2019-2020年高二上学期统一测试(一)英语试题 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高二上学期统一测试(一)英语试题 含答案第一部分 听力(共10小题,每小题1.5分)听录音材料,按虚拟场景以书面形式完成两人对话活动。请按中文提示用英语提出问题,然后用英语回答所提问题。在录音材料播放前你有1分钟准备问题时间。录音放两遍。现在是准备问题时间。 虚拟场景如下: 角色:两名学生为一组:S1: Wang Hua S2: Li Jun 地点: 教室里 情景:Wang Hua给Li Jun讲了她小时候的一个故事,但Li Jun有些地方不是很清楚,故向Wang Hua询问故事中的内容. 任务:Li Jun按以下顺序用英语向Wang Hua询问故事中的内容:第二部分 语言知识及运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-15各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Cheerful Charlie was a very special boy. When he was still in his mothers tummy, she had an accident, which meant that Charlie couldnt walk. But that had never been a(n)1for him; they had started calling him Cheerful Charlie because of his joyful and2nature. He really brightened everything up for those around him.There wasnt a postman, or a taxi driver who wasnt3to see Charlie. “Cheer up, Mr. Postman, that way youll4more letters today!” he would say, or “That was great, Mr. Taxi Driver. You5that thing better than anyone else. ”He also had great ideas and6for everything; and he shared them so generously that, just about every day in that town, someone did a great job, or7something new, thanks to Charlies ideas.One day, though, he came up against a real8. A young boy came to town on his holidays. He was known as Waterworks and was a real crybaby. No matter what Charlie said to him, Waterworks would always find some9to be sad: “I dont have many sweets my parents didnt buy me that toy” Everything seemed so bad to him. But Cheerful Charlie wasnt going to be10, and he kept spending more time with Waterworks,11trying to cheer him up, just as he did with everyone.Then, one day, when they were together in the street, someone12a pie from a window above by chance, and it landed13on Charlies head. He got such a fright that he couldnt even move his lips. He was speechless, and although Waterworks was just about to cry, he14Charlies happy words so much that he finally said,“Wow, Charlie, thats a nice clown mask(小丑面具)you just put on!”On saying those words, Waterworks felt so15that he finally understood why Charlie was always so happy and cheerful. He realized that he was so used to Charlies enthusiasm that he couldnt help but see the funny side of everything.第二节:语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)It is monly believed that school is 16 people go to get education. However, it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school. The difference 17 schooling and education 18 (suggest) by this is important.Education is endless, 19 (pare) with schooling. It can take place anywhere. It includes both the standard learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of learning out of class. Though the experience of schooling can be known in 20 (advanced), education quite often produces surprises. A chance talk with a 21 (foreign) may lead a person to discovering how little he knows of another country. People obtain education from babies on. Education, then, is a very broad and 22 (limit) term. It is lifelong experience that starts long before the start of school.Schooling, 23 the other hand, is a basic experience, 24 style changes little from one way to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at the same time, take_25 (fix) seats, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams and so on. Schooling has usually been limited by the edges of the subjects being taught.第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节:(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWhen a consumer finds that something he or she bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to what the producer says for it , the first step is to present the warranty(保单),or any other records that might help, at the store of buying. In most cases, this action will produce results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.A simple and mon method used by many consumers is to plain directly to the store manager. In general, the “higher up” the consumer takes his or her plaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumers favor, taking it as true that he or she has a just right.Consumers should plain in person whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of buying, it is acceptable to phone or write the plaint in a letter.plaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can show clearly what is wrong with what was bought in question. If this cant be done, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements. For example, “The left speaker doesnt work at all and the sound ing out of the right one is unclear” is better than “This tape recorder does not work.”The store manager may advise the consumer to write to the producer, if so, the consumer should do this, stating the plaint as politely and as firmly as possible. But if a polite plaint does not achieve the expected result, the consumer can take a step further. He can threaten to take the seller to court or report the seller to a public organization responsible for protecting consumers rights.26When a consumer finds what he bought has a fault in it, he should first_.A. plain personally to the managerB. show something provable in written form to the storeC. threaten to take the matter to the courtD. write a firm letter to plain to the store27. If a consumer wants a quick settlement of his problem, its better to plain to _.A. a shop assistantB. the producerC. a public organization D. a store manager28. The most effective plaint about what was bought can be made by_A. showing the fault of it to the producerB. saying firmly it is of poor qualityC. asking politely to change itD. explaining exactly what is wrong with it29. The passage tells us _A. how to make the plaint effective B. how to settle a consumers plaintC. how to avoid buying something wrongD. how to deal with plaint from countries30. According to the passage, the last way a consumer has to use is_A. to write to the producerB. to quarrel with the managerC. to warn the seller that he will turn to the court or a consumers organization for helpD. to collect several fighters to threaten the sellerBIn many parts of the world, cars play an important role in daily life and many societies would not exist without them. So the idea that in 20 years time, no one will own cars may be hard to believe. But this is the prediction made by a team of transport researchers who are taken seriously, not only by government but also by car manufacturers.The Human Science and Advanced Technology Institute at Loughborough in the UK is part of an international research program. The team there believes that by 2020 all cars will be puterized, which will mean much saving, no accidents and better use of roads. The super-intelligent car of the 21st century will drive itself, and it will not be owned by one individual. Instead, we will have a choice of cars and change them as frequently as we change our clothing.According to Dr. David Davis , who leads the research team, these predictions are based on the rising cost of the car culture, which had blocked up our cities, polluted our air , and caused more deaths than both world wars put together.Davis says, cars will be fitted with some intelligent devices to regulate the distance between one car and another. The car will automatically speed up, or slow down, to match the speed of the car in front. puters are much safer drivers than people, so cars in a road train will be able to drive much closer together than cars driven by people.By xx, Dr. David Davis believes, car technology will give motorists a clear view of the road, whatever the weather conditions, by projecting an image of the road ahead on to the cars windscreen. And by 2020, cars will travel in convoy, linked to each other electronically. Cars will be connected by an electronic tow bar to the car in front to form “road trains”. “The front vehicle in such a train burns the normal amount.” says Davis. “But all the others in the train would burn about ten percent of the normal amount, and so produce about ten percent of the pollution.”31.We know from the passage that governments and car manufacturers _A. do not believe the prediction that no one will own cars by 2020B. are devoted to the technological revolution in car industryC. consider the predictions seriouslyD. have put the super-intelligent car into mass production32. Which of the following will be the characteristic of the cars of 2020?A. The car will speed up out of controlB. We will own as many cars as we want C. All cars will be driven by putersD. Cars will produce more pollution than present onesCThe central government will pour billions of yuan into special projects to help meet the countrys energy-saving targets. Local officials are also about to e under increased pressure to toe the government line to meet the targets, otherwise their political futures could be in jeopardy. A top official from the National Development and Reform mission reaffirmed Chinas mitment to cutting energy use and emissions when making a report to the Standing mittee of the National Peoples Congress yesterday.“Were facing a very vital situation to cut energy use,” Ma Kai, the NDRC minister said. “If we dont fasten our pace, it will be difficult to meet the targets this year.”Ma said the central government would also issue pulsory energy consumption standards for 22 products such as steel, cement, caustic soda and thermal power by the end of the year. NDRC figures show that the countrys energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) dropped 2.78 percent in the first six months from the same period a year earlier. However, the government has set the target of reducing energy consumption per unit of GDP by 20 percent between xx and xx, about an annual fall of 4 percent. But it fell only 1.33 percent last year from xx. In addition, official figures also show that SO2 emissions dropped 0.88 percent to 12.63 million tons in the first half of the year.The minister blamed some local officials for dragging the rest of the country down in not meeting the targets. He said the assessment of officials in many places still focused too much on their performance in economic growth, and many cities and counties still lacked concrete plans to cut energy consumption. Ma said we had paid too much to economic growth and serious consequences are revealing themselves.36. The underlined sentence in paragraph 1 means “_”. A. their families would be healthy B. their futures would be bright C. their futures would be in dangerD. their jobs would be necessary37. The Chinese government will pour billions of yuan into special projects to _.A. help reduce energy use and emissionsB. enlarge investmentC. improve the living conditionsD. balance the ine between the poor and the rich38. The underlined word in paragraph 2 means “_”. A. useless B. strange C. helpful D. important39. From the passage, we can infer that _. A. the government only focused on the economic growth B. some local officials could have done more for cutting energy use and emissions C. some local officials would not focus on the economic growth D. SO2 emissions increased in the first half of the year40. What caused the government to face a very vital situation to cut energy use? A. The assessment of officials. B. The central government would not issue energy consumption standards. C. Many cities and counties still lacked concrete plans to cut energy consumption. D. A and C.DBedazzling (眼花缭乱) with their bright colors and eye-catching displays, fireworks light up our night skies during the holidays. However, these crowd-pleasers can have some damaging side effects. Once a firework is set off, it only takes a couple of seconds before smoke, dust and harmful chemicals are let out into the atmosphere. The loud booming noises are caused by gunpowder. While the sounds may excite some people, they can be frightening to domestic and wild animalsas well as some humans. The pretty colors you see are a result of more chemicals. Barium, added to make green, is known for its poisonous and radioactive qualities. Blue es from copper pounds. Cadmium, lithium and leadall found in fireworkshave been linked to diseases, such as allergies and skin rashes in both humans and animals. Acid rain has been linked to gases given off by fireworks, which sometimes go beyond the toxin(毒素) limits of the United States Clean Air Act. Once all those chemicals e back down to the ground, they can cause problems too. Debris (碎片) from the fireworks falls to the ground, where animals can burn their paws or noses on piping hot pieces. Humans also are at risk of stepping on or picking up something sharp or hot. Meanwhile, debris that finds its way into waterways can damage animal habitats and water supply sources. Instead of setting off fireworks, try to e up with some new ways for fun. Here are some ideas to get you started: Sky lanternsa tradition that originated long ago in the most-populated Asian country.Party crackersa favorite in the United Kingdomgive you noise and surprises without the mess of fireworks. You can make your own or buy eco-friendly crackers. Want noise excitement with less volume? Consider a fireworks sound recording beforehand or break out the party horns (号角) and blow up a storm! 41. The advantages of fireworks can be seen below EXCEPT that _. A. the special sounds of fireworks excite people B. debris from fireworks can even find its way into water C. the pretty and bright colors add to the beauty of night skies D. fireworks are enjoyed as one of the crowd-pleasers42. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. Copper pounds are needed to make green in fireworks. B. Chemicals in fireworks are both poisonous and dangerous. C. Too much gases from fireworks can result in acid rain. D. Chemicals in fireworks are harmful in the air and on the ground.43. All the italicized (斜体的) words are probably _. A. mineral materialsB. tiny solids C. chemical elements D. broken pieces 44. What is implied from the passage? A. Gunpowder in fireworks makes loud booming noises. B. It must be Indians who first started to hang sky lanterns. C. Fireworks does less harm in the air than on the ground. D. Fireworks can even break the balance of nature.45. What can be concluded as the writers attitude towards fireworks? A. It is not allowed to set off fireworks except during the holidays. B. Fireworks should be banned and replaced by some other means. C. Night is the best time to set off fireworks and see the pretty colors. D. You cannot set off fireworks unless you e up with new ways.第二节:信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)下面是一篇关于澳大利亚几个旅游景点的简介及几位旅客的相关信息,请阅读下列简介和游客的相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。最后将答案涂在答题卡的相应序号处.首先,请阅读下列各景点的简介:A. Northern Territory DarwinAustralias Northern Territory is a vast region with diverse geography. It stretches from the tip of the north coastline to the outback. Waterfalls, interesting rock formations including Uluru (Ayers Rock), native wildlife and parklands are monplace throughout. Darwin is the capital of Australias Northern Territoryits relaxing atmosphere and location make it the perfect centre for touring the area.B. Queensland Australias fastest growing state is home to 3.6 million people, taking up around 25% of the continents area. Whether youre after adrenalin-pumping adventure, relaxing on sun-kissed beaches, trekking through ancient rainforest or snorkeling (潜水) on the Great Barrier Reef, theres an experience just waiting to bee YOUR treasured memory. Where else but Queensland?C. Victoria & Melbourne Melbourne, the capital of Victoria, is a city of spectacular 19th-century buildings alongside contemporary structures and surrounded by large areas of parkland. It is home to more than three million people from more than 200 nations. Take a walk or a tram (电车) ride and enjoy a delicious meal, wonderful architecture, beautiful parks and gardens, and fabulous shopping.D. Sydney Including the harbours islands and much of the foreshore (前滩), Sydney Harbour National Park is full of picnic areas, bays, harbour pools and beaches to relax in. Its where ferries, yachts, cruise vessels, jet boats, catamarans and kayaks all jostle for (争夺) a piece of the worlds best harbour, and you can enjoy a picnic surrounded by the harbour.E. Adelaide Theres so much to do in South Australia. And its all so close. Adelaide is the perfect gateway to the States 12 tourism regions From cozy bed, tasty breakfasts and seaside villas to luxury city penthouses and gourmet retreats, weve got the acmodation to suit every taste and budget.F. Tasmania Tasmania is a land aparta place of wild and beautiful landscapes; friendly, weling people; a pleasant, temperate climate; wonderful wine and food; a rich history; and a relaxed island lifestyle. Whether traveling from the ancient and varied terrain (地带) of the Kimberley to the towering forests of the southwest, from the unique coral reefs off our coast to the endless red plains and dunes (沙丘) of our arid heartland, youll find amazing series of outdoor experiences and enjoyable holidays.请阅读下面各位游客的相关信息,并为其选择较为合适的景点。46. Mike is from Great Britain. He has often heard of the amazing Great BarrierReef. He hopes to see it with his own eyes some day.47. Surrey is a sportsman who is very interested in water surfing, boating and someother sports on the sea. He hopes to enjoy the excitement as well as to relax on beaches.48. Jeffery is an architect who would like to see some 19th-century buildings whilevisiting Australia so as to make his designs more attractive.49. Nicholas is a scientist in geography. He would like to go to study something inthe open, such as native wildlife, Ayers Rock and so on.50. Anderson is a college student in geography, who would like to pay a visit to thecoral reefs, red plains and dunes while visiting Australia.第四部分 写作(满分40分)第一节:基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)假如你叫李明,你的美国朋友布鲁斯开始学习中国文学,来信询问鲁迅其人及作品。你回信介绍鲁迅,内容如下(1)鲁迅,原名周树人,浙江绍兴人(2)为了国家,弃医从文。(3)著名的作家,思想家,而且还是中国现代文学的开创者。(4)小说被译成多种文字,并被制成电影,如阿Q正传、祝福这两部影片。(5)一些作品还被选入了中学和大学课本。参考词汇:阿Q正传:The True Story of AH Q 祝福:The New Years Sacrifice注意:1)介绍必须包括所有内容要点,但不要逐条译成英语。写作要求只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。文章首尾已给出,不算字数。评分标准句子结构的准确性,信息内容的完整性。Dear Bruce,I was glad to know you began to study Chinese literature. Now let me tell you something about Luxun. _Since you are learning Chinese literatures, I think reading Lu Xuns novels will help you to know more about it.Yours, Li Ming第二节:读写任务1 (共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Teenagers secrets should be kept to themselves and no one else, their parents included, has the right to stick their nose into their private life. As we know, teenagers are going through a special period of development both physically and psychologically. They are curious about and puzzled by the unexpected changes in their body and mind. Whats more, exposed to a


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