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.档口常用销售英语1.你想买点什么?What do you want to buy?2.你需要点什么What do you need?3.这个价格很优惠The price is very reasonable(合理的)/cheap(便宜的).4.现在没有存货Now we have no stock.5.这个料的便宜/贵;不同品牌不同价格This material is cheap/ expensive. Different brand ,different price.6.这是新款式This is the new style7.怎么样,喜欢吗?How is that? Do you like it?8.你要什么价位的?What price do you want?9.还有其它颜色吗?Any other colors?10.能给我看质量好一点的吗?Can you give me some with better quality?11.我不太喜欢这个I dont like this very much.12.这个多少钱How much is it?13.我们产品的价格从1元到100元不等。Our price is from 1 to 100 yuan/Our price ranges from 1 to 100 yuan.14.这个能便宜点吗?Can it be cheaper?15.那你多少钱要啊?How much do you want exactly?16.那是最低价了吗Is that the lowest price?17.这已经是最低价了That is the lowest price.18.交30%订金,请问是现金、转账Please pay 30% deposit. Do you pay by cash or transfer accounts?19.需要几个码?How many sizes do you need?20.现货还是订单?Do you take the stock or place an order?21.原版H1,材料全进口We sell the original . The materials are imported.22.我这里是原版1441的,材料全是进口,而且款式多,新款上得快We have the copies and many styles, and we could produce/design the new ones fast.23. 我们是厂家直销,绕过了中间商。We sell direct from the factory to the customers and cut out the middleman24.我们是全市质量最好的一家。We are one of the sellers with the top quality products in the city.25.我们秉承诚信经营、薄利多销的理念,以跟客户建立长期合作关系We promote the idea“honestly operating,making small profits but quick turnover /returns” to set up the long-term cooperation with our customers26.这是广州鞋,质量很好They are made in Guangzhou and with good quality.27.自己的工厂,也有合作的工厂We have our own factory, and we also cooperate with other factories.28. 很多伊朗人订这款货品A lot of Iranians order this kind of shoes.29.送货到哪Where can we send the goods to?30.要十五天就能出货We could send the goods in 15 days.31.一个款式一个颜色最少订二十对You should order at least 20 pairs for each style and color/The minimum quantity is 20 pairs for each style and color.32.我交货的时候联系谁?Who can I contact when I deliver the goods?33.到哪儿收钱?电话号码Where can I get/collect the money? And what is your telephone number, please?34.那你考虑一下吧。You could think it over.35.请问您需要什么款式的眼镜?What glasses do you want please?36.您是自己戴还是订货?For yourself or place an order?(声调)37.您觉得这一款怎么样What do you think of this?/How do you like this one?38.这款卖得很好It sells well.39.这些眼镜给你已经很便宜了They are very inexpensive.40.我们这里的眼镜质量绝对可靠。The quality is absolutely trustable.41.你要盒子吗?要原装盒还是一般的盒子?Do you want the box, the original or the ordinary one?42.你就要这些眼镜吗?Is that all?43.你什么时候回来拿货When do you come and take the products?44.这个款没货了,卖完了,你选别的吧This kind is sold out .could you choose another one?45.对不起,我有事情所以不能陪你吃饭。Sorry,I have other fish to fry. So I couldnt have diner with you.46.这样搭配好看They go well with each other.47.我名片用完了,下次给你I ran out of the name cards. Can I give it to you next time?48.老板在洗手间,你稍等一会The boss is in the washroom, could you please wait a minute?49.往前走,洗手间在右边Go forward .The washroom is on the right.50.老板出差了Our boss is on business。51你什么时候回你的国家When do you go back to your country?52.谢谢你光顾本店Thank you for coming.53.为了能长期合作,我们可以给你最低价We could give you the lowest price for the long term business/for more business.精选word范本!


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