云南省2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练04 Units 5-8(七下)练习 人教新目标版.doc

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云南省2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练04 Units 5-8(七下)练习 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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云南省2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练04 Units 5-8(七下)练习 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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云南省2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练04 Units 5-8(七下)练习 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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课时训练04 Units 5 8(七下)(限时:30分钟)单项填空1 The young couple really enjoy photos They always go out with their camerasAtook Btakes Cto take Dtaking2 Is New Zealand a big country? No, New Zealand only has two islands One is North Island, and is South IslandAother Bthe other Cothers Danother3Why dont you like dressing up as a ghost?Because its too AfriendlyBscaryCrelaxingDcute4 What did your math teacher say this morning?He told me make faces in classAto not Bnot to Cdo not Ddidnt5 her happy, I have to take her to the childrens amusement parkAMakingBMakeCTo makeDFor making6Thanks so much for your helpAThats rightBNever mindCAll rightDNot at all7Why do you think koalas are animals?Because they usually sleep long hours every day AlazyBbusyCstrictDnoisy 8When spring comes, trees begin to greenAsoundBtasteCkeepDturn9How much did you on the new car?About 120,000 yuanAspendBtakeCcostDpay10Dont enter the area The students an English examAtakes Bare taking Chave taken Dtook11Why are you working here?I need to get some money to the summer camp Acost onBspend in Ctake on Dpay for12My house is No 207 on the right of the street And yours?I live you My house is No 208 on the left of the street Aacross fromBnext toCin front ofDbetween 13I cant believe it Tony has invented a tree-planting machineReally? He is so Ashy Brude Ccreative Dfriendly14Hey, Jack Is your father a teacher? No, hes a postman He works in the near our school AhospitalBpost officeCairportDbank 15Whats the weather like in your hometown? AYes, I like itBIts warm in winterCWhy not?DYes, very much 完形填空Three small fish lived in the sea When they were very young, their parents died They had to 16 each other day after day Finally, they grew up and 17 to swim deeper and furtherOne morning, the three fish were 18 to shallow(浅)water by a big wave(浪) A small boat was taken there, too It was hard for the fish to go back to the sea because the boat was right in front of them The largest fish realized that they were 19 and said they had to find a way to leave there as fast as possible The second largest fish 20 with his elder brother, but the youngest one did not He said that there was much 21 for their activities, so he would not worry at all and still swam around 22At last, the largest fish returned to the 23 by jumping over the lowest part of the boat The second largest fish also succeeded in 24 his elder brother in the other side of water But the youngest one didnt follow them and still swam joyfullyTwo hours later, when the 25 rose, the water in the small shallow corner dried up The fish who did not try to return to the sea died of lack(缺乏)of water16Alisten toBlook afterCtalk withDworry about17AdaredBhatedCrefusedDstopped18AallowedBgivenCinvitedDtaken19Ain safetyBin doubtCin dangerDin peace20AagreedBtalkedCcomparedDdiscussed21AtimeBfoodCwaterDair22AslowlyBsadlyCluckilyDhappily23AseaBriverClakeDpond24AcatchingBjoiningCtakingDtelling25AstormBstarsCmoonDsun还原短文根据短文内容,从短文后所给的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。On my recent trip to Sydney with my parents, we visited the Wildlife Park26 Some are native(当地的)to Australia and can only be found there There are over 600 animals there, including kangaroos, koalas and crocodiles(鳄鱼) 27 I like the Wildlife Park better than a zoo where most of the animals are in cages(笼子) 28 We were allowed to touch and feed them It was very exciting to be so close to them There were koalas there too They looked very cuddly(令人想拥抱的) Although we were not allowed to carry them, I got to take a photo with one It is a wonderful souvenir(纪念品)of my holiday in Sydney The Wildlife Park has plenty of freshwater and saltwater crocodiles Some of them are really big and scary(吓人的)with huge teeth! 29There was also a bird show The keepers showed us different species(种类)they had I saw an old parrot which could “talk” 30 I enjoyed the trip very much There was so much to see AThey are kept in their natural environmentBI did not want to get too close to themCModern zoos are much better than they used to beDIt made a great impression(印象)on meEThe Wildlife Park has lots of different animals and birdsFThese lions were born in the Wildlife ParkGWe first spent some time with the kangaroos根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空31Hows the weather today?Its (cloud)32The people there are to us We like them very much(friend)33Some are in the classroom(child)34Come on! You can climb up the mountain (easy)35I am so I did not sleep at all last night(sleep)36My sister likes eating tomatoes, but I like eating (potato)37What a day! Lets go hiking (sun)38My hair slowly grew back to its color(nature)39When you get closer to it, youll find it really (beauty)40Its too for the young children to play near the river by themselves (danger)将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式41Im sorry Lees in a meeting right now Can I for you?(捎口信)42People many trees, so many animals are losing their homes(砍倒)43You can ask the police for help when you (迷路)44The singing of the birds beautiful songs(听起来像)45Mary and she often stays in the library (喜欢阅读)参考答案1Denjoy doing sth意为“喜欢做某事”。2B3B4Btell sb (not)to do sth意为“告诉某人(不要)做某事”。5C我带她去儿童乐园的目的是让她开心,动词不定式表目的。故选C。6D7A8D表示颜色变化用turn。9A这四个词均可表示“花费”,但用法不同:spend的主语通常是人,常用句型“某人+spend(s)+时间/钱+(in)doing sth/on sth”;take的主语通常是it, 常用句型“It takes sb +时间+to do sth”; cost的主语往往是物或某种活动;pay的主语通常是人,一般跟介词for搭配。根据句中on the new car可知答案为A。10B根据句意“不要进入这个区域。学生们正在进行英语考试。”可知应用现在进行时。故选B。11D12A13Cshy意为“害羞的”;rude意为“粗鲁的”;creative意为“有创意的”;friendly意为“友好的”。根据句意可知应选C。14B根据“hes a postman”可知他在“邮局”工作。15B主旨大意 在大海里有三条小鱼相依为命。有一天,它们被大浪带到了浅水处。最大的鱼意识到危险,便跳回深水;第二条鱼也随之回去;只有最小的鱼不以为然,最后因缺水而死亡。文章告诉人们要意识到潜在的危险。16Blisten to意为“听”;look after意为“照顾,照料”;talk with意为“和交谈”;worry about意为“担心”。根据句意可知“三条小鱼的父母死后,它们不得不日复一日地相互照顾”。故选B。17A根据句意可知“它们长大后敢游去更深更远的地方了”。故选A。18D根据句意可知“一天早上这三条鱼被大浪带到了浅水处”。根据后一句“A small boat was taken there, too”也可知应选D。19C根据上下文可推测句意为“最大的鱼发现它们正处于危险中,必须尽快找到方法离开”。be in danger意为“陷入危险”。故选C。20A根据句意可知“第二条鱼同意它的想法,但最小的鱼不以为然”。agree with意为“同意”。故选A。21C根据句意可知“最小的鱼认为浅水处有供它们活动的足够多的水”。故选C。22D根据句意可知“它(最小的鱼)一点儿都不担心,仍然快乐地四处游动”。故选D。23A根据最后一段最后一句“The fish who did not try to return to the sea died of lack of water”可知选A。24Bjoin sb意为“加入某人”,故选B。25D结合上下文可知句意为“两小时后,太阳升起来了,浅水区的水被晒干了”。故选D。2630EAGBD31cloudy32friendly33children34easily35sleepy36potatoes37sunny38natural39beautiful40dangerous41take a message42cut down43get lost44sounds like45enjoys reading


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