mm 2、Ff Hh 3、Mm Oo 4、Qq Ss 5、Vv Xx三、按从小到大给下列数字排序,只写序号。(5分)4、1、6、2、10、8、9、5、7、3、四、根据句子选择相应的图片。(8分)g b f a h c e d五、选择(10分)1、B 2、B 3、A 4、A 5、B 6、C 7、C 8、A 9、C 10、C六、问答连线,填序号。(10分)1、D 2、J 3、F 4、B 5、H6、C 7、A 8、G 9、E 10、I七、看图,将相应单词的字母标号填在方框内。(7分)从左到右依次是:A、C、E、B、D、F、G

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