牛津英语7B Unit 5单元练习题及答案.doc

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牛津英语7B Unit 5 单元练习I听力:10%A.选出与听到的句子意思相同的选项:( )1. A.Jason is an engineer. B.Jason is a pilot.C.Jason is a farmer. D.Jason is a salesman.( )2. A.Only Mr Green is in Paris. B.The Greens are traveling now in Paris.C.The Greens are going to take holidays.D.The Greens will go to Paris.( )3.A.It took me two hours to get to the office. B.I did not get to the office because of the traffic jam. C.There were usually traffic jams. D.It took me two more hours to get to my office.( )4.A.Mary bought six silk ties. B.The silk cost ten dollars. C.Mary paid ten dollars. D.Mary paid six dollars fifty cents for a ten-dollar silk tie.( )5.A.The dress is so beautiful! B.The dress is not so beautiful.C.This dress is more beautiful.D.This dress is the most beautiful.B.听短文,选择最佳答案:( )6.Yesterday evening, I went to a film with_.A. my sister B. my aunt C. Susan( )7.I asked the office girl for_ tickets.A. one B. two C. three( )8.There were _ tickets left in the ticket office.A. no B. two C. a few ( )9.Just then, a man came to the ticket office to _ his tickets.A. buy B. sell C. return( )10.We_ at last.A. saw the film B. bought the tickets C. failed to see the filmII.单项选择:15%( )1.There was a fire last night, but the firemen_soon.A. put down it B. put it down C. put out it D. put it out( )2.Wood catches fire easily. So _fire.A. keep it away from B. dont keep it away fromC. keep it away D. dont keep it away( )3.Daniel is helpful, and he always_.A. thinks of himself first B. thinks of others first C. thinks himself first D. thinks others first ( )4.Listen! I heard Tom_ in the next room.A. sing B. sings C. sang D. singing( )5.-May I play with Jack, Mom? -_. He is a lazy boy.A. No, you mustnt B. No, I cant C. Yes, you do D.Yes, you may( )6.-Can you post these postcards for us on your way home? -_.A. Fine B. No problem C. Its all right D.I hope( )7.A car hit her yesterday and she is now_. Lets _her this afternoon.A. in the hospital, go and to see B. in hospital, go and seeC. in hospital, go and see D. in the hospital, to go and to see( )8.What? Walking on the ice? That sounds_ .A. danger B. well C. dangerous D. dangerously( )9.His sister didnt know the time because she _ her watch at home. A. leaveB. left C. forget D. forgot( )10.He is looking forward to _ with you soon.A. chat B. chatted C. chats D. chatting( )11.On _ home, Susan found a robber getting out of a van yesterday.A. her way to B. her way for C. her way at D. her way( )12.She is good at Chinese but sometimes she is _.A. careful B. brave C. careless D. polite( )13.There are some _ between the two pictures.A. different B .differents C. difference D. differences( )14.I have _ money than you, but I have_ friends than you.A. less, fewer B. more, more C.less, more D.fewer, more( )15.-_ did he catch a fish? - -Within five minutes.A. How much B. How long C. How soon D. How oftenIII根据意思完成下列句子:10%1.Dont p_ the soup over your clothes.2.My hobby is to c_ stamps.3.Many v_ visit the museum every year.4.I was very happy because I r_ a letter from my best friend .5.I was reading a book at home. S_ the telephone rang.6.I remember all the new words. I have a very good m_ . .7.A serious accident h_ yesterday.8.It is d_ to play with fire.9.I f _ to bring our tennis rackets, so we couldnt play tennis.10.Tom is the head of my class. So he often o_ different activities for my classmates at school.IV.完成句子:15%1. 老师叫Tom不要再迟到了。The teacher asked Tom _ _ _ late for class again.2. Daniel很有可能会得一等奖。It is _ _ _ Daniel will get the first prize.3. 你能教我如何放风筝。Can you teach _ _ _fly a kite.4.我不知道我们什么时候开家长会。I dont know when _ _the _meeting.5.他冲进正在燃烧的房子去救一位有病的老人。He rushed into the_ house_ _ a sick old man.V完形填空:10%During the war, an English pilot(飞行员)was hurt. But he was _1_by a group of nuns(修女). He had been very _2_ and lost his sense(知觉). When he came to himself he was_3_ to find a woman beside him. It was Sister Mary. She said to him, “This is a woman hospital. We have many girls here learning to be nurses. We will hide you here as long as_4_, but you will have to follow our advice.”The pilot_5_ to dress himself up as a nurse. He could not talk with the nurses or the nuns. He had to stay in a small room as _6_ as possible. He was asked to shave(刮胡子) every day, wearing a beautiful cap, and the nurses uniforms. It was a very difficult time, however he didnt feel very_7_ especially when one of the nursing girls caught his eyes. She was very quiet, and ran away whenever she saw him looking at her. The pilot found_8_ fall in love with her.One day he found the nurse working in the kitchen alone. He went over to her and said, “Please dont do that. I love you so much.” He started to put his arms_9_ the nurse, and then drew back_10_. He found that the nurse was actually another pilot saved by the nuns just like himself.( )1.A.caught B. saved C. killed D. helped( )2.A.lucky B. hungry C. strong D. weak( )3.A.angryB. sorry C. surprised D. worried( )4.A.possible B. able C. possibly D. need( )5.A.decided B. liked C. agreed D. asked( )6.A.soon B. much C. early D. late( )7.A.lonely B. alone C. hungry D. hungrily( )8.A.her B. him C. herself D. himself( )9.A.behind B. in front of C. around D. on ( )10.A.happily B. sadly C. in surprise D. in dangerVI.阅读理解 20%AProfessor Brown was very absent-minded. He had gone to visit a friend who lived not far from the college.They had dinner and then talked and talked, for Brown was a great talker. Midnight came, one oclock, two oclock, and still Brown kept on talking, though by this time the friend was feeling very tired and kept looking at the clock. He didnt want to be impolite, but at last he said, “Brown, my dear fellow(伙伴), I hate to put you out, but I have a class at nine oclock tomorrow, and I must go to bed.“My God!” said Brown, blushing(脸红) and looking awkward(尴尬), “I think you were at my house.”( )1.Professor Brown worked in a_.A.college B.village C.school D.city( )2.His friends house was_ his house.A.near to B.far from C.by D.at the end of( )3.Mr Brown talked_at his friends house.A.immediately B.a long time C.not very long D.a short time ( )4.While keeping on talking, his friend felt_.A.happy B.tiring C.tired D.glad( )5.From the passage, we know that Professor Brown was both_ and_.A.talkative, quiet B.helpful, tired C.talkative, absent-mindedD.careless, absent-mindedBMy grandfather was a teacher, he was the headteacher of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. I know that he was a kind and gentle(温柔的)man at heart, because when I was young, he gave me presents, and sat me on his knees, and told me stories. But I believe the boys at his school were afraid of him.At school, when he walked into a room full of noisy boys, there was silence at once. When he looked at a boy with a certain look in his eyes, that boy went red in the face, and looked down at his shoes. If a boy brought him poor, careless work, the work that was not the best that boy could do, my grandfather picked up the boys book and threw it across the room, shouting, “Do it all again, and bring it back first thing in the morning!” If the boy was late, or if he forgot to bring the work, he had to do it again, and again, and yet again. My grandfather never forgot. He was a very different man at school, from the man I saw day by day in his own home.( )6.My grandfather was_.A.a kind and gentle teacherB.a teacher who gave presents to the pupilsC.the headteacher of a boys schoolD.afraid of the headteacher( )7.When he looked at a boy in a certain way, that boy_.A.went red and could not return my grandfathers lookB.looked back at my grandfathers red faceC.looked at his shoes to see if they were dirtyD.went red in the face because his shoes were dirty( )8.My grandfather did not like to receive_.A.worse work than he could do himselfB.work that the boys could not doC.work that was not as good as the boys could doD.the most careful work that the boys could do( )9.When he received poor work, my grandfather_.A.shouted at the boy and threw his work across the roomB.went red in the faceC.threw the book on the floor, and shouted across the roomD.threw the book at the boy( )10.He was a different man at home in that_.A.he didnt get angry at school like he did at homeB.he was not as gentle at homeC.he did not throw books about at school like he did at homeD.he did not get angry at homeVII.短文改错:对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾;如有错误(每行只有一个错误)则在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。10%Once there was a man with a two-years-old daughter.1._His friend had a son. The boy was four years old. One dayhis friend said to him, “How about marry your daughter2._to my son later on?” So the first man ask his3._friend, “How old is your son?” The boy father answered 4._“Four years old.”Hearing this, the first man got very angrily and said,5._“How can that be? Do you want my daughter marry an 6. _old man?” His friend was surprising and asked him,7._“What do you mean by this?“Your son is four years old when my daughter is two.So when my daughter is twenty, your son will be 40.8._If my daughter marries your son on the age of 25,9._your son will be 50. Doesnt this mean to letmy daughter marry a old man?” said the man. 10._VIII. 写作:假如你是KITTY,你想推荐你班同学SIMON 为本学期最佳学生奖得主,请根据下列要点写一封推荐信:10%1.各门功课学得很好。数学、语文、英语很突出。历史也不错,对中国历史了解很多。2.喜爱体育。篮球打得很好,是校篮球队的成员。3.非常乐于助人。经常在车上给老人让座,为希望工程捐款。4.有一天在回家的路上救了一个落水儿童。Dear Sir/MadamId like to _Yours faithfullyKitty牛津英语7B Unit 5 单元练习答案I听力:10%A.1. Jason makes his living by flying instead of farming.2. The Greens are on holiday in Paris.3. It took me two hours longer than usual to get to my office because of the traffic jam.4. Mary bought a ten-dollar silk tie for six dollars fifty.5. Oh, what a beautiful dress!BCDDAB.Yesterday evening, I went to a film with Susan. I hurried to the ticket office and asked, “May I have two tickets, please?”“Sorry, weve sold out,” the office girl said.“What a pity!” Susan cried out.Just then, a man came over, “Can I return these two tickets?” he asked.“Certainly,” the girl answered.Seeing this, I went back to the ticket office at once.“Could I have these two tickets?” I asked.“Certainly,” the girl said. “But they are for next Wednesdays show.”CBACCII.单项选择:15%DABDA BCCBD DCDCBIII根据意思完成下列句子:10%1.pour 2.collect 3.visitors 4.received5.Suddenly 6.memory 7.happened 8.dangerous 9.forgot 10.organizesIV.完成句子:15%1.not to be 2.highly possible that 3.me how to 4.well have parents5.burning,to saveV完形填空:10%BDCAC BADCCVI.阅读理解 20%AABCC CACADVII.短文改错10%1. Once there was a man with a two-years-old daughter.1.two-year-old_His friend had a son. The boy was four years old. One dayhis friend said to him, “How about marry your daughter2.marrying_to my son later on?” So the first man ask his3.asked_friend, “How old is your son?” The boy father answered4.boys_“Four years old.”Hearing this, the first man got very angrily and said,5._angry_“How can that be? Do you want my daughter marry an6._to marry_old man?” His friend was surprising and asked him,7._surprised_“What do you mean by this?“Your son is four years old when my daughter is two.So when my daughter is twenty, your son will be 40.8._If my daughter marries your son on the age of 25,9._at_your son will be 50. Doesnt this mean to letmy daughter marry a old man?” said the man.10._an_VIII. 写作10%略


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