2019-2020年高三上学期10月周练英语试题(实验班、零班) 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三上学期10月周练英语试题(实验班、零班) 含答案.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高三上学期10月周练英语试题(实验班、零班) 含答案.doc_第3页
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丰城中学xx学年高三实验班零班英语试卷万里香 贺群xx.10.112019-2020年高三上学期10月周练英语试题(实验班、零班) 含答案第一部分 听力部分(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1 5分,满分75分)1. What sport does the woman like? A. Tennis. B. Skating. C. Swimming.2. How much will the man pay for the tickets? A.16. B.32. C.60.3What do we know about the speakers? A. The woman refuses the mans offer. B. They want to have a cup of coffee. C. The man will start out early tomorrow.4. What will the weather be like tomorrow? A. Rainy. B. Cold. C. Windy.5 What is the woman thinking about? A. Getting an extrajob. B. Doing better in her job. C. Changing her job.第二节(共15小题;每小题1 5分,满分22.5分) 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What will the woman do this evening? A. Attend a party. B. Visit her grandma. C. Do some shopping.7 What does the man advise the woman to do? A. Make a skirt. B. Wear a necklace. C. Buy a handbag. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8 What does the man think of the little village? A. Its too crowded. B. Its far from his factory. C. Its very nice.9Why couldnt the woman sleep well? A. She was afraid of the bird. B. She wasnt used to the silence. C. She was too tired to fall asleep.10. Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Friends. C. Boss and clerk. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11From whom did Tom get the idea of being a businessman? A. His college friends. B. His high school teachers. C. His friends parents.12. How much does Tom own of the pany he works for? A. 6%B. 8%C. 50%,13 What mistake did Tom and his pany make in the past? A. Producing simple things. B. Wasting lots of materials. C. Making products themselves. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14What are the two speakers discussing? A. Where they should go for a holiday. B. Whether they should go on holiday. C. How they could save money for a holiday.15Why doesnt the man want to go to Florida? A. It is cold. B. It is far away. C. It is hot.16. Where does the man prefer to go for the holiday? A. Sweden. B. Hawaii. C. Scotland. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17 Where did the speaker go with Mary? A. A dance. B. A shop. C. A cinema.18Who was Mick? A. Marys best friend. B. Marys workmate. C. The speakers dancing partner.19Why did the speakers parents tell ahem to wait? A. They didntlike Mick. B. They didnt agree with Mary. C. They thought they were too young.20. What does Maryalways say? A. You mustnt just sit there all the time. B. You must go out and make things happen. C. You must sit and wait for things to happen.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项A The latest Chinese god song (an Internet term to describe pop songs that spread virally(病毒性地) through Internet) is still stirring fierce debate between those who view it as a milestone for Chinese pop music going global and those who regard it as bad for Chinas image. Last week,Little Apple, written and performed by the Chopsticks Brothers, won the AMA International Song Award and the duo performed the song at the xx American Music Awards in Los Angeles. Another Chinese pop singer, Zhang Jie, won the International Artist Award. But while fans of these singers are thinking highly of the awards and the performance by the Chopsticks Brothers at the AMA celebration as significant, there are others who are less excited. They have questioned the value of the awards and what effect it will have on Chinese cultures going abroad, claiming it may leave foreign audiences with a poor impression of Chinese pop music, and even Chinese culture. TheLittle Applephenomenon, both home and abroad, can be more easily understood and judged if we look at it from a business perspective rather than a cultural perspective. The professional promoters behind the duo have developed a clear strategy to promote the duo and their work, not just this particular song.Little Applewas originally released to promote the duos filmOld Boys: The Way of the Dragon. From the very beginning a viral marketing strategy was used to promote the song, which immediately went viral on the Internet due to its repetitive rhythm, easy-to-remember lyrics, simple and funny dance and, most importantly, grassroots nature. The video accumulated more than 1 billion hits on Chinas major video website. Although the song was generally dismissed by music professionals who criticized it as musical junk food,Little Apples popularity nationally paved the way for promoting the duo internationally.21.The writers attitude to the song of Little Apple is _. A. opposed B. negative C. objective D. critical22. What does the underlined words “the duo” refer to? A. Little Apple B. Chopsticks brothers C. Zhang Jie D. American singer23. We can learn from the passage that _. A. Little Apples popularity is also a success of marketing strategy B. Little Apple is generally thought worthless by the AMA C. Little Apple is really popular with all people in China D. Little Apple was originally released as a pop song on the InternetBYou know that I like a book if I read the whole thing in less than one day. Thats what I did with Hold Smokes, the fourth and last book in Katie MacAlisters Aisling Grey Guardian series. Im sometimes a bit worried about the last book in a book series because Im scared that it might not live up to the previous books. Im happy to say that I was not disappointed with Holy Smokes although Im quite sad that such an enjoyable series has to e to an end.Hold Smokes picks up where the third book, Light My Fire left off. .Aisling and her dragon friend Drake are still in trouble and the dragon wars are showing no signs of stopping. Aisling is trying her best to keep her secret life , especially from her decidedly normal family. If thats not enough to stress Aisling out, shes also trying to plan a wedding. But on the day of the wedding Drake disappears and Aisling does all she can to find her boyfriend.If you havent read the three previous books in the Aisling Grey Guardian series, I remend that you do before you start reading Holy Smokes. Reading it without knowing the back stories of each character will just confuse you, as MacAlister doesnt do a lot of catch up for new readers. Also, you wont be able to appreciate how much Aislings character has grown. In the first book she was a clueless thief bumbling around and getting conveniently saved by her friends.If youre new to the series and are not familiar with the events of the previous three books in the Aisling Grey Guardian series, youll still be able to appreciate the situational humor in Holy Smokes. Im a huge fan of the series and I really regret that it had to e to an end.24. How many books did Katie MacAlister plan to write in her Aisling Guardian series? A. Three books.B. Four books.C. Five books.D. Six books.25. We can infer from the first paragraph that . A. the writer likes to read short story booksB. the writer is always satisfied with the last book in a book seriesC. the writer was not at all annoyed about Holy SmokesD. the writer thinks Aisling Grey Guardian series should be ended26. What happens in Aislings wedding according to the second paragraph? A. Drake tells Aisling he wont love her.B. Drake leaves Aisling without a word.C. Drake decides to kill another dragon first.D. Drake decides to find his friend first.27. What does the writer remend according to the third paragraph? A. Readers should just read Holy Smokes.B. Katie MacAlister should write another book.C. Readers should read the former books before Holy Smokes.D. Readers should stop reading all the books by Katie MacAlister. CMen have long been puzzled by the amount women pack, when they go on holiday. They despair(绝望)as they watch their beloved spend much money on extra baggage charge. Nearly half of these women admitted to lying about the weight of their case to their partner before leaving for the airport, in fear of being made to unload some unnecessary items. But its a fact that women pack more than they need. On average, a woman needs around 57 items in suitcase for a two-week holiday, yet most women pack nearer to 150 items, ranging from skirts, tops, underwear and high heels. In addition, women pack more sun cream, make-up and hair appliances than they were likely to need. They all take up space in the suitcase, only a third of them will see the light of day once at the holiday place. 79 percent of women admitted to taking extra items with them, with the reason for this being “just in case”. Women plan their holiday wardrobe(衣橱)months in advance. Packing enough clothes and other items to last a month is not enough for some women. Theyd take a chance to shop for new items while holidaying abroad. So theyll return with even more luggage in their cases. Professor Karen Pine said: “Women are tempted to take familiar items with them on holiday, often everything except the kitchen sink. Some people find traveling stressful, particularly when theyre unsure about the home forts available at their holiday place. They over-pack to help cope with those feelings of stress and reduce the uncertainty.” This will e as no surprise to some men, who are used to trying to squeeze their partners luggage into the boot of the car with their own, smaller case. On the other hand, men pack very lightly, with only an average of 40 items for a two-week holiday.28. The best title for the text would be_. A. Women are good at picking holiday suitcase. B. Women over-pack by two third when on holiday. C. Women will go shopping every time they go on holiday. D. Women take good care of themselves while holidaying.29. How many items will a woman pack for a 2-week holiday?A. 57 items B.79 items C. 97 items D. 150 items30. Women pack too much on holiday because_.A. they want to show off their items B. they prefer a more fortable holidayC. they are afraid theyll need them during the holiday D. they would like to clean their clothes wardrobe very much31. What do Dr Pines words imply?A. Going on holiday will cost a lot. B. Women dont prefer to go on a holiday.C. People tend to feel tired and stressed on holiday. D. Its understandable that women over-pack in a sense. DNowadays it is mon that people are buying more products and services than ever before through the Internet, so do Americans. And experts say the popularity of online sales is likely to spread to other countries. Online sales now represent as much as 10% of all retail sales in the United States. This has led traditional stores to seek new ways to keep their customers loyal. Taking Lynne for example, she made good use of the Internet. she used the Internet to buy everything she needed for her Wedding and holiday gifts for her husband and stepdaughter. Other than food, 90% of her purchases were made on her home puter. “I find that, by being able to go online, choose the things that I need, and have them delivered to me right at my doorstep, I eliminate all the driving, all the crowds, all the noise of that, and I usually get a better selection.” There are a lot of people like her. Experts say American online shopping hit records in both November and December. 57% of Americans have bought something electronically. Store owners worry that this growing amount of online sales will hurt their business. Cornell University marketing professor Ed Melaughlin says they can keep their customers by selling goods like clothing, which buyers may want to see and try on before purchasing. The stores could also offer things that are difficult to ship. Besides, some stores can please customers by offering to repair electronic products.Bill Martin is the founder of Shopper Trak. His business helps stores learn about their customers. He said, “There is still a lot of emotion in the buying decision, you know, that takes place. Often you need that last sense of “Boy, this is exactly what I want before you are ready to part with money, and you cant always get that online. Its a rather cold process.” While e-merce worries some business owners, the only worry for delivery services is keeping up with the number of packages. UPS manager Dana Kline says her pany is very busy at this time of the year.UPS is so busy that it has filled 55,000 temporary work positions during the holiday season.32. Thepurposeofthispassageistotellus_.A. thechallengeonlineownersarefacedwithB. thedifferencebetweenonlinesalesandtraditionalsalesC. thechallengeemercecausestotraditionalsalesD. thetroublethatcustomersoftenmeetwhenpurchasingonline33. TheexampleofLynneismentionedinthepassagetoshow_.A. onlinesaleswillreplacetraditionalsalessoonerorlaterB. onlinebusinesshaschangedmanyAmericanslifeC. traditionalstorescantofferenoughfoodtotheircustomersD. traditionalstoresfindnewwaystokeeptheircustomersloyal34. Theunderlinedword“eliminate”inParagraph2canbereplacedby“_”.A. includeB. decreaseC. avoidD. discourage35. ItisimpliedinBillMartinswordsthat_.A. storeownersshouldlearnmoreabouttheircustomersB. traditionalstorescanprovidegoodstobuyersmorequicklyC. someownersareusingwebsitestopersuadepeopletovisittheirstoresD. traditionalstoresofferasocialexperiencethatsomepeopleenjoy第二节:(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文的内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项5 Ways Pets Improve Your HealthPets help relieve stress_36_A powerful hormone(荷尔蒙) is released when you look at your panion animal, which brings feelings of joy. It is also acpanied by a decrease in a stress hormone.Pets boost your fitnessA dog is the best panion for a stroll-even better than a friend. _37_ A separate study found that dog owners walked 300 minutes a week on average, while people who didnt own dogs walked just 168 minutes a week. Pets provide social supportPets can provide social support for their owners, who tend to have more overall benefits than non-owners. The calming presence and the social bond that pets bring can be very powerful. Animals give something to focus on instead of the negative thoughts a depressed person may have. _38_Pets boost your self-esteem(自尊)Pets are pletely non-judgmental. _39_ And that boosts self-esteem. Confidence can be improved by the fact that dogs love you no matter what, and to the same extent, cats are very loving to their owners._40_Whether your parents and you take turns walking the dog or it is always your job to feed the cat, research has proven having a pet is good for the whole family. Pets can be a very important bridge between family members. Pets can also provide the ultimate learning experience-how to treat others with kindness, caring, and responsibility.A. Pets improve relationships B. Pets bring your family closer togetherC. Dog walkers improved their fitness more than people who walked with other people.D. Simply being in the same room with your pet can have a calming effect.E. So they are more likely to take on leadership roles and tend to be more confidence.F. When a pet pays attention to you, it is giving you unconditional love and acceptance.G. They dont care what you look like or how you behave-they love unconditionally.第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)She was only about five feet tall and probably never weighed more than 110 pounds. However, Miss Bessie was a(n) 41 presence in the classroom. From 1938 to 1942, when I attended Bernard High School, she taught me a lot 42 I realized.There was never a(n) 43 problem in Miss Bessies classes. We didnt dare to trouble a woman who knew about the Battle of Hasting and could also play the piano and 44 Shakespeare and Milton.Miss Bessie knew that my family couldnt afford to buy a newspaper. She knew we didnt 45 own a radio. Still, she 46 me to “look out for your 47 and find some way to 48 whats going on in the world.” 49 I became a delivery boy who delivered newspapers. I 50 made a dollar a week, but I got to read a newspaper every day.Miss Bessie noticed things that had nothing to do with schoolwork but were vital to a youngsters 51 . Once a few classmates made fun of my 52 overcoat. As I was leaving school, Miss Bessie 53 me on the back of that old overcoat and said, “ Carl, never worry about what you dont have. Just make the most of what you do have- a(n) 54 . Among the things that I didnt have was 55 in the little wooden house. But because of her 56 , I spent many hours beside a kerosene lamp(煤油灯) reading Shakespeare. Miss Bessie introduced me 57 a wonderful world of poems and stories. She led me to 58 that I could write poems as well as Shakespeare.So I read 59 Miss Bessie told me to, and tried to remember the things she insisted that I store. Years later, her encouragement finally led to that lovely day when Miss Bessie dropped me a note 60 “Im so proud to read your article in The Times.”41. A. amusing B. toweringC. interesting D. exciting42. A. more thanB. less thanC. better than D. worse than43. A. academy B. homework C. race D. discipline 44. A. make use ofB. make fun of C. make sense ofD. make light of45. A. evenB. stillC. everD. yet46. A. allowedB. forced C. turnedD. encouraged47. A. happinessB. future C. familyD. mistake48. A. catch up withB. e up withC. keep up withD. put up with49. A. So B. And C. BecauseD. As50. A. always B. merely C. sometimesD. almost51. A. characterB. health C. developmentD. performance52. A. colourfulB. modernC. informalD. used53. A. pattedB. hit C. struck D. tapped54. A. houseB. overcoatC. radioD. brain55. A. moneyB. electricity C. waterD. gas56. A. inspirationB. anger C. curiosityD. sponsorship57. A. to B. in C. of D. about58. A. imagine B. believe C. dreamD. insist59. A. whenever B. wherever C. whicheverD. whatever60. A. writing B. printing C. saying D. speaking第二节(共10小题;每小题1 分,满分10 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Were human, and its not always easy to get along with everyone all the time. Sometimes we hurt peoples feelings without intending to. Sometimes, were 61 (deliberate) mean and we feel bad afterward. So we apologize. Apologies are one of the tools we use to build good friendships and relationships. 62 you say Im sorry (and really mean it), its because you probably feel bad that something you did or said hurt 63 person. Saying youre sorry is more than just words. Youre also saying that you respect the other person 64 you care about his or her feelings. Apologizing shows you have empathy. After apologizing, you might feel a little 65 (good).The other person probably will, too. When you apologize in a caring way, you can feel good because you are trying to make things right again.Sometimes a heartfelt Im sorry 66 (fix) everything right away. Other times, it might take 67 while for someone to get past feeling upset. You may need to give the other person some time. Even after you say youre sorry, you might


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