2018-2019学年九年级英语下册 Module 2 Education Unit 1 They don’t sit in rows教案 (新版)外研版.doc

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2018-2019学年九年级英语下册 Module 2 Education Unit 1 They don’t sit in rows教案 (新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年九年级英语下册 Module 2 Education Unit 1 They don’t sit in rows教案 (新版)外研版.doc_第2页
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2018-2019学年九年级英语下册 Module 2 Education Unit 1 They don’t sit in rows教案 (新版)外研版.doc_第3页
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Module2EducationUnit 1They dont sit in rows.Step 1Lead inShow some pictures of the school and the school life which are familiar to the students, such as the classroom, the playground, sparetime activities and so on. If the students can find themselves in the pictures, their interests will be more likely provoked(激发). Then ask them to talk about their own school lives, and lead in the lesson.Step 2Lead to brainstormingAsk the students some questions such as “what do you think of our school?”, “What do you think of our class?”, “Do you think your school life is interesting or boring?” etc. According to their answers, the teacher can lead them to brainstorming “what is the school life like in your mind?”T: People always want to go to good schools, but what makes a school good? S1: Good learning environment.S2: High quality teaching.S3: Broad and flexible curriculums(课程)S4: Some activities related to realworld work.T: How much do you know about English schools? Lets list some differences from ours.Step 3Activity 1Ask the answers to the former questions or the questions in activity 1 after students finish brainstorming. Step 4Listen and answer (Activity 2)T: We have learned English for nearly 6 years and how do you know about England and its school? What are their school courses?Finally, teacher plays the radio and students fill in the blanks in Activity 2.答案 (1)nice(2)Susies classmates(3)went to school on his holiday(4)just visiting Step 5Listen and read (Activity 3)Listening Play the tape and ask the students to follow the tape to read the whole passage. After it, ask some students to summarize the general idea of the passage. Play the tape again, and ask the students to listen to the tape with book folded in order to practice the students listening ability. The students then should finish Susies column in the table.The teacher can check the answers individually.(见素材四突破一)Reading Now please read the passage carefully and then answer the questions in Activity 4.答案 1He visited his friend Susie in London.2He took the photos of Susies school.3Damings class is a bit bigger.4She hopes she can visit Susies school one day. Step 6Practice (Activity 5)Ask the students to finish Activities 5 after reading the passage again by themselves. Then teacher checks the answers with them.答案 (1)rows(2)wears(3)tie(4)enjoy(5)poolsStep 7Pronunciation (Activities 6 and 7)Give a detailed introduction of the “English stress”. Teach the method how to stress in a sentence and which parts should be stressed. Ask the students to try some sentences stress practices in order to find out problems with the stress. Then, play the tape, ask the students to listen to it and find out the way to stress a sentence.Betty: Hey, Tony! Did you enjoy yourself in London?Tony: Yes! I went to see my friend_Susie. And I visited her schoolBetty: What are English_schools_like?Tony: Here are a few_photos. I took them myselfStep 8Speaking (Activity 8)Introduce the methods of comparing and contrasting two things. Then give the topic “compare your school with Susies School” to the students and let them use the comparing method to do the practice. (The aim is to improve the students ability to compare two things in different dimensions.) Example:A: Today we have learnt about Susies school, what do both schools have?B: Both schools have sports grounds.A: Which school do you prefer and why?B: I prefer Susies school. Because it has a swimming pool for us to swim.C: I prefer my school because we have more pupils in the classroom and we have more friends to play with.Step 9Language points(详解见学案部分).重点短语enjoy yourself; sit in rows/sit around tables; one day; 4.have a look.重点句型What are English schools like?; So our is a bit bigger.; Look, everyone is wearing a jacket and tie!l Say: what one school has but the other does not.Step 10Homework1Read the dialogue several times.2Finish the exercises related to this unit.3Preview the next unit.Blackboard designUnit 1They dont sit in rows 1.Susies school VS your school: (1)Differences: (2)Something_in_common:2Which school do you prefer and why?这就是我的生活Dear Anna,Thanks for your letter. Im glad you like your school. I go to school from Monday to Friday. We have five classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. And we have many subjects to learn: Chinese, math, English, PE., science, biology, music, history and so on. We also have many things to do after class. On Monday and Wednesday afternoons we play sports after class. On Tuesday afternoons some of us have a drawing class, and on Thursday afternoons some have a dancing class. I like music, history and English. But my favorite is music.On Saturdays and Sundays I dont go to school. Usually, I go to the park and have a good time with my parents there.Love,Vivian


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