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2019-2020年中考英语听力模拟试题(九)I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。( )1.A impossible. B. important C. impolite( )2.A. $86,000 B. $87,000 C. $68,000( )3.A. get on well B. get along well C.get off well( )4.A. Helen can dress herself. B. Helen cant dress herself. C. Helen can dress her little brother.( )5.A. You mustnt make noise. B. You are allowed to make noise. C. You could make noise.II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳的答语。( )6.A. The same to you. B. No, Im not good. C. So what?( )7.A. Hes OK. B. Hes new. C. He started last week.( )8.A. Its very kind of you. B. Hello! This is Ann. C. Whats the matter?( )9.A. Good idea! B. Nothing special. C. Im afraid not.( )10.A. Thank you. B. Just so-so. C.It doesnt matter.III.听对话和问题,选择出正确答案。( )11. A B C( )12. A B C ( )13.A.At 8:30 B.At 8:15 C. At 8:00( )14.A.Went swimming. B. Went surfing. C. Went fishing.( )15.A. Yes, he got a big fish. B.Yes, he got some fish. C. No, he doesnt.( )16.A.His sister. B. His father. C. His mother.( )17.A. A pair of shoes. B. A pair of glasses. C. A sports shirt.( )18.A. White. B.Blue. C. Black.IV. 听短文和问题,选择正确答案。( )19.What did Tony buy? A. A pair of black shoes. B. There colorful T-shirts. C. Three colorful sweaters.( )20.Did Tony go to the store alone? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. We dont know.( )21.How much did they pay together? A. 50 yuan. B.60 yuan. C.110 yuan.( )22.When did David receive a few Christmas cards? A.On December 20. B. On December 23. C. On December 25.( )23.How many cards would David buy? A. Ten. B. Eleven. C. Twelve.( )24.Who was Miss White? A. Davids a good friend. B. Davids sister. C. Davids teacher.( )25.Where did David go after he finished writing “Merry Christmas!”on those cards? A. A post office. B. Merry Christmas. C. Good luck to you! 听力部分(第二节)V. 听短文填空。 Information SheetMikeMike is only 26._years old.GloriaGloria is one of the most 27._girls in her school.Gloria often has a 28._with her friends on weekends.Roy and MarkRoy and Mark like to go for a 29._They often have a good weekend in the 30._xx年中考英语听力模拟试题(九)答案1-5CACBA 6-10AABBA 11-15CABCA16-18CAA 19-21BBC 22-25ACCA26.four/4 27.outgoing 28.trip 29.drive30.countryside


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