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2019年牛津英语六年级期末模拟卷(I)I. Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the phonetic symbols. (根据所给音标,用适当的单词填空) 4%1. Nowadays, there is a _/feE(r)/ box on some buses.2. There will be more and more _/5flaIEuvEz/ in ten years time.3. Now we can put the egg in the _/5hClEu/ of the tree. 4. It is _ /ImpR:tnt/ to protect our earthII.Look at the pictures and plete the sentences. (看图画,完成下列句子) 4%1.We can see some _ buses on the street.2. Summer holidays are ing. Lets go _. 3. We can get _ from plants. 4. _ are clever animals. III. plete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子) 5%1. Look, Ben and kitty are flying a kite _. (happy)2. Do you think Shanghai has bee one of _ (beautiful) cities in China?3. Our school garden looks different when there is a _ change. (season)4. We use wool to make _scarves. (wool)5. Dont play at the _. (cross) IV.Choose the word or expression which is closest in meaning to the underlined part of each sentence. (选出与划线部分意思最接近的词或短语) 4%a. at once b. on earth c. plenty of d. Dowant1) Would you like a cup of coffee?2) Get up immediately.3) Can you see a lot of birds flying in the sky?4) Whales are the largest animals in the world.V. Choose the best answers. (选择最佳的答案)18%1. Only _ quarter of the earth is landA. an B. a C. theD. /2. Teachers Day is _ September. It is _ September 10th.A. in, on B. on, in C. in, in D. on, on3. The pair of black shoes _ too small. Please show me _ pair.A. are, anotherB. are, the other C. is, anotherD. is, the other4. A forest is a large area _ trees.A. on B. to C. ofD. in5. Dont stay in _ air-conditioned room for too long. Its bad for your health. A. a B. an C. / D. some 6. Nowadays, people can travel to some cities by _A. buses B. bus C. take busesD. take a bus7. What _ if there _no rain?A. happen, isB happen, will beC. will happen, will be D. will happen, is8. -_ do they feel? -They feel hard.A. Who B. HowC. WhereD. Which9. We can save water by_.A. not play water games B. play water gamesC. not playing water games D. playing water games10. - _ is it from your home to school?- About 15 minutes walk.A. How far B. How soon C. How long D. How often11 Take a shower _ a bath.A. instead B. instead of C. instead to D. instead on12. May I _ your dictionary?A. to use B. use C. using D. to using13. I _ kites with my friends last Sunday.A. fly B. flew C. was flew D. was fly14. In the past, _ of the bus drivers were women. All of them were men.A. none B. all C. most D. some15. _ there will be more and more buses.A. Possible B. Perhaps C. Future D. Impossible16. Please help me _ the classroom.A. cleaning B. for cleaning C. with cleaning D. clean17. There are _ flowers in the garden in springA. less B. fewer C. more D. most18. Wind blows _ than yesterday.A. fierce B. fiercer C. fiercely D. more fiercelyVI. Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词) 10%1. We will stay in Los Angeles for 2 months. (对划线部分提问)_ _will you stay in Los Angeles?2.We use cotton to make clothes (保持原意不变) We use cotton _ _ clothes.3 Sally has already had her breakfast. (改成否定句)Sally _ had her breakfast _.4. The wind blew gently this morning.(对划线部分提问)_ did the wind _ this morning?5. The table is made of wood.(划线提问) _ _ the table made of?Paper 3 Reading and Writing (第三卷 阅读与写话) 35%I. Reading prehension (阅读理解) A.6选5A, meet B, laughed C, for D, at E, liked F, when It was Sunday and we were sitting at the table _1_ father suddenly smiled and said to us, “Oh, dear me. I forgot to tell you the good news. Theres a letter from granny. Shes ing to see us this afternoon. Im going to _2_ her at the station.” With these words he went out. How happy we were! We hadnt seen granny _3_ half a year and missed her very much. After lunch my mother and I went shopping. We bought a lot of food that granny _4_. My sister cleaned the house. It was four oclock when finished and we sat around the table, waiting for granny. At last the door opened and my father came in, alone. “Wheres granny?” we asked. Father laughed and said, “April Fools!” Today is April 1st, April Fools Day. After we heard this we all _5_, too.BRead and choose the best answers. (阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案) 6% All students need to have good study habits. When you have good study habits, you learn things quickly. You also remember them easily. Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place, because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place help you only to think about one thing. When you study, do not think about other things at the same time. Only think about your homework. If you do so, you will do your homework more quickly, and you will make fewer mistakes.(错误) Good study habits are very important. If you do not have them, try to learn them. If yours are good, try to make them better.( ) 1. Each student needs to have good study _. A. times B. habits C. books D. magazines( ) 2. We may _ if we study in the living room.A. do our homework quicklyB. make a lot of mistakes in our homeworkC. remember words easilyD. spend little time doing much homework ( ) 3. It is right for us to _ when we study. A. sing a song B. watch TV C. talk with somebody D. think about one thing ( ) 4. If you think about one thing when you study, you will _. A. work more quickly, make more mistakes B. work more quickly, make fewer mistakesC. work more slowly, make more mistakesD. work more slowly, make fewer mistakes ( ) 5. The writer tells us how to _. A. study hard B. remember new words C. study well D. use our heads ( ) 6. According to(按照)the writer, which of the following can be a good study habit?A.Reading English among a crowd of people.B.Thinking only about Maths in a Maths class.C.Drawing pictures while listening to the teacher.D.Thinking in Chinese while talking in English.CAnswer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)6% An old farmer has spent all his life in the country far from the city. One day, he decided to visit the big city. Everything was new and strange to him, because he had never traveled to the city. The old farmer visited a lot of interesting places in the city. He went into a large tall building and saw a lift. As he watched, an old woman got into the lift and closed the door. After a while, the door opened again and a very beautiful young girl came out. The old farmer was very surprised. “What an interesting little room!” he said to himself, “Its magic! It can change an old woman into a young girl. The next time I e here, Im going to bring my wife along.”1. Where did the old farmer live?_.2. Why was everything new and strange in the city to the old man?_3. Where did the old farmer saw in the lift?_.4. Why did the farmer think the lift was magic?_.5. Whom did the farmer want to bring next time?_6. What do you think of the farmer?_.D. Choose the best words or expressions to plete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词组完成短文)6%This is an apple tree behind Dicks house. Now Dick is standing near the tree. There are some apples on the tree. Dick is _1_ the apples. He wants to get an apple. But he is _2_. He cant reach the apple. So he puts a box _3_ the tree. But he _4_ cant reach the apple. Here es Paul. Hes _5_ than Dick. He _6_ Dick get an apple.( )1. A. looking at B. counting C. eating D. buying( )2. A. sorry B. happy C. tall D. short( )3. A. in front of B. behind C. under D. near( )4. A. usually B. really C. just D. still( )5. A. tall B. taller C. short D. shorter( )6. A. helps B. does C. helped D. makeERead the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) 6%I live in Main Street. Its a busy street. There are always a lot of cars, buses, b_ and people. There traffic usually goes q_. But sometimes it goes very slowly. Do you know why? Because there are m_ traffic jams, especially when people go to or from work. Walking can be f_ than driving in the traffic jams. So many people walk i_. Walking is a_ good exercise for people.1.b_ 2.q_ 3.m_ 4.f_ 5.i_ 6.a_小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 7 页 共 7 页


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