2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 2 Playing sports-Topic 1(4).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 2 Playing sports-Topic 1(4)The main activities are 1 and 3. 本课重点活动是1和3。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Review and summarize the Simple Future Tense:(1) I am going to play it with my brother this afternoon.(2) Where are you going to work?(3) What are you going to do to prepare for that?2. Summarize the useful expressions in Topic 1.3. Go on talking about the favorite sport.4. Review the special questions:(1) Which do you prefer, or ?(2) What time are you going to play?(3) How long are you going to play?(4) How often do you play?(5) What other sports do you like?(6) Who is your favorite sports player?. Teaching aids教具录音机/小黑板/图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:20分钟)1. (检查作业。)T: At first, check the homework. Introduce your exercise plan. How often do you do sports? What sports do you do? Why do you like doing sports?S1: Im going to run from 600 to 630 in the morning every day. Because it can make me strongS2:(学生可以在此项任务发挥自己的想象,说出自己的想法。)2. (通过做游戏复习be going to+do,以下提供三种游戏形式,任选其一。)(1)T: Mothers Day will e. I am going to buy some flowers for my mother. What about you, boys and girls? What are you going to do to celebrate Mothers Day? Tell me your plans one by one.S3:I am going to send a card to my mother.T:(To S4) Are you going to buy a present for your mother?S4: Yes, I am. What about you, S5?S5:I am going to say to my mother, “Mom, I love you. You are the greatest mother in the world.”S6:(2)(准备一些行动的指令,如:open the window, turn off the lights, clean the blackboard等。)T: Here, in my hand there are some notes. And on them there is an action. You can choose one of the notes and act it out. Other students guess what he is doing.S7:(抽完签做了一个动作)What am I going to do?S8:You are going to S9:(3)(给出一系列风景优美的旅游胜地图片。)NameWhere to goWhen to leaveHow to get thereT: Please interview other students with the form. You must interview at least two students to know where they are going during the holiday. When are they going there? How are they going there? Why are they going there? What are they going to do there? What are they going to study there? For example:S10: What are you going to do during the ing holiday?S11: I am going to visit S10: When are you going to leave for ?S11: I am going to leave for S10: How are you going to get there?S11: I am going to get there (完成表格。)(各位同学先在本组汇报调查结果,由各组组长做记录,然后由各组组长轮流在班上汇报。最后评出最受同学们欢迎旅游胜地,并强力推荐各位同学有机会去参观。)3. (分组活动,复习运动项目,小组之间展开竞争,看哪个小组说出的单词又多又准确,说得最多的小组是获胜组,大家一起为他们鼓掌。)T: Lets play a game. The group, which speaks out the most sports names, will be the winner.S:4. (讨论学生们所喜爱的运动及运动员,因为此类活动在前面已经讨论过,所以在此再讨论要增加难度。)T: Ask and answer in pairs. Talk about your favorite sports and players and the reasons why you like the sports very much. Which sports club are you going to join?S12:Which sport do you like?S13:I like very much.S12: Why do you like it?S13:Because .S12:How often do you play ?S13: Once a week. /S12: Who is your favorite player?S13: S12:Are you going to be a member of our school club?S13:Step 2Presentation第二步呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (老师和一名同学使用前三课中用过的图片,进行对话练习示范。)T: I need a students help to make a model to the class. Make a dialog with the information in the paper.(教师准备一张纸或是一块小黑板,上面写上运动的名称、运动时间、时间长度、运动频率等。)T: Which sport do you prefer, or ?S1:I prefer I will play it with my brother.T: What time will you play?S1: At about 4 p.m.T: How long will you play?S1: Two hours.T: How often do you play?S1: Oh, twice a week.(板书)Which sport do you prefer, or ? What time will you play?How long will you play? How often do you play?(双人活动,根据个人爱好重编对话,鼓励学生到教室前面表演对话。)T: Please make a similar dialog according to the model and act it out in the front.Ss:T: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in 1.(核对答案。)(找学生练习对话。)S:2. (听录音,跟读2a, 2b。让学生再复习一遍本话题的重难点。)T: Listen to the tape and read after it.S:T: Please make up new sentences with useful expressions.S:Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)1. (通过做练习,巩固前面学过的句型及回答方式。)T: In this topic, we talk about sports a lot, including sports names, your favorite sports and players. I think now you can express them in English fluently. Lets do some exercises about the useful expressions in this class.(出示小黑板。)(1) A: Whats your favorite sport?B: _a. Its music. b. Playing basketball. c. The soccer star Beckham.(2) A: Are you going to join our school skating club?B: _a. Not very often. b. Around an hour. c. Of course, I am.(3) A: Which sport do you prefer, running or walking?B: I prefer _.a. running b. hiking c. running and hiking(4) A: How often does he go skiing?B: _a. I guess hes OK. b. Once a week. c. About two hours.(5) A: How long will you play tennis?B: _a. Seldom. b. For half an hour. c. Pretty well, I guess.(6) A: _B: Yes, he swims well.a. Are you good at swimming? b. I swim very well.c. Is he good at swimming?(核对答案)1.b 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.c2. T: OK. Well done. Write a short passage about your favorite sport. You can finish it with the questions in 3. Five minutes. Go!(每组可选派两名代表来阅读他们所写的文章,每个学生结束后,可由其他组的学生挑出该学生短文中的错误,并给予改正意见。如需要,教师给予补充。全部选派学生读完后,由全体学生表决谁的文章最好,给予掌声鼓励。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:5分钟)1.(向学生简单介绍-er后缀的作用,为后面4中讨论将来的工作做好准备。)T: Do you have a dream now? Do you want to be a great man in the future? Do you want to do some useful things for others when you grow up?Ss: Of course, we do.T: Good! Everyone should have a dream. But you have learned few words about jobs. Now Ill introduce an easy way to express them.(教师拿出准备的小黑板或课件。)T: Look at the words on the blackboard. Can you tell me the rules between the left words and the right ones?work(工作) worker(工人) teach(教) teacher(教师)clean(清洁) cleaner (清洁工) play(打球) player(运动员)think(想) thinker (思想家) speak(讲) speaker(演讲者) sing(唱) singer(歌手) write(写) writer(作家)pute(计算)puter(计算机) drive(驾驶)driver(司机)(可以给学生观察、考虑的时间。)T: Who can give me your opinion?S1:(可以让学生使用汉语来表达他的见解与想法,如需要,教师可以给予补充,如:以-e结尾+r;双写辅音字母+er;动词+er等。)2.T:OK. I think you are all clever children! Look at these words on the blackboard. Can you guess their meanings?reader, painter, learner, dancer, runner, winner, farmerS2:I can. “Reader” means “读者” in Chinese. Right?S3:T: Can you give other words like them?S4:Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:5分钟)1. (谈论学生梦想的工作。)T: Are you ready now? Lets discuss your dream jobs. What are you going to do in the future? Who wants to be a teacher? Who wants to be a businessman? Who wants to be an artist? Who wants to be a fireman? Who wants to be a scientist? Who wants to be a policeman? Who wants to be a fisherman? Now we are going to make a survey. Tell others your dream job, your dream work place, and what you are going to do for that.(教师边说边写板书。)businessman, artist, fireman, scientist, policeman, fisherman(以上这些单词只供本环节学生讨论使用,不作为新单词让学生们记忆、理解。)2.T: After you finish the survey, fill in the chart in 4. Then report to the class.Ss:T: Now class. Lets talk about why you want to be a teacher, a worker, a farmer First, talk about it in small groups, and then I will ask a student to e to the front to say something about it.S1:S2:(学生完成此环节任务可能会稍有困难,如果表达时词汇量不够,可用汉语代替。)3.Homework:写一篇小短文“My Favorite Sport”。


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