2019-2020年高中英语 单元小测2 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 单元小测2 新人教版必修2.在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式1What he did was wrong, but he didnt deserve _ (get) a beating like that.2Bogosian _(marry)to Jo Bonney since 1980, with whom he has two children.3I got this shirt when I was in Indonesia.It cost me only 2 dollars.It was _ real bargain. 4It is those who are _(responsible)than others that are to blame for the accident.5Little Tom admitted _ (cheat) in the exam, promising that he wouldnt do that in future.6I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.Is that _ you had a few days off?7In a room above the store, where a party _ (hold), some workers are busily setting the tables.8Please write your position every _ line to leave space for the teachers correction.9My son is always unwilling to practise upon the piano as _(regular) as he should have done.10It is still under discussion whether the old bus station _(replace) with a modern hotel or not.阅读理解After ruling the tennis world for almost five years, Roger Federer is adjusting to life at NO.2.But, like any king whose throne(王冠) has been taken away, the Swiss star is already planning secretly his return to power, beginning at this weeks US Open.The problem is that many experts think he will never do it.They blame everything from age and tough petition to his racket(球拍)and psychology.For years Federer, 27, had enjoyed the view from the toppetitors saw him as undefeated, and for the most part he was.However, before the xx season began, Federer had an illness that stole his strength and clearly affected his play on the court.Ever since, he has struggled to return to form, winning just two of his last 14 tournaments.“Twentyseven is an age when your_body_starts_talking_back_to_you,” tennis great John McEnroe told The New York Times.Pancho Segura, another tennis great, noted that Federer is also facing a maturing crop of young talents.“There are too many great players now, ” he said, naming Britains Andy Murray, 21, and Latvias Ernests Gulbis, 20.US magazine Sports illustrated tennis columnist Jon Wertheim suggested that part of Federers problem could be his insistence on using a small racket.He says that the smaller head demands ball control.But we see time and again that racket makers try to get players to use a certain stickone they would like to market to consumers and it has a negative effect on the professional game.Sports psychologist Jim Loehr told the Times that Federer is probably feeling “a sense of doubt” after being considered as undefeated for so long.If Federer is to recover his state of being undefeated, Loehr said he must overe his doubt.“Federer doesnt need fame and money.But he has to get better.He has to go to a whole new level.Thats the only way he stays in the game, ” he said.As for beginning his first Grand Slam in ages as the NO.2 seed, Federer said it might be for the best.“Five years almost, I was expected to win every tournament I entered, ” he said, “so maybe Rafael Nadal now feels what I had to feel for a very long time.It will be interesting to see how he handles it.”1What does the underlined sentence “your body starts talking back to you” in Paragraph 4 mean? AYour strength is beginning to decline.BYour body often argues with you.CYou are more easily to have quite terrible diseases.DYou can do whatever you want.2From the passage, we know the main reason why Federers throne was taken away is that _Ahe is facing a maturing crop of young talentsBhe insisted on using a small racketChe had an illness that stole his strengthDhe is being older and older3What can be inferred from the passage? AThe racket makers aim at the players better performance in games.BIt is impossible for Federer to return to power.CFederer has never won a Grand Slam before.DNow it is Nadal who has replaced Federer as the No.1 tennis player.4Whats the best title of the passage? AFederer hopes to recover his magicBFedereralways undefeatedCNadalthe No.1 tennis playerDState of mind plays an important role.完形填空As a child, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfathers farm._1_by miles of winding stone walls, the house provided endless hours of _2_ for a city kid.I can still remember one afternoon _3_ I was eight years old.Id wanted more than anything to be _4_ to climb the walls surrounding the farm.The walls were old;some stones were _5_, others loose.Still, my yearning(向往)to climb across those walls _6_ so strong that finally, one spring afternoon, I took all my _7_ and entered the living room, where the _8_ had gathered after Sunday dinner.“I, I want to climb the stone walls, ” I said._9_ a chorus(异口同声) went up from the women in the room.“Heavens, no!” they cried, “Youll hurt yourself!”I wasnt too _10_;the _11_ was just as Id expected.Just _12_ I could leave the room, I was stopped by my grandfathers loud voice.“Now wait a minute.” I heard him say, “Let the boy climb the stone walls.He has to learn to do things _13_”For the next two hours I climbed those old walls and had the time of my life.Later I told my grandfather about my _14_Ill never forget what he said.“Fred, ”he said, smiling, “you made this day a _15_ day just by being yourself.Always remember, theres only one person in this whole world like you, and I like you _16_ as you are.”Many years have passed _17_ then, and today Im a host in the television programme _18_Mister Rogers Neighbourhood, seen by millions of children.There have been _19_ over the years, but one thing _20_ the same:my suggestion left to children at the end of almost every programme.“Theres only one person in this whole world like you, ” The kids can hear me say, “and people would like you exactly as you are.”1A.Covered BExtended CSurrounded DSpread2A.fruit Bfun Crichness Dwonder3A.when Bthat Cwhile Dwhich4A.regretted Ballowed Crealized Dprovided5A.remaining Bleaving Cmissing Dlosing6A.grew Bdisappeared Cbuilt Dturned7A.trouble Bmind Cheart Dcourage8A.adults Brelations Cmen Dwomen9A.Quietly BHurriedly CFrequently DImmediately10A.excited Bsad Cdisappointed Dpleased11A.sound Bend Cresponse Dstory12A.whenever Bwhile Cas soon as Dbefore13A.of himself Bin himself Cby himself Dto himself14A.news Bexperience Cdoubt Dwonder15A.special Bregular Cmon Dusual16A.straightly Bexactly Cquietly Drightly17A.since Btill Cuntil Dby18A.name Bnamed Cnaming Dto name19A.jobs Bevents Cadventures Dchanges20A.bees Bdevelops Cremains Dseems.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。It was a city in Hubei Province.On International Childrens Day, some orphans(孤儿) from the Wuhan Welfare Institute for Children 1._(take) to the park.An elderly westerner was with them.The children were eager to tell him everything that was going on.They held him by the hand and never hesitated to call 2._Grandpa.This man was Professor William Dorrity, from Florida, USA.In xx, 3._Professor Dorrity and his wife retired, they came to Wuhan and started to work as volunteers at the Welfare Institute.The Dorritys have been working hard 4._ (improve) the conditions at the Welfare Institute since they came.They often take children on daytrips, 5._ (bring) along with them all kinds of food for the kids to enjoy.They recently bought audiphones for four orphans 6._hearing problems and small tape recorders for three blind children.They also bought a wheelchair for tenyearold Tan Jun, 7._suffers from a brain problem.With the 8._ (arrive) of spring, the Dorritys took the children for 9._outing.“We love China and we love children, ” Dorrity said, “10._ we are happy to do this.”参考答案单元小测(二).1.to get2.has been married3.a4.more responsible5.having cheated6.why7.will be held8.other9.regularly10.should/will be replaced.【文章大意】 本文讲的是瑞士职业网球运动员罗杰费德勒的故事。在连续五年驰骋网球领域之后转变为二号种子,费德勒想要重新赢回冠军,但是很多专家认为由于年龄和激烈的竞争等,觉得费德勒很难做到,尽管如此,费德勒仍然在坚持不懈地努力去赢得比赛。1A句子理解题。your body starts talking back to you表达的是身体开始变差,故选A项。2C细节理解题。从文章第三段中“However, before the xx season began, Federer had an illness that stole his strength and clearly affected his play on the court.”可知,疾病是影响费德勒失去冠军宝座的主要原因,故选C项。3D推理判断题。从文章最后一段中“Five years almost, I was expected to win every tournament I entered, he said, so maybe Rafael Nadal now feels what I had to feel for a very long time.It will be interesting to see how he handles it.”可以推断出,纳达尔代替了费德勒第一名的位置。故选D项。4A主旨大意题。本文讲的是瑞士职业网球运动员罗杰费德勒的故事,在连续五年驰骋网球领域之后转变为二号种子,费德勒想要重新赢回冠军。根据文章大意可以推断出A项正确。.【文章大意】 本文为一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者小时候第一次来农场,大胆地爬墙的故事,告诉我们人们喜欢真实的你。1C房子被数里曲折的石头墙包围着,对一个住在城市的孩子来说,这有无止境的快乐。故选C项。cover覆盖;extend延伸;surround包围;spread传播。2B由上题解析可知选B项。fruit 水果;fun快乐;richness富有;wonder惊奇。3Aone afternoon作先行词,它在后面的定语从句中作时间状语,所以只有when可在此作连接词,故选A项。句意:我仍然能记得那是我8岁时候的一个下午。4Bbe allowed to do sth被允许做某事。故选B项。5C墙是旧的,一些石头丢失了,另一些松动了。此处missing意为“失去的”,故选C项。6A“我”爬过那些旧墙的向往渐渐变得如此强烈,故选A项。grow 逐渐变得;disappear消失;build建造;turn转变。7D最后,一个春天的下午“我”鼓起“我”所有的勇气(courage)进入到起居室。故选D项。trouble麻烦;mind头脑;heart心脏;courage勇气。8A星期天饭后成年人聚集在起居室。故选A项。adult成年人;relation亲戚;man男人;woman女人。9D当“我”说“我”要爬石头墙时,房间里的女士们立刻异口同声地说:“天啊,不!”,故选D项。quietly安静地;hurriedly匆忙地;frequently频繁地;immediately立刻、马上。10C根据下文可知大人们不让他去爬墙,这在作者的意料之中,所以“我”并不感到特别失望,故选C项。excited感到兴奋的;sad难过的;disappointed感到失望的;pleased感到高兴的。11C根据上文“我”鼓足勇气走进起居室,说自己要去爬墙,当被拒绝的时候“我”并不感到特别失望,其实这种拒绝的回应是预料之中的事,故选C项。12D在“我”离开房间之前,“我”被爷爷叫住了。故选D项。whenever无论什么时候;while在期间;as soon as一就;before在之前。13C让这个男孩去爬石头墙。他要学会靠自己做事情。by oneself靠自己。故选C项。14B接下来的两个小时“我”去爬那石头墙,后来“我”告诉爷爷“我”的经历。故选B项。news新闻;experience经历;doubt怀疑;wonder惊奇。15A爷爷微笑着说“你通过成为你自己使这一天变成了一个特殊的日子。”故选A项。special特殊的、专门的;regular有规律的;mon共同的、常见的;usual通常的。16B只有一个人在这个世界上像你,“我”喜欢你是因为你做自己。根据文章最后一句“people would like you exactly as you are.”可知 B正确。straightly笔直地;exactly精确地;quietly 安静地;rightly正确地,公正地,肯定地,无疑地。17A自从那时以来,很多年已经过去了。句子用的是现在完成时态,故选A项。18Btelevision programme和name之间是被动关系,此处named过去分词作后置定语,意为“被命名”,故选B项。19D这么多年有很多变化。over the years在这么多年期间。故选D项。20C尽管多年已经有了很多变化,但有一件事情仍然是不变的。bee变成;develop 发展;remain仍然、逗留;seem似乎。故选C项。.1.were taken考查被动语态。此句缺谓语动词,take与主语some orphans是被动关系,全文主要使用一般过去时,所以应填were taken。2him叫他Grandpa,用宾格him。3when/after他们在xx年退休之后,就来到了武汉福利院做义工。4to improve自从他们到来,他们夫妇一直努力地改善福利院的条件。此处不定式作目的状语。5bringing此处用动词bring的现在分词形式bringing,表示动词bring和主语They是主动关系,并作伴随状语。6withwith hearing problems有听力问题。7who此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词为Tan Jun,在非限制性定语从句中作主语,故用关系代词who。8arrival定冠词the和介词of之间,应用arrive的名词形式arrival。the arrival of spring春天的到来。9anouting意为“外出游玩”,是个可数名词,在文中第一次提到,并且是以元音音素开头,故要用不定冠词an。10and/soDorrity说的前一分句“We love China and we love children”和后一分句应用连词连接起来,根据句意可填and表并列或so表因果。


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