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2019版高二英语12月月考试题第卷(客观题)第一部分. 阅读理解 (共两节,满分60分)第1节 (共15小题,每小题3分,满分45分)AOpera at Music Hall: 1243 Elm Street. The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September. The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts. Phone: 241-2742. .cityopera.Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June. Call 723-1182 for more information. .chamberorch.Symphony Orchestra: At Music Hall and Riverbend. For ticket sales, call 381-3300. Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer at Riverbend. .symphony.org/home.asp.College Conservatory of Music (CCM):Performances are on the main campus(校园) of the university, usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater. CCM organizes a variety of events, including performances by the well-known LaSalle Quartet, CCMs Philharmonic Orchestra, and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music. Students with I.D. cards can attend the events for free. A free schedule of events for each term is available by calling the box office at 556-4183. .ccm.uc.edu/events/calendar.River bend Music Theater:6295 Kellogg Ave. Large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover (price difference).Big name shows all summer long! Phone:232-6220. : /.riverbendmusic.1.Which number should you call if you want to see an opera?A. 381-3300. B. 723-1182.C. 241-2742. D. 232-6220.2.When can you go to a concert by Chamber Orchestra?A. February.B. May. C. August.D. November3.Where can students go for free performances with their I.D. cards?A. Patricia Cobbett Theater. B. Memorial Hall.C.Music Hall. D. River bend Music Theater.4.How is Riverbend Music Theater different from the other places?A. It presents famous musical works. B. It gives shows all year round.C. It has seats in the open air. D. It offers membership discounts. BBirthdays are especially important to the very young and the very old. On their birthdays, people receive birthday cards and birthday presents from their family and friends. Childrens cards often have a large number on them showing how old they are. Cards for adults have pictures of flowers or scenery, or humorous or rude cartoons. Inside there is usually a simple greeting, such as “Happy Birthday” or “Many Happy Returns of the Day.”In the US, children who have their birthdays during the school year take a cake to school and have a small party with their classmates. In Britain, children sometimes get Bumped (lifted off the ground horizontally and put down again sharply) by their friends, the same number of times as their age. In the US, the 16th birthday is called sweet 16. It is the age at which a person can get a US drivers license, and some wealthier parents give their children a car as a present. At 18, in Britain and in the US, young people bee adults and many have a big party. In most parts of the US, 21 is the age at which people can drink alcohol legally. In Britain, people celebrate 21st birthday less. Many adults dislike getting older and a few lie about their age. But in general older people are now much more willing to tell others their age. You may see a sign by the side of a road saying: “Dave Ellis 40 today!”, put there by Daves friends. At about 65, people retire, and those who have reached this age are called senior citizens. Few people live to be 100, so a 100th birthday is very special. In Britain, people reaching this age may receive card containing a printed message from the Queen.5. Whats the main characteristic of childrens birthday cards?A. They are full of pictures of scenery. B. There are some flowers on them.C. There is a large number on them. D. They have greetings written on them. 6. In the last paragraph, the example “Dave Ellis 40 today” shows _. A. The 40th birthday is very special B. Many adults like lying about their age C. Daves friends like playing jokes on him D. Older people don t mind telling others their age now7. If a person reaches 65, he can _.A. be called a senior citizen B. refuse to talk about his age C. receive a card from the queen D. be invited to dinner with the Queen C Humans have been keeping animals as pets for tens of thousands of years, but Dr Jean-Loup Rault, an animal scientist at the University of Melbourne in Australia, believes new panions are ing: robot pets.“Technology is moving very fast,” Rault told ABC News, “The Tamagotchi in the early 1990s was really the first robotic pet, and now Sony and other big panies have improved them a lot.”This may not sit well with pet lovers. After all, who would choose a plastic toy over a lovely puppy? But Rault argues that the robotic kind has a lot going for it: “You don t have to feed it, you dont have to walk it, it wont make a mess in your house, and you can go on a holiday without feeling guilty.” The technology also benefits those who are allergic to pets, short on space, or fearful of real animals.Its not clear whether robot pets can replace real ones. But studies do suggest that we can bond with these smart machines. People give their cars names and kids give their toy animals life stories. Its the same with robots. When Sony stopped its repair service for its robot dog Aibo in March xx, owners in Japan held funerals.As an animal welfare researcher, Rault is concerned about how robotic pets could affect our attitudes towards live animals. “If we bee used to a robotic panion that doesnt need food, water or exercises, perhaps it will change how humans care about other living beings,” he said.So are dogs and cats a thing of the past, as Rault predicts? For those who grew up with living and breathing pets, the mechanical kind might not do. But for our next generation who are in constant touch with smart technology, a future in which lovely pets neednt have a heartbeat might not be a far-fetched dream.8. What does the underlined phrase “sit well with” means? A. be refused by B. be beneficial toC. make a difference to D. receive support from9. What are the advantages of robot pets?a. They are plastic and feel smooth.b. They can help cure allergies(过敏).c. Owners neednt worry about them when going out.d. They save space and costsA. ab B. bc C. bd D. cd10. We can learn from the passage that_. A. Sony is the first pany to produce robot pets Aibo.B. People can develop strong bond with their robot pets.C. Rault thinks robot pets still have a long way to go.D. Robot toys may help people care more about living beings.11.The passage mainly tells us_. A. the advantages of robot toysB. robot pets are ingC. living pets are dying out D. the popularity of robot pets DSeveral recent studies have suggested that women experience laughter more than men. According to medical experts, laughter isnt just about having fun - it actually has many health benefits. Studies have shown that the act of laughing can lower blood pressure, reduce stress and improve immune function(免疫功能).Not only that, but laughter can also provide benefits similar to that of an anti-depressant. When you laugh, your body releases endorphins(内啡肽)which results in a general feeling of health and well-being. Regular laughter can play a role in helping you to avoid many health problems. Thus, not only do women tend to laugh more than men, they are also more likely to have the last laugh. According to a study conducted at the Stanford University of Medicine, gender(性别)can affect the way that a persons brain responds to humor. The study, which involved the monitoring of 10 men and 10 women watching cartoons, shows that women are more likely than their male peers to use the part of the brain that processes rewards. It seemed that women had lower expectations in regard to a reward (in this case, the reward being the punch-line of the joke or cartoon), which resulted in them enjoying the experience more than the men. Men, on the other hand, seemed to expect that they would find the cartoons humorous, and were therefore more likely to be disappointed and find them less amusing. Women are more likely to respond to men whom they find humorous and men seem to recognize this and do their best to make women laugh. It has been shown that women are more likely to laugh in the presence of men whom they have an attraction towards and men are more likely to be attracted to women who laugh in their presence because it makes them feel more desirable. Obviously, it is more important to men that a woman appreciates their humor. 12. The studies show that regular laughter can _A. raise blood pressure B. keep us nervousC.keep us healthy and happy. D. make immune function worse13. Why do women experience laughter more than men?A. Because they like telling humorous stories B. Because they like watching cartoons.C. Because they expect little of a reward.D. Because they seldom respond to humor.14. From the last paragraph we can inferA. humorous men make women happy.B. men dislike humorous womenC. laughter makes women humorous D. women dislike humorous men.15. Whats the main idea of the passage ?A. Women enjoy humor more than men B. Women laugh more than men C. Laughter has many health benefits D. Humorous men are popular with women第二节(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to bee a better student in several ways.16._. Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest. You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report.17_. Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process.18._. The following methods may work best for you. Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it. Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts. Write your notes in your own words. 19._ Note any questionsor ideas you may have about what was said or written. As you take notes,you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.20._A. Use words, not plete sentences. B. There are three practical note-taking methods. C. You must write your notes on separate paper. D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later. E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes. F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes. G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.第二部分. 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分55分)第一节.完形填空(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Almost at the same time, my 14-year-old son, John, and I found the coat in the clothes shop. It was _21_ on a wall with other coats together- just like a rose among wild flowers. _22_ appeared in Johns eyes. He tried it on and _23_ from side to side,looking at himself in the _24_. Soon he smiled. It was _25_.John wore the coat to school the next day and came back home with a big _26_. I asked him whether his classmates liked his new coat. He nodded his head, _27_ hanging it over the back of a chair.Over the next few weeks, some _28_ came over John. He became more _29_ and more thoughtful (体贴的). “ Good dinner, Mom,” he would say every evening. He would _30_ his younger brother his radio and _31_ tell him how to use it. Without an annoyed look, he would _32_ in wood to make fire. One day when I advised that he should _33_ his homework before dinner, John-who wouldnt so anything until the last minute-said, “Youre _34_, Mom. I will.”When I talked with one of his teachers and said that I didnt know what _35_ changes, she said with laughter, “It must be his _36_.” Once she told John she gave him a high mark not only because he had done well in the test but also because she _37_ his coat. And from then on, she found that John _38_ to get along with other students instead of _39_ with them.Quite often, a small change will make others notice you or even praise you, which leads to a lot of good changes in _40_. On John, his wonderful coat had this effect. ( ) 21. A. hiding B. hanging C.waiting D.shaking ( ) 22. A. Surprise B. Joy C. Sadness D. Fear( ) 23. A. turned B. jumped C. walked D. moved ( ) 24. A. picture B. mirror C.shop D. window ( ) 25. A.popular B. perfect C. strange D. terrible ( ) 26. A. success B. puzzle C. smile D. problem ( ) 27. A. suddenly B. carefully C. hurriedly D. quickly ( ) 28. A.changes B. challenges C. wishes D. thoughts ( ) 29. A. nervous B. useless C. polite D. honest ( ) 30. A.show B. sell C. pass D. lend( ) 31. A. normally B. finally C. patiently D. naturally ( ) 32. A. throw B. knock C. carry D. put( ) 33. A. accept B. practice C. prepare D. finish ( ) 34. A. kind B. right C. strict D. fine( ) 35. A. caused B. meant C. won D. corrected( ) 36. A. test B. homework C. coat D. note ( ) 37. A. liked B. wanted C .missed D. hated ( ) 38. A. agreed B. stopped C. refused D .tried( ) 39. A.arguing B. playing C. discussing D. talking( ) 40. A. trade B. return C.silence D. shock第卷第2节 . 语法填空 ( 共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容( 1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式According to a recent survey41 (conduct) by some experts, violence42 (real) exists in schools. Students show their fear and parents and teachers also express their great concern about it. Experts hope the whole society pays more attention to the mental health of adolescents.Nowadays, school violence is 43 hot issue. I think this is a phenomenon,44 calls for our great concern. We should try every effort to prevent violence 45 (happen) at school, for more and morestudents would drop out of school if their personal 46 (safe ) could not be guaranteed. In fact, violence can 47 (learn).Children learn violent behavior from adults or from 48 they see on television or on the Internet. If I meet with school violence, I will not answer violence with violence, for it will result in49 (much) fighting. I will tell my teachers or parents about it. I think they will help me deal with it well and that they will protect me50 the bad guys. All in all, every student should behave himself and keep away from violence.第三部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(v),并在其下面写出该加的词删除:把多余的词用斜线() 划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Dear Mom, How are you? I miss you a lot. Now I am writing to tell you anything about our school life. Our school life, with a lot of activity, is very colorful. Im fond football. Our classmates are getting along well with each other, but our teachers are very helpful. I have a good friend which is very kind. Now I study very hardly and have made a great progress. Besides, the food in our school is very delicious that I eat a lot every day and I have gained weight in a short time. Dont worry about me . Ill take care of me.Im looking forward to meet you soon. Yours, Peter 第二节. 书面表达(满分25分) 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter沉溺于网络游戏不能自拔,甚至不听父母劝阻想要离家出走。请根据以下要点提示,写信劝他放弃这个想法。(100个词)1. 网瘾的危害 2. 要尊重父母并道歉 3. 建议他管理好自己的时间Dear Peter,Im sorry to hear that you have decided to leave home because of your conflict with your parents._ Im looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua班级 姓名 考号 - -密- -封-线- 平遥二中高二年级12月月考英 语 答 题 卡 第一部分.阅读理解 (共两节,满分60分)第一节(每小题3分,满分45分)1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20_第二部分.英语知识应用(共两节,满分55分) 第一节 完形填空(每小题2分,满分40分)21-25 26-30_31-35 _ 36-40_ 第二节 语法填空(每空1.5分,满分15分41._42._43._ 44._45._ 46. _ 47. _ 48._49. _ 50._ 第三部分(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(每小题1分,满分10分) Dear Mom, How are you? I miss you a lot. Now I am writing to tell you anything about our school life. Our school life, with a lot of activity, is very colorful. Im fond football. Our classmates are getting along well with each other, but our teachers are very helpful. I have a good friend which is very kind. Now I study very hardly and have made a great progress. Besides, the food in our school is very delicious that I eat a lot every day and I have gained weight in a short time. Dont worry about me . Ill take care of me.Im looking forward to meet you soon. Yours, Peter 第二节. 书面表达(满分25分)Dear Peter,Im sorry to hear that you have decided to leave home because of your conflict with your parents. Im looking forward to your reply.Yours, Li Hua平遥二中高二年级12月月考英语答案阅读1-5 CBACC 6-10DADDB 1115 BCCAB 16-20 GEFAD完型 BBABB CBACD CCDBA CADAB41.conducted 42.really 43. a 44. which 45. happening46. safety 47.be learned 48. what 49. more 50. fromDear Mom,How are you? I miss you a lot. Now I am writing to tell you anything about our school life.SomethingOur school life, with a lot of activity, is very colorful. Im fond football.activities of Our classmates are getting along well with each other, but our teachers are very andhelpful. I have a good friend which is very kind. Now I study very hardly and have who/that hardmadea


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