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2019-2020年八年级英语下册综合练习:知识讲解+课外拓展+在线听力(含答案)一. 单词和短语接电话 天气变暖 忙 天变长 对.讲话 树变绿 恐怕 天经常下雨 在外 生长很快 此刻 对运动有好处 在电影院 在我家附近的湖里 传个消息 收获季节 请.给我打电话 喜欢在农场工作 很荣幸 相当喜欢. 来自.的消息 为来年做准备 过得愉快 与.相比,我更喜欢. 你的电话 过后 我不这么想 多冷的天啊! 在一张纸上写下来 多大的风啊! 是.吗? 风刮得很猛. 去年十月 我们每天都享受美好的阳光. 给.看 在中国的许多地方 带到.来 始于二月 第二天 到.来的最好时节是. 农场里的一天 三月下旬 需要帮助 澳大利亚的四季正好相反. 收获苹果 忘记去做. 足够人手 稍等 用梯子爬树 邀请(去). 把.举上 我可能会稍晚一会儿. 这些问题的答案 捎口信给. 其他孩子们 找出这个问题的答案 最好(去做.) 万事俱备 从十一月到一月 感觉很快乐 从五月持续到七月 门铃响了 你说话的方式 没时间了 (澳大利亚)的哪块地方 他们来了 离悉尼不远的一个小村庄 戴在帽子上 在一年中不好的时节 我想天气不久会变好一些. 与.不同 据收音机说 来自.的信 后半天 询问.关于. 取回 一年中最好的季节 (它)又像新的了 等候. 二. 完成课文 Finish the textADear Robert,I hope you are well. Thank you for your last letter. You me about the weather here in China. There four seasons in the year here-spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring the best season of the year. The weather warmer, and the days longer. On the farm, everything to .The trees green, and the flowers to out. Summer after spring. It is the hottest season. It often ,sometimes quite .Everything grows very .Young people love this time of year, because it is good for sports. I often go swimming, sometimes a lake near my home, and sometimes in the river, I enjoyvery much. Autumn is a busy season. The days get shorter and the nights get longer. It is time, and all the farmers are very busy. Often, we help them with the harvest. Last year we helped them with the .We really enjoyed on the farm. This year we are going to help them with the rice harvest.The coldest season of the year is winter. Some people dont like winter, but I quite like it. Sometimes it snows and the land is all white. Then we go skating. The farmers are all busy ready for the next year.B In of China, spring is usually very short. It usually es in or . Summer is often very hot. It from May to July. The hottest month is July. Autumn in August, and on October. The weather can be quite warm in autumn. Winter lasts from to January, and very cold. You need wear of warm clothes. The best time to e to China is spring or autumn. In summer it is often too hot, and in winter it is too cold. The seasons of the year England and the USA are the same.But much of China and the USA, the weather in England never too hot, too cold. In England, too, spring is Spring in England can from late March May. The Australian are the ;summer is from to February, and winter is in June, and August. So when its spring in China, it is in Australia.三动词时态练习用方框中所选词的正确形式填空.blow, bring, buy, catch, e, do, throw, begin, can1. We our class at 8 every day.2. The wind strongly last night.3. He said he it to school the next day.4. My mother me a new pen yesterday.5. In the tree, Tom a big apple to Kate. Kate it and put it into the basket.6. I help you, he said.7. Dont worry! I to help you in a minute.8. He his home work later in the day. drink, drive, tall, find, forget, draw, eat, fly, feel1. Lucy likes pictures very much.2. much water is good for your health.3. He was a new driver but he the car quickly.4. Polly too much meat and she bad.5. Ann opened the door and her friends outside.6. When the plane over the bridge, the Kings were walking on the bridge.7. There was a strong wind last night but he to close the windows.get(ready), give, have, hear, go, hold, keep, learn, grow, be ready, know1. They for the class meeting now.2. All the food for the party at that time.3. Mrs Read said that she Bill the message.4. It was very hot last summer. Children in this street swimming every day.5. It was dry the year before last. Trees slowly.6. They much homework this afternoon so they couldnt go out to play football.7. He his teacher would e to meet his parents.8. Jim the ladder and Kate climbed up the tree to pick apples.9. They did a lot of sports every day so they healthy.10. We Unit 19 last week.11. I him ten years ago. leave, make, put, may, meet, read, ride, let, mean1. She a note on your desk and then she for shanghai by train.2. Our teacher us do a lot of homework yesterday.3. My mother the cake. It was delicious.4. I was afraid that I be late for school.5. What does it ? she asked.6. They at the school gate at 8 oclock this morning.7. Some workers the baskets on to the trucks at the market.8. He a book when I came in.9. There was something wrong with his bike so he very slowly.四.根据中文意思,用下列英文提示词造句:1. 学生们在准备上英语课的一切。 get, ready, class, everything2. 秋天是一年中最忙的季节。 autumn, busy, season3. 夏天白天变的长了,黑夜变得短了。 summer, get, long, short4. 我的表出了毛病,是吗? something, wrong, watch, be5. 你住在苏州哪一块? part, live, Suzhou6. 你要把电视机取回去,是不是? want, get your, back7. 这本书没意思。 nothing, interesting, book, be8. 他说他将在学校大门外等你。 say, wait, outside,9. 明天的这个时候,他们要飞往南京。 this time, fly, Nanjing,10.日本在中国的东边。 Japan, China五. Make sentences according to the following statements: (翻译英文)1. 北京的春天很干燥。2今天多云过后转晴。3昨天夜里风很大。4我们每天都享有美好的灿烂阳光。5好大的雪呀!6冰太薄,不能在上面走。(too.to)7英国的天气从不太冷或太热。8我听说英国经常多雾。9在很多照片里杭州看起来相当漂亮。10他的书法很好,他写得很好。(handwriting)11在中国的很多地方,春天始于二月。12到我们学校来的最好时间是在课间。13北京的一年四季和西安的几乎相同。 14他讲话从不太快或太慢。15我的钱不够买这部收音机。16第二天,他们离开去天津了。17一会儿雨会停的。18过一会儿太阳就会出来。19今天稍晚些时间天会转暖。20明天后半天天气晴朗。21明年下半年孩子要上学了。22你要把书包取回去,是不是?23昨天夜里有大风,是不是?24你昨天不在学校,是不是?25她在晚会上唱了一首美国歌,是不是?26他要给我们用英语讲故事,是不是?27你会在车站外面等我们,是不是?28淮河以北将有大风。29青岛在中国的东部。 30日本在中国的东边。31南昌在长江以南。32太原在黄河以北。33无锡在江苏省南部。34台湾在福建省的东南。35白天气温在零度以上,夜间又将降到零度以下。36他的大衣刚到膝盖下面。37气温是零下10度。38这家商店里没有低于一元钱的东西。39我有很多工作要做。40我有很多话要说。41我没有什么要说的。42他没有要干的。43你有什么事要告诉我吗?44她要给我们的苹果不多。45我们将在学校门口等你。46你在等什么人吗?47你在等谁?48他等你等了差不多半小时。49你等我一会儿行吗? 50我在哪里等你呢?51有时多云。52我通常骑车上学,但冬天有时乘公共汽车。53每年这个时候总是天晴无雨,但是今年时常下雨。54她看上去比60岁小多了。六根据中英文提示写短文一个星期三的早上,吉姆上学迟到了。因此第二天他起得很早,吃过早餐后,他去上学。(后来怎样了呢?)way to school, see, an old woman, stand, middle of the street, a big bag, her back too heavy, help, carry, thank, good-bye, happily秋天是个收获的季节。父母经常是从早到晚的干活。每逢这时,我也要帮助父母农活。虽然我们很累,但总是为好的收成而高兴。1. harvest time 3. this time, help, some, farm work2. usually, from morning to night, 4. tired, happy about, good harvest英国人很喜欢吃外卖食品。最流行的食品去是马铃薯煎鱼。中国的外卖食品也很受欢迎。然而在美国人们最爱吃炸鸡。1. England, like, food2. popular, fish, chip3. Chinese, also, popular4. but, the UAS, fried chicken, mostkey: answer the telephone The weather gets warmer. be busy The days get longer. speak to. The trees turn green. be afraid It often rains. be out grow quickly at the moment be good for sports at the cinema in a lake near my home take a message harvest time ask. to call me enjoy working on a farm Its a pleasure. quite like. the message from get ready for the next year have a good time I like. better than. a telephone call for you later on I dont think so. What a cold day! write down on a piece of paper What a strong wind! Is that.? The wind is blowing strongly. last October We have beautiful sunshine every day show. to in much of China bring. to (It)starts in February the next day The best time to e to.is. a day on a farm late March need help The Australian seasons are the opposite the apple harvest forget to do. enough people One moment, please. climb up the tree with a ladder ask.to (a place). lift.on to. I may be a little late. the answers to the questions give.a message the other children find out the answer to the question Its best to. Everything is ready. from November to January feel very happy from May lasts to/goes on to July Thats the doorbell. the way you speak There is no time. Which part of(Australia) Theyre here. a small village not far from Sydney wear.in the hat At a bad time of year I think itll get better soon. be different from. The radio says. a letter from. later in the day ask. about. get.back the best season of the year Its like new again. wait for. 二Aasked. are. is. gets. get. begins, grow. turn. start, e, es, rains, heavily, quickly, in, it, harvest, orange-picking, working, getting.Bmuch, February, March, lasts, starts, goes, to, November, is, to ,lots of ,in, in, nearly, unlike, gets, or, longer, last, to, seasons, opposite, July, autumn三.1.begin 2. blew 3. would bring(过去将来时)4. bought 5. threw, caught 6. can 7. am ing 8. will do. 1. drawing 2. Drinking 3. drove 4. ate, felt 5. found6. flew 7. forgot. 1. are getting ready 2. was ready 3. would give4. went 5. grew 6. had 7. heard 8. held9. kept 10. learned 11. knew. 1. left, left 2. let 3. made 4. might 5. mean 6. met7. put 8. was reading(过去进行时) 9. rode四.1. The students are getting everything ready for English class.2. Autumn is the busiest season of the year.3. In summer the days get longer and the nights get shorter.4. Something is wrong with my watch, isnt it?5. Which part of Suzhou do you live in?6. You want to get your TV set back, dont you?7. This book is nothing interesting.8. He says he will wait for you outside the school gate.9. At this time of tomorrow, they are flying to Nanjing.10. Japan is to the east of China.五. 1. Sping of Beijing is very dry.2. Its cloudy today but its going to sunny later on.3. The wind blew strongly last night.4. We have beautiful sunshine every day.5. What a heavy snow!6. The ice is too thin to walk on it.7. The weather in England never gets too cold or too hot.8. I hear England is often foggy.9. In many photos, Hangzhou looks quite beautiful.10. His handwriting is very good. He writes very well.11. In much of China, spring starts in February.12. The best time to e to our school is after class.13. The seasons of the year in Beijing and Xian are nearly the same.14. He never speaks too fast or too slowly.15. I dont have enough money to buy this radio.16. The next day, they left for Tianjin.17. The rain will stop later on.18. The sun will e out later.19. Itll get warmer later today.20. Itll be sunny later tomorrow.21. The child will go to school later next year.22. You want to get your bag back, dont you?23. There was a strong wind last night, wasnt there?24. You were not at school yesterday, were you?25. She sang an American song at the party, didnt she?26. Hell tell us stories in English, wont he?27. Youll wait for us outside the station, wont you?28. There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River.29. Qingdao is in the east of China.30. Japan is to the east of China.31. Nanchang is to the south of the Changjiang River.32. Taiyuan is to the north of the Yellow River.33. Wuxi is in the south of Jiangsou Province.34. Taiwan is to the southeast of Fujian Province.35. The temperature will stay above zero in the day-time, but at night it will fall below zero again.36. His overcoat reaches just below his knees.37. The temperature was ten degrees below zero.38. There is nothing below/under one yuan in this shop.39. I have a lot of work to do.40. I have a lot to say.41. I dont have much to say.42. He has little/ nothing to do.43. Do you have anything to tell me?44. She doesnt have many apples to give us.45. Well wait for you outside the school gate.46. Are you waiting for someone?47. Who are you waiting for?48. He waited for you for nearly half an hour.49. Would you wait for me a moment, please?50. Where shall I wait for you?51. It will be cloudy at times.52. I usually go to school by bike, but I take a bus at times in winter.53. It is usually sunny and dry at this time of year, but it rains at times this year.54. She looks much below/ under sixty.六On a Wednesday morning, Jim was late for school. So he got up early the next morning. After breakfast, he went to school. On his way to school, he saw an old woman standing in the middle of the street. She had a big bag on her back. The bag was too heavy. Jim helped her carry one. She thanked Jim and said happily Good-bye.Autumn is a harvest time. My parents usually work from morning to night. At this time I also help them do some farm work. Though we are very tired, we are always happy about a good harvest.In England, people like take-away food very much. The most popular food is fish and chips. Chinese take away food is also popular. But in the USA, the most popular food is fried chicken.(But fried chicken is the most popular in the USA.)课外拓展:世界杯足球词汇 FIFA:The Federation internation de Football Association(法语)国际足联penalty mark:罚点球决胜负the Golden Ball Award:the best player on the basis of a vote by managers of national teams 金球奖the Golden Shoe Award:this award goes to the player who scores the highest number of goals 金靴奖World Cup final tournament:世界杯总决赛midfielder:中场球员forwarder:前锋defender:后卫co-hosts will enjoy home advantage:联合主办国将享有主场优势在线听力I. 回答问题。从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个与你所听到的问题相对应的答案。1. A. Im afraid not. B. Yes,a little. C. Thats OK.2. A. John lost in the race.B. Lin Tao was the last.C. Jim was the first3. A. I do. B. My parents did. C. We will ask someone.4. A. They went hiking.B. They may go on a field trip.C. They stay at home.5. A. After two weeks. B. For two weeks. C. Next week. 对话理解。 听对话,然后从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能够回答所听问题的答案。6. A. They had a sports meeting last week.B. They are going to have a sports meeting next week.C. They have a sports meeting every year.7. A. He had a cold.B. He had a traffic accident.C. He hurt himself.8. A. A library. B. The No.7 Middle School.C. A tall building.9. A. She cant find her cat.B. She lost her bag.C. She cant see her kite.10. A. 7:30 B. 7:45 C. 5:00. 单句理解。从A、B、C三个选项中找出一个与你所听到的句子意义相近的句子。11. A. The old man is good at playing chess.B. It takes the old man two hours to play chess every day.C. The old man is not interested in playing chess.12. A. Mrs Green had a dinner with Mrs Black.B. Mrs Green and Mrs Black were full.C. Mrs Green was angry with Mrs Black.13. A. My brother was born two years ago.B. I am two years younger than my brother.C. I am two years older than my brother.14. A. The dress is small,but I can wear it.B. The dress is big enough for me to wear.C. The dress is too small for me to wear.15. A. The driver didnt bring his licence with him.B. The driver wanted to see his licence.C. The driver brought his licence with him, but he forgot it. 短文理解。从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个与你所听到短文内容相符的答案。(共10分,每题2分) 16. The writer doesnt like _.A. travelling by train B. travelling by planeC. birds17. _ to get in or out of the airport into the city.A. It is easy B. It is difficultC. It doesnt take long18. The writer thinks that the food on the plane is _.A. bad B. good C. cheaper19. _ you can walk freely.A. On the plane B. In the bus C. On the train20. The writer thinks travelling by plane is _ than travelling by train.A. more expensive and dangerous.B. cheaper and safer.C. more expensive but safer.


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