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2019-2020年高一第一学期第一次阶段测试(英语)(缺答案)第一节:语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。( ) 1. honest A. fond B. rope C. movie D. note( ) 2. cast A. native B. total C. global D. raft( ) 3.means A. consider B. simple C. husband D. spider ( ) 4.deserted A. worked B. pleased C. wished D. wanted ( ) 5. southern A. though B. south C. bathroom D. throw第二节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 6. I would never e to this restaurant again. The food is terrible. _.A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me D. So do I ( )7. He his a good and honest boy. _.A. So he does B. So he did C. So is he D. So he is( ) 8. We all succeeded _ Tom, so he is also glad. A. except B. except for C. beside D. besides( ) 9. _ of young trees here is 40 A. A number of B. Many C. Much D. The number of ( ) 10. he often feels_ though he has two brothers A. lonely B. alone C. happy D. glad ( ) 11.I went to the classroom early_ I got a good seat. A. in order to B. so that C. in order that D. so as to ( ) 12. Oh, I have never seen such a great party. e here, Jane. _A. Help yourself B. Make yourself at home C. It doesnt matter D. Take you time( ) 13. Miss Han, _ Mrs. Wang, speaks good English. They often talk in English.A. as well as B. as good as C. so well as D. so good as( ) 14. I dont want to buy the dictionary, _, it is too expensive,_ I dont have enough money with me now. A. Because, and B. At first, then C. On one hand, on the other hand D. On the hand, on other hand ( ) 15. _a teacher helping us, we finished our homework on time. A. For B. As C. With D. By ( ) 16. We were about to go out for a walk_ there was a knock on the door, A. after B. when C. while D. since( ) 17. _is reported on the newspapers, china is developing fast.A. As B. It C. That D. What ( ) 18. Because the shop _all the shirts are sold cheaply. A. has shut B. shut C. is shutting D. had shut ( ) 19. The teacher said, “dont make any noise, John.” The teacher told John_A. not to make any noise B. to make noise C. make noise D. not make noise ( ) 20. John said, “my father was here two years ago.” John said_A. his father was here two years ago B. my father had been there two years beforeC. his father had been there two years beforeD. my father had been here two years before 第三节:完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21-40各题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案。People from Great Britain brought the English language to North American in the 16th and the 17th centuries. And in the21_ 300 years, there have been so many 22_ in both places that now people can easily23 _ an English person from an American by the24_ he or she talks. Many old words 25_ in England were kept in America. For example, 300 years ago people in Great Britain got there water from something they26_ a “faucet”, “spigot”, or a “tap”. All these words are 27_ heard in different parts America, but only tap is still28_ in England. Americans often make29_ new words or change old ones. Corn is one kind of plant in America and30_ in England.Also, over last three centuries the English language has31_ thousands of new words for things that werent 32_ before. And often, American and English people used two 33_ names for them. A tin can is called tin for short in England but a can in America. The word radio is 34_ all over the world, including America. But many English people call it a wireless. And almost anything 35_ something to do with cars, radios, ect. Has different36_ in British English and American English. But now British English and American English may be 37_ closer together. One thing is that 38_ people can hear a large amount of American speech daily in39_, on television, or from travelers. Because of this, Americans 40_ to be influencing the British more and more. So some day, English may be the same on both sides of the Atlantic. 21. A. past B. recent C. oldest D. latest 22. A. things B inventions C changes D. advances23. A pick B. tell C. take D. judge24. A. voice B. Place C. language D. way 25. A. disappeared B. stayed C. returned D. formed 26. A. said B. talked C. spoke D. called 27. A. then B. hardly C. clearly D. still 28. A. necessary B. native C. mons D. lively 29. A. of B. into C. up D out 30. A. another B. the other C. none D. something 31. A. discovered B. added C. improved D. learned32. A. accepted B. known C. introduced D. understood 33. A. new B. short C. different D. surprising 34. A. produced B. made C. developed D. used 35. A. having B. bringing C. getting D. making 36. A. types B. names C. degrees D. parts 37. A. putting B. staying C. living D. growing 38. A. British B. Americans C. educated D. ordinary39. A. families B. buses C. movies D. newspapers 40. A. need B. expect C. seem D. happen 第二部分:阅读理解 (共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分) 第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳答案 AOne day, Wilson was walking quietly along the road when someone hit him hard on the back of his neck. He looked behind him, and saw a young man whom he had never seen him before. “How dare you hit me like that?” shouted Wilson.The young man said he had mistaken Wilson for a friend of his and that he thought that Wilson was making a lot of noise about nothing.This insult(侮辱) made Wilson even angrier, of course, and he at once decided to bring the young man before a judge.(法官)Now, the judge who heard the case was a friend of the young mans father, and, although he pretended to be quite fair, he was thinking about what he can do protect the young man from being punished while at the same not to be appearing unfair.Finally, he said to Wilson, “I understand your feelings very well in this matter. Would you be satisfied if I let you hit the young man as he hit you?”Wilson said he would not be. The young man had insulted him and should be properly published.“Well, then,” said the judge to the young man. “I order you to pay ten coins to Wilson.”Ten coins were very little for such a crime, but the young man didnt have it with him, so the judge allowed him to go and got it. Wilson waited him for him to return with the money. He waited an hour, and then two hours, while the judge took care of other business. When it was nearly the time for the court to close, Wilson chose a moment when the judge was especially busy, came up quietly and hit him hard on the back of the neck. Then he said to him, “I am sorry, but I cant wait any longer. When the young man es back, tell him that I have passed my right to the ten coins to you.”41.Why did the young man hit Wilson behind him?A. Wilson had hit him before.Bah hand mistaken Wilson for a friend of him. C. Wilson was a stranger thereD. Wilson made a lot of noise when he was walking.42.The judge thought about how to protect the young man because A. he thought it a small matter B. as a judge, he should be fair C. he thought the man too young to be punishedD. the young man was his friends son43.According to the passage, which of the following is TURE?A. The young man was ordered to hit himself as hard as he had done on Wilson.B. Wilson was allowed to hit the young man as hard as he hand done.C. Wilson was allowed to do more insulting on the young man.D. The young man was ordered to hand a lot of money to Wilson. 44.The judge allowed the young man to go home, hoping_ A. he would not return any more B. he would escape from there C. he would return in two hours D. he would get the money45.The best title for this passage is_. A. I have passed my right on to youB. The judge and WilsonC. Wilson and the young man D. The young man was set free BA man and his wife had a small bar near a station. The bar often stayed open until after midnight, because people cam to drink there while they were waiting for trains.At two oclock one morning, one man was still sitting at a table in the small bar. He was asleep. The barmans wife wanted to go bed. She looked into the bar several times, and each time the man was still there. Then at last she went to his husband and said to him, “youve wakened that man six times now, George, but he isnt drinking anything. Why havent you sent him away? It is very late.” “ Oh, no, I dont want to sent him away,” answered his husband with a smile: “ you see, whenever I wake him up, he asks for his bill, and when I bring it to him, he pays it. Then he goes to sleep again.” 46.The bar often stayed open_ A. until after 12 oclock in the morning B. until early next morning C. all day and all night D. until 12 oclock in the evening47.People who came to the bar_ A. mostly salesman B. mostly passengersC. only conductorsD. only visitors48.The barmans wife didnt go to bed_ A. until 2 oclock in the morningB. because she wasnt sleep at allC. because she was busy with her children D. because her husband didnt finish his work49.The barman didnt want to send the man away because_A. the man was too tired to leave B. the man paid the bill every time he brought it to him C. he lidded his job very much D. he was kind-hearted 50.The man was_A. dead drunkB. lazy C. too sleep D. too tired CAt a summer school in English for Europeans who are studying English, twelve of the students have been invited to take part in the game of the Twenty Questions. Mr. Green explains the rules.Mr. Green: you all know something about the game, I am sure. You have probably heard this game in the BBC English by radio programs. Perhaps youve heard broadcast of it in England. But Id rather say a few words about it. I am going to think of something; you are going to try to find what I have thought of. You will be allowed to ask twenty questions. If you find the answer within twenty questions, or in a smaller number, you will win. If you dont, I win. You are not allowed to ask any special questions. You can ask questions that I can answer by “Yes” or “No”. You can ask questions with an “or” in the middle. For example, “Is it wet or dry?” I shall give you one piece of information. I shall tell you what I am thinking of; the object is animal, vegetable or mineral. 51.The game that Mr. Green is talking about_ A. can only be heard on the radio B. can only be played in England C. can only be played by EuropeansD. has been played at least once on the radio52.which of the following questions cant be asked in this game?A. Is it green or red?B. It is very cold, isnt it?C. Where can we find it?D. Can we find it in this room?53.To win the game, you must _A. ask twenty “Yes” or “No” questions B. ask special questions C. ask more than twenty questions D. get the correct answer within twenty questions54.There are_ questions in such a game. A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 55.What do you think BBC is? _A. Radio programsB. British governmentC. An American panyD. British broadcasting pany第二节:阅读下列材料,从所给的六个选项A,B,C,D,E,F,中选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项,选项中有一项是多余的。_56_Peru, South AmericaStrange pictures that are difficult to explain were created 2,000years ago on the direst desert on earth. Now these wonders have brought about a modern tourist industry(旅游业) , attracting travelers from all over the world. _57_LondonThere is a system of tunnels(地下通道系统) in London that is known about and used by millions. Every year, so many people as equal to the population of Australia travel through a 250-mile network of subway tunnels. Its known as the tube(地铁). But these spaces have not always been used for transport. The hundred and thirty thousand people who sleep in tube station every night bring about a good many problems. They get here early and so need something to eat long before bedtime._58_Stonehenge in EnglandTourists flood to see Stonehenge in England. And in the surrounding(周围的) countryside , new wonders still appear today. Vast crop circles appear almost over night,. But how and why are they made? And who creates these wonders of the fields? Nobody knows how to explain such things. _59_The Bermuda Triangle Over the past fifty years , three thousand ships and a hundred planes have gone missing in the mysterious(神秘的) stretch of water in the Atlantic Ocean. One minute they are there, the next they are disappeared. The all have one thing in mon. They all ventured(冒险)into “the Bermuda Triangle”. _60_The Bahamas The Bahamas attracts 4 million visitors each year. Nearly half the population work in the tourist industry. Boating is one of the most popular attractions among the 700 islands. The main danger around here in the Bahamas is a very beautiful place, because there may be cold fronts(锋)that sweep across from Florida and in a matter of an hour can change the weather from just the most pleasant day to a nightmare(噩梦). A. There appear new wonders such as great crop circles.B. People go there to see pictures that date back 2,000 years.C. There tourists may go though a very sudden change of the weather. D. As millions of p2eople use it going around the city, its also home to thousand of others. E. Many tourists had got lost while they were boating there.F. People would be afraid to fly there. 第三部分:写作(共三节,满分60分)第一节:单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)61.Human beings should love_(自然). 62.That teacher has_(出版)three books.63.His father died, so he is in deep_(悲痛). 64.Our hometown has a_(溪流), but it has been polluted.65.Now_(生态旅游)is being more and more popular. 66.Good friend often_(分享) good food.67.Autumn in British English means_(秋天)in American English.68.This question is too_(简单的).69.Everywhere you will meet friendly_(忠告). 70.Much_(设备)will be shipped to Japan.第二节:短文改错(每小题1.5分,满分15分)John finished his middle school half a year before and 71. _then he worked like a postman in his small town. As he was 72. _afraid of dog, he often had a lot of trouble. One afternoon73. _he tried take a postcard to a big house by bike. When he74. _reached the house and got off from his bike at the gate,75._at once a large dog came run at him with much noise. 76. _John quickly threw the card through the gate. To his much 77. _surprise, the dog didnt make any noise. It ran fast to78. _the card, picked it up with its mouth, carried it towards79._the house. John thought for a while and said to him,”the80. _dog is a better postman than I am.” 第三节:书面表达(满分35分) 假如你叫Li Hua,你有一位弟弟Li Lei 刚进入高中,他很想学好英语,却不知如何下手,请就下面表格里的相关内容给他下一封信,告诉他如何学好英语。方法好处背诵课文记忆有用的词语或句子便于养成用英语思维的习惯掌握所学的语法掌握语法是规范实用英语的前提多听多说可培养自己的听说能力写日记可训练自己的写作能力注意:1.词数80-100,新的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。 2.可增加一些细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Li Lei,Im glad that youve into high school Best wishes, Yours sincerely, Li Hua高一英语第一阶段英语试题答题卡班级_ 姓名_ 总分_123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960


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