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教学资料参考范本中考英语特训复习第3编中考题型攻略篇4阅读理解试题撰写人:_时 间:_阅读理解题是典型的能力考查题,重点考察语言的运用能力和阅读能力,也侧重考查学生的语言技巧,即阅读速度、理解程度及对短文进行综合判断的能力。具体包括:1.句子的理解;2.段落、短文的概括;3.合乎逻辑的推理和判断。阅读材料常为幽默故事、成语典故、寓言、健康环保、广告图表、跨文化交际、人物轶事、新闻报道及科普文章,也会涉及历史、地理方面的知识。考查方式以细节理解题为主,穿插推理判断题、词义猜测题和主旨大意题。近几年,云南省中考英语阅读理解通常有两种题型,一是判断题,即根据短文内容判断所给句子的正误,通常设一篇,词数在200左右,文章以记叙文、说明文为主;二是选择题,从ABCD四个选项中选择最佳答案,通常有2篇。词数在200250之间,文章以记叙文、说明文为主,应用文也偶有涉及。判断型话题篇数20xx20xx20xx20xx20xx故事类(记叙文) 1三把斧头的寓言故事介绍类(说明文) 4“爱”的手势语中国的唐卡艺术中国的剪纸房屋失火(如何逃生) 首先,要把握每个待定句子的含义。其次,要通读短文,把握文章大意,明确作者的观点和态度。最后,通过寻读法在原文中找出于每个问题相关的段落与词句,与这些段落、词句意思相符或与作者观点相同的,可判断为正确的,否则,就是错误的。细节理解题题目有些选项是对原文表达的同义或近义替换;有些选项是对文段细节、概念的理解或引申;有些则是根据文段的描述进行推断。做此类题目,关键要细心。此外,还需知道命题人喜欢从哪些方面或哪些词语来设置错误选项。它是针对文章中的细节而设计的,如文章中某一个特定的细节,也可能涉及若干个细节,或者针对文章的主要事实,或利用图表、图形来表示信息等。要求学生根据对短文的理解,直接选择正确答案,一般在通读短文后可直接找出答案依据,难度较小,属浅层理解题。推理判断题要求考生根据文章提供的事实和线索进行逻辑推理,抓住关键词、短语、句子或段落,透彻理解文章内容,注意文章结构层次和逻辑关系,推断出作者没有提到或没有明说的事实或者可能发生的事实。这类题旨在考查考生透过词语的字面意思去理解作者的言外之意或弦外之音的能力,属深层理解题。需要考生运用文段所叙述或描绘的事件背景提供的信息进行推理判断。主旨大意题一定要注意文章的首尾两段。如果首尾两段的主旨表达是一致的,那么文章的主旨便是两段重复表明的语句内容表达。找出选项中与归纳的主旨表达重复最多的选项即为最佳答案。如果首尾两段的主旨表达不一致,则需要观察文章的段落篇幅量是倾向于首段或是尾段,从而确定主旨段落。在此过程中,根据篇幅量,只需跳读文章段落的首句尾句即可,无需细读段落内容,以节省时间。如果文章只有一段,则注意文章的前两句及尾句,然后用以上的方法确定主旨句。(20xx青岛中考改编) 根据短文内容,判断句子正(T) 误(F)。Our skin is like a bag that we live in.Inside the bag our bodies are mostly water.Our water is like the water in the sea.It is very salty.Also,like the ocean,we can lose our water.The wind and the sun could take it away.Our bag of skin keeps our bodys ocean from drying up.Our skin keeps out sunshine.Too much sunshine can hurt us.Skin also keeps out dirt.Thats important because some kinds of dirt can make us sick.Our skin feels things.It feels warm things,cold things,things it touches,and things that hurt it.A campfire feels warm.A snowball thrown in our face feels cold and hurts us.A hug is the touch of another persons skin on our own.Our hair is a special kind of covering.It helps us keep things out of our eyes,ears and nose.Hair is also good for keeping us warm.When we get goose bumps (鸡皮疙瘩),our body hairs stand up.Then the hairs hold air close to our skin like a thick blanket (毯子) .Hair keeps animals warm,too.Some animals have more hair than others,so they have a better blanket for cold weather.Our nails (指甲) are another special skin which are very hard.They help keep our fingers from getting hurt.Our nails arent as strong as the nails that animals have.But they are good for picking up coins.()1.Our skin is like a bag full of salt.()2.Our skin keeps out dirt and sunshine.()3.Our skin helps us feel things,touch or hurt others.()4.Our hair helps protect our eyes,ears and nose.()5.Our nails are weaker than the nails that animals have but can keep our fingers safe.【解析】本文介绍我们的皮肤就像一个袋子把我们包裹在里面,阻止水分蒸发流失,保护我们避免日晒。1F细节理解题。根据Our skin is like a bag that we live in.Inside the bag our bodies are mostly water.可知皮肤像一个包裹我们的口袋,口袋里我们的躯干大部分是水。故判断F.2T细节理解题。根据第一段Our bag of skin keeps our bodys ocean from drying up.和第二段Our skin keeps out sunshine.故判断为T。3F细节理解题。根据Our skin feels things.It feels warm things,cold things,things it touches,and things that hurt it.可知皮肤能感知疼痛但是不能伤害他人,故判断F。4T细节理解题。根据It helps us keep things out of our eyes,ears and nose.可知毛发可以阻止东西进入我们的眼睛,耳朵和鼻子,故判断T。5T 细节理解题。根据They help keep our fingers from getting hurt.Our nails arent as strong as the nails that animals have.故判断T。话题1:网购的利弊A(20xx云南中考) Shopping used to mean going to shops,but nowadays,you can shop without even leaving your house.Just sit in front of you,click(点击) your mouse and your things will be sent to your house in several days.You can also use your mobile phone to buy things you want.November 11 is a big day for many people who like shopping online.On that day,many stores offer a big sale.The biggest Chinese online shopping sites are taobao. and Tmall.Goods(商品) online are often much cheaper.Shopping online also saves you a lot of time.And you often have more kinds of goods online than in shopping centers.Another big advantage of online shopping is that it helps you get things easily from different cities,even different countries. While enjoying online shopping,many people also have worries,especially for middle school student buyers.They often buy things that they dont need.“ Middle school students should pay more attention to their study.Searching for things to buy online wastes their time.” said teachers.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T) 误(F) 。(T)1.Nowadays,(T)2.Many people like shopping online on November 11.(F)3.Shopping online cant save time and money.(T)4.Teachers think middle school students should pay more attention to their study.(F)5.This article is about disadvantages of shopping online.话题2: 爱的手势语B(20xx昆明中考) Are you still doing the “ V ” for victory sign? Its out.The latest popular hand gesture(手势) is putting both your hands together to make a heart shape.It is called a “hand heart” Many young pop stars in the USA do this in their photos.“The hand heart gesture means something between I love you and thank you,” said Taylor Swift,the country singer.“ You can send a sweet and simple message without saying a word.” Swift often does it at her concerts.And some people think she makes this gesture popular. Justin Bieber and his superstar friends did the “hand heart” and put the photos online.They did it to help out three children whose parents dies from a car accident. In some Asian countries,the “hand heart” is popular,too,but in a different way.People there put their hands above their heads and make a bigger heart shape with their arms.It means “I love you”根据短文内容,判断句子正(T) 误(F) 。(T)1.Its out to do the “V” for victory sign.(F)2.The “hand heart” gesture means “I dont love you”(F)3.No one can express ones love without saying a word.(T)4.In this passage,some superstars did the “hand heart” to help out three children.(T)5.“Hand heart” is popular not only in the USA but also in some Asian countries.话题3 :现代科技(电子书)与纸质书C(20xx曲靖中考) Smart phones and e Research has found that in the UK,sales of ebooks are falling while sales of paper books are rising.More surprisingly,its young people who are buying paper books.Another survey of university students from the United States,Japan and Germany also showed that 92 percent of them preferred paper books.回归) ? The most popular reason given was:“ I like to hold the product.” Its true that paper books bring a very different reading experiences.Some students said that they like the smell of paper books.Other students believed that they get a sense of achievement when they finish reading a paper book.Besides,they enjoy seeing it on the bookshelf. Paper books can also be very personal objects to lovers of reading.Many people like to sign their names on the books.Research has also shown that readers remember more information from paper books than ebooks.It seems that paper books still have an attraction(吸引力)So why not pick up a book and start reading?(F)1.92 percent of university students from the UK preferred paper books.(F)2.Its true that ebooks bring a very different reading experiences.(T)3.Finishing reading a paper book brings some students a sense of achievement.(F)4.Readers remember less information from paper books than ebooks.(T)5.According to the passage,paper books are still popular among readers.选择题话题篇数(20xx年20xx年) 故事类记叙文共5篇,包括:坚强的意志大山里求生;电影小王子;与父母亲的交流和分享;亲情;应对学生肥胖介绍类说明文共5篇,包括:现代交通(中国高铁);美国博物馆;英国的出租车;水城威尼斯;信息表格。分析近几年的云南中考选择性阅读理解可知,文体多为说明文和记叙文,也会少量涉及应用文、话题主要包含故事类、介绍类和健康环保,少量涉及广告图表及跨文化交际。故事类主要涉及情感故事、哲理故事、家庭教育故事等;介绍类主要涉及旅游景点的介绍。词数为160300之间。考查方式以细节理解题为主,涉及12道推理判断题和主旨大意题,偶尔涉及词义猜测题、标题归纳题、数字计算题。文章涉及15个生单词,有汉语注释。1通读全文,掌握全貌首先,迅速浏览原文材料,抓住文章主旨。在速读的过程中,尽可能多地捕获信息材料。其次,细读题材,各个击破。掌握全文的大意之后,细读每篇材料后的问题,弄清每题要求,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找有关信息。要善于抓住每段的主题句,阅读时,要有较强的针对性。主题句往往出现在篇首、句尾或文章每段的第一、二句。对于捕获到的信息,要认真分析,仔细推敲,理解透彻,针对题目要求,做到稳、准。2瞻前顾后,反复推敲阅读时,要抓住文章的主题和细节,分析文章结构,根据上下文内在联系,挖掘文章的深层含义。对于暗含在文章中的人物的行为动机,事件中的因果关系及作者未言明的倾向、意图、态度、观点等要进行合乎逻辑的判断、推理、分析,力求从作者的角度去考虑,不要固守自己的看法或观点。进一步增强理解能力,抓住材料实质性的东西,排除干扰项。3审视语境,求同存异有些短文,如英美风俗人情类,理解时要从西方语言文化背景入手,切忌主观臆断。根据不同的文体,注意短文的侧重点。如记叙文,就要弄清楚五大要素,即五个“W”(when,where,who,what,why) 以及记叙的高潮所在。如幽默故事,就要弄懂故事中的幽默所在。说明文则要弄清楚说明的对象,以及说明的中心、细节及其出现的数字,能准确体察表格所说明的重点。4复核全文,调整答案完成所有题目后,把短文再次通读一遍进行核查,注意以下三点:(1) 上下文的一致性,即时态语态的一致以及代词、名词、单复数的一致;(2) 从语法和惯用语及习惯搭配、甚至从语感入手,判断是否符合上下文的逻辑。(3) 段与段、句与句之间的衔接是否连贯。(20xx枣庄中考) 阅读下列短文,从所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出最佳选项。社区服务)Before we took the bus,my friend asked me a question,“Why are you here?” I did not know how to answer the question.The school was not far from my school,but it looked like it was in a different world.A group of children were waiting for us.A boy walked toward me.He held my hands and pulled me to the ground.I kissed the earth and tasted nature.I could not understand what he was doing at first,then I was very angry.Though I was very angry,I controlled my anger.A teacher stopped this awkward(尴尬的) silence when she shouted at the boy.“What are you doing right here,right now?” she said.“You will never see your mom again if you keep doing this.Now,say sorry!” “Sorry,” he cried fearfully and nervously.I said nothing,but I realized something about this child.After lunch I asked the teacher for information about the childs parents.She said that the child was very different from other students because of an illness.His family could not afford to treat him.He needed the kindness of his family,but they had abandonedworkers like us.I suddenly realized I could answer the question my friend asked me at the beginning of the day.ildren may not make a big difference.But it can light a corner in the childrens hearts,making them know they are loved by people.()1.How did the writer reach Beijing Qizhi Special Education School? ABy train. BBy car. CBy bus. CBy taxi.()2.Why did the writer get angry?ABecause a boy held the writers hands. BBecause the writer did not like to taste nature.CBecause a boy pushed the writer to the ground. DBecause a boy was impolite to the writer.()3.The boy acted differently from others because_Ahe was sickBhis parents didnt like himChe was nervous and fearfulDhe always lived with teachers()4.The underlined word “abandoned” most probably means “_”AhurtBleftCsoldDforgotten()5.From the passage we can learn that the writer_Ahelped so many people in the world Bplayed with the lonely boy after lunch 【解析】这篇短文介绍了作者通过参加社区服务理解了社区服务的意义:和孤独的孩子玩耍也许不会产生作用,但这种行为能去为孩子点亮心灵,使他们知道他们也有人爱。1C细节理解题。根据Before we took the bus,my friend asked me a question 可知是乘公共汽车,故选C。2D推理判断题。根据小男孩的行为He held my hands and pulled me to the ground.I kissed the earth and tasted nature.可推断作者生气的原因是因为小男孩的不礼貌,故选D。3A细节理解题。根据She said that the child was very different from other students because of an illness.故选A。4B推理判断题。根据上文He needed the kindness of his family,及后文的转折,可知父母抛弃了他,故选B。5C细节理解题。根据第一段“Why are you here?” I did not know how to answer the question.及倒数第二段I suddenly realized I could answer the question my friend asked me at the beginning of the day.和最后一段,可知作者理解了社区服务的意义,故选C。话题1: 学习英语A(20xx绍兴中考) Learn English in New Zealand Learn English in New Zealand at Language Schools New Zealand (LSNZ) .Our Christchurch and Queenstown schools in the South Island of NZ are the perfect places to learn English.What is your dream?Do you dream of speaking English very well?Do you dream of travel,making friends,a lifestyle using English?LSNZ will help you to achieve your dream.Language Schools New Zealand Christchurch and Queenstown are in the fascinating South Island of New Zealand.Both English schools are fully recognized(认证) by NZQA and are in beautiful NZ places.LSNZ offers many kinds of English courses including General English,Exam Preparation,Study & Ski and more.Our friendly hardLSNZ English Courses.Enroll(注册) now for a LSNZ English coursewe promise your English will improve and offer 2 NZ schools with excellent teachers and small class sizes.General EnglishIELTSStudy & SkiCambridge,Toeic & Pitmans Exam preparation courses are also offered at both schools.(B)1.According to the text,Christchurch and Queenstown school_Alie in the North IslandBare members of LSNZCown the perfect places to visitDteach only local students(A)2.The text tells us that LSNZ_Aprovides over four coursesBpractices largeclass teachingCdesigns lots of examsDhas many teachers from abroad(C)3.Those who want to_will most probably be interested in this text.Alook for jobs at LSNZBbuild language schoolsCimprove their EnglishDlearn about New Zealand话题2: Fredette的志愿者工作B(20xx绍兴中考) Sydney Fredette has a lot of things to deal with.Not only is she a high school student,but she has also set up her own organization,Beary Merry Christmas.She volunteers(自愿) to serve poor kids and families in Orange Country in California,US.To remember her best friend who died of cancer nearly 10 years ago,Fredette decided to serve those in Orange Country who are less lucky than she is.She began with the simple idea of collecting donated(捐赠的) BuildABears,the popular toy animal that is made by children themselves in the stores workshops.Fredette then gave them as gifts to the homeless children in California during the holiday season.With donations at more than 100 bears a year,Fredette and volunteers host activities every year,where volunteers not only give out the bears,but also clothing,meals,and other things.Not wanting to limit(限制) the giving to just the holiday months,Fredette now hosts other activities for Valentines Day,Mothers Day and Halloween,providing the chance for her volunteer team to make a difference through the year.“I love making relationships with the people I serve,” Fredette said.“The thanks they have,hearing their stories and seeing how happy they are,its so cool.”Future plans for Fredette include building a public food bank and providing a selfdevelopment class for students in her school who will soon attend college.Heading to college herself in the fall,Fredette is looking to stay local and continue to help out in her hometown.In fact,she was regarded as a “Dreamer & Doer” not long ago for he,along with 32 other high school students.(B)1.Fredette started her own organization to_Akeep her life busyBhelp poor people Clook after the sickDthank her best friend(D)2.What can we learn about Beary Merry Christmas?AIt holds one activity a year.BIt offers service around America.CIt buys bears from the stores.DIt gives out other things besides bears.(C)3.It can be inferred(推断) that Fredette_.Alikes telling people storiesBdreams of being a teacherCis pleased with what she doesDplans to leave California for college(A)4.What can be the best title for the passage?AGiving back to societyBGetting on well with othersCProviding a food bank话题3: 对外图书馆C(20xx绍兴中考) More Chinese universities are opening their libraries to the public,allowing people to enjoy reading during normal time and the vacations.But for some students,including Wang Ling,21,in Sun Yatsen University,this practice has caused headaches,” said Wang.“They sometimes even bring their kids along,and take photos as if it were a place of interest.”Wang has found it hard to get a seat during busy times.Being short China.However,this is not the only reason why students dislike their libraries being open to members of the public.They fear that the quietness of the libraries will be influenced because of visitors rude behavior.Chen Jie,18,a student in Tongji University,is one who would be against opening to the public.“I have been to a public library before.People were chatting loudly or speaking on cell phone so you can hardly read,” Chen said.She notices teachers doing serious reading and feels their concentration(专注) has influenced her.“If too many strangers stay here,the whole library will be a noisy place and its difficult for us to study quietly,” she said.Will there be alternative(可替代的) ways to share those libraries? Some experts consider that university libraries can prevent the public from entering certain areas.“We might keep magazines for academic research only for teachers and students,” said Zhu Lina,library director in Jinan University.“Its possible that a member of the public can order a book in our library over the Internet,” Ge Jianxiong,the library director in Fudan University said.“Well send it to a public libraries close to their home.”(D)1.We can see from the passage that Wang Ling_Ahates to study in the libraryBprefers sightseeing to readingCfeels good to play with kidsDis a university student aged 21(B)2.In Chen Jies opinion,visitors to university libraries may_Atake up too much spaceBbreak the peace thereCmake teachers relaxedDget students to read more(C)3.The writer mentions two libraries directors words to help explain how to _Amanage libraries onlineBkeep the public politeCshare university librariesDdo scientific research(A)4.Where is the passage most probably taken from?AA newspaper. BA library guide.CA story book. DA notice board.话题4:科学技术的运用D (20xx绍兴中考) Have you ever seen a car without a driver? It sounds crazydriven driverless cars will,and the technology is there.So how? The cars have sensors(感应器) all around which can find other cars and objects in the road.Road signs are read by cameras,and satellite navigation systems(卫星导航系统) are used so the car knows how to get where you want to go.All you have to do is type in the address! Finallyrom the sensors and cameras and works out when to speed up,stop and turn.Sound like your idea of heaven(天堂) ? Sitting back,looking out of the windows and even watching a film or reading a book while driving would be possible with this new technology.You wouldnt have to worry about remembering directions to where youre going.In additionthey would obey the rules and have quicker action times when in dangerous situations.However,there are mpotentially kill the cars passengers? Moreover,I personally find driving funId miss never driving a car myself.There would also be many other decisions to be madeshould children,or drunk people,be allowed in a driverless car by themselves? Or would there need to be a person with a driving licence in the car at all times?Im not certain Id want a driverless car(C)1.When using a driverless car,you need only_Aread the road signs carefullyBcheck the camerasDremember the directions(C)2.The third paragraph mainly tells us about the_of driverless cars.Ainstructions BstandardsCadvantages Dtests(A)3.The underlined word “potentially” in Paragraph 4 means “_”Apossibly BsuccessfullyCespecially Dnaturally(B)4.Whats the writers opinion about future driverless cars?ATheyll cause more accidents.BTheyll be less expensive.CTheyll use less energy.DTheyll run much faster.话题5:父爱E(20xx乐山中考改编) When did you last say “I love you” to your father? If you cant remember,then you can get the chance this Fathers Day on June 18.代表 ) qualities like independence (独立) ,confidence,courage and adventure. Also,a caring father can help their children get along with others,according to a study on Live Science.Fathers not only lead their children into their social circle but also teach them how to act and


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