2019年高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train同步练习2 外研版必修1.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 3 My First Ride on a Train同步练习2 外研版必修1.完形填空My work keeps me in Hong Kong most of the year, but I do try to get _1_ for a month in _2_ usually July. Now as you probably know thats the main _3_ season in Europe, the favourite places for holiday and the famous cities are usually very _4_. But Im not seeking the sun I get plenty of _5_ in Hong Kong and Im certainly not seeking the _6_! So when I go on holiday I buy a Train Pass (a sort of train ticket) that _7_ me first class travel on most of the _8_ of Western Europe. First class partments are _9_ crowded and they are very fortable. If youre going on an overnight _10_ you can take a sleeping train for some extra money. There are usually dining cars in the train.I find that _11_ travel is restful and _12_. Theres always something to see. I particularly enjoy _13_ through Switzerland and Italy. You can stop quite often. _14_ rail travel is safe and I am never sick on a train _15_ I am on a ship! Then there are always people to _16_ if you feel like a chat with a stranger, and you can always find one.The _17_ that I seldom travel by _18_ is quite simple: as train _19_ are usually built in the city center, I dont have to _20_ transport (交通); transport can be a problem when arriving by air.1A. back B. offC. home D. away2A. spring B. winterC. summer D. autumn3A. holiday B. visitingC. windy D. rainy4A. quiet B. peacefulC. beautiful D. crowded5A. pleasant B. daylightC. sunshine D. money6A. crowds B. peopleC. help D. citylife7A. shows B. allowsC. gives D. takes8A. highways B. pathsC. roads D. railways9A. hardly B. alwaysC. certainly D. much10A. way B. journeyC. service D. work11A. sea B. planeC. car D. train12A. interesting B. tiresomeC. lonely D. cheap13A. flying B. travelingC. swimming D. driving14A. Also B. YetC. But D. However15A. when B. whileC. as D. and16A. talk to B. think aboutC. speak about D. care about17A. aim B. conclusionC. reason D. fact18A. air B. shipC. car D. train19A. stations B. railwaysC. lines D. offices20A. worry about B. care forC. take care of D. look out答案与解析1Dget away (from Hong Kong)意为“离开(香港)”;而get off意为“从下来;下车”。2C由后面的July可判断出该空填summer。3A由后面的the favourite places for holiday可知该空选holiday。4D度假者最喜欢的地方和著名的城市通常都非常拥挤。5C由破折号前的the sun可知该空填sunshine。6Athe crowds“人群”。7B因此当我度假时,我就买一张“火车通行证”(一种火车票),它使我在大多数西欧的铁道线上能乘一等车旅行。8D由上文的train可知,此处填railways。9A根据下文和生活常识,乘坐一等车厢几乎是不拥挤的,很舒适的。hardly“几乎不”,符合句意。10B如果你打算进行过夜的旅行,你可以多花些钱乘卧铺。11D根据上下文内容,作者在陈述坐火车的优点。12A由下文的enjoy可知乘火车旅行很有趣(interesting)。13Benjoy doing sth.是固定用法,意为“喜欢做某事”。此处指乘火车“旅行”,上文中有提示。14A与前面提到的坐火车的优点并列,用also。15Cas引导方式状语从句。“还有乘火车旅行很安全,我乘船呕吐,而我乘火车却从不呕吐。”16Atalk to sb.“和某人交谈”。17C根据下文,这里讲的是“我很少乘飞机旅行的原因非常简单”。reason后的定语从句一般用why来引导。但在现代英语口语中, that在限制性定语从句中可用来代替why,也可省略that;也可用that代替when, where。18Aby air“乘飞机”。19Atrain stations“火车站”。20Aworry about意为“为担心”。care for“喜欢;照料”; take care of“照顾”; look out“注意;往外看”。.阅读理解七选五Dear Mom and Dad,Im afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty (调皮的) and the school principal (校长) is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must e and take me away from here. _1_The trouble started last night when I was smoking in bed. This is against the rules, of course. _2_As I was smoking, I heard footsteps ing towards the room. I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away._3_There was a curtain (窗帘) near the wastepaper basket which caught fire too. Soon the whole room was burning._4_ The school is a long way from the town and by the time the fire department arrived, the whole school was in flames. Many of the girls are in the hospital.The principal said that the fire was all my fault and I must pay for the damage. _5_A. The principal phoned the fire department.B. She doesnt want me to smoke here.C. We are not allowed to smoke at all.D. She will send you a bill for about a million dollars.E. She does not want me in her school any longer.F. Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the wastepaper basket, which caught fire.G. The fire spread to another room.答案1.E2.C3.F4.A5.D


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