高中英语:Unit 5 Canada—The True North Using language(新人教必修3)

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高一英语同步练习:Unit 5 CanadaThe True North第4课时Using language基础练习知识点总结归纳1.population的用法(1)的人口是多少? Whats the population of ?(2)某个地方有人has a population of或the population ofis(3)形容人口多少要用large, small e.g. has a large population2. manage to do 与try to domanage to do设法做成了某事(=succeed in doing sth.)try to do “努力做某事”,但结果成功与否则不可知练一练Although they were poor, they _ a computer for their son.A.managed buying B. tried to buy C. managed to buy D. tried buying3.It is so wet that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres. some measuring over 90 metres是独立主格结构做状语.独立主格结构是一个独立主格的名词或代词(作为逻辑主语)加上一个分词、形容词、副词、不定式或介词短语,其作用相当于状语从句,多用来表示行为方式或者伴随情况,有时也用来表示时间、原因和条件。Weather permitting, they will start at six tomorrow morningThe signal given, the bus started.练一练_(时间允许), well visit the Summer Palace._(所有的工作做完了), he left the office.4. The girl told him they were on a train trip across the Canada and that they had only one day in Montreal. 一个动词若带两个宾语从句,第二个宾语从句的引导词that 一般不能省5.On the coast north of Vancouver some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world still remain.温哥华以北的海岸依然生长着世界上最古老,最美丽的森林。 north of = to the north 表示“在的北方”,其他方位词,如:east, west, south,等,都有类似的用法。 练一练:用适当的介词填空Japan is _ the east of Asia.Japan lies _ the east of China.Guangdong is _ the south of Hunan.6. Many people think it is the most beautiful city in Canada, as it is surrounded by mountains on the north and east and the Pacific. 许多人都认为温哥华是加拿大最美丽的城市,因为它的北面和东面都被大山包围。 surround vt. 包围,环绕,围绕 surround sb/sth with sb/sth sth/sb be sourrounded by/with sth 练一练篱笆环绕着学校。The fence _ the school 房子的四周有高墙。The house _ high walls.7. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly from China to Vancouver and to take the train from west to east across Canada in September. rather than 与其(某人/某物);不愿;不要 Prefer to dorather than do/ would rather dothan do宁愿做而不愿做练一练他正忙于写信而不是读报. He was busy writing a letter _ reading a newspaper.我宁愿饿死,也不原用这种方式挣钱.I _(starve) to death_make money in this way.8.Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast. 李黛予和她的表妹刘倩去加拿大大西洋海岸看望她们的表兄妹们。 trip (通常指短途的)行走,旅行(尤指娱乐性的) 与trip搭配的主要动词和介词: be/go on a trip to make a trip to take a trip to 练一练他出差在外。He is _. 我父亲下礼拜要到纽约去。My father will _New York next week实战演练一 选词并用适当的形式填空Mix impress measure distance broad confirm slight terrify doubt wealth1. The picture looks better at a _.2. Tom and Tim have _ different attitude to this plan.3. He was successful in business and became a _ man.4. The doctor gave an _ speech.5. The government should take _ to solve the problem.6. He _ himself to be innocent. 7. The city is a _ of old and new buildings.8. There is no _that they will win the game.9. We were all _ by the sudden attack in the street.10. The river is 5 metres _.二.完成句子1We will be _ _.我们将向东旅行。2 We saw _ _ _ _ _ 我们看到远处有灯光。3. America is _ _- _baseball. 美国是棒球的发源地。4He _ _ _ _ _.他一心想当医生。5. I can walk _ _ _ _ _.我可以一直走到海边那么远。6 They will arrive _ _ _他们在一小时内到达。7. _, he _ singing and dancing.据我所知, 他很擅长唱歌和跳舞.8.He didnt _another car in time.他没能及时看到另一辆车9. The film we saw last night_ me very much.昨晚看的电影很打动我。10. China is larger than _in Africa.中国比非洲任何一个国家都大。三. 用适当的介副词填空1.We are going _ a tour to Japan to visit the modern factory.2.Some of the scientists also have a gift _ arts.3.The army stationed _ 10 kilometers to fight against other side.4.These old people _ bad need of medical care.5.He came into the room with a satisfied smile _ his face.6.I will see some beautiful birds if I walk _ a rainforest.7.Electric current cannot go _ insulation(绝缘体),just as water cannot go through iron.8.Its a wonder that all 100 people _ the aircraft were still alive after the accident.9.The friends met occasionally to chat _ the good old days at school10.On the second thought, I want to go on a trip with my friends _ Florida.11.We were surprised _ finding the house empty.12 After working abroad for many years, Tom wants to settle _ in Britain 四.单项选择1.The problem _many children have_out of school is getting more and more serious. A.that;dropped B.which;gotC.of;fallenD.as;run2.It was much too late to walk home after the party_ we called a taxi. A.in order thatB.in caseC.so thatD.that3.John,as well as his parents _to the party. A.has invited B.are invited C.has been invited D.have been invited4. About half of the population _working in the city and the number of workers_ increasing . A .are;areB. are;isC. is;isD. is;are5.He has good eyesight,he can see_the distant island in the sea. A.as long asB.so far asC.so long asD.as far as6.Instead of _sights,Edison would spend the time _in a public library. A.seeing;reading B.see;readC.to see;to read D.seeing;to read7. Excuse me? Is there a library _?A.closely B.nearly C.nearby D.close8.He entered the building_a side door. A.by B.fromC.throughD.in9.Canada has _ of the worlds total fresh water.A. one-third B.first-third C. two-thirdsD.one-three10.At that moment the water in the river_ to a dangerous point. A.raised B.increased C.added D.rose五.完型填空When a student reaches his senior year in high school, he is likely to believe that he is good at reading. However good he is, he can still improve. How do you read an article in a textbook? Do you have a certain _1_ of doing it or do you just _2_ at the beginning and keep reading _3_ you come to the end?_4_ students say that they use the “slow and sure” method (方式). By this they mean they read every sentence slowly and _5_. Every time they come across an _6_ word they stop _7_ what it means and, if necessary, referring to the _8_. In this method a person _9_ has no time left for reviewing what he has read, for he has used all his _10_ in trying to get the meaning of each word to be sure that he _11_ everything.Other students use what has been _12_ the review method. Here a person tries to arrange (安排) his time _13_ he can read his lesson at least twice. This type of reading is _14_ than the “slow and sure” method, for the lesson must be read rapidly or there will not be _15_ time left for a second reading. Which method do you think better?1AmeanBwayC ideaDplan2AstartBreadCdoDstop3AafterBbefore Cuntil Dunless4AFewBSome CNoDAll5Acarefully Bcarelessly Ccorrectly Deagerly6Auseful B important Cunknown Dold7Athinking Bto think Cto understand Dto know8Atextbook Bgrammar book C. English dictionary Ddictionary9Aalways Bnearly Calmost Dprobably10Atime BenergyC.mind D.money11Awants B.remembersCforgets D.understands12Acalled Bsaid Cgiven Dknown13Abecause BbutCas Dso that14Ashorter Bfaster Cnicer Dmore important15Asome B.noC.little D.enough六.阅读短文并选出最佳答案。Do you love holidays but hate the weight you gain after that? You are not the only oneHolidays are happy time with joy and delicious foodsHowever,many people, are worried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods Even so,it is possible to control your weightif you make a proper planThe idea is to enjoy the holidays without eating too much There is no need for you to turn away from the foods you likeThe following advive may be helpful to you 1. Do not miss mealsBefore you leave home for a feast,have a small,lowfat snack. This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods2. Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetablesA large glass of water before you eat may help you feel fullRemember to use a small plate when eating,because a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough3. Avoid highfat foods that are oily or creamy4. Choose lean meat and fill your plate with salad and green vegetables5.Dont forget exercise during the holidaysA 20minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess calories1. Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may _Abring you much trouble in your life B bring weight problemsC make you worried about your foods D make you hate delicious foods2. If you want to enjoy your holidays without putting on weight,youd better _A drink much water and have vegetables only Bturn away from delicious foodsC not accept invitations to feasts Dnot eat much food in high fat3. According to the passage,_ is a necessary part to prevent you from gaining weight A vegetablesB water C calories of energy D physical exercise4. Many people put on weight after the holidays because they _A. enjoy delicious foods B. go to too many feastsC. cant control themselves D. cant help turning away from the food5. Excess calories can be found in your body in the form of A. energy B. fat C.food D. something invisible 反馈检测 一 课文原句呈现1._ _ take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly from China to Vancouver and to take the train _ west _east _ Canada in September.2.The idea that they would _was exciting.3.It is the _country in the world and _you_, you will see mountains, and pass thousands of lakes, forests and wide rivers _cities.4. The fact _ ocean ships can go there _ many people.5. _, they could see the misty cloud _ rose from the great Niagara Falls, _is on the south side the lake.二.对话填空-Hi, Mrs. Green! How was your trip to the United States? -It was wonderful. 1 - 2 -I was there for half a month. -Great! 3 -Yes, its a glamorous and exciting city. - 4 -The city is the main business and cultural center in the Midwest. Its famous for its music opera and theatres as well as for its excellent museums. - 5 -Yes, sure. What would you like to know? AWhats it famous for? BHow many cities have you been to? CCan you tell me a little more about it? DYou should go there in winter or spring. EHow long were you there? FAnd did you go to Chicago? GI really enjoyed it. 三. 改错Pick and Teri took out loans (贷款) to pay college. Those1. spent years to repay. And yet,they have realized that having 2. college degrees making them able to earn salaries far3. above than thattheir high-school educated parents earned. The wage (工资) gap between college and high school graduates5. continue to widen. “I was the only one in my family who6. finished from high-school,”said Ricks father. “I really 7. wanted to go to school,but there was just not money.”8. But he able to help his children get college degrees. 9. But hes struggling with how to save for their education.10 第4课时:using language基础练习2.C 3.Time permitting, All the work done5. in, to, on 6. surrounds, is sourrounded by7. rather than, prefer to starve, rather than8. on a business trip, take a trip to实战演练:一 选词并用适当的形式填空1.distance 2.slightly 3.wealthy 4.impressive 5.measures 6.confirmed 7.mixture 8.doubt 9.terrified 10. broad二完成句子1. traveling eastward 2 a light in the distance.3. the home of 4. dreams of becoming a doctor.5.as far as the seaside 6. within an hour 7.As far as I know, has a gift for 8. catch sight of 9. impressed 10. any other country三.用适当的介副词填空1.on 2.fo 3.within 4.in 5.on 6.through/in 7.through 8.aboard/on 9.about 10.to 11.at 12.down四.单选1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.A 9. C 10D五.完型填空15 BDCBA 610 CBCAA 1115 DADBD六.阅读1-5BDDCB反馈检测:一课文原句呈现1. Rather than; from; to; across 2.that; cross the whole continent; 3. second largest; as; go eastward; as well as 4. that; surprises 5. In the distance; that; which二对话填空GEFAC三 改错1. pay后面加for 2. spenttook 3. makingmakes 4thatwhat5.对 6. continuecontinues 7.去掉from 8. notno,或在not后加any。9. he后加was 10. ButAnd/So11


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