2020高考英语新创新一轮复习 Unit 2 Sports events学案(含解析)牛津译林版必修4.doc

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2020高考英语新创新一轮复习 Unit 2 Sports events学案(含解析)牛津译林版必修4.doc_第1页
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Unit 2 Sports events一、课前基础自查 (一)分类记单词省时高效.阅读单词(知其意)1mittee n委员会2contemporary adj. 现代的,当代的;同一时代的3boundary n. 边界,界限4referee n. 裁判;推荐人5whistle n. 哨子,口哨;呼啸,鸣叫vi. 吹口哨,吹哨子;呼啸,鸣叫6nation n. 国家,民族;全体国民7flame n. 火焰8gymnastics n. 体操,体操训练9movement n. 社会运动;移动,活动;进展10continent n. 洲,大陆11citizen n. 公民;居民12toast n. 烤面包片;干杯,敬酒vt. 烤(面包);为干杯13stadium n. 体育场,运动场14joy n. 喜悦,欢乐15outdoors adv. 往户外,在户外n. 户外;野外.重点单词(写其形)1attempt n& vt.尝试,努力,试图2otherwise adv. 否则,不然3remove vt. 去除,移开;开除;免除,解除(职务)4tie vt. 打成平局;(用绳、线)系,绑,捆5delighted adj. 愉快的,高兴的6honour n. 尊敬;荣幸;节操;荣誉vt. 尊敬,尊重(某人) 7meanwhile adv. 与此同时;在此期间8precious adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的9routine n& adj. 常规(的)10budget n. 预算vi.& vt. 编制预算11wellknown adj. 著名的12origin n. 起源,起因;出身13association n. 协会,社团;关联;联想14reporter n. 记者15transport n. 交通运输系统;交通工具;运输vt. 运输,运送 .拓展单词(通其变)1pete vi.比赛;竞争petition n比赛;竞争petitive adj.竞争的,竞赛的petitor n比赛者;竞赛者2absence n缺席,不在场;不存在absent adj.缺席的,缺少的;心不在焉的3power n力量;能量;权力;影响力;统治vt.驱动,提供动力powerful adj.强大的,强有力的4excite vt.使激动,使兴奋excited adj.兴奋的,激动的exciting adj.令人激动的,使人兴奋的excitement n兴奋,激动5tradition n传统;风俗traditional adj.传统的6technique n技术,工艺,技巧technical adj.技术的;工艺的technology n技术;科技7unfair adj.不公正的,不公平的fair adj.公平的8frequent adj.频繁的,经常发生的frequently adv.屡次;频繁地frequency n频率,频繁9champion n冠军,优胜者championship n锦标赛;冠军称号10significance n重要性,意义significant adj.有重大意义的;显著的语境活用1The petition is very fierce hundreds of petitors are peting for 56 medals, so I regret having taken part in this petitive game.(pete)2I was excited to know that Beijing would be the city to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. When I told my brother the exciting news, he jumped with excitement.(excite)3He is always absent from class, and his absence makes his headteacher angry.(absence)4Frequently going out on a date may result in frequent absence from classes, which will interfere with their studies.(frequent)5Life is totally fair. We just see it as unfair because its either we expected too much or we gave up already.(fair)6The typist learned the technique of typing in that technical school.(technique)7China, an ancient country of over 5,000 years of history and cultural tradition,_has a profound traditional cultural foundation.(tradition)8The significant discovery of new gas field in South China Sea is of great significance to our countrys economy.(significant)(二)练中记短语记牢用活写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.by_tradition按照传统2take_part_in 参加3in_honour_of 为向表示敬意4bring_._back_to_life 使重生5side_by_side 共同;肩并肩6lead_the_way 领先;带路7hang_on (在逆境中)坚持8look_forward_to 盼望,期望9e_up_with 提出10look_out_for 当心,小心11knock_over 打翻,撞倒12make_way_for 给让路,让位于13apply_to 适用于,应用于14pass_sth._on_(to_sb.) 转交,传给,递给15keep_a_close_watch_on 密切关注16by_accident 偶然,意外地1.The professor felt it a great honour to be asked to speak at the meeting held in_honour_of the schools birthday.2There are three more weeks to go before the NMET. Dont let the air out and hang_on.3Chinese people, by_tradition,_will rush to have their hair cut on the second day of the second lunar month, hoping that it will bring good fortune.4In some places of the Great Wall, ten men can walk side_by_side.5I had worked hard all day at the office, and I was looking_forward_to a relaxing evening at home.6But for the Indian boy who led_the_way,_I would have got lost in the jungle.7I wish I could pass all my knowledge at one stroke on_to these young people.8The world makes_way_for a man who knows where he is going.(三)仿写明句式以用为本教材原句句式解读句式仿写1.He dreamt that the Olympics would make it possible for people of all countries to live side by side in peace. 他梦想着奥运会可以让各国人民和平相处。make itadj./n.(for sb.) to do sth.意为“使某人做某事怎么样”。(2016北京高考单选改编)为了更便于联系我们,你最好将这张卡片放在身边。To_make_it_easier_to_get_in_touch_with_us,_youd better keep this card at hand.2.I am sure the whole of China must have felt proud when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country. 我相信,当许海峰为自己的祖国赢得第一枚金牌时,整个中国一定都为之骄傲。must have done表示对过去的肯定性推测,意为“一定已经做了”。(2015湖南高考单选改编)他肯定已经感觉到了我正在看他。他突然扫视了我一眼然后平静地说:“你为什么一直那样看着我?”He must_have_sensed that I was looking at him. He suddenly glanced at me and said quietly,“Why are you staring at me like that?”3.The Eagles went home angry and bitter because they did not win the tournament. 鹰队在锦标赛上铩羽而归,既恼火又愤愤不平。形容词(angry and bitter)作状语,用来说明主语的状态。最重要的是,我们对他有信心。Most_important_of_all,_we have faith in him.二、课堂重点深化1delighted adj.高兴的,快乐的自主体验用delight的相关短语完成小片段Much to_my_delight (让我高兴的是), my son takes_delight_in (以为乐) learning English.He is_delighted_to (乐意) listen to English songs and sing after the tape again and again.Yesterday he came home with/in_delight (高兴地) and delighted_me_with (用让我高兴) the good news that he won the first place in an English petition.系统归纳(1)be delighted at/with/by .对高兴be delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事be delighted that从句 很高兴(2)delight nU高兴,快乐;C使人高兴的事,乐事vt. & vi. (使)高兴have/find/take delight in (doing) . 高兴(做);以(做)为乐to ones delight/to the delight of sb. 令某人高兴的是with/in delight 高兴地,乐意地(3)delightful adj. 令人愉快的重点强化易错处处防I cant tell you how delightful I was when I received the beautiful birthday present you gave me.delightfuldelighted佳句时时写(2017全国卷书面表达)知道你对唐诗感兴趣,我很高兴。现在我写信告诉你下一节课的计划。I_am_delighted_to_know_you_are_interested_in_Tang_poems._Now_Im_writing_to_tell_you_the_plan_for_the_next_class.2pete vi.比赛;竞争自主体验单句语法填空I am very delighted at getting a chance to_pete (pete) in the final.He was clever enough to pete for the mathematics scholarship.Nobody can entirely keep away from this petitive (pete) world.系统归纳(1)pete in参加比赛;在方面竞争pete for 为而竞争pete with/against .for 为争取而与对抗/竞争(2)petition n. 比赛petitor n. 竞争者;对手petitive adj. 有竞争力的重点强化易错处处防He was lucky that he at last got a chance to pete the Olympics.pete后加in佳句时时写(2013天津高考书面表达)我们可以在辩论比赛或演讲比赛中与其他大学的学生进行竞争。We_can_pete_with_students_from_other_universities_in_debate_contests_or_speech_contests.3honour n尊敬;荣幸;节操;荣誉vt.尊敬,尊重(某人);给予荣誉自主体验单句语法填空I feel honoured (honour) to be invited to give you a lecture on how to improve English reading ability.I have the honour to_make (make) a speech to wele the respected guests.We celebrate Teachers Day every year in honour of teachers.一句多译我很荣幸能代表我们公司参加这次会议。I have_the_honour_of_attending the conference on behalf of our pany.(honour)It_is_my_honour_to_attend the conference on behalf of our pany.(honour)I feel_honoured_to_attend the conference on behalf of our pany.(honoured)系统归纳(1)in honour of 为了纪念,为了庆祝in ones honour 为了纪念某人be ones honour to do sth. 某人很荣幸做某事have the honour of doing/to do sth.有幸做某事It is sb.s/an honour to do sth. 做某事是某人的荣幸/ 一件荣幸的事(2)honoured adj. 受尊敬的,感到荣幸的be/feel honoured to do sth. 很荣幸做某事be honoured with . 被授予be honoured as . 被授予的称号重点强化易错处处防Washington, a state in the United States, was named in the honour of one of the greatest American Presidents.去掉第二个the佳句时时写(2014江西高考书面表达)我很荣幸能与你们分享我对高中学习的看法。It_is_my_honour_to_be_here_to_share_with_you_my_opinions_on_what_to_learn_in_senior_high_school.4absence n缺席,不在场;不存在;缺乏,没有自主体验单句语法填空I will go on a business trip tomorrow; Mark will be in charge of the pany in/during my absence.He was absent from the conference yesterday because of his sudden heart disease.完成句子However, learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in_the_absence_of_a_native_environment (在缺乏母语环境的时候)The total absence_of_mind (心不在焉) caused him to fail the exam.系统归纳(1)absence from work/class缺勤/缺课 in/during ones absence in/during the absence of 在某人不在/缺席的时候in/during the absence of sth. 在缺乏某物的时候absence of mind(absentminded adj.) 心不在焉(2)absent adj. 不在的;缺席的;茫然的be absent from 不参加;缺席重点强化易错处处防He couldnt account for his absence of school for a whole day.offrom佳句时时写(2018全国卷书面表达)电影结束后,每个班级都应该进行讨论,任何人不允许缺席。After_the_film,_each_class_is_supposed_to_have_a_discussion_and_no_one_shall_be_absent_from_it.名师指津如:absent from Shanghai“不在上海”;absent in Shanghai“在上海”。5attempt n& vt.尝试,努力,试图;企图自主体验单句语法填空He attempted to_get (get) in touch with them but without success.Jim had prepared carefully for his driving test so that he could be sure of passing it at_the first attempt.The man was being questioned about the attempted (attempt) murder last night.句型转换He attempted to pass the CET4, but failed in the end.He made an attempt at passing/to pass the CET4, but failed in the end.系统归纳(1)make an attempt to do/at doing sth.试图做某事at the first attempt 第一次尝试(2)attempt to do sth. try/seek to do sth. 努力做某事;试图做某事(3)attempted adj. 未遂的重点强化易错对对碰(attempt/manage)Mr. Brown attempted to get a higher position in the pany, but the manager said he was not the right person.He can manage to get us some tickets; I always trust him.佳句时时写(2018北京高考书面表达)他们迫不及待地想要自己尝试一下。They_couldnt_wait_to_have_an_attempt_for_themselves.(2018北京高考书面表达)不久随着每个外国学生尝试自己泡茶,茶室很快热闹起来。 Soon_the_tea_room_became_lively_with_every_international_student_attempting_to_make_their_own_tea.名师指津attempt to do sth.和try/seek to do sth.一样,强调的是努力做某事的过程,不一定成功;而manage to do sth.则表示“设法做成某事”,强调结果。6otherwise adv.& conj.否则,不然adv.在其他方面;不同地自主体验写出下列句中otherwise的含义He intended to be a teacher in a university but fate decided otherwise.不同地Always follow the doctors advice for appropriate wear. Otherwise, you may have problems.否则,不然She is not very clever, but otherwise shes a nice girl.在其他方面同义句转换Seize the chance; or_else (otherwise) you will regret it.The rent is high, but in_the_other_way (otherwise) the house is satisfactory.系统归纳(1)otherwise (conj.)or/or else否则,不然(2)otherwise (adv.)differently/in another wayin the other way/in a different way不同地,在其他方面重点强化易错处处防Thank you for your timely help; otherwise we are in great trouble now.arewould_be佳句时时写(2011四川高考书面表达)建议所有参加摘苹果的人都应该戴上帽子和手套,要不然会有很多树叶或脏东西掉到你的头上,弄脏你的手。It_is_suggested_that_all_the_people_who_will_join_in_picking_apples_should_wear_a_hat_and_a_pair_of_gloves._Otherwise,_there_will_be_a_lot_of_leaves_or_dirty_things_that_will_fall_on_your_head_and_make_your_hands_dirty.名师指津otherwise作连词且意为“否则,不然”时,其后的句子所描述的情况如果与事实相反,则用虚拟语气;如果与事实相符,则用陈述语气。7remove vt.去除,移开;开除;免除,解除(职务);脱去(衣物);拿走;搬迁自主体验写出下列句中remove的含义If a nest has four eggs and you remove one, the bird will not notice.拿走He removed his jacket when he arrived home.脱掉He was severely criticized and removed from his post.免职The agreement removes the last serious obstacle to the signing of the treaty.去除Three children were removed from school for bad behaviors.开除单句语法填空Students removed several desks from their classroom to another one.Reference books may not be removed from the library.The factory announced its removal (remove) to another town.系统归纳(1)remove .from .把从移开remove from .to . 把搬到remove sb. from school 开除某人,勒令某人退学(2)removal n. 移植;解除;搬迁;免职重点强化易错处处防With the misunderstanding being removed, the two old friends made up happily.去掉being佳句时时写(2011江苏高考书面表达)意识到一天的工作之后她妈妈一定很累了,这个女孩帮妈妈把包从肩膀上拿下来。Realizing_her_mom_must_be_very_tired_after_a_days_work,_the_girl_helps_to_remove_the_bag_from_her_shoulder.8power n力量;能量(尤指电);影响力;权力;统治;能力vt.驱动,提供动力自主体验写出下列句中power的含义Jack was working in the lab when the power cut occurred.电,电力It is said that he has the power of holding his audience.能力So enormous was the hurricanes power that it carried away the whole building.力量The police and the army have been given special powers to deal with such a situation.权力All these modern educational aids are powered by electricity.提供动力单句语法填空The government wilted (畏缩) in the face of such powerful (power) pressure.Not that I dont want to help you, but that its beyond my power to do so.系统归纳(1)be in power 掌权,执政(表示状态)e to/into power 上台,执政(表示动作)in/within ones power 在某人的能力/权力范围之内out of/beyond ones power 超出某人的能力(2)powerful adj. 强有力的,强大的重点强化易错对对碰(be in power/e into power)Though he has been_in_power for two years, he hasnt found an effective solution to the countrys economic problems.It has been five years since he came_into_power.佳句时时写(2013湖北高考书面表达)直到那时,我才意识到语言在积极和消极方面都有强大的力量。Not_until_then_did_I_realize_words_could_be_powerful_in_both_positive_and_negative_ways.1hang on ( hold on) 不挂断;(在逆境中)坚持;紧紧握住,保留(to sth.)自主体验写出下列句中hang on的含义Its hard work, but if you hang on, you are sure to succeed in the end.(在逆境中)坚持There are some people who hang on to their jobs long after they should have retired. 紧紧抓住,保留James will be back at once, hang on.别挂断系统归纳hang on to抓紧;保留,不卖掉,不放弃hang up (on sb.) 挂断(某人的)电话hang out 晾出;闲逛hang about/around 徘徊,闲荡重点强化用法条条清(选用上述短语填空)While I was talking with a friend on the phone, he suddenly hung_up on me.The principal warned the students not to hang_around/about the corner grocery store after school.It was so windy that I had to hang_on_to my hat all the way along the street.佳句时时写(2015福建高考书面表达)无论形势多么困难,都要不遗余力地获取知识并坚持下去。Spare_no_effort_to_acquire_knowledge_and_hang_on_no_matter_how_difficult_the_situation_may_be.2make way for给让路,让位于系统归纳make ones way to向走去give way to 让路;让步;被代替in the way 挡路,挡道,妨碍in a way 在某种意义上in no way 绝不(位于句首,句子要部分倒装)under way 在进行,在举行on the way 在路上;将要发生重点强化用法条条清(选用上述短语填空)Many houses are being knocked down to make_way_for a new park.No doubt he was just trying to help, but in fact he just got in_the_way.In_no_way can teaching in school be separated from practice.An investigation is under_way to find out how the disaster happened.佳句时时写(2018全国卷书面表达)一般来说,你的抵达时间绝不能晚于约定的时间。Generally_speaking,_in_no_way_should_your_arrival_be_later_than_the_fixed_time.3make itadj.for sb. to do sth.教材原句He dreamt that the Olympics would make_it_possible_for_people_of_all_countries_to_live side by side in peace. 自主体验The rapid development of science and technology makes it possible for us_to_do (do) what we couldnt do in the past.科技的迅速发展使得我们可以做过去不能做的事情。Susan made it clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.苏珊清楚地向我表明,她希望为自己创造新的生活。I consider it no use quarrelling (quarrel) with him about it.我认为就这件事和他争吵是没有用的。归纳点拨用法规则(1)“动词itadj./n.to do sth.”句式中,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式。(2)“动词itadj./n.that”句式中,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是that从句。(3)“动词itno good/no use .doing sth.”句式中,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是动名词。注意事项(1)常跟it作形式宾语的动词有:believe, think, feel, find, notice, make等;(2)在习惯用法中,hate, like, love, appreciate, enjoy, take, have后常先接it再接由if或when等引导的从句。佳句背诵(精彩开头句)(2017全国卷写作佳句)I think it great fun to learn the poems written in the Tang Dynasty with you.(增分要点句)(2011新课标卷写作佳句)My English is just OK and the two main problems in my study are that I feel it difficult to learn words by heart, and that I often feel nervous when speaking English.4形容词(短语)作状语教材原句The Eagles went home angry_and_bitter because they did not win the tournament. 自主体验Eager_to_see_the_sunrise,_they got up at four.急于去看日出,他们4点就起床了。One woman was lying in bed, awake,_listening to the rushing winds.一位女士躺在床上,没有睡着,听着那急促的风声。When it was his turn to deliver his speech, he walked towards the microphone, nervous_and_embarrassed.当轮到他发表演讲时,他朝麦克风走去,紧张而又尴尬。归纳点拨形容词(短语)作状语:,结构:可以是单个形容词,也可以是形容词短语,一般要用逗号将其和句子的其他部分分开。,位置:通常位于句子主语前或句子主语后,有时位于句末。,作用:一般用于说明句子主语的特点或处于某种状态,可表示原因、结果、伴随等情况。佳句背诵(增分要点句)(2015福建高考写作佳句)Being poor, the boy couldnt afford even a candle.(增分要点句)(2017天津高考写作佳句)Much interested in the activity, I would like to apply to be a volunteer.(精彩收尾句)(2013江西高考写作佳句)After a whole days hiking, we arrived home, tired and hungry.单词拼写1Ive been asked to chair the mittee (委员会) the next year.2I was absolutely delighted (高兴的) with the brilliant sunshine shining through the window.3The team we will pete (比赛) with is the champion of last season.4Weve budgeted (为预算) for a new car next year.5There were nearly one hundred guests at the party so no one noticed Marys absence (缺席)6He failed in his attempt (尝试) to take control of the pany.7Often, the simplest answer is just to remove (离开) yourself from the situation.8Liu Jiao ran all the way to school; otherwise (不然) shed have been late.9It shouldnt take too long to get back to our old routine (惯例)10Its easier to get to the college if you have your own transport (交通工具)11The doll is very precious (珍贵的) to me because it was my mother who bought it for me.12The professor published a book on the origins (起源) of life on the earth.13He developed a close association (联系) with the university.14Her headaches are being less frequent (经常发生的)15Shes a wonderful skater, and her technique (技术) is superb.单句语法填空1The secretary has been removed from her position for her negligence.2I had a bad cold, otherwise I would_have_visited (visit) you last week.3Mary is a kindhearted lady with a positive attitude towards life because she takes delight in helping others.4When I spoke to him, he looked at me in an absent (absence) way and didnt answer.5His uncle tells him that if his cousin wins the petition (pete), the family will win an overseas tour for free.6Jack quickly established himself as a powerful (power) member of the new pany.7In our hometown, it is traditional (tradition) to visit relatives one by one during the Spring Festival.8Timely encouragement from a teacher is very significant (significance) to his/her students.9John did not like his job, but he decided to hang on to it until he found a better one.10The experienced artisan would pass the tricks of the trade on to the apprentice.单句改错1She was proud as a peacock when she passed her driving test in the first attempt.inat2Delightful to hear of my appointment as chairman of Board, he offered his sincere congratulations.DelightfulDelighted3He felt it honour to be invited to such an important conference.it后加an4Much for our excitement, no one raised objection at the meeting yesterday.forto5Life is like a long race where we often pete for others to go beyond ourselves.forwith6So excited was the game that I forgot all about the ing finals.excitedexciting7When I got off the crowded bus, I found my pocket steal and the disk in it with the important documents gone.stealstolen8Too nervously to reply, he stared at the floor.nervouslynervous.完成句子1Youd better go now, otherwise_youll_miss_the_train.你最好现在就走,要不然就赶不上火车了。2Ive made_an_attempt_to convince her, but in vain.我试图说服她,但是徒劳无果。3Only the greatest athletes can pete_in this demanding event.只有最了不起的运动员才能角逐这种吃力的运动项目。 4When older men retired they made_way_for younger men to take their places.当老年人退休时,他们为年轻人让路,让他们来取代自己的位置。5He stands there, full_of_fear.他站在那里,充满了恐惧。6They_found_it_difficult_to_finish the job in such a short time.他们觉得很难在这么短的时间内完成工作。7To_my_excitement,_my mother came to see me dance together with my father.让我兴奋的是,妈妈和爸爸一起来看我跳舞了。8You_must_have_gone_to_bed_very_late_last_night,_for your eyes are red.昨天晚上你一定睡得很晚,因为你的眼睛都红了。本单元语篇话题与新课程主题语境“人与社会”中的“体育活动、大型体育赛事”子话题相对应一、话题语素积累多一点子话题体育活动、大型体育赛事(一)浅易词汇温一温basketball footballtennisraceswimming shooting high jump long


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