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2019年鲁教版英语六年级下Unit7测试题笔试部分(80分)I.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )21. I want to buy a stamp. Wheres the _?A. restaurant B. pay phone C. airport D. post office ( )22. Our school is behind the park. That means the park is _ our school.A. after B. in front of C. at D. across from( )23. Im _. Lets eat some hamburgers.A. fine B. quiet C. hungry D. tired( )24. Mr White wants to buy a house _ a garden.A. for B. from C. of D. With( )25. How can I get to the park? You can _ a bus to get there.A. buy B. take C. pay D. pass( )26. Mom, my shirt is dirty. Can you bring me a _ one?A. small B. short C. good D. clean ( )27. There is a park _ our neighborhood. Its _ Center Street.A. for; down B. on; at C. in; on D. on; of ( )28. _ is the Bank of Beijing? Its behind the clothes store.A. Where B. What C. Why D. Who( )29. I hope you _ your time in New York.A. like B. love C. enjoy D. Have( )30. Bob, is there a hotel on your street? _. Its just behind the school.A. Yes, there is B. Yes, it isC. No, there isnt D. No, it isnt ( )31. Can you tell me the way _ New Street? Sorry, I dont know. A. on B. at C. to D. of( )32. Its one clock in the morning and the street is _. Theres only a cat under the tree.A. long B. dirty C. new D. quiet ( )33. The park is _ the school. A. behind B. through C. next to D. across from( )34. The shop is _ from 9 am to 9 pm.A. big B. open C. clean D. Old( )35. _. Is there a bookstore near here? Yes, its on Bridge Street.A. Im sorry B. Excuse me C. Nice to meet you D. Youre wele II.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)Dear Li Lei, Thanks 36 your e-mail. I know you are 37 to America next week. I 38 you can e to my home. My home is 39 New York. Now let me 40 you the way to my home. Take a taxi 41 the airport. Go down Long Street. You go 42 First Avenue, Second Avenue, and Third Avenue. When you 43 a bank, 44 right. Go down Center Street and my house is 45 your left. Its Number 29. I hope to see you soon.Yours, Jim ( )36. A. to B. with C. for D. In( )37. A. going B. ing C. writing D. Running( )38. A. hope B. want C. like D. Thank( )39. A. near B. at C. in D. From( )40. A. get B. know C. show D. Tell( )41. A. from B. on C. to D. For( )42. A. along B. down C. through D. Straight( )43. A. see B. look C. watch D. look at( )44. A. turn B. meet C. play D. Start( )45. A. in B. at C. on D. ToIII.阅读理解(20分)ASam: Excuse me. Wheres the Peoples Park?Jack: Im sorry. I am new in the city.Sam: Thank you all the same. Are you from America? Jack: No, I e from Canada. What about you? Sam: Im from America. I want to go to the Peoples Park.Jack: Do you have a map?Sam: Yes. But I cant find it on the map.Jack: Let me have a look. We are here, in front of the shopping center. You go down this street, take the first turning on the right, and then take the fourth turning on your left. You can see a school. The Peoples Park is across from the school.Sam: Oh, its really difficult for me to remember(记住)the way. I take a taxi there.Jack: Yes, it can take you right there.Sam: Thank you very much.Jack: Youre wele.根据对话内容选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共10分)( )46. Where is Jack from?A. Hes from America. B. Hes from Canada.C. Hes from Australia. D. Hes from China.( )47. Where are Jack and Sam?A. They are in the Peoples Park.B. They are in the shop.C. They are in front of the shopping center.D. They are at school.( )48. Wheres the Peoples Park?A. Its in front of the shopping center. B. Its behind the school. C. Its across from the school.D. Its next to the school.( )49. How does Sam want to go to the Peoples Park?A. He wants to walk there.B. He wants to take a bus to get there.C. He wants to take a taxi.D. He wants to drive(驾驶) his car to get there. ( )50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Sam is from England.B. Jack knows the way to the Peoples Park well.C. Sam can read(看) the map very well.D. Sam wants to go to the Peoples Park.B Look! This is a map of our school library. We can borrow(借)books from the second floor from Monday to Friday. There is a small bookstore on the first floor. Its open from 9 am to 10 pm every day. The bookstore sells many kinds of books, English, Chinese, French and Spanish. Across from the bookstore is a reading room. I usually read newspapers (报纸)and magazines (杂志)after class. We usually study (学习)on the fourth floor. There is a copy room (复印室)on the fourth floor. On the fifth floor there is a video room. We can watch movies there. There are also many small rooms in the library. Many students like studying in those small rooms, but they need to pay for that.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(每小题2分,共10分)( )51. We cant borrow books from the library on weekends.( )52. The bookstore is open all the week.( )53. The bookstore sells Japanese books, too.( )54. The video room is on the third floor.( )55. There is a bookstore and a reading room on the first floor.IV.从方框中选择五个适当的选项将对话补充完整(每小题1分,共5分)A. We can watch a video.B. My home is just next to the park.C. What time do you go home?D. Can I take a bus?E. Its on Bridge Street.F. Theres a new hotel on the street.G. Do you want to go to a movie?Michael: Hi, John! John: Hi, Michael!Michael: Do you want to e to my home this afternoon? (56)_John: OK. Wheres your home?Michael: (57)_ Its a quiet street on Fifth Avenue.John: OK, I know there. (58)_ Is that right?Michael: Yes, and theres a small park behind the hotel. (59)_John: (60)_Michael: No, theres no bus to my neighborhood. You can take a taxi.John: OK, Ill see you at two-thirty.V.根据提示填单词,完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)61. Lets go to the s_ and buy some food.62. My backpack is b_ Bobs and Marys.63. Lets start from the b_.64. He is on t_ in France.65. I want to v_ my uncle in Japan.VI.按要求完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)66. There is a post office near here. (变成否定句) _ _ a post office near here.67. The bank is across from the park.(对画线部分提问) _ is across from the park?68. The hotel is on Center Street.(对画线部分提问) _ _ the hotel?69. There are some people in the park.(变成一般疑问句) _ there _ people in the park?70. go, and, right, straight, turn, just (.)(连词成句) _VII.根据汉语意思完成下列句子(每小题2分,共10分)71. 我每天晚饭后都散步。 I _.72. 乔治公园是一个娱乐的好去处。 George Park is _.73. 图书馆前面有个公用电话。 _ the library.74. 让我告诉你去银行的路。 Let me _.75. 邮局在桥的右面。 The post office is _. VIII.书面表达(10分) 黄教授的美国朋友Tom要到中国考察,Tom得知黄教授生病住院,决定一下飞机直接到医院看望黄教授。假设你是黄教授的儿子黄磊,请根据下面的示意图给Tom写一封邮件,告诉他出飞机场后到达医院的线路。要求:条理清楚,50词左右。Dear Tom, _Yours, Huang Lei 参考答案笔试部分I. 21-25 DBCDB 26-30 DCACA 31-35 CDCBBII.36-40 CBACD 41-45 ACAACIII. A) 46-50 BCCCD B) 51-55 TTFFTIV. 56-60 AEFBDV.61. supermarket 62. between 63. beginning64. tour65. visit VI.66. There; isnt 67. What 68. Where is 69. Are; any 70. Just go straight and turn right. VII.71. take a walk after dinner every day72. a good place to have fun73. There is a pay phone in front of74. tell you the way to the bank75. on the right of the bridgeVIII. One possible version:Dear Tom, I am very happy youre ing to visit my father. Now let me tell you the way to the Peoples Hospital. You need to take a taxi from the airport. Go down Long Street and turn left at the zoo. Then go through Second Avenue and turn right at New Street. Go down New Street and turn left at Hongxing Supermarket. The hospital is just across from the supermarket. I hope to see you soon.Yours Huang Lei小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 7 页 共 7 页


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