2019版高考英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour(词汇考查+词汇应用)(含解析)新人教版必修4.doc

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2019版高考英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour(词汇考查+词汇应用)(含解析)新人教版必修4.doc_第1页
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2019版高考英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour(词汇考查+词汇应用)(含解析)新人教版必修4.doc_第2页
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2019版高考英语 Unit 3 A taste of English humour(词汇考查+词汇应用)(含解析)新人教版必修4.doc_第3页
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Unit 3 一、词汇复习(一)单句语法填空1Excessive dosage(剂量)of this drug can result in _(injure)to the liver. 答案:injury名词injury表示“伤害”。2“Thank you.” is a polite _(express) which is widely used in English. 答案:expressiona polite expression表示“一种礼貌的表达”。He _(brave)went into the burning house to rescue the baby. Everybody present praised him for his _(brave). 答案:bravely; bravery第一空用副词修饰动词;第二空前有物主代词his,后面用名词。4Most Chinese like drinking tea, while _(America) like coffee. 答案:AmericansAmericans与前一句中Chinese相呼应。5More and more people go in for sports in modern _(time). 答案:timesin modern/ancient times“在现代/古代”,为固定搭配。(二)英汉互译117.humour n. _118.punchline n. _119.verbal adj. _120.nonverbal adj. _121.mime n. _122.Charlie Chaplin _123.Edward Lear _124.edy n. _125.Victor Hugo_126.up to now _127.brighten vt. _128.depressed adj. _129.content adj. n. vt. _130.feel/be content with _131.performer n. _132.astonish vt. _133.astonishing adj. _134.fortunate adj. _135.unfortunately adv. _136.badly off _137.teens n. _138.ordinary adj. _139.bored adj. _140.subtle adj. _141.entertain vt. & vi. _142.entertaining adj. _143.charming adj. _144.tramp n. _145.throughout prep. adv. _ 146.homeless adj. _147.moustache n. _148.worn adj. _149.worn-out adj. _150.stiffly adv. _151.failure n. _152.optimism n. _153.overe vt. & vi. (overcame,overe) _154.underdog n. _155.snowstorm n. _156.leather n. _157.pick out _158.lace n. _159.cut off _160.chew vt. & vi. _161.mouthful n. _162.enjoyment n. _163.convince vt. _164.convincing adj. _165.direct vt. & vi. adj. _166.star in _168.outstanding adj. _169.Switzerland n. _170.confidence n. _171.costume n. _172.gesture n. vi. _173.particular adj. n. _174.particularly adv. _175.occasion n. _176.budget n. _177.actress n. _178.slide vt. & vi. n. _179.amuse vt. _180.amusing adj. _181.pancake n. _182.explanation n. _183.detective n. _184.Sherlock Holmes n. _185.mountainous adj. _186.whisper n. vt. & vi. _187.vast adj. _188.rhythm n. _189.mess n. _189.react vi. _190.porridge n. _191.drunk adj. _二、阅读理解AAfter a year of examining studies concerning whether homework is effective, NYC P.S. 116 elementary school decided that math worksheets and essay assignments were actually a waste of time. In February, Principal Jane Hsu sent a letter to parents stating that the Pre-K through fifth grade students would not be given any traditional homework to encourage kids to have free time for reading, playing outside, or doing activities they enjoy.The negative effects of homework have been well established, Hsu wrote in a note to parents. They include: childrens frustration and exhaustion, lack of time for other activities and family time and, sadly for many, loss of interest in learning.Some parents, however, disagree with the policy change, believing that a lack of focus will cause children to fall behind. Homework has been part of education from the beginning, and has increased in volume in recent years.Hsus advice that children should read and spend time with their families has upset some parents to the point of considering pulling their children out of P.S. 116. This group feels that homework assignments give children a goal to work toward. Others feel so strongly about the importance of homework that they have begun giving their own homework assignments to their children.An Australian Childhood Foundation survey found that 71% of Australian parents feel they do not spend enough quality time with their children mainly because of the time spent running the household or the time spent helping with homework. Education experts in Australia are saying that parents should stop helping. Doing so will give kids more independence, will give parents more free time, and will help reduce the number of homework-induced arguments in the family.While some research suggests that homework has little academic benefit for elementary students, other research shows homework can help kids develop independence, and confidence. It can also contribute to a sense of belonging or control over their lives. When parents try to help their children with homework, the assistance can take away that feeling and can also drain already exhausted working parents.1.Cancelling traditional homework is aimed at _.A. allowing students to learn on their ownB. inspiring students to spend more time with parentsC. wishing students to seek self-developmentD. motivating students to help with housework2.What can be concluded from the 1st and 2nd paragraph?A. Jane Hsu is the first principal to cancel homework.B. Jane Hsu has done thorough research on homework.C. Jane Hsu paid little attention to students academic records.D. Jane Hsu knows students prefer activities to their subjects.3.Why are some parents strongly against Principal Jane Hsu?A. They have no time to give their children homework.B. They dont think the school is responsible for their kids.C. They are afraid their kids will fall behind.D. They dislike their kids doing too many activities.4.What is the authors attitude to parents helping kids with homework?A. Supportive.B. Indifferent.C. Ironic.D. Negative.【文章大意】这是一篇议论文,文章对是否应该给小学生布置家庭作业进行了论述。 1.C 【解析】考查细节理解。依据第一段末尾的.to encourage kids to have free time for reading, playing outside, or doing activities they enjoy可知,这所学校取消数学和作文这类家庭作业是为了让孩子们有更多的时间读书,在户外玩耍或者参加自己喜欢的活动,由此可推知这个学校希望学生们寻求自我发展。2.B 【解析】考查推理判断。根据第一段中的After a year of examining studies concerning whether homework is effective以及第二段的内容可知,校长对此做了全面的调查。4.D 【解析】考查观点态度。依据文章尾段中的When parents try to help their children with homework, the assistance can take away that feeling and can also drain already exhausted working parents可推知,对于家长在作业上帮助孩子的问题,作者持有否定的看法。BMy mother grew up in a small coal mining town in southwest Iowa.My grandfather once told me that she knew no stranger and considered everyone in that munity her friend.That attitude continued wherever she lived for the rest of her life.As a young girl, I felt embarrassed and cringed(畏缩) every time my mother addressed strangers in the grocery store or on the city bus.She talked to everyone and offered a smile.What really sold me on Moms approach to life was her experience on the senior bus, a story Ive repeated to others many times.The weeks I could not be there, she used this lowcost transportation to the grocery store.After her first trip, I asked her how it went.“Ha!”she said, “I got on that bus and what did I see?Thirteen little old ladies and one old man, and not one word was spoken.”I wondered how long it would be until the somberness(忧郁的氛围) on that bus would change.On my next visit, Mom mentioned the ladies on the bus and something one of them had told her.“Oh, are you talking with them now?” I asked.“Of course, ”she said.“One day I climbed up the steps of the bus and before I looked for a seat, I gave them a big smile and I said, Isnt it a wonderful day? I noticed a few shy smiles.”Mom didnt give up.She greeted them all each time she got on the bus and before long, the whole group was laughing and talking to one another.The bus became more than just transportation.Shes been gone for ten years but Ive carried on her recipe for life.I smile at people as I walk by and often begin a conversation in the checkout line.Silent, solemn(严肃的) people respond with smiles of their own and a bit of chatter.All it takes is for one person to initiate(发起) the smile or greeting.It was I who had done the smiling first and all those people had responded.My mother didnt lecture but taught me by example.Shed given me a recipe for life.【解题导语】本文主要讲述了作者的母亲积极乐观的人生态度对作者的影响。1How did the writers mother break the silence on that senior bus?ABy telling the passengers some jokes.BBy giving each one of the passengers a gift.CBy greeting and smiling at all the passengers.DBy asking the passengers some difficult questions.C解析:细节理解题。根据第七段中的“I gave them a big smile”可知,母亲在老年巴士上是通过对车上所有的乘客微笑来打破沉默的,故选C。2What does the underlined phrase “sold me on” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?AHelped me find.BPersuaded me to accept.CForced me to be against.DEncouraged me to give up.B解析:词义猜测题。根据文中第二段可知,作者刚开始是感到尴尬和畏缩的,根据最后一段的前两句可推知,作者接受了母亲的人生态度并开始向他人展示这种人生态度,故此处sold me on是指作者“被劝服并接受”。3What can we infer from the passage?AThe writers mother liked going shopping.BThe writers mother used to be a good teacher.CThe writer didnt like her mother when she was young.DThe writer once doubted her mothers approach to life.D解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中作者和母亲态度的对比以及第五段的第一句可推知,作者之前对母亲的生活态度是有所质疑的,故选D项。4The writer wrote this passage in order to Achange the behavior and the thinking of its readers towards making friendsBanalyze why people dont like municating with each other in public placesCconvince people that it is important to know how to municate with strangersDencourage people to break the barrier to munication and start conversations bravelyD解析:写作意图题。根据文章的整体内容可知,母亲通过经常对他人微笑从而实现与他人的沟通,创造了一种和谐的交流氛围,作者由此受益。由此可推知,本文的目的在于呼吁人们打破沟通的障碍,像作者的母亲一样勇敢地和他人交流,故选D。三、七选五Shortness of breath has many different causes,and the treatment of it is specific for each cause._1_ There are, however,some following first aid steps you can use to treat it,at least until the ambulance arrives or youre able to get the victim to a hospital._2_ The more energy you spend,the more oxygen you use and the more short of breath you feel.Think about a good workout at the gym.Exercise hard enough and you will feel short of breath.The cure?Take a break.Let the victim sit,stand or lie wheres the most fortable.Therere lots of myths about how some body positions supposedly provide more airflow.Coaches regularly tell players to hold their arms above their heads to maximize chest expansion.Nursing staff assume the “tripod position” is the best position._3_.Use oxygen.This is a special case used only for people with chronic lung problems.If the victim has oxygen available, this is what its for._4_ The victim may have been told by his or her doctor that too much oxygen for too long might cause more problems.Assure the victim that sudden increases in shortness of breath are the instances in which oxygen is needed most.Treat the cause of shortness of breath._5_ Asthma patients,for example,often have multiple tools and drugs to fix sudden shortness of breath.Victims of lung infections may need to see a doctor and heart attack victims may need an ambulance.AHave the victim rest.BTake more exercise at the gym.CThe victim should use his or her oxygen as directed by a doctor.DTherere many causes of shortness of breath and many of them are treatable.EThe victim can try to avoid making use of his or her oxygen whenever possible.FEvery person is different,however,so let the victim decide what position is the most fortable.GIn many cases,the only way to treat shortness of breath is to call 911 or take the victim to a doctor.【解题导语】本文是一篇应用文,主要讲述了呼吸困难的发生有很多原因,同时提出了四种急救方法。1G本段主要讲呼吸困难有很多原因,治疗呼吸困难有不同的方法,因此空处应讲治疗呼吸困难的一般方法,且与下文构成转折关系,故选G。2A根据本段中的“The cure?Take a break”可知,本段主要讲让患者休息这种方法,故选A。3F根据第三段的主题句可知,此处表示每个人感觉舒服的方式都不同,所以空处应讲让病人决定最舒服的姿势,故选F。4C根据本段的主题句可以判断此处指要使用氧气,故选C。5D根据空处上下文可以判断,此处表示呼吸困难有很多原因,但是可以治疗的,故选D。


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