2019-2020年高中英语 Module1 new words学练稿 外研版选修8 .doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module1 new words学练稿 外研版选修8 .doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module1 new words学练稿 外研版选修82. state. v_ n._ It was stated that standards at that hospital were dropping.He was in a state of depressing.a state of affairs3.deep-depth wide-_ long-_ high-_at a depth of _ in depth_4. inhospitable adj _hospitable adj_ _hospitality n_5. extreme adj_/nextreme pressure_ extremely _in the extreme_6. trap v._ _ _Twenty miners were trapped in trouble condition._Solar panels trap energy from the sun._I was trapped into signing a contract._7. mass n_ _/adj_masses of/a mass of_ the masses_the mass of black children8. balance She balanced the cup on her knee._She tries to balance home life and career._keep ones balance_He lost his balance and hurt himself when he went upstairs._9. rivalry n_ rival n_10. treaty n_ make/sign a treaty with_11. set foot on(in)_set in_ set off/out/about_set up_ set aside_set an example_12. via We flew home via Shanghai._I heard about the news via Jane. _13. glare n_ v_ (at)stare at_ gaze at_ glance at_14. severe adj_be severe with oneself_ the severe winter_a severe petition_15. 缺席 n_ adj_出席 adj_ absent-minded_be absent from school_16. tiresome adj_ tired_ troublesome _ troubled_ boresome_ bored_17. depressing adj_depress v_ depressed _ depression_18. discourage v_ courage_ discouraged_ discouraging_ discouragement _His parents tried to discourage him from being an actor._鼓励某人做某事_19. privilege n_ _It was a great privilege to hear her sing. (honour)20. befriend v_beware_ belove_ befall_21 reliability n_ reliable adj_ rely v_rely on/depend on/count on 22promoteThe organization works to promote the trade between nations._Do you know how to promote a new product. _Tom was promoted to professor. _练习:1 She has been in what doctors describe as a vegetative _ for six years.A condition B state C case D situation2You are working too hard. You had better keep a_ between work and relaxed.A promise B lead C balance D diary3A meeting was being held to _ the trade between China and Europe Union.A develop B promote C increase D grow4Believe it or not, I was _ telling him all I knew.A trap into B trapped C trapped for D trapped into 5After so many hardship, the scientists_ his motherland at last.A set on his food B set food on C set feet on D set his feet on6-Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have_-So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.A broken up B finished up C divided up B closed up7John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _A finished B finishing C having finished D was finished8The couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog_ them.A to follow B following C followed D follows9It is much more beautiful when it is _ A flowering B in flowers C in flower D flowers10Before the rain, the sky has_ clouds.(天空有一团云)11Rain weather always _ me(使我感到压抑)12我劝阻他不要放弃这项工作_ 练习:1 She has been in what doctors describe as a vegetative _ for six years.A condition B state C case D situation2You are working too hard. You had better keep a_ between work and relaxed.A promise B lead C balance D diary3A meeting was being held to _ the trade between China and Europe Union.A develop B promote C increase D grow4Believe it or not, I was _ telling him all I knew.A trap into B trapped C trapped for D trapped into 5After so many hardship, the scientists_ his motherland at last.A set on his food B set food on C set feet on D set his feet on6-Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have_-So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.A broken up B finished up C divided up B closed up7John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work _A finished B finishing C having finished D was finished8The couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog_ them.A to follow B following C followed D follows9It is much more beautiful when it is _ A flowering B in flowers C in flower D flowers10Before the rain, the sky has_ clouds.(天空有一团云)11Rain weather always _ me(使我感到压抑)12我劝阻他不要放弃这项工作_


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