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Unit 4 Section A,Five Famous Symbols of American Culture,AIR FORCE UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS,Contents,Lead-in,Pre-reading,Text Study,Summary,Writing,New Words,背景知识,视频讨论,随 笔,New Words,背景知识,视频讨论,随 笔,New Words,背景知识,视频讨论,随 笔,New Words,背景知识,视频讨论,随 笔,New Words,背景知识,视频讨论,随 笔,The Buffalo Nickel Para. 12 Today, American coins honor prominent figures of the US government mostly famous former presidents. But the Buffalo nickel, produced from 1913 to 1938, honored a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American frontierthe destruction of the buffalo herds and the American Indians.,课文阅读,随 笔,课文缩写,结构分析,Text Analyzing and Reading,课文阅读,随 笔,课文缩写,结构分析,Text Analyzing and Reading,Para. 13 While white people had previously been used as models for most American coins, famed artist James Earle Fraser went against tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.,句型,Para. 14 For the buffalo on the other side, since buffalo no longer wandered about the great grasslands, Fraser was forced to sketch an aging buffalo from New York Citys Central Park Zoo. Two years later, in 1915, this animal was sold for $100 and killed for meat, a hide, and a wall decoration made from its horns.,课文阅读,随 笔,课文缩写,结构分析,Text Analyzing and Reading,Background Information,视频讨论,生词学习,随 笔,The Buffalo Nickel: The Buffalo nickel is a five-cent coin in the US that bears “truly American” symbols on it, i.e. buffalo and native Indians. It was designed by sculptor James Earle Fraser and its first production began in 1913.,Background Information,视频讨论,生词学习,随 笔,The Central Park Zoo:,The Central Park Zoo, located in New York Citys Central Park at 64th Street and Fifth Avenue, features two separate areas: the wildlife center and the petting zoo. One of the most visited events at the zoo is sea lion feedings which take place in the Central Park several times per day.,Uncle Sam Para. 15 Fourteen-year-old Sam Wilson ran away from home to join his father and older brothers in the fight to liberate the American colonies from the British during the American Revolution. At age 23, he started a meat-packing business and earned a reputation for being honest and hard-working.,课文阅读,随 笔,课文缩写,结构分析,Text Analyzing and Reading,Para. 16a During a later war in 1812, Wilson gained a position inspecting meat for US Army forces, working with a man who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to the army. Barrels of meat supplied to the army were stamped “EA-US”, identifying the company (EA) and the country of origin (US).,课文阅读,随 笔,课文缩写,结构分析,Text Analyzing and Reading,Para. 16b According to one story, when a government official visited the plant and asked about the letters, a creative employee told him “US” was short for “Uncle Sam” Wilson. Soon soldiers were saying all Army supplies were from “Uncle Sam”.,课文阅读,随 笔,课文缩写,结构分析,Text Analyzing and Reading,句型,Para. 17a After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began appearing in political cartoons, his form evolving from an earlier cartoon character called Brother Jonathan that was popular during the American Revolution. Uncle Sam soon replaced Brother Jonathan as Americans most popular symbol.,课文阅读,随 笔,课文缩写,结构分析,Text Analyzing and Reading,Para. 17b The most enduring portrait of Uncle Sam was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg in his famous army recruiting posters of World Wars I and II. That versiona tall man with white hair and a small white beard on his chin, a dark blue coat and a tall hat with stars on itwas a self-portrait of Flagg.,课文阅读,随 笔,课文缩写,结构分析,Text Analyzing and Reading,句型,句型应用,短语活用,随 笔,English Equivalents of Chinese,to work on an enormous project,Liberty Enlightening the World,to be in love with sb.,ones affection for sb.,go ahead,someone whose face represents suffering yet strength,to be dedicated on an island,for sale,to describe sth. as,句型应用,短语活用,随 笔,English Equivalents of Chinese,the universally recognized Queen of the Dolls,the most famous unknown figure on the planet,the interpretation of sth.,the solemn pride of American farmers,to be strongly influenced by,to pose for the portrait,to go against tradition,to name after,句型应用,短语活用,随 笔,English Equivalents of Chinese,to gain a position,to sign a contract with,to wander about the great grasslands,Creative Application of Typical Expressions,to come up with,to refashion into ,to capture ones attention,to earn a reputation for,to be short for,句型应用,短语互译,随 笔,receive higher education / children from rural areas,For many children from rural areas, receiving higher education is the only chance of coming up in the world.,遭遇(困难或反对):与相等,符合: 地位上升:,to come up against to come up to to come up in the world,接受高等教育是许多农村孩子出人头地的唯一机会。,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,Back,Creative Application of Typical Expressions,句型应用,短语互译,随 笔,将变形,化作: 将转化成:把变成: 把变成某形状:,the stress one suffers / a pushing mover behind sth.,We can convert the stress we suffer now into a pushing mover behind our work.,to transform into to convert into to change into to shape into ,我们可以将现在所承受的压力转化为推动我们工作的动力。,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,Creative Application of Typical Expressions,句型应用,短语互译,随 笔,Back,吸引某人的注意力: 分散某人的注意力: 将注意力集中在: 保持某人的注意力:,父母们所担心的,是娱乐活动分散孩子学习的注意力。,be a worry to sb. / recreational activities,It is a worry to parents that recreational activities will distract children from studies.,to attract ones attention to distract ones attention to focus ones attention on to hold ones attention,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,Creative Application of Typical Expressions,句型应用,短语互译,随 笔,Back,享有很高的声誉: 破坏某人的声誉: 保护某人的声誉: 名副其实:,这位老教授因其国学方面的造诣在文学界享有很高的声誉。,sinology / high attainments in / in literary circles,The old professor enjoys a high reputation in literary circles for his attainments in sinology.,enjoy a high reputation damage ones reputation protect ones reputation live up to ones reputation,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,Creative Application of Typical Expressions,句型应用,短语互译,随 笔,Back,缺乏某物: 对某人粗暴无理: 缺少(某种特质): 总之,简言之:,总之,他擅长的是剽窃,缺乏的是道德。,be long on sth. / piracy,In short, he is long on piracy but short on morality.,to be short of sth. to be short with sb. to be short on sth. in short,知 识 链 接,活 学 活 用,意 群 提 示,Creative Application of Typical Expressions,句型应用,短语互译,随 笔,Back,Further Application of Typical Patterns,Some people disapprove of / object to sb.s doing sth., but sb. go ahead and ,Sb. do sth., but sth. else be what captures peoples attention.,Sb. / Sth. (description of sb. or sth.)be ,短语活用,短语互译,随 笔,study medicine / turn out / a distinguished doctor,新视野 产生式提炼与应用,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,她的父母不赞同她学医,但她不为所动,结果成为一名出色的医生。,Her parents disapproved of her studying medicine, but she went ahead and turned out to be a distinguished doctor.,Back,短语活用,短语互译,随 笔,very clean / delicious foods / first-class service,新视野 产生式提炼与应用,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,这家宾馆卫生状况好,饭菜可口,但最吸引顾客注目的还是它一流的服务。,This hotel is very clean and provides delicious foods, but its first-class service is what captures the customers attention.,Back,短语活用,短语互译,随 笔,with red cover / elaborate designs / hardback / edition,新视野 产生式提炼与应用,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,那本有着红色封面以及精美设计的精装书是非常昂贵的版本。,That editiona hardback with red cover and elaborate designsis very expensive.,Back,短语活用,短语互译,随 笔,新视野 大学英语,野牛镍币 Para. 12 今天,美国的硬币都用来纪念美国政府的杰出人物,其中大部分是著名的前总统。但 1913 至 1938 年间发行的野牛镍币,却是为了纪念由美国拓居引起的两起相互关联的悲剧野牛群的灭绝和美洲印第安人的毁灭。,新视野 大学英语,Para. 13 此前一直是白人被用作美国镍币上的模特,而著名的艺术家詹姆斯 厄尔 弗雷泽却反传统而行之,起用了三名真正的美洲印第安人作为自己创作的原型。,新视野 大学英语,Para. 14 由于大草原上不再有野牛漫步,弗雷泽为了镍币另一面上的野牛,只好到纽约中央公园的动物园里素描一只老野牛。两年后,即 1915 年,此牛以 100 美元的价格售出,然后被宰杀取肉、剥皮,牛角制成了墙上的装饰品。,新视野 大学英语,山姆大叔 Para. 15 美国独立战争时期,14 岁的山姆 威尔逊离家出走,加入父亲和哥哥们的行列,为美国殖民地独立于英国而战。23 岁时,他开始从事肉类加工业,并因为人诚实、工作勤奋而赢得声誉。,新视野 大学英语,Para. 16a 此后在 1812 年的战争中,威尔逊获得了一个职位,为美国军队检验肉食。他的合伙人和美国政府签订了一份合同,给军队提供肉食。送到军队的肉桶上面都印有 EA-US 标志,EA 代表公司名,US 代表原产国。,新视野 大学英语,Para. 16b 传说有一回,有个政府官员来参观加工厂,问及这些字母的含义,一个想象力丰富的雇员告诉他,“US” 是 “山姆大叔” 威尔逊的缩写。很快,士兵们都说所有的军需品都来自 “山姆大叔”。,新视野 大学英语,Para. 17a 战后,政治漫画里开始出现一个名叫“山姆大叔” 的人物。他的原型是一个早期漫画人物,名叫乔纳森大哥,此人在美国独立战争时期非常出名。很快,山姆大叔就取代了乔纳森大哥,成了最受美国人欢迎的象征。,新视野 大学英语,Para. 17b 最令人难忘的山姆大叔的画像是由画家詹姆斯 蒙哥马利 弗拉格创作的,用在两次世界大战期间他画的很多著名的征兵招贴画上。山姆大叔的形象是:高个子,白头发,下巴上有一小撮白胡子,身着深蓝色外套,头戴一顶高帽,上有星星点缀。这模样其实就是弗拉格的自画像。,此前一直是白人被用作美国镍币上的模特,而著名的艺术家詹姆斯 厄尔 弗雷泽却反传统而行之,起用了三名真正的美洲印第安人作为自己创作的原型。,Back,While white people had previously been used as models for most American coins, famed artist James Earle Fraser went against tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation.,新视野 产生式提炼与应用,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,产 生 式 提 炼,While people do sth., sb. go against by doing 一些人,而某人却通过反其道而行之。,用于表述“某人与众不同之处”。,新视野 产生式提炼与应用,产 生 式 提 炼,应 用 提 示,产 生 式 应 用,Back,well-known pop stars / promote the sale of products / hire a nobody,新视野 产生式提炼与应用,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,大部分公司邀请知名明星为其产品进行推销,而这家公司却反传统而行之,雇佣了一个无名小卒。,While most companies invite well-known pop stars to promote the sale of their products, this one goes against tradition by hiring a nobody.,Back,传说有一回,有个政府官员来参观加工厂,问及这些字母的含义,一个想象力丰富的雇员告诉他,“US” 是“山姆大叔” 威尔逊的缩写。,Back,According to one story, when a government official visited the plant and asked about the letters, a creative employee told him “US” was short for “Uncle Sam” Wilson.,新视野 产生式提炼与应用,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,产 生 式 提 炼,According to sb. / a report / a story / a survey / a legend, sth. happened / sb. did sth. 据某人说据报道传说据调查传说,发生了某事某人做过某事。,用于表述“佐证”。,新视野 产生式提炼与应用,产 生 式 提 炼,应 用 提 示,产 生 式 应 用,Back,huge rock / distant lover / the transformation of,新视野 产生式提炼与应用,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,据传说,这块巨石是一位女子为了等候远方的情郎化身而成的。,According to a legend, this huge rock was the transformation of a girl waiting for her distant lover.,Back,山姆大叔的形象是:高个子,白头发,下巴上有一小撮白胡子,身着深蓝色外套,头戴一顶高帽,上有星星点缀。这模样其实就是弗拉格的自画像。,Back,That versiona tall man with white hair and a small white beard on his chin, a dark blue coat and a tall hat with stars on itwas a self-portrait of Flagg.,新视野 产生式提炼与应用,原 句 译 文,逆 译 练 习,产 生 式 提 炼,Sb. / Sth. (a detailed description of sb. or sth.)be 某人 / 物 (对某人 / 物的详细描述)是,用于表述“通过对某人物的细节描述,对其进行特别界定”。,新视野 产生式提炼与应用,产 生 式 提 炼,应 用 提 示,产 生 式 应 用,Back,with a tiny mustache / a cane / huge pants / tailor coats / the character,新视野 产生式提炼与应用,典 型 例 句,意 群 提 示,那个留着小胡子,手持手杖,身着肥大的裤子与燕尾服的人物就是卓别林。,That charactera man with a tiny mustache, carrying a little cane in his hand and wearing huge pants and tailor coatsis Charlie Chaplin.,Back,赞成 / 赞许:,出于根深蒂固的偏见,大多数父母不会赞同自己的儿子去当护士。,to approve of,Back,短 语 逆 译,短 语 应 用,out of / deep-rooted prejudice / become a nurse,Out of deep-rooted prejudice, most parents would not approve of their sons becoming nurses.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 活 用,想出:,在这个紧要关头,我们必须想出一个万全之策。,to come up with,Back,短 语 逆 译,短 语 应 用,the urgent situation / sovereign remedy,Under this urgent situation, we must come up with a sovereign remedy.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 活 用,把改造成:,设计师们将那些旧服装改造成流行款式以清理积压的产品。,to refashion into ,Back,短 语 逆 译,短 语 应 用,designers / fashionable styles / clear off / overstocked products,The designers refashioned those old dresses into fashionable styles to clear off the overstocked products.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 活 用,成名:,一些不切实际的年轻人总是梦想着一夜成名,腰缠万贯。,to rise to fame,Back,短 语 逆 译,短 语 应 用,unrealistic young people / dream of / overnight / have money to burn,Some unrealistic young people always dream of rising to fame overnight and having a large sum of money to burn.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 活 用,引人注目:,随着春节的临近,商家们想方设法吸引消费者的注意力。,to capture ones attention,Back,短 语 逆 译,短 语 应 用,draw near / go to great lengths to do sth.,With the Spring Festival drawing near, businesses go to great lengths to capture consumers attention.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 活 用,使免于:,拥有金卡可以使你在银行取钱时免去排队等待的烦恼。,to save from ,Back,短 语 逆 译,短 语 应 用,have a golden card / draw money from the bank / wait in line / the trouble of doing sth.,Having a golden card saves you from the trouble of waiting in line when you want to draw money from the bank.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 活 用,把从中解放出来:,妇女解放运动把广大妇女从封建的婚姻制度中解放出来。,to liberate from ,Back,短 语 逆 译,短 语 应 用,womens liberation / the broad masses of women / feudalistic marriage system,Womens Liberation liberated the broad masses of women from the feudalistic marriage system.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 活 用,因而赢得声誉:,他因对农业发展做出了巨大贡献而赢得声誉。,to earn a reputation for,Back,短 语 逆 译,短 语 应 用,agricultural development / make great contributions to,He earned a reputation for making great contributions to the agricultural development.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 活 用,是的缩写:,AIDS 是获得性免疫功能丧失综合症的缩写。,to be short for,Back,短 语 逆 译,短 语 应 用,Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,AIDS is short for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 活 用,从演化 / 发展而来 :,他们的爱情是从一次偶然的相遇发展起来的。,to evolve from,Back,短 语 逆 译,短 语 应 用,romantic love / a chance meeting,Their romantic love evolved from a chance meeting.,意 群 提 示,新视野 短 语 活 用,新视野 结 构 分 析,Time Sequence and Contrast : The device “contrast” is used in this part to show the significance (refer to Para. 12) and the uniqueness (refer to Para. 13) of the coin.,Contrary to the tradition, the image of a buffalo and three actual American Indians were used on two sides of the coin, the Buffalo Nickel, by a famed artist James Earle Fraser.,新视野 结 构 分 析,Time Sequence: (Refer to Paras. 1517) Time markers: during the American Revolution (17751783), when Sam Wilson was 23 years old, during a later war in 1812, after the war, during World Wars I and II,When Sam Wilson was providing meat to the army in a war, some explained the initial letters “US” as Uncle Sam. It became popular later because of a character in political cartoons. An artist created its portrait in army recruiting posters.,


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