2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection单元综合测试(I)新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection单元综合测试(I)新人教版必修2I.阅读理解 AIreland has had a very difficult history. The problems started in the 16th century when English rulers tried to conquer (征服) Ireland. For hundreds of years, the Irish people fought against the English. Finally, in 1921, the British government was forced to give independence to the south of Ireland. The result is that today there are two “Irelands”. Northern Ireland, in the north, is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland, in the south, is an independent country.In the 1840s the main crop, potatoes, was affected by disease and about 750,000 people died of hunger. This, and a shortage (短缺) of work, forced many people to leave Ireland and live in the USA, the UK, Australia and Canada. As a result of these problems, the population fell from 8.2 million in 1841 to 6.6 million in 1851.For many years, the majority of Irish people earned their living as farmers. Today, many people still work on the land but more and more people are moving to the cities to work in factories and offices. Life in the cities is very different from life in the countryside, where things move at a quieter and slower pace.The Irish are famous for being warmhearted and friendly. Oscar Wilde, a famous Irish writer, once said that the Irish were “the greatest talkers since the Greeks”. Since independence, Ireland has revived (复兴) its own culture of music, language, literature and singing. Different areas have different styles of old Irish songs which are sung without instruments. Other kinds of Irish music use many different instruments such as the violin, whistles, etc.1. What does the author tell us in Paragraph 1?A. How the Irish fought against the English.B. How Ireland gained independence.C. How English rulers tried to conquer Ireland.D. How two “Irelands” came into being.2. We learn from the text that in Ireland _.A. food shortages in the 1840s led to a decline in populationB. people are moving to the cities for lack of work in the countrysideC. it is harder to make a living as a farmer than as a factory workerD. different kinds of old Irish songs are all sung with instruments3. The last paragraph is mainly about _.A. the Irish characterB. Irish cultureC. Irish musical instrumentsD. a famous Irish writer4. What can be the best title for the text?A. Life in IrelandB. A Very Difficult HistoryC. Ireland, Past and PresentD. The Independence of Ireland BMrs. Amatuli was my teacher in the fourth grade. One day at lunch time, I was getting ready to eat my same old tuna fish (金枪鱼)sandwich and suddenly Mrs. Amatuli asked me if she could buy my sandwich from me. She explained that I could use the money to buy a hot lunch from the cafeteria.I was thrilled. I never bought my lunch at the cafeteria. It was too expensive for my family, and I always carried my lunch and brought the bag back home to use again the next day. My sandwiches were either bologna (大香肠)or tuna fish. It rarely varied beyond that.You can understand my delight when I had the opportunity to buy a hot lunch.When we finished lunch that day, Mrs. Amatuli took me aside and said she wanted to explain why she had bought my sandwich. I really didnt care why, but it gave me a few minutes of her precious attention so I was very quiet as she explained. You see, she was Catholic and she told me that Catholics didnt eat red meat on Fridaysthey ate fish on Fridays.Oh, I couldnt wait to get home and tell my mama that from now on I wanted tuna fish on Fridays. After my mama understood why, she gladly fixed tuna fish for me on Fridays. She even fixed it on brown bread because she know Mrs. Amatuli liked brown bread. From then on, every Friday I could get in line with the rest of the kids for a hot lunch. I didnt care how many of the kids plained about cafeteria foodit tasted divine to me!I realize now that Mrs. Amatuli could have fixed herself a tuna sandwich of Friday. But she bought my sandwich because she saw a little girl who was thrilled over the simple act of having a hot lunch.I will never forget her for her passion and generosity and what I should do is to follow her example.5Mrs. Amatuli bought the writers sandwich because _.Ashe was tired of cafeteria foodBshe hated getting in line with kidsCshe didnt eat red meat on FridayDshe wanted to show care to the writer6What can we learn about the cafeteria food?AIt was terrific. BIt was terrible.CThe writer enjoyed it. DMost kids were fond of it.7The underlined word“divine”in Paragraph 5 means _.Aperfect Bsweet Cunpleasant Dspecial8Which of the following can best show the theme of this text?AIt is hard to please all.BBetter to give than to receive.CLove makes the world go around.DThe more you offer, the more you are rewarded. CDear Dr. Cory:I have allergies (过敏反应). It feels like something is in my throat. What is it and what should I do to help it?ChristaDear Christa:You might be feeling mucous in your throat. The membranes there make mucus to keep nasal passages (鼻腔) moist and clean and to warm the air that we breathe. But sometimes our bodies make too much mucus, and it can collect at the back of the throat. Drinking lots of liquids, especially warm ones, may help.Dear Dr. Cory:Sometimes when I dont wear any socks with my shoes I get blisters (水疱). What are blisters? How can I avoid them?JacyDear Jacy:Blisters occur when something (like the back of your shoe) rubs against your skin and causes tiny blood vessels to leak fluid (液体). The blister acts like a pillow to protect damaged skin while it repairs itself.The best way to prevent blisters is to avoid“rubbing”spots. If the problem is your shoes, wear socks and shoes that fit to help prevent blisters.Dear Dr. Cory:I like reading your column. It tells me a lot about the body and how it works. I have a question for you:I have not been airing my feet out lately and the bottoms of them have been turning crisp (起皱的)and the skin is peeling. Why?AaronDear Aaron:People whose feet get wet or sweaty while wearing shoes may develop athletes foot, caused by a fungus that likes warm, damp skin. The fungus is easily passed from one person to another, so public places such as locker rooms or showers are real hot spots. Its most mon during summer in people who rarely remove their shoes, and in people who sweat a lot. It can cause bumps, redness, itching, and peeling of the skin, often between the toes.Antifungus cream, now available without a prescription (处方), cures the infection. Your doctor or health care provider can help find the cause of the problem.9What should Christa do with her trouble?ADrink plenty of warm water.BLet it be for it can repair itself.CConsult a doctor immediately.DRemove the mucus immediately.10What can we infer from the passage?AJacy doesnt like wearing socks.BDr. Cory often writes some books about health.CAthletes are more likely to have foot problems.DYou can cure infection without the help of doctors.11The following statements are true about blisters EXCEPT that _.Athe blisters are helpful to skins recoveryBwearing suitable socks and shoes can prevent blistersCblood vessels will leak fluid if rubbedDthe best way to cure blisters is to avoid rubbing spots12Doctor Cory thinks the most direct reason of Aarons trouble is _.Asweating Bnot airing his feet outCfungus Drarely removing his shoes13The letters are about _.Aways to keep fit Bhealth problemsCsuggestions about diet Dknowledge about medicine DShopping in the United States changes a lot. About ninety years ago most people shopped in small stores that were owned by one person or a family. Women went from the bakery to the butchers to the grocer and on to the fruit and vegetable seller in order to get their food for the week.Then about sixty years ago, supermarkets were born. In a supermarket, people could get all the different kinds of food they needed without going to different stores. The next big change in shopping in the United States was the shopping mall. A shopping mall is a group of stores under one roof. Because malls allowed people to shop without worrying about the weather, they soon became very popular. The mall became a place for people to socialize in addition to shopping. If you walk through a mall, you will see older people sitting, chatting and drinking coffee. Malls are places for teenagers to hang out. Many teens will often just“go to the mall”and spend time with their friends.The recent change in American shopping was the superstore. Large chain stores such as WalMart, Office Depot and Toys“R”Us have been built all across the United States. Because they are so large, they can buy goods at a great discount and sell them much cheaper than smaller stores.Sometimes, when they are built near small towns, many of the small town stores have to close. They just cannot pete with their giant neighbors.And now, online shopping is being more and more popular all over the States. People are too busy to go to the physical stores, so they go shopping over the Internet. Online shopping has lots of advantages. For instance, online stores are usually available 24 hours a day. Searching or browsing online shops can be faster than browsing the physical stores. While, online shopping also has its disadvantages. People are at higher risk of being cheated on the part of the merchant than in a physical store. And privacy of personal information may be let out.14Which of the following shows the right order of shopping development in the United States?small storessuperstoresshopping mallsshopping onlinesupermarketsA BC D15Which is the place for people to spend time with others according to the passage?AShopping malls. BSmall stores.CSupermarkets. DSuperstores.16Why can the superstores sell products at much lower prices?ABecause they are built near small towns.BBecause they are across the United States.CBecause they sell all kinds of products people need.DBecause they can buy goods at a reduction in the prices.17Whats the disadvantage of online shopping according to the passage?AWasting time.BLeaking personal information.CFixed prices.DNo chance to do physical activities.II.七选五Millions of people all over the world use the word“OK”. In fact, some people say the word“OK”means all right or acceptable; it expresses agreement or approval._18_ Some people say it came from the Native American Indian tribe known as the Choctaw. The Choctaw word “oken”means the same as the American word“okay”. Experts say early explorers in the American West spoke the Choctaw language in the 19th century.But many people doubt this. Language expert Allen Walker Read wrote about the word“OK”in reports published in the 1960s. He said the word began being used in the 1830s. _19_ Some foreignborn people wrote“all correct”as“oll korrect”, and used the letters OK. Other people say a railroad worker named Obadiah Kelly invented the word long ago. They said he put the first letters of his namesO and Kon each object people gave him to send on the train._20_ The organization supported Martin Van Buren for president in 1840. They called their group the OK Club. The letters were taken from the name of the town where Martin Van Buren was bornOld Kinderhook, New York.Then there is the expression AOK. It is a spaceage expression. It was used in 1961 during the flight of astronaut Alan Shepard. He was the first American to be launched into space. His flight ended when his spacecraft landed in the ocean, as planned. Shepard reported,“Everything is AOK.”_21_ One story says it was first used during the early days of the telephone to tell an operator that a message had been received.There are also funny ways to say okay. _22_ These expressions were first used in the 1930s. Today, a character on the American television series, “The Simpsons”, says it another way. He says okelydokely.ASome people say okeydokey or okeydoke.BStill others say a political organization invented the word.CTherefore, it has bee popular in that area from then on.DBut many experts dont agree on what the expression means.ELanguage experts do not agree about where the word came from.FIt was a short way of writing a different spelling of the words“all correct”GHowever, some experts say the expression did not begin with the space age.完形填空After graduation from college, my son began to seek a job. Due to the financial crisis, the petition of obtaining employment was very _23_. My son _24_ a pany located in a coastal city, but it was _25_ to employ only one person. I said to my son,“Dont lay too much hope to _26_, or you would feel terribly disappointed when you fail.” He said to me, “I am not afraid of _27_. As long as I try, there will always be hope!”After the first and second _28_, at last there were only 3 left including my son, who could enter the final _29_ in a week.On the day of the _30_, unexpectedly, the interview was unbelievably _31_, and the interview strategies (策略) everyone prepared were not used at all. The interviewer told them to go home and _32_ the result in 3 days. On the morning of the third day, my son received a note from the pany that he was not employed. My son felt dreadfully disappointed, but he still sent a note in reply politely.In nightfall that day, my son suddenly phoned me _33_ that he had been employed! Greatly surprised, I could not wait to know the _34_: Formally the first note sent to my son was also part of the test in the interview. Three men received the _35_ note and gave the different answers. One did not reply. The other said “goodbye” and my son said “thank you”. And only my sons reply was _36_ to the pany, so he was employed.Oh! What a(n) _37_ test!_38, it is a piece of cake to say “thank you”. But whether you are willing to say it in a peaceful and grateful manner does _39_. Saying “thank you” shows _40_ for others work and demonstrates your grand generosity. Therefore, _41_ under the same condition, you will get the upper hand _42_ opportunities pared with others.23A.unfair Breasonable Cpainful Dfierce24A.inspected Btargeted Cinterviewed Dentered25A.intended Bbelieved Cassumed Dallowed26A.acplish Bobtain Csucceed Dsurvive27A.struggle BdisappointmentCobjection Dpressure28A.presentation BmunicationCintroduction Dinterview29A.round Bperformance Ccampaign Dprocess30A.match Bcontest Cfinal Dpetition31A.simple Bdifficult Ctense Dcasual32A.take in Bget through Crespond to Dwait for33A.seriously Bnervously Cexcitedly Dsincerely34A.mystery Btruth Cprocedure Doute35A.different Bunique Coriginal Dsame36A.satisfying Bchallenging Cmoving Dinspiring37A.abnormal Bskillful Cspecial Dinformal38A.Actually BLogically CFortunately DTechnically39A.function Bmean Cmind Dcount40A.faith Brespect Creward Dpreference41A.when Bunless Csince Duntil42A.in need of Bby means ofCin terms of Din spite ofIV.语法填空:Michelle has finally realized one of her lifelong _43_ (dream). She always wanted to attend the _44_ (cook) school that her adviser, Mr. Brown, attended. The school, _45_ is in Paris, accepts only 80 students every year. The students who _46_ (accept) generally have _47_ least three years of cooking experience. Michelle has five years of paid experience. The project _48_ attracted Mr. Browns attention, however, was a cake Michelle made for a wedding. Mr. Brown had never tasted a cake that was _49_ high and creamy as _50_ one Michelle made. He gave Michelle his card and invited her to bake cakes at his restaurants _51_ (begin) the next month. It was his invitation _52_ began her career baking for a large restaurant. Now she is waiting for the plane to Paris. There she will begin her three-month course that Mr. Brown once attended.V.短文改错Last Sunday morning, when I was having a walk in the park near my home, I came across a crew make a new film with one of my favourite actor. I didnt have my camera with me at that time,but I rushed back home to get. Unfortunately, by the time I got back, they have finished the scene and the actor couldnt be seen everywhere. I was really disappointing and about to leave when he walked out a building. He was right there in the front of me! I couldnt believe my luck not only did I had my photo taken with him,but he signed his name on my shirt!VI.书面表达假如你是李华,你刚得知你们班的英国朋友Bob出了事故,对此你和你的同学们都感到很难过,现在同学们决定让你代表他们给Bob写一封慰问信。信的内容如下:1.所有同学对他都表示同情,打算星期五下午派你为代表去看望他并给他带去他喜欢读的书;2.让他不要担心学习,等他出院后,你们会帮他赶上;如果有什么需要你们做的事情,请他告知;3.希望他在病床上不要过于悲伤,祝愿他早日康复。注意:(1) 参考词汇:on behalf of 代表; (2)词数:100左右。_必修二Unit 4 单元测试答案I.阅读理解1. D2. A3. B4. C5.D6.C7.A8.C9.A10.C11.D12.C13.B14.C15.A16.D17.BII.七选五18-22 .EFBGAIII.完形填空23.D24.B25.A26.C27.B28.D29.A30.C31.A320D33.C34.B35.D36.A37.C38.A39.D40.B14.A42.CIV语法填空:43. Dreams44. cooking 45. which 46. are accepted 47. At 48, that/which 49. as 50. the 51. beginning 52. thatV.短文改错 Last Sunday morning, when I was having a walk in the park near my home, I came across a crew a new film with one of my favourite . I didnt have my camera with me at that time, I rushed back home to get. Unfortunately, by the time I got back, they finished the scene and the actor couldnt be seen . I was really and about to leave when he walked out a building. He was right there in the front of me! I couldnt believe my luck not only did I my photo taken with him, but he signed his name on my shirt!VI.书面表达Dear Bob,We were just told about the accident you had. Im sorry to hear about it and our other classmates are all sad about the news. Im going to see you on behalf of others on this Friday afternoon. I will bring you a couple of books you will enjoy. We will help you to catch up in school as soon as you are out of hospital. If there is anything else we can do for you, please let me know. All of us send our best wishes for your quick recovery. Dont worry about your studies. We do hope that you will not be too sad in bed and that you will recover soon. Sincerely yours, Li Hua


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