2019-2020年高中英语 Unit37 向友人再次告知旅游近况函书信通.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit37 向友人再次告知旅游近况函书信通.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit37 向友人再次告知旅游近况函书信通.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit37 向友人再次告知旅游近况函书信通February 18, xxDear Joyce,As you can see from the postmark, Im now in Nepal. Katmandu is a really cool place. There are a lot of narrow, winding streets, ancient temples, and even cows wandering around. Its like Ive gone back in time. Of course, even here they have cars and Coca-Cola, but a lot of things dont seem to have changed in centuries.The people are interesting, too. Since Nepal is a poor country, its not surprising that there are a lot of beggars. There are also holy men called sadhus who wear colorful clothes and wander about asking for alms. The other day I spent an hour sitting on the steps of a temple watching people pass by.My next stop is India. Ill write you from there in a week or two.Sincerely,Vincent亲爱的乔依丝:你可以在邮戳上看到,我现在正在尼泊尔。加德满都真是一个很棒的地方。有很多窄而曲折的街道、古老的庙宇,甚至还有母牛四处走动。我仿佛回到了过去。当然连这里也看得到汽车和可口可乐,但许多事物似乎好几个世纪以来都没有改变过。这里的人也十分有趣。因为尼泊尔是一个贫穷的国家,所以有很多乞丐并不令人感到意外。另外也有很多身着华美衣裳称为圣人的宗教人士到处化缘。前几天,我在一座庙宇的台阶上坐了一小时观察来往的人群。我下一站要到印度。一、两个星期内我会从那里写信给你。文森敬上xx年2月18日字词解说:1. postmark 邮戳2. Katmandu 加德满都(尼泊尔首都)3. cool (理)很棒的(=wonderful, fantastic, great)例:I just saw a really cool movie.(我刚才看了一部很棒的电影。)4. ancient emfant a.古代的例:This ancient wall was built by the Romans.(这座古墙是罗马人建造的。)5. cow kau n.牛6, wander 四处走,徘徊wander around/about四处溜达例:The tourists went to the night market and wandered around for a few hours.(那些观光客到夜市四处溜达了几个小时。)7, century 一世纪(一百年)8. beggar乞丐例:Beggars cant be choosers.(乞丐不得选择所乞讨的东西;饥不择食谚语。)9. holy 圣洁的,德高的10. sadhu (印度、尼泊尔等国的)僧侣11. ask for.二要求例:The beggar asked for some money and a cigarette.(那个乞丐乞讨一些钱和一根烟。)12. alms 救济金,施舍物(恒用复数)13. the other day前几天例:I met her in a bookstore the other day.(前几天,我在一家书店里遇见她。)


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