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2019-2020年高一英语下学期末考试1(牛津必修模块3)10第一卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. How much would a new car cost?A. $1,200 B. $1,300 C. $1,2502 .How will the woman go to the university?A. On foot B. By bus C. By taxi3. What color is the womans sisters car?A. Yellow B. Red C. Blue4 . Whats the weather in March like usually?A. Hot and dry B. Cool and wet C. Cold and dry 5. When will the shirts be ready possibly?A. Sunday afternoon B. Saturday afternoon C. Friday morning 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面一段材料,回答第6至第8题。1. Why does the woman want to move out of her present flat?A. Its too expensive. B. Its too far from the school. C. Its too cold. 2. What kind of flat is the woman looking for?A. One with furniture in it. B. One in the school. C. One where she can live alone.3. Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. Boss and employee B. Husband and wife C. Friends请听下面一段材料,回答第9至第11题。4. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a cafeteria B. In the street C. In a bar5. What will the man have for the meal?A. Steak B. Fried eggs C. Pork6. How much will they each pay for the meal?A. Forty or fifty dollars. B. Forty or seventy cents. C. Seventy or eighty cents.请听下面一段材料,回答第12至第14题。7. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Conductor and driver. B. Air hostess and passenger. C. Waitress and customer.8. Wheres the mans seat?A. 15 A B. 15 C C. 5 A 9. Where is the washroom?A. Beside the stairs. B. On the first floor. C. Behind the curtain.请听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17题。10. What sports does the man like to do after work?A. Table tennis, running and golf. B. Tennis, swimming and golf. C. Tennis, running and golf.11. How often does the man play golf?A. About once a week. B. About once a month. C. About once a year.12. What time will the speakers meet at the club?A. At 1:30 p.m. B. At 2:00 a.m. C. At 2:30 p.m.请听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。18. Whom did Mr. Jones meet near the door after his meal? A. The manager. B. The waitress. C. A thief.19. What was the man wearing when he came back to the restaurant for his jewellery? A. Mr. Joness coat. B. His own coat. C. The waiters coat.20. What happened to the mans jewellery? A. He has got back the jewellery from the waiter. B. The manager returned the jewellery to the man. C. The man has lost his jewellery. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分;满分15分)21.The Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,_that he had enjoyed his stay here.A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added 22.In front of _ remained of my old house, I told my son some stories about my childhood. A. which B. that C. what D. where 23.I send you 100 dollars today, the rest _ in a yew.A. follows B. followed C. to follow D. being followed24.Happily for Johns mother, he is working harder to _ his lost time.A. make up for B. keep up with C. make the most of D. catch up with 25. -Will you go to the exhibition tomorrow? - Yes, I will go _ its windy.A. as if B. even though C. as soon as D. as though26.-Tell me where you live, please. - I live _. A. in 123, King Street B. at 123, King Street C. in King Street, 123 D. at King Street, 12327.It makes good sense to buy a large packet_ it works out cheaper in the end. A. so B. as if C. because D. even if 28. ._, the boys were shouting and singing.A. Happy and excited B. Happily and excited C. Happily and excitedly D. Happy and excitedly29. James didnt attend the meeting and _. A. so did Jane B. neither did Jane C. Jane didnt too D. Jane did too 30. Her phone_ for ten minutes. Why doesnt she answer it?A. has rung B. rang C. had been ringing D. has been ringing 31. It was really a pity that the great writer died_ his works unfinished two months ago. A. with B. from C. because of D. for 32.While paying for the gas, Kate told the seller about the night_ she had spent at the Inn.A. in which B. when C. on which D. that 33.The argument remains extremely heated_ there are necessary conditions of existence such as water on the Mars.A. that B. whether C. if D. which 34.- Did they offer us enough books? -_ than we had expected.A. Much more B. Many more C. Little more D. Rather 35. We can judge that he is much_ from the _ look on his face. A. frightened, frightening B. frightening, frightened C. frightened, frightened D. frightening, frightening 第二节 完形填空:(共20小题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was 36 and when I was 14 he said, “Youre never going to be 37 but a failure.” After five years of 38 jobs, I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the beat 39 that could have happened to me. I 40 I wanted-to do something positive (积极地) with my life because I wanted to prove to 41 that what people said about me was 42 . Especially her mother, who had said to me, “Lets 43 it, youve failed at everything youve ever done.” So I tried hard with my 44 and went to college. My first novel 45 while I was at college. After college I taught during the 46 in high schools and attended evening classes at London University, where I got a 47 in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of 48 that job to write full time 49 I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel proud of myself 50 was a working-.class boy whod 51 school early, now teaching at the university. My writing career (职业) took off when I discovered my own style. Now Im rich and 52 , have been on TV, and met lots of film stars. 53 what does it mean? I 54 wish all the people that have put me down had 55 : “I believe in you. Youll succeed.”36.A. bright Buseless Csimple Dhopeful37.A. anything Bsomething Ceverything Dnothing38.A. low Bpoor Cgood Duseful39. A. support Bhappiness Csurprise Dthing40.A. admitted Bdecided Cplanned Dtold41.A. me Bthem Cher Dit42.A. wrong Bright Cstupid Dfaulty43.A. see Bknow Cunderstand Dface44.A. experiment Bpractice Cwriting Dposition45.A. came on Bcame in Ccame out Dcame back46.A. day Bnight Cmonth Dyear47.A. graduation Bpass Cdegree Dsuccess48.A. giving in Bgiving back Cgiving out Dgiving up49.A. while Bif Cwhen Dor50.A. there Bhere Cit Dthat51.A. left Battended Cchanged Dgraduated52.A. tired Bcalm Cnervous . Dfamous53.A. And BBut CHowever DWell54.A. just Bexactly Cso Dvery55.A. praised Bsaid Canswered Dadvised第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分;满分40分) A. It was early morning. Peter Corbett helped Mark Wellman out of his wheelchair and onto the ground. They stood before El Captain, a huge rock almost three-quarters of a mile high in Californias beautiful Yosemite Valley. It had been Marks dream to climb El Capitan as long as he could remember. But how could a person without the use of his legs hope to try to climb it?Mark knew he couldnt finish the climb alone, but his friend Peter, an expert rock climber, would be there to lend a helping hand. He and Mark thought that it would take seven days to reach the top. Peter climbed about 100 feet up and hammered a piton(岩钉)into the rock. Fastening one end of a 165-foot rope to the piton, he let the other end of the rope fall down. Mark caught the rope and fastened it to his belt with a special tool. This tool would allow Mark to move upward, but would stop him from falling even as much as a single inch. He next reached above his head and fastened a T-bar to the rope, using the same kind of tool. Mark took a deep breath, pushed the T-bar up almost as far as his arms could reach, and began the first of the 7,000 pull-ups needed to reach the top. High above, Peter let out a cheer, “ Youre on your way.”Seven years before, at the age of twenty-one, he had fallen while climbing mountain, injuring his back-bone. The fall cost him the use of his legs, but he never lost his love of adventure or his joyful spirit. For the first four days the two men progressed upward without accident. But on the fifth day, a strong hot wind began to blow, and as time went by, it became stronger and stronger, causing Mark to sway violently on his rope. But Mark kept on pushing up the T-bar and pulling himself up. In spite of that, he had to admit that he felt a lot better when the wind finally died down and his body touched rock again. It took them one day more than they had expected, but on July 26 at 1:45 in the afternoon, the crowd of people waiting on the top went wild with joy as the two heads appeared. Mark Wellman showed that if you set your heart and mind on a goal, no wall is too high, no dream impossible.56. What had Mark Wellman long hoped to do? A. To climb El Captain B. To be the first to climb El Captain. C. To climb the highest mountain in California. D. To help his friend Peter climb El Capitan.57. How did Mark climb the mountain?A. he fastened the rope to his wheelchair.B. He hammered pitons into the rock so that he had something to hold on to.C. He held on to the T-bar and Peter pulled him up.D. He pulled himself up using a T-bar and a special tool. 58. How did Mark lose the use of his legs?A. He lost his footing and fell from the side of a mountain.B. He fell during his second attempt on El Capitan. C. His legs were broken by falling rocks.D. While working out in the gym, he injured his backbone.59. What was the worst problem Mark had during the climb?A. He struck against the rock and hurt his arms. B.A strong wind caused him to sway violently on his rope.C.He kept falling several inches. D. While swaying in space, he became much afraid.60. How did Mark deal with difficulties during the climb?A. He stopped to ask for help. B. He often worried about his friends condition.C. He was able to keep calm and full of hope. D. He had to give up. B. The documentary “March of the Penguins” ( 帝企鹅日记) is one of 12 films showing in Beijing for the xx French Film Festival from April 7 to 17. The festival will go on to other cities including Shanghai, Wuhan and Chengdu.The film tells the story of a year in the life of a group of penguins, focsing on one couple in particular. They travel across the Antarctic on their yearly journey from their deep blue ocean to empty Antarctica. They overe huge difficulties in order to return to their breeding grounds for the mating (交配)season. Their journey sees them cope with all the drama in life: from birth to death from dating(约会)to mating, and from love to fighting for survival. They struggle against meat-eating animals and terrible weather conditions. They protect their babies from other mothers who want to replace their own dead babies. Their struggle has one aim: to carry and bring up their young. While enjoying the excellent photography, there is so much to learn about penguins. On the way to their mating grounds they sometimes walk and sometimes slide(滑行)on their stomachs. They are faithful to their mating partner. Parents share roles of hunting and looking after their baby. They are also sensitive and emotional, capable of loving and crying. It took 13 months to shoot the documentary. “ The emperor penguins demonstrate the most powerful moments of existence,” said the films French director Luc Jacquet. “ Love and solidarity(团结) bine in their heroic struggle for life. “61. The underlined phrase “ cope with” ( in paragraph 2) can be replaced by “_”. A. deal successfully with B. put on C. pete with D. appreciate62. Which difficulty is NOT mentioned in the story of the penguins journey to their breeding grounds?A. Their baby may get stolen. B. The weather is very bad.C. They may not have enough food. D. They will probably be attacked by other animals.63. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. French director Luc Jacquet sings the praises of the brave penguins.B. Penguins are capable of loving and crying.C. Male and female penguins share roles of looking after their baby.D. The film tells the story of a penguin couples entire life.64. Whats the passage mainly about? A. Why people should protect penguins living in Antarctica.B. A film which records the lives of penguins on their yearly journey to their breeding grounds.C. The xx French Film Festival. D. What people learn from the film. C.Help WantedPAINTER Must have at least 3 years painting experience. mercial and new construction work. $10/hr. Immediate opening. Call 435-9201 with work historySECRETARY Part-time position available in friendly, busy office. Good typing and general office skills. Some weekends required. High pay. Various duties. Apply at East Side Management, 500 Park Drive, DeWitt, NY. 13214. Help WantedVETERINARIAN ASSISTANT(兽医助理) Person needed for busy animal hospital. Some nights and weekends. Apply in person to Johnson-Marks Animal Hospital, 404 Snow Road, Syracuse, NY. 13224. After 4p.m. only please.NURSESASSISTANTS Full-time and part-time positions available for modern nursing home. High pay. Call Mrs. Downes.R.N. at 534-7618. Help WantedCOOK NEEDED Immediately. Busy downtown restaurant. Must be good and dependable.Experience preferred. Weekends required. Call 324-9817.SALESPERSON Experienced. Must have some knowledge of mens clothing industry. Available to work evenings and some Saturdays. Send resume(个人简历)to: Martins Apparal,237 Rockledge St. Syracuse, NY. 13224.TEACHER Small private school needs English and math teachers. Must have BS degree and at least 4 years teaching experience. Send resume to: Wales Charter School 19 South 8th St. NY. 13214Help WantedHOTEL needs part-time FRONT DESK CLERK. No experience necessary. Excellent people and phone skills a must. Some puter skills helpful. $13/ hr. Call: Mr. Jones 357-2897.65.If you are interested in working in a hotel, call_. A. 435-9201 B. 534-7618 C. 324-9817 D. 357-289766. If you want to get a job as a math teacher, send your resume to_. A. 237 Rockledge St. Syracuse, NY. 13224 B. 404 Snow Road, Syracuse, NY. 13224 C. 500 Park Drive, DeWitt, NY. 13214 D. 19 South 8th St. NY 1321467. If you dislike working on Sundays, being a_ should be your best choice. A. cook B. secretary C. salesperson D. veterinarian assistant68. Which of the following statements is true accordingly? A. The pay you get from being a painter is higher than from a front desk clerk. B. Your parents or friends cant help you for the application for a veterinarian assistant. C. You cant apply for the nurses assistant if you are a nursing school student. D. As a cook, you have to work from Sunday to Friday. D. Like a growing number of young women in Vietnams northern part city of Haiphong, Pham Tgu Gye was infected with HIV by her husband, one of the towns many drug users. But instead of being shamed into silence, as Vietnamese with HIV and AIDS are, the 25-year-old tailor and mother of one went public, appearing on television and at conferences. Her business suffered and her neighbors insulted (辱骂)her, but Hue has now bee the public face of Mothers and Wives, an HIV/ AIDS support group established in Haiphong by a Norwegian nongovernmental organization and her neighborhoods Peoples mittee. Last year, she founded a smaller group named after a local flower. People who need advice on treatment or help preparing bodies for burial can dial a hot line and get assistance from able and empathetic(同情的)HIV victims. “We gather to support each other,” Hue says. “When we are sick, what we need most is encouragement and fort from people who understand our situation and are willing to share our happiness, as well as our sadness.”On a hot and damp night last month, Hue weled into her small home a very thin woman, also a tailor, who was HIV positive. The woman tearfully told Hue that she had not told anyone about her condition, fearing that she would lose customers and that her daughter would be insulted at school. Hue became the wise elder, offering medical and personal advice. 69. What did Pham Thi Hue do after she was infected with HIV?A. She kept silent B. She worked as usualC. She stayed at home and cried every day. D. She went public and gave help to others.70.It can be inferred from the passage that the group Pham Thi Hue founded is made up of_. A. drug users B. HIV victims C. all kinds of patients D. poor people 71. From the passage we can learn that Pham Thi Hue is a woman who is_. A. weak and kind B. foolish and idle C. brave and helpful D. cautious and energetic E.Parents often believe that they have a good relationship with their teenagers. But last summer, Joanna and Henry noticed a change in their older son: Suddenly he seemed to be talking far more to his friends than to his parents. “ The door to his room is always shut,” Joanna noted. Tina and Mark noticed similar changes in their 14-year-old daughter. “ She used to cuddle up (蜷伏)with me on the sofa and talk,” said Mark. “Now we joke that she does this only when she wants something. Sometimes she wants to be treated like a little girl and sometimes like a young lady. The problem is figuring out which time is which.” Before age 11, children like to tell their parents whats on their minds. “In fact, parents are first on the list,” said Michael Riera, author of Unmon Sense for Parents with Teenagers. “This pletely changes during the teen years,” Riera explained. “They talk to their friends first, then maybe their teachers, and their parents last.” Parents who know whats going on in their teenagers lives are in the best position to help them. To break down the wall of silence, parents should create chances to understand what their children want to say, and try to find ways to talk and write to them. And they must give their children a mental(精神的)break, for children also need freedom, though young. Another thing parents should remember is that to be a friend, not a manager, with their children is a better way to know them. 72. “The door to his room is always shut” suggests that the son_. A. is always busy with his studies B. doesnt want to be disturbed C. keeps himself away from his parents D. begins to dislike his parents73. What troubles Tina and Mark most is that _.A. their daughter isnt as lovely as before B. they cant read their daughters mind exactlyC. they dont know what to say to their daughter D. their daughter talks with them only when she needs help.74. Which of the following best explains “the wall of silence” in the last paragraph?A. Teenagers talk a lot with their friends. B. Teenagers do not want to understand their parents C. Teenagers do not talk much with their parents D. Teenagers talk little about their own lives75. What can be learned from the passage?A. Parents are unhappy with their growing childrenB.


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