2019-2020年七年级英语寒假专题—就划线部分提问 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语寒假专题—就划线部分提问 仁爱版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语寒假专题就划线部分提问 仁爱版一. 教学内容:寒假专题就划线部分提问二. 重点、难点:对划线部分提问的程序一代(用疑问词代替划线部分),二移(把疑问词移至句首)三倒(颠倒主谓语,但对主语或其定语提问时除外)四抄(照抄其它部分)具体内容“对画线部分提问”是初中英语测试中常见的一种句型转换题型,该类试题实际上就是把所给的陈述句变为特殊疑问句。同学答题时感到茫然,且错误率很高,这一讲就先谈谈这种题目的解题方法。一、选准疑问词,特殊疑问句共有两种基本结构:(一)疑问词(或其修饰的主语)+谓语其它成分+? ;(二)疑问词(或其修饰的词语)+一般疑问句?无论是哪一类特殊疑问句,均以疑问词开头,故选准疑问词是解答好对画线部分提问题目的关键。要想选准疑问词,则必须首先弄清画线部分在句子中的成分,如对主语部分提问,如果指人要用who,若指物就用what;对表语提问情况比较复杂,若指物用what,若指人的身份用who,指人的职业用what;若为数量词,指年龄用how old,指时间用what time,指距离用how far,指运算结果用how much等;对谓语部分提问用what,且以do的适当形式替代谓语动词;对宾语部分提问,若指人用whom 或who,若指物用what或which,若是介词的宾语(who除外)可和介词一起提到句首;对定语提问,需要把替代它的疑问词和它所修饰的词一起提到句首,若问“谁的”用whose,若问“哪个(些)”用which或what,若问 “数量”用how many(可数)或how much(不可数);若对状语部分提问,指时间用when(几点几分用what time),指地点用where,指原因用why,指程度用how等等。二、疑问句的语序 在选准疑问词之后,紧接着便要判定其后是用陈述句语序,还是用一般疑问句语序。 如果是对主语部分提问,疑问词后要用陈述句语序,即把画线部分用疑问词替代,再把句末的句号改为问号便可,句子的其它部分不要作任何改动。如果画线部分不是主语,疑问词后必须接倒装语序,也就是接原句的一般疑问句形式。但要注意:(一)当原句里有动词be,助动词have(has),will,shall或情态动词can,may,must等时,将它们移到主语之前(疑问词之后)就成了一般疑问句;(二)当原句里无上述词语时,应根据时态在主语之前加do(does)、did等助动词来构成一般疑问句,谓语动词用原形。三、抄写剩余部分 在前两步做好之后,接着就是要把原句的剩余部分再抄写一遍,在抄写过程中也不可忽视以下几个问题:(一)要删去画线部分(若画线部分是谓语,应用do的适当形式替代);(二)要注意原句首单词须改为小写形式(若原句首单词为人名、地名等专有名词仍应大写);(三)要把原句句号改为问号。四、实例分析1. His mother can speak English.具体步骤:(一)画线部分指人,疑问词用who;(二)画线部分为主语,后仍用陈述句语序;(三)抄写剩余部分can speak English,且把“.”改成“?”,即:Who can speak English?2. The children are flying their kites on the hill.具体步骤:(一)画线部分为谓语,疑问词用what;(二)画线部分不是主语,判定接一般疑问句语序,将are放在疑问词之后,主语之前;(三)抄写剩余部分时应用doing代替画线部分,注意大小写、标点符号的变动。 即:What are the children doing on the hill?3. She has four lessons in the morning.具体步骤:(一)画线部分是数量词作定语,疑问词用how many,而且lessons应紧跟其后;(二)判定疑问词后接一般疑问句语序,因是一般现在时,且主语为单数,故主语前加助动词does,将谓语动词has还原成have;(三)抄写剩余部分,并注意大小写和标点符号。即:How many lessons does she have in the morning?五、注意特殊情况 当对日期、天气情况进行提问时,仅仅按照上面三个步骤是不够的,这是因为特殊疑问句的主语通常不再用原句的主语,习惯上应改为the date, the weather等,有时还必须添加其它词。例如:1.Tomorrow is May 2.What is the date tomorrow?2.It was cloudy yesterday.What was the weather like yesterday?(一)对主语或主语部分中的定语提问时,语序与陈述句相同。其做法是:只需把原句中的划线部分用合适的疑问词替换下来,把句号改成问号就可以了。如: 1. 对主语提问: I helped her with her English. Who helped her with her English? 2. 对主语部分中的定语提问: About ten people worked on the farm. How many people worked on the farm? 但是,对“there be”结构中的主语或主语部分中的定语提问时, “there be”须倒置。如: Therere some books on the desk. What is(there) on the desk?(二)对宾语(含宾语部分中的定语)、表语、状语提问时,应使用“疑问词+一般疑问句”的语序。其做法是:使用一个合适的疑问词放在句首,然后再把原句改为一般疑问句。如: 1. 对宾语提问: Tom is going to buy some books. What is Tom going to buy? 2. 对状语提问: Lucy is going to play football after breakfast. When is Lucy going to play football? 3. 对表语提问: These are books. What are these? 4. 对宾语部分中的定语以及 “there be”句型中的主语的定语提问时,应把被修饰的名词连同疑问词一起放在句首。如: They have six classes on Monday.(对宾语部分中的定语提问) How many classes do they have on Monday? Therere two books on the desk.(对there be中主语部分的定语提问) How many books are there on the desk?(三)对谓语部分提问时,使用“疑问词(what)+一般疑问句”。其作法是:一般把疑问词what放在句首,然后将原句改为一般疑问句,在改为一般疑问句时,根据原句时态将do的适当形式放在删去的划线位置。如: 1. Wei Feng is going to dance in the park this afternoon. What is Wei Feng going to do in the park this afternoon? 2. She is watching TV now. What is she doing now? 3. He has learnt ten English words. What has he done?(四)另外有些就划线部分提问的情况,应使用固定句型。如: 1. 对天气情况提问: Its windy today. Whats the weather like today? 2. 对星期几提问: Its Monday today. What day is (it)today? 3. 对日期提问: It was December 31st, xx yesterday. What was the date yesterday?【模拟试题】(答题时间:45分钟)I. 单复数相互转换,每空一词(含缩写)。1. The woman is a nurse.(改为复数句)The _ _ _. 2. There are some old cars behind the house.(改为单数句)There _ _ old _ behind the house. 3. He has a new book.(改为复数句)_ _ new _. 4. Are these your English-Chinese dictionaries? (改为单数句)_ _ your English-Chinese _?5. Is there a sheep on the hill?(改为复数句)_ there _ _ on the hill? II. 陈述句与疑问句相互转换,每空一词(含缩写)。6. Mr Hu taught her maths last year.(改为一般疑问句)_ Mr Hu _ her maths last year? 7. The foreign visitor es from Russia.(用Australia完成选择疑问句)_ the foreign visitor e from Russia _ _? 8. Tom has lunch at school every day. (改为一般疑问句) _ Tom _ lunch at school every day? 9. That dictionary cost him twenty yuan. (改为一般疑问句)_ that dictionary _ him twenty yuan?10. Did you do your homework at school yesterday?(改为陈述句)I _ _ homework at school yesterday.III. 把下列句子变成反意疑问句,每空一词(含缩写)。11. Youve never been out of China before. Youve never been out of China before, _ _? 12. You came here together.You came here together, _ _?13. Therere more than ten pandas on the hill.Therere more than ten pandas on the hill, _ _? 14. Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard.Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard, _ _?15. Dont look out of the window.Dont look out of the window, _ _?16. I dont think you can answer this question.I dont think you can answer this question, _ _?17. Lets ask our teacher for help.Lets ask our teacher for help, _ _?18. Everything goes well.Everything goes well, _ _?19. She isnt the best one in the class.She isnt the best one in the class, _ _?20. You like listening to soft music.You like listening to soft music, _ _?IV. 肯定句与否定句相互转换,每空一词(含缩写)。21. He has already finished his homework.(改为否定句)He _ finished his homework _.22. Both of his parents were pleased with the result.(改为完全否定句)_ _ _ _ _ pleased with the result. 23. Dont let him go boating today!(改为肯定句)_ _ go boating today. 24. Youd better take it to your office.(改为否定句)Youd better _ _ it to your office. 25. The children werent playing on the playground.(改为肯定句)The children _ _ on the playground.26. All of us want him to rest.(改为完全否定句)_ of us _ him to rest. 27. Mary does her homework on Sundays. ( 改为否定句)Mary _ _ her homework on Sundays. 28. Meimei has to look after her little brother at weekends. (改为否定句)Meimei _ _ to look after her little brother at weekends. 29. I think you are right.(改为否定句)I _ think you _ right. 30. She isnt going to wash anything on Sunday.(改为肯定句)She _ going to wash _ on Sunday. V. 简单句、并列句、复合句、祈使句等相互转换,每空一词(含缩写)。31. The water was so dirty that we couldnt drink it.(改为简单句)The water was _ dirty for us _ drink. 32. Does the shop close at six every day? Do you know?(改为复合句)Do you know _ the shop _ at six every day? 33. The question isnt easy enough for them to answer.(改为复合句)The question is _ _ that they _ _ it. 34. I really dont know which book I should choose.(改为简单句)I really dont know _ _ _ _.35. I dont know when we shall meet again. (改为简单句)I dont know when _ _ _ again. 36. The man is very strong and he can carry the heavy bag. (改为简单句)The man is _ _ to carry the heavy bag. 37. “Does the girl need any help?” he asked me.(改为复合句)He asked me _ the girl _ some help. 38 . I dont know what to do next.(改为复合句)I dont know what _ _ next. 39. George has two cabbages. Mary has only one.(改为复合句)George has _ cabbages _ Mary. 40. We wont have any lessons tomorrow because well have the sports meeting.(改为简单句)We wont have any lessons tomorrow _ _ the sports meeting. 41. If you dont work hard, you wont pass the exam next time.(改为并列句)_ _, _ you will fail the exam next time. 42. Dont make any noise.(改为陈述句)_ _ make any noise.43. You should read after me. (改为祈使句)_ _ _ _!44. Tom is sitting on the desk.(改为否定祈使句)_ _ on the desk, Tom!45. Hurry up, and youll catch the early bus.(改为复合句)_ _ _ _, youll catch the early bus. VI. 陈述句与感叹句相互转换,每空一词(含缩写)。46. The film is very interesting. (改为感叹句)_ _ the film is! 47. The subject of English is very useful.(改为感叹句)_ _ useful subject English is!48. These flowers are so beautiful. (改为感叹句)_ _ these flowers are! 49. The children are singing and dancing happily. (改为感叹句)_ _ the children are singing and dancing! 50. They are running fast. (改为感叹句)_ _ they are running! 51. Her sister is a very lovely girl. (改为感叹句)(1) _ _ lovely girl her sister is!(2) _ _ her sister is! 52. How beautiful these pictures are!(改为陈述句)_ _ beautiful pictures.53. What a nice box it is! (改为陈述句)The box _ _ _. 54. How bright your son is!(改为陈述句)Your son is _ _.55. How hard the workers are working!(改为陈述句)The workers are _ _.【试题答案】I. 1. women are nurses2. is an, car3. They have, books 4. Is this, dictionary5. Are, any sheepII. 6. Did, teach7. Does, or Australia8. Does, have 9. Did, cost10. did myIII. 11. have you12. didnt you13. arent there14. could he15. will you16. can you17. shall we18. doesnt it19. is she20. dont you IV. 21. hasnt, yet22. Neither of his parents was23. Let him24. not take25. were playing26. None, want(s)27. doesnt do28.doesnt have 29. dont, are30. is, somethingV. 31. too, to32. if/ whether, closes33. so difficult, cant answer34. which book to choose35. to meet you36. strong enough37. if/ whether, needed38. Ill do39. more, than40. because of 41. Work hard, or42. You mustnt43. Please read after me.44. Dont sit45. If you hurry up VI. 46. How interesting47. What a48. How beautiful 49. How happily50. How fast51. (1)What a (2)How lovely 52. These are53. is very nice54. very bright55. working hard


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