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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic1 SectionB 教案 仁爱版撰写人:_时 间:_ies are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words:master, introduction, expect, dry2. (2) Astronauts add water to dried food to make it wet so that no pieces of food will fly around and influence the spaceships controls.3. Learn more about the astronauts life.4. Develop the students patriotic spirit. . Teaching aids 教具神七图片/录音机/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)以太空飞行为主题,通过学生互问互答的形式,复习Section A。1. (复习上节课内容,教师把全班分成两组进行互问互答比赛,每组可以选派同学向对方提出有关航天知识的问题,看哪个组获胜。)T:Ill divide the whole class into two groups, each group choose one student to ask questions about space science. The group that can answer these questions most and right is the winner. Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Now lets begin.G1: Who is the first space traveler in China?G2: Yang Liwei. Then which spaceship did he take?G3: Shenzhou. When did he go into space?(教师总结。)2. (教师出示神七图片,要求学生回答问题。)T:Do you know its name?Ss:Shenzhou .T:When was it sent up?Ss:In 20xx.T:What was your feeling when it landed successfully?S4:I was proud of it.S5:I think China has made great progress in space industry.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)设置对话,师生问答,引入并学习生词,呈现1a。(教师继续太空知识话题。导入生词。)T:Now we have known something about the space flight. Do you want to know how the astronauts control the spaceships?Ss:Yes.T:OK. Let me tell you something about it! I mean Ill make an introduction to you.(板书并要求学生掌握。)introductionT:Spaceships are magical(板书,要求学生了解。)magicalSs: Is it true? So exciting!T:Right. Its amazing, isnt it? So we must master(板书生词,要求学生理解amazing;掌握master。)amazingmasterSs:We think so. But we know only a little about it. T:Dont worry! Study hard, and youll master it very well. I expect some of you to go into space some day. (板书,并要求掌握。)expectexpect sb. to do sth.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:15分钟)复述1a对话,巩固1a,引出本课重点宾语补足语,要求学生造句。完成1b。1. (让学生听1a录音,回答问题。)T: the flight?(核对答案。)2. (分角色朗读对话,找出1a中出现的疑难点并解决。)T: Read the dialog in roles and find out important language points. even the temperature. (3) It3. (学生再读1a, 独立完成1b, 然后核对答案。)T: Read 1a again, and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words given. Finish 1b.(核对答案。)4. (1) (让学生再读1b,注意带有宾语补足语的句子。板书并简单介绍复合宾语结构。)v.+(to do/doing/adj./n. )复合宾语结构(两分钟后。) OK, lets stop here, who can find out the sentences? Please put up your hands. S1, please.S1: (板书并讲解,要求学生掌握。)ask sb. (not) to do sth.advise sb. (not) to do sth.make sb. do sth.T:OK. Who can make some sentences according to the structures on the blackboard? S2. S2:The teacher asked us not to be late for school. S3:Yesterday I made him cry.S4: (2)(让学生进行小组讨论,说出更多的含有宾语补足语的句子,然后向全班汇报,并让其他同学判断正误。)“right” or “wrong”.S5: I find him an honest boy. Ss: He / She is right. S6: We should make the food cool.Ss: He/She is right.S7:He made a model plane.Ss:He/She is wrong.5. (要求学生复述1a。)T:Boys and girls, four minutes later Ill ask some of you to retell 1a. (检查部分同学复述课文的情况,其余同学同桌之间互相检查。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)小组讨论,阅读2,提示阅读方法,完成2以及所设置的问题,学习部分生词。1. (让学生分小组阅读2,讨论不懂的问题,认真理解课文中出现的太空术语。)T:Boys and girls, do you want to know more about spaceships and how to train the astronauts?Ss:Yes.T:OK. Read the passages in groups and try to understand them, then match the pictures with the following information.(核对答案。)2. (用小黑板呈现下列问题,先让学生自学画线生词,然后引导学生再读2,回答问题。)T:Read the passage again, underline the new words, then answer the questions on the small blackboard.s own mini-world?(2) What are the foods like in the spaceship?(3) Why do astronauts add water to dried food before eating it?(4) Whats the use of the craft?(5) Can telescopes give us a clearer view of the planets in space?(板书,要求学生掌握dry;了解craft, mini-world和telescope。)mini-world, dry, craft, telescope(师生共同核对答案。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)收集整理航空飞行的信息,运用关键词叙述,提高口语表达能力;完成家庭作业。1. (收集查找更多关于宇航员航空飞行方面的信息,列出关键词并进行表述。)2. Homework: 板书设计:Section B./n. )advise sb. to do sth.Astronauts add water to dried food to make it wet so that no pieces of food will fly around and influence the spaceships controls. 8 / 8


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