2018-2019学年高二英语 寒假训练05 Unit 5 First Aid.docx

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寒假训练05 Unit 5 First Aid一、单词拼写1. The birth of twins put(压力)on the couple to find a bigger flat.2. she is a(温和的)woman who never shouts to others. We all like being with her.3. The light was red but the(救护车)drove straight through.4. The Mayor also attended the opening c_ of the cultural organization.5. Be careful. The medicine is p.6. His (勇敢)was seen by everyone when he saved the child from the burning house.7. It is said that you will be affected by the rif you talk on the mobile phone for long.8. Be careful with the knife. Or you will do yourself an i.9. The (症状)dont appear until a few says after youre infected.10. We can live without clothes, but food and drink are e.二、单项选择11. The housewife got her hands and arms _while trying to pour the boiling water from the kettle into the thermos; she_ some healing ointment to her burn but the pain was still unbearable.A. burned; put B. burnt; used C. burnt; dressed D. burnt; applied12. _ is no doubt _ Bob can win the first prize in the match.A. There; that B. It; thatC. There; whether D. It; whether13. Look, he is injured in the accident and his mouth is.A.healingB.bleedingC.chokingD.aching14. I have experienced quite a number of cases _ I really wanted to help but could not find anything to _.A. when; put on my hands B. that; put my hands onC. where; put my hands on D. in that; put on my hands15. I think it _ that one have a good command of English if one wants to be engaged in international trade.A.usefulB.a must C.essentialD.vital16. Whatwill it make whether Mr Black tells us the story early or not?A. sense B. difference C. mistake D. use17. You can make a complaint to the local governmentyou are happy with the way things are.A. unless B. if C. once D. as 18. The arrangements for the English evening this weekend arent all; we need another thirty chairs.A. in return B. in advance C. in ruins D. in place19. Was it the language or something elsemade it hard for you to adapt to the life there?A. that B. which C. when D. it20. Though my father is still cold and strict, Ibelieve that he loves me very much.A. tightly B. deeply C. firmly D. loosely三、句子翻译21. 如果你一个人被蛇咬了,你知道怎样实施急救吗?_22. 昨天他突然生病了,被立刻送往医院。_23. 世界因我而不同。_24. 正开着会,这时有人怒气冲冲地闯了进来。_25. 他一遍又一遍地朗诵那首诗,直到他会背为止。_四、阅读理解A【西藏自治区林芝市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题】You may need to give first aid. First aid is defined(下定义) as the emergency care given to a sick or injured person. The goals of first aid are to prevent death and to prevent injuries from becoming worse.Each emergency condition is different. However, the following rules apply to any kind of emergency. Be aware of your limitations. Do not try to do more than you are able to. Nor should you do things if you are unfamiliar with them. Do what you can under the conditions at the time. Stay calm. Acting calmly will help the victim feel safe. Take a quick look to see if the victim is bleeding, and if there is a pulse. Keep the victim lying down and do not move him or her.You could make an injury worse if you move the victim. Take necessary emergency steps. Call for help or ask someone to make the EMS system(急救系统)start. Do not remove clothing unless you have to.If clothing must be removed,tear the clothes along the seams(线缝). Keep the victim warm. Cover the victim with a blanket. Coats and sweaters can be used if a blanket cannot be found. Reassure the victim. Explain what is happening and that help has been called. Do not give the victim any food or fruits. Keep the bystanders away from the victim. Bystanders want to have a look, offer advice, and say something about the victims condition. The victim may believe that the condition is worse than it really is.26.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. You should help an injured person in any condition.B. Dont remove the clothing of the injured person whatever happens.C. It is necessary to cover the victim with a blanket.D. If the injured person feels hungry, you should give him or her some food.27.Why should bystanders be kept away from the victim?A. Because bystanders can prevent the victim from receiving first aid.B. Because what they say can make the victim think the condition is very bad.C. Because the victim doesnt want to accept the advice of bystanders.D. Because the victim hates being surrounded by bystanders.28.The main purpose of the passage is to tell _.A. how to save a personB. what to do when an accident happensC. how to call for helpD. how to give first aidB【2019届内蒙古集宁一中(西校区)高三上学期第一次月考英语试题】A five-year-old dog named Kelsey has been praised as a hero for helping to save the life of her owner who slipped in the snow and broke his neck.The man, Bob, was alone when he left his Michigan farmhouse on New Years Eve to collect firewood. Expecting a journey of only several meters, Bob was wearing just long johns (衬裤), a shirt and slippers when he went outside, although the temperature was around -4.After the accident, he was unable to move in the snow. Fortunately, Kelsey came to his assistance.“I was shouting for help, but my nearest neighbor is about 400 meters away, and it was 10:30 pm,” Bob explained.“But my Kelsey came. By the next morning, my voice was gone and I couldnt yell for help, but Kelsey didnt stop barking.”Kelseys companion kept him warm by lying on top of him. She licked his face and hands to keep him awake.“Kelsey kept barking but never left my side,” Bob recalled. “She kept me warm. I knew I couldnt give up and that it was my choice to stay alive.”Bob spent 20 hours in the freezing cold. When he finally lost consciousness, his dog kept barking. Finally, hearing the barking, Bobs neighbor discovered him at 6:30 pm on New Years Day and called the emergency services at once. When Bob arrived in hospital, his body temperature was below 21. However, doctors were surprised to find that he didnt have any frostbite (冻疮). They believed it was because of Kelseys determination to keep him warm, Dr. ChaimColen, the doctor who treated Bob, said, “Animals can help and his dog really saved him. He was very fortunate.”Bob said he was “enormously” grateful to both Dr. Colen and his Kelsey, “They saved my life, they are truly heroes!”29. What happened to Bob on New Years Eve?A. He left his dog alone in his farmhouse.B. He was praised for saving a dog owner.C. He broke his neck and couldnt move.D. He heard his neighbors shouting for help.30. Why did Kelsey keep barking?A. To keep warm. B. To stay alive.C. To keep Bob awake. D. To seek help from others.31. How does Dr. ChaimColen feel about Kelsey?A. Helpful. B. Fortunate.C. Grateful. D. Friendly.32. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. A Neck-breaking Accident B. The Magic NightC. Warmth on a Winters Night D. Determination to Keep Alive五、短文改错【吉林省吉化第一高级中学校2017-2018学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题】Animal bites are like dog and cat bites are most common nowadays. It will cause signs and symptoms such as pain, swelling and bleeding, that bring the victim a lot of suffering. First aid (急救) can make difference before emergency (紧急的) medical help arrives. It can be used for animal bites that cause scratches (挠) on the skin but did not cause a serious reaction. You should do with follows. Firstly, wash the bite area immediate with soap and warm water for 5 minutes. If the bite is deep, place the wound under gently run water for 10 minutes. Then dry the wound with a clean towel. Secondly, if the wound is swollen (肿的), put ice covering in a towel for several minute. Thirdly, get medical care.寒假训练05 Unit 5 First Aid一、单词拼写【答案】1. pressure2. mild3. ambulance4. ceremony5. poisonous6. bravery7. radiation8. injury9. symptoms10. essential二、单项选择11.【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。burnt意思是“烧伤的”,put 意思是“放”。used 意思是“使用”,dressed意思是“穿”,applied 意思是“使用”。句意:当她把开水从水壶倒进暖水瓶的时候,她的手和胳膊烧伤了,她使用了康复软膏,但是疼痛难以忍受。注意固定词组apply to “适用于”。所以选D。12.【答案】A【解析】考查固定句式的用法。句意:毫无疑问,鲍勃能够在比赛中获得第一名。这里是固定句式there is no doubt that. 不容置疑。故选A。13. 【答案】B【解析】考查动词的词义辨析。句意:看,他在事故中受了伤,嘴巴还在流血。heal v. 治愈;bleed v. 流血;choke v. 窒息;ache v, 疼痛。故选B。14. 【答案】C【解析】考查定语从句及动词短语的用法。句意:我经历过许多种情况,在这种情况下,我想去帮忙但是却又插不上手。这里第一空先行词是a number of cases,后面的定语从句用where引导。put ones hands on 着手做某事,根据句意,故选C。15.【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。useful “有用的”,essential “必要的”, vital “至关重要的”。句意:我认为如果一个人想要从事国际贸易,那么他/她就要必然要精通英语。所以选C。16. 【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。make a difference 意为“有影响,有关系,起(重要)作用”,题干中是将该短语拆开使用。句意:布莱克先生是否早点告诉我们那件事有什么关系吗?17. 【答案】A【解析】考查连词。unless除非,如果不。句意:如果你对于现在的情况不满意,可以向当地政府投诉。根据句意应该选unless。18.【答案】D【解析】考查介词短语辨析。in return “作为回报”;in advance “提前”;in ruins “成为废墟”;in place “有序,井井有条,就绪”。句意:这次英语晚会的安排还没有就绪,我们还需要30张椅子。根据句意说明D正确。19. 【答案】A【解析】考查强调句。句意:是语言还是别的问题使你很难适应那儿的生活?分析句子成分可知,问句为强调句的一般疑问句形式,故用that。20. 【答案】C【解析】考查副词辨析。tightly “紧地,牢牢地”;deeply “深刻地,浓浓地”;firmly “坚定地,稳固地”;loosely “宽松地,轻率地”。句意:虽然我的父亲一直冷酷和严厉,但我坚信他非常爱我。根据句意可知C正确。三、句子翻译【答案】21. Do you know how to carry out first aid if someone is bitten by a snake? 22. He suddenly fell ill yesterday and was sent to the hospital at once. 23. I can make a difference in this world. 24. We were having a meeting when someone broke in angrily. 25. He read the poem over and over again till he could recite it.四、阅读理解A【语篇解析】这篇文章主要讲述如何进行急救和急救的注意事项。【答案】26-28 CBD【解析】26.结合文章中的“Cover the victim with a blanket. Coats and sweaters can be used if a blanket cannot be found”可知,给受害者盖上一个毛毯,如果找不到毛毯的话,就使用外套或者毛衣,故选C项。27.结合最后一段中的“Keep the bystanders away from the victim. Bystanders want to have a look, offer advice, and say something about the victims condition. The victim may believe that the condition is worse than it really is.”可知,旁观的人会对受害者的情况说一些话,这会让受害者认为自己的情况比真实状况更糟糕,故选B项。28.结合第一段的“You may need to give first aid”和下文的每一条该做或者不该做的事情可知,这篇文章主要是讲怎样进行急救。故选D。B【语篇解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一只名叫Kelsey的5岁的小狗帮助在雪中滑倒摔断了脖子的主人,挽救了主人的生命而被誉为英雄。【答案】29-32 CDAC【解析】29. 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“to save the life of her owner who slipped in the snow and broke his neck.”挽救了在雪中滑倒摔断了脖子的主人;以及第三段中的“ After the accident, he was unable to move in the snow. ”事故发生后,在雪中他不能动。故选C。30. 细节理解题。根据第六段中的“When he finally lost consciousness, his dog kept barking. Finally, hearing the barking, Bobs neighbor discovered him at 6:30 p.m. on New Years Day and called the emergency services at once.”当他最终失去知觉时,他的狗不停地叫。最后,Bob的邻居听到了狗叫在新年那天下午六点半发现了他,并且立刻给急救部门打电话。可知狗一只叫是为了向他人求助,故选D。31. 推理判断题。根据第六段中的“However, doctors were surprised to find that he didnt have any frostbite (冻疮). They believed it was because of Kelseys determination to keep him warm.”但是,医生惊讶地发现他没有冻伤。他们认为是因为 Kelsey的决心让他保持温暖。可知Chaim Colen认为 Kelsey帮助很大,故选A。32.主旨大意题。纵观全文可知,本文讲述了一只名叫Kelsey的5岁的小狗帮助在雪中滑倒摔断了脖子的主人,在寒冷的除夕夜为主人取暖,挽救了主人的生命,故C符合做文章标题,故选C。五、短文改错【答案】33.删去第二个are 34.ItThey 35.thatwhich 36.make后加a 37.diddo38.withas 39.immediateimmediately 40.runrunning 41.coveringcovered 42.minuteminutes【解析】33.考查动词。本句已经有谓语动词are,“animal bites”是普遍的,而like是介词“比如”,like dog and cat bites介词短语作定语,故第二个are去掉。34.考查代词。此处根据语意可知,指代前面的Animal bites,故需要代词的复数,故ItThey。35.考查定语从句。此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词是前文的整句话“动物咬后的迹象和症状”,逗号后不能用that,故thatwhich。36.考查冠词。根据语意知,此处表示“有不同”,短语make a difference,make后加不定冠词a。37.考查动词时态。此处根据前面第一个动词cause可知,应该用一般现在时,故diddo。38.考查介词。此处根据语意“按照如下方式做”可知,用固定短语as follows。故withas。39.考查副词。根据语意可知,要马上用肥皂清洗伤口,副词修饰动词。故immediateimmediately。40.考查非谓语动词。此处表示“自来水”,与water构成主动关系,现在分词作定语,故runrunning。41.考查非谓语动词。put+宾语+宾补,cover和ice是被动关系,故coveringcovered。42.考查名词复数。根据上文的several可知,此处表示“几分钟”,故用复数形式minuteminutes。


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