2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 4 TV programmes Check out》教学案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 4 TV programmes Check out》教学案 牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 4 TV programmes Check out教学案 牛津版一 教学目标1.复习本单元所学的重要词汇和语法2. 通过复习检查本单元学习效果,解决遗留问题二教学重难点重点词组句子运用三交流与展示1. Talk about: What is your favourite TV programme? Why do you like it?2.复习Unit 4 重点词组和句子1)无事可做2)我实在太忙不能去购物3)一周要闻4)即将到来的世界杯5)被现场直播6)xx0歌迷7)在线为某人投票8)一部由某人导演的恐怖电影9)一部1小时的纪录片10)使我大笑11)老虎的数量正变得越来越少。12)一位医生被发现死了13)直到电影结束你才会找到答案。14) 近距离的看3.复习语法from to betweenand before after until while as副词比较级和最高级构成规则4.完成Part A on Page79 并找出Part B五个单词5.读单词四、精讲点拨1.so 和such 用法归纳2. not until3.surprised/surprising 用法4.直到我在网站上看到了我们的名字我才相信了它。 I didnt believe it until I saw our names on the website. 5.你对所有事情都计划得比我好,你考虑事情比任何人都仔细。You planned everything better than I did,and you could think more carefully than anyone else.五、 达标检测I.词汇II.单项选择( ) 1.Hobo was often seen _in the park. A. walk B. to walk C. walked D. walks ( ) 2. The boys _basketball _the bell rang. A. played, when B. played, while C. were playing, when D. were playing, while ( ) 3. I was taking notes _ you were writing on the blackboard. A. as B. while C. after D. before ( ) 4.While _TV, you should be two metres away from the TV set. A. to watch B. watch C. watching D. watched ( ) 5.The film was _,and we were _. A. bored, bored B. boring,,boring C. bored, boring D. boring,bored ( ) 6.I think youd better spend as little time as you can _ puter games. A. play B. played C. be played D. playing ( ) 7.-Who helped you last night? It was Miss Wang _ offered us help. A. who B. what C. when D. howIII. 完成句子1.有一天,当我正在制定计划时,你想到了那个出人意料的结尾。One day as I was _, you _ that _.2.直到亲眼所见,我才相信了那件事。I _ it _I saw it with my own eyes.3.我发现算出这个问题是容易的。I found _the problem4.这场重要的比赛将于明晚现场直播。 The important game will _ tomorrow evening.5.昨晚帮我打110 的是个学生。 It _ called 110 for me yesterday evening.6.我发现今天的报纸有点乏味。I find todays newspaper _.7. 我听说那幢老楼充满了神奇的故事。 I hear that the old building _ amazing stories.六、教学反馈(反思)学生反馈:教师反思:


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