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Unit 4 A Fans Notes,A sportswriter thinks hes met another crank. Instead, he finds a true winner.,Unit 4 A Fans Notes,1. Useful Expressions 2. Text Interpretation 3. Word Family 4. Sentence Structure 5. Translation Practice 6. Reading Skill 7. Guided Writing 8. Homework,Useful Expressions,Nasty problem,难以解决的问题,Idiot box,主编,总编辑,Associate professor,Fancy ball,专心致志于,电视机,Editor in chief,副教授,化装舞会,Dedicate oneself to,Useful Expressions,详细说明,Elaborate on,Stark language,风景画,On the spot,Shed tears,生硬的话语,Landscape painting,现场,当场,流泪,(微软)浏览器,IE,Useful Expressions,攫取政权,Grab power,Blank screen,Temple of learning,黑屏,知识的殿堂,旧货店,蛀牙,Decayed tooth,Junk shop,Lean meat,瘦肉,Warm-up questions Global analysis Detailed reading Picture talk Inspiring quotations,Text Interpretation,Content questions (76-7),1. Warm-up questions,Related topics Do you know any successful disabled persons? Whats your feeling when you see the disabled who are doing something difficult for them? Can disabled people live a normal life? What can we do to help the disabled? Have you ever met your key pals in real life? Any tips on making friends online?, What type is the text? A narration B description C exposition D argumentation,2. Global analysis, What pattern is the text organized in? A problem-solution B cause-effect C general-specific D time / sequence,记叙文 a movie 描述文 a picture 说明文 a lecture 议论文 a debate,问题-解决 因果 总-分 时间 / 顺序,2. Global analysis, About Bill & Sarah,Sarah,A baseball editorialist, many fans, nasty mails, once cynical, now positive,Bill,A 30-year-old Dodger fan, Dodger Place cerebral palsy, poor family, dedication to work, Main idea,A most unusual relationship between Bill and Sarah,2. Global analysis,Part division,Main Ideas,Paras,Parts,1,1-4,2,5-29,3,30-44,The start of our unusual relationship,The development via more email exchanges,The real-life contact,4,45-47,The influence of Sarah on me,Q?,What can we learn from the story?,The e-mail was in some respects similar to others. Little did I know that this would be the start of a most unusual relationship. During the season I average 55 hours writing She covered the team with the seriousness Nobody ever signs my guestbook. An obscure website with an impossible address. I have the dedication to my work. I have a speech disability making it impossible ,3. Detailed reading,That proved it. Who, in her supposed condition, could cover On a winding dirt road dotted with potholes the size of small animals On the desk was a computer. Next to it was a TV. Sarah leaned over the computer. I had contacted Sarah looking for a fight? I had found that fight. (Note 9) Sarah had brought me back. (Note 10),3. Detailed reading,4. Picture talk,5. Inspiring quotations,1. It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.,我们征服的不是高山,而是我们自己。,2. Todays accomplishments were yesterdays impossibilities.,每个成功背后都饱含艰辛。,3. For every mountain there is a miracle.,天生我材必有用。,我们最大的需要就是被需要。,4. Our greatest need is to be needed.,Weird, queer, freak, jerk, eccentric, unpleasant, malicious, offensive, moron, shabby, worthless, typewriter, mental, disabled, association, flashy, intensive, minimum, dedicated, document, folder, complicated, coax, fraud, deceive, masculine, feminine, paralysis, influence, referee, overexertion, desolate, barren, scenery, zigzag, curve, pit, detect, shelter, decline, rot, encircle, trash, snatch, clench, dim, gloomy, shatter, interpreter, Cinderella, shrine, chuckle, athletic IV. Enriching your word power (79-82),Word Family,cover the team as extensively as any reporter,Sentence Structure,I spotted what looked like a tool shed.,I spotted something. It looked like a tool shed.,Every time I smile at someone, they ask me for a job.,I smile at someone. They ask me for a job.,Could you imagine a woman with a severe physical handicap running a website on her own and covering the LAD as extensively as a professional sportswriter? I would never believe it if I had not seen her with my own eyes, curled up in a wheelchair, typing her comments by hitting the key with a pointer fastened to her head.,Translation Practice,1,2,I had driven a long way in hopes of uncovering an elaborate hoax, but watching her strain in the gloom of her shanty to add to her story, I knew I had found a true winner. Her enthusiasm for the game and her trust in the athletes brought me back to a positive attitude.,Translation Practice,3,4,Scanning with accuracy A high speed is essential. Though, accuracy is just as essential. 100 percent accuracy, along with the first-rate speed, should be your goal in scanning practice. (86),Reading Skill,Learn to use connective words Connective words and phrases not only make your writing achieve cohesion and coherence but also convey the links of the thoughts clearly so that the readers can see what you are saying.,Guided Writing,外教社PPT更多,Review Preview Recitation Fast reading Dictation Learning journal,Homework,End,


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