2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 3 Journey to space1 教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 3 Journey to space1 教案 外研版模块内容整体分析话题本模块以太空之旅为话题,着重介绍了火星探索以及宇宙中太阳系的部分知识。要求同学们能够了解一些航天知识,用现在完成时描述人类已经实施的太空探索。任务能够收集有关太空探索的信息制作招贴画,介绍航天知识。词汇正确使用的单词和词组:Earth, already, just, model, station, space station, latest, several, month, discover, recently, space shuttle, show, over, planet, also, none, environment, air, grow, part, billion, universe, light, beyond, alone, cost, prefer, diary, even, secret, real, twice, explore.理解的单词和词组是:Mars, panic, solar system, galaxy, entrance, Jupiter, mission, unmanned.语法要求能够运用现在完成时描述人类已经实施的太空探索,正确使用already, just, yet, 能区分have gone 与have been 的用法。语音能够辨认和掌握句子重音。学习策略A、自学策略:能够根据自己的情况预习教材;能够根据自己的情况进行拓展和补救。B、合作学习策略:制作太空探索招贴画时能根据小组内同学的特长分工合作;文化意识了解中国“神州五号”、“神州六号”、“神州七号”太空探索壮举,增强民族自豪感。重点难点重点:学生听、说、读、写技能的培养(能够听懂有关太空探索内容的谈话,提取具体信息;能够介绍人类的太空探索经历;能够读懂有关太空话题的文章,掌握文章大意;能够写出有关太空探索的段落。)完成本模块的词汇及现在完成时的学习和运用。难点:使学生能有效地掌握信息,并在实际生活中运用所学知识。初二年级上册Module3 Unit 1教学设计单元内容分析本单元通过Daming和Tony 的谈话,介绍了人类太空探索的壮举。通过开展听、说、读、写等语言实践活动展示现在完成时态,为第二单元的学习奠定基础。本单元以培养学生的听说能力为主,兼顾读写,并包括词汇、语音、语法的学习活动。教学目标知识目标1、语音:能够辨认和掌握句子重音。2、词汇:掌握Earth, already, just, model, station, space station, latest, several, month, discover, recently, space shuttle, show, over.理解Mars, panic.3、语法:理解already, just, yet, 及have gone 与have been 在现在完成时态中的使用。4、功能:能够描述最近发生的事情。能力目标能理解和谈论关于火星探索的话题。情感目标了解太空探索壮举,培养学生对太空探索的兴趣。学习策略1、能够根据自己的情况预习教材和拓展。2、培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任。文化意识了解中国太空探索壮举,增强民族自豪感。教学重点培养听、说技能以及对词汇的学习,并包括听力材料主题和具体信息的捕捉训练。教学难点使学生能够有效地掌握信息,并运用所学词汇和语法进行交流。教学法采用小组合作教学法、情景交际法和任务教学法。教学过程教学过程Teaching proceduresPurpose 情景导入Step One: Warming-up Free talk “What do you know about space?” and lead to the new words: airport, cabin steward, captain, country, land, passenger, take off1、To arouse the students interest in learning the new lesson.2、To help the students to learn some new words in this lesson。 知识授新Step Two: Listening and readingA: Play the tape for them to number and check.B: listen and read the dialogue to check the sentences.C: Read the dialogue in pairs to find out specific information.D: Learn the language points. 1、To improve the studentsability of listening.2、To help the students to learn the language points in this lesson。3、To help the students to learn the dialogue. 情景操练Step Three :PracticeA: Read the conversation in pairs.B: plete the sentences.C: Answer the questions.To help the students to practice the new words and the present perfect tense.情景回归Step Four: Pronunciation and speakingA:Listen and pay attention to the words that the speak stresses.B: Talk about something Chinese have done in space travelling and make a list.C: Tell something that youve done. 1、To help the students master the rules of the present perfect tense. 2、To improve the studentsability of listening, speaking and using language skills.作业布置1、Read and act out the dialogue in pairs.2、Do WB P120 EX 2-4.3、Collect some information about life on other planets and knowledge of universe. 板书设计 Module 3 Journey to space Unit 1 Has it arrived yet? have done What are you up to? What do you think? Dont panic! the latest news教学反思1、注意给学生讲解单词重音和句子重音的不同。2、鼓励学生关注科技而不止是课本知识。初二年级上册Module 3 Unit 2教学设计单元内容分析本单元是一篇教育阅读课。阅读材料是包含现在完成时态的关于太空探索的文章。是在第一单元讲解了现在完成时态之后,让学生在本单元加强理解和运用。本单元以培养学生的读写能力为主,兼顾听说,并包括词汇、语法的学习活动。教学目标知识目标词汇:掌握planet, also, none, environment, air, grow, part, light, beyond, alone, cost, prefer.理解solar galaxy entrance语音:能够辨认和掌握句子重音。语法:理解和掌握already, just, yet, 及have gone 与have been 在现在完成时态中的使用。功能:能够描述最近发生的事情。能力目标能理解含有现在完成时态的太空探索方面的文章;能用现在完成时态写出太空探索的文章。情感目标培养学生崇尚科学的精神。学习策略培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的合作学习策略以及能在阅读过程中掌握阅读技巧的学习并能够根据自己的情况拓展知识。文化意识了解中国太空探索壮举,增强民族自豪感。教学重点学习掌握本单元出现的新单词,词组及现在完成时态的运用。提高阅读训练获取信息的能力,并逐步向写作能力过渡。教学难点使学生在真实任务中运用所学知识解决实际问题,提高语言表达能力。教学法本单元主要采用任务型教学法。指导学生通过自主学习和合作学习获取信息,提高读写能力。 教学过程教学过程Teaching proceduresPurpose激情引趣Step One: Warming-up Free talk things you know about life on other planets. Lead to learn the new words: planet, solar air, environment, grow and so on.To arouse the students interest in learning the new lesson.导入课文Step Two: PresentationTell the students we will learn a passage about the universe. To help the students get ready for the article. 授新操练Step Three Learning and practicingA: Listen and read to choose the best title.B: Learn the text in groups to find out the key points.C: Whole class learn the new words, language points and solve the problems.D: Read and finish Activity3-4 1、To improve the studentsability of listening and reading.2、To help the students to understand and master the main idea.3、To help the students to master the grammar: the present perfect tense. 回归主题Step Four :WritingA: Work in groups. ( look at the pictures to ask and answer.)B: Write the story in the picture. Use the answers to the questions to help you. To improve the studentsability of writing作业布置1. Read and retell the text.2. Do WB P122 EX 10-11.板书设计Unit 2 We havent found life on other planets yet.universegalaxySolar systemplanetstar教学反思因为本文是科技性文章,对于学生来说不是很容易理解,所以要重视课前相关知识的搜集以辅助学生课上的学习。教师应尽可能多地创设情境帮助学生运用所学的语言知识;学生也应充分利用现有的有效资源来学习英语。初二年级上册Module 3 Unit 3教学设计单元内容分析本单元是语言运用单元,加强巩固运用前两单元学到的词汇、现在完成时态,提高听、说、读、写能力和语言综合运用能力。教学目标知识目标1、语音:复习句子重音。2、词汇:掌握生词 diary, even, secret, real, twice, explore并复习前两单元学过的词汇。3、语法:巩固运用现在完成时态。4、功能:能够描述最近发生的事情。5、话题:太空探索。能力目标练习现在完成时态的使用;完成太空探索相关的任务。情感目标培养学生对太空探索的兴趣。学习策略能够根据自己的情况拓展知识。文化意识增强民族自豪感。教学重点本单元的重点在于复习巩固本模块学到的词汇及现在完成时态,提高学生归纳演绎知识的能力和系统化所学知识的能力。教学难点能灵活运用所学知识解决问题,提高语言综合运用能力。教学法本单元主要采用练习法和复习法。指导学生自学和合作学习。教学过程Teaching proceduresPurpose激情导入Step One: Warming-up Free talk something about space. To arouse the students interest in learning the new lesson. 复习巩固Step Two: Revision and practiceA: Revise the words space. B: Revise the grammar: the Present Perfect TenseC: Finish Activity1-7 To help the students to master the vocabulary and the grammar拓展延伸Step Three: Listening, speaking and learningA: Listen and answer.B. Learn around the world.To learn more knowledge about Disneyland.回归主题Step Four: Module taskMake a poster about space travel. . To improve the studentsability of using language skills.作业布置1.Go over this module2. Finish the WB EX. 板书设计Module 3 Journey to spaceUnit 3 Language in use1. Many astronauts have already visited the space station.2. They havent been to Mars yet.3. We have just started to look at other planets.4. Astronauts have already been to the moon.5. A spacecraft has gone to Mars. Its ing back to Earth next year.教学反思1. 强化无规则动词过去分词的记忆。2.Module task 部分最好留作课后作业,给学生一个理顺思路,充分表达自己的机会。学生也可以通过网络或借助其他书籍来查找资料,丰富自己的写作内容。如此,更有助于我们提高学生的综合语言表达能力。


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