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2019-2020年九年级英语下学期开学考试试题一 单选题 (15分)( )1. _ honest man he is !A. What B. What an C. How D. How an ( )2. Oh, your skirt is the same _ .A. as me B. with her C. with mine D. as hers ( )3. -How long may I _ your dictionary ? -For one week. But it mustnt _ to others .A. keep ,be lent B. borrow, lend C. lend ,be borrowed D. have ,borrow ( )4. Learning Chinese really _ my mind to the Chinese world .A. called up B. turned up C. opened up D. made up ( )5. -Would you please tell me the way to the Pacific Hotel ?-Go _the post office ,and youll find it on the left .A. pass B. past C. to pass D. passed( ) 6.You looked tired .Youd better _ a good rest .A. stop to have B. stop having C. to stop to have D. to stop having ( )7. -How many girls are there in your class ?- _ them _ over twenty .A .A number of ,are B. The number of ,areA. A number of ,is D. The number of . is ( ) 8. -Can you e on Monday or Tuesday, Scott ? -Im afraid _ is possible .Ill be on business on those two days .A. either B. neither C. every D. each ( ) 9. Father wont allow me to play outside _ I wash up the dished .A. if not B. if C. unless D. because ( ) 10. -Would you mind not _ noise ?Alice is sleeping . -Sorry .I didnt know .I _ she was awake .A. make ,think B. making ,thought C. making ,think D. make ,thought ( ) 11.- Could you tell me _?. -At 9:20 tomorrow morning .A. what time you arrived B. who you are ing with C. when will you be here D. what time you are arriving ( )12. -May I use your dictionary for a while ? - _. Its on the desk A. Yes, sure . B. Take it easy . C. You ve got it . D. Sorry, you cant .( ) 13. Laura opened the door and rushed into the rain _I could stop her .,A. Until B. after C. before D. unless ( ) 14.There is only _ yogurt left .We need to buy some more .A. little B. a little C. few D. a few ( ) 15.- _ is it from your home to school ? - Its three miles .A. How far B. How long C. How big D . How high 二 完形填空 (15分)Mr Jones, the manager(经理) of a large pany, was worried. His _1_ was missing. Before he went for a meeting this morning, he had _2_ an envelope with five hundred dollars in it on his desk. When he returned to his office_3_, the envelope was gone. As Mr Jones always locks his office when he leaves,_4_ could have entered it except the cleaning lady, Mary,_5_ also has the key to his office. She _6_ his office every morning. Mr Jones had no choice but to _7_ Mary to e to his office. Mary was soon close to tears. She said very seriously that she had_8_ seen the envelope. Mr Jones knew Mary had always been an honest and _9_ worker. However, life was _10_ for her as her husband had been jobless for Several months, so Mary was the only one who could have _11_ the money. Mr Jones told her firmly that if she were to _12_ the money, he would not report the matter to the police. After Mary left, Mr Jones sat down to begin again his work. As he opened his top drawer, he found,_13_ his surprise, the missing envelope. Mr Jones suddenly _14_ that he had put the money there for safe keeping just _15_ he went off for the meeting. He felt very embarrassed and decided to apologize to Mary at once.16.A.key B. money C.map D. paper17.Afound B.opened C .left D.forgotten18.A.later on B.after all C.since then D.so far19.A.somebody B .everybody C.anybody D.no one20.A.that B.who Cwhich Dwhom 21A.cleans B.rushes into C leaves D.moves to22.A.allow B.ask C.help D.except 23.A.everB.already C. never D.recently24.A.lazy B.skilled C.volunteer D.hard-working25.A.difficult B.good C.long D.short26.A.raised B.made C.taken away D.run out of27.A.save B.return C.spend D.lend 28.A.at B.on C.in D.to29.A.remembered B.forgot C.suggested D.considered30.A.until B.since C.after D.before三阅读理解 (30分, 短文 C,D每题 2 分) Passage A Speak Good English Seminar xxDo you have difficulty municating in English?Are you nervous or shy when you speak English?Do you wish to speak English more confidently ?If your answer is YES to these questions ,this seminar is for you.Date:Saturday,14June,xx Registration Fees:Time:2 pm to 4 pm Adult: 10Place: Bishan munity Club, Child:5 Conference Room Special offer:Dress: Casual Buy two adult tickets and get one child ticket freeGuest of Honor: Mr Philip Smith Time Events2:00pm Speech by Mr Smith2:15pm Public Speaking by Mrs Rita2:45pm Performance by Moving Visual3:15pm Tea Break3:30pm Pronunciation by Mrs Wong4:00pm End of the Program.Please register登记 and make payment at the Bishan munity club from 1June ,xx.Payment: Cash/Bank card Organizers: Laura Winston English Center And Mo Kio Library Bishan munity Club 根据材料内容,选择最佳答案每小题1分 31. The event will be held at_.A. Moving Visuais B. Ang Mo Kio LibraryC Bishan munity Club D. Laura Winston English Center 32. _will put on a performance during the event. A. Mrs Rita B.Mrs Wong C. Mr Smith D. Moving Visual 33. If a child and his parents attend the event, they will pay a total of_. A.25 B 20 C15 D 10 34.The last day that you can register for the event is _.A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. Monday 35.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. The tea break ends at 3:30pm.B. The event will be held on a weekday.C. You can make payment with a bank card.D. Laura Winston English Center is one of the organizers. Passage B Just before Christmas in 1944,a letter arrived at our house in Philadelphia . The postmark was form Tuskegee, Alabama so we all knew who it was form. We excitedly gathered around Mother as she opened it.Dear Mother,I did not get the leave I expected for Christmas. I will miss all of you .Please leave the Christmas tree up until I make it back .I hope to be home by March. Love from your son,ClitftonI was 17 years old at the time. I felt a deep sadness_ my favoritebrother would not be home for Christmas. He was one of the Tuskegee Airmen. My mother, being the optimist she always was, said, “ Well ,it seems that we ll get to have two Christmases this year!” After Christmas , my sister and I Worked together to make sure we kept that Christmas tree looking as pretty as possible . This was not easy. By mid_January ,the branches树枝 hung so low to the ground .Each day ,the ornaments装饰品 would fall onto the ground and there were new pine needles松针 all over the floor. My sister and I look turns sweeping them up . We put the Ornaments to the stronger branches on the tree ,hoping they would stay on. Each time we freshened that tree up , my sister and I were full of thoughts about Clifton and how happy we would be to see him again. On March 5, the doorbell rang . We ran to the door and gave Clifton a big hug. As he Hugged Mother ,I could see him look at the Christmas tree . “Its beautiful ,” he said . “Thank you ”Clifton opened his presents and told us all kinds of stories about his work in Tuskegee. 根据短文内容 ,选择最佳答案每小题1分 36. After Cliftons letter was read to the family ,the writer felt_. A. tired B. excited C. happy D. sad 37. What can we learn about Clifton by reading the letter?A. He was one of the Tuskegge Airmen.B. He would not be home for Christmas.C. He was sure that he would be home by March.D. He usually bought a Christmas tree for his family. 38 .The writer mentioned that her mother was an optimist. In other words ,her mother_.A. was not easily pleasedB. believed that bad things would happenC. always expected good things to happenD. considered all results before making a decision 39. Why did the sisters work together to help keep that Christmas tree looking pretty?A. Because they had a great love for the tree.B. Because they did not want to disappoint their motherC. Because they wanted the tree to look good for Clifton.D. Because they needed something to take their mind off Clifton. 40. Which can be the BEST title for this passage?A. A Christmas in MarchB. Brother is flying homeC. My favorite brother D. A disappointing letterPassage CAfter many boring exams, a long vacation is a nice way to relax. Swimming, riding bikes and playing football are things that many children like to do during the summer vacation ,But from xx on ,the six-week-long summer vacation may bee past. According to a new policy(政策),schools in England will set their own term dates. This means that the summer vacation may bee shorter . Many parents support the policy. Thats because if the summer vacation bees shorter ,they will be able to save a lot of money and time .Many people also think that having a shorter summer vacation is good for children .“Children need time to be with their families, but a six-week vacation is too long .Most children spend the vacation watching TV or playing puter games.” says Spungin ,a child psychologist (心理学家) in the UK . However, children are unhappy about the shorter summer vacation ,and some parents dont support the policy .“The summer vacation is the only time for parents to have a long trip with their children .If the vacation gets shorter ,children dont have as much time and freedom as they used to ,” says one parent .A new policyIn the past The summer vacation was 41_ long .About the policy From xx on , schools in England will set their own 42_.It means that the summer vacation may bee shorter .For the policy *A shorter summer vacation will help parents save 43_.*It is good for children because they spend too much time on TV and 44_.Against the policy Children will have 45 _ time and freedom than they used to .Passage DBarbara was driving her six-year-old son ,Ben , to his piano lesson .They were late, and Barbara was beginning to think she should have cancelled it .There was always so much to do ,and Barbara, a night-duty nurse at the local hospital, had recently worked long hours. She was tired . “Mom!” Ben cried suddenly.“Look!” just ahead, a car lost control on the icy rods and wildly rolled over ,and then crashed (猛撞) into a telephone pole. Barbara opened the car door . (1) She was a nurseshe might be able to help these unlucky people .She told Ben to stay in the car and then ran to the crash site. It was terrible .Two girls aged about 18 were in the car ,One was dead and the other , the driver, was still breathing .Barbara quickly dressed (包扎) the wounds on the drivers head . A passerby stopped and called for help on his mobile phone .Soon the rescue (援救) workers came .(2) “做得好!” 其中一位在检查司机的伤势时说。“you probably saved her life ,madam.” “Perhaps.” Barbara thought as she walked back to her car with a feeling of sadness, especially for the family of the girl who has died. Their lives would never be the same again . Later ,Barbara was able to meet the families of the two girls . (3) They expressed their thanks for the help she had provided .请根据短文内容完成下列任务。46.What was Barbara doing when the accident happened ?47.How did Barbara feel when she when back to her car ?48.请将文中划线句子(1)翻译成汉语。49.请将文中划线句子(2)翻译成英语。50.请改写(3)处划线句子,使其意思与原句一致(每空一词)。They _ _ for the help she had provided .四 . 词汇题 (15 分 )1. These old puters are worth _ (recycle ).2. Many people ,_(包括) two sevenyearold kids, died in the accident . .3. There are twenty floors in the building and my home is on the _(fifteen ) floor .4. When he asked me to dance ,I refused _.(polite).5. He wanted to bee the first person to cross the Sahara _(沙漠) on foot .6. Our Chinese teacher didnt e to school today because of _(ill).7. The video provides _(instruct) on how to operate the puter.8. My mother says shes looking forward to _ (meet) you .9. Something must be done to stop the river _( pollute ).10. In half a year, we will all say goodbye to junior high school and be s_ high school students , .11. If you want to be strong ,you have to take r_ exercise . 12. Very few people s_ in losing weight and keeping it off . 13. Miss Li is the _(popular) teacher of all .14. Pandas are one of _(最濒危的) animals .15. Smoking is h_ to our health .五汉译英 (15分)1. 你认为人们能活到120岁吗?Do you think people can _ _ _ 120 years old ?.2. 务必要带上太阳镜,保护好自己不要被太阳直射。Do bring sunglasses to _ yourself _direct sun .3. 只有付出更多努力,你的球技才能提高。You cant improve your skills unless you _ _ _ _.4. 失败的时候,你应该回顾一下是什么导致了失败。When you fail , you should _ _ _ what caused the failure 5.很明显玛丽的答案是错误的。_ _ _ Marys answers are wrong .六短文填空 ( 10 分) In a language training class, quite a few old men who were studying Japanese drew many peoples (1)a_ . A young man could not help asking one of them why he decided to study Japanese at such an age. The old man (2)r_ with a big smile, “I am 76 years old this year. I will grow up to 77 even if I had not taken this class. I believe the old saying, “You are never too (3)o_ to learn.” Keeping learning can make people live a (4)h_ life. If you keep learning, your life will (5)b_ colorful. Many of the teens wish that the school days could pass away (6)q_ that they could end learning. They are expecting to live in the “real world” of work: no more homework, and no more exams. But really, whether you want to or not, youre going to carry on (7)l_ throughout your life. Youll learn new skills at work. You might learn (8)h_ to be a parent.In short, learning is a lifelong job. Keeping learning can keep us (9)f_ being out of fashion. It can not only help us live more happily, but also help us (10)i_ our living skills. A person who keeps learning will never feel bored or lonely.答题纸* 请同学们将选择题答案写在表格内。(1 分)12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940( 41-50 小题 每个 2 分)41._42._43._44._45._46._47._48._49._50. _ _.四词汇题 (1分 )1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._7._8._9._10._11._ 12._ 13._. 14._ 15._五汉译英 (1分)1. _ _ _ 2. _ _ 3._ _ _ _ 4._ _ _5._ _ _ 六(1 分)1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._


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